第三十九卷第四期 (期別154) (113年)

第三十九卷第四期 (期別154) (113年)

作者鍾孟剛、吳明興、陳建宏、彭康瑜、林生發、羅財怡、 鄭俊傑、白炎典
關鍵字預力梁補強、碳纖維貼片、外置預力、電氣隔離鋼腱、可更換後拉預力系統、 橋梁監測
摘要隨著預力橋梁數量成長,以及已通車使用時間增長,預力箱型梁之維護補強需求亦漸增。本文以國道後續路段橋梁耐震補強工程(區段2-1)中國道3號烏溪1號河川橋預力箱型梁補強為案例介紹從橋梁現況調查、評估、補強設計到完工後監測各階段之執行方式與考量。本橋採用碳纖維強化聚合物複合材料 (carbon fiber reinforced polymer, CFRP) 貼片進行大梁及箱梁上翼板撓曲與剪力補強,為確認其補強成效,於施工階段同時辦理CFRP貼片錨碇性能試驗及縮尺CFRP補強斷面力學行為試驗,以回饋補強設計。另本橋搭配增設外置預力補強,以調整改善箱型梁之應力狀態;其設計參考國際結構混凝土學會 (The International Federation for Structural Concrete, fib) 及後拉預力學會 (Post-Tensioning Institute, PTI) 對防蝕保護等級之分類,採用第三級保護等級 (protection level 3, PL3) 標準,運用真空灌漿、電氣隔離鋼 (electrically isolated tendon, EIT)、鋼腱張力磁通量感測器 (elasto-magnetic sensor, EM Sensor)、可更換式後拉外置預力系統等技術,以提供外置預力鋼腱耐久性、可監控性及可抽換性。本工程並規劃有完工後監測系統,可透過補強後橋梁行為監測,以驗證整體補強成效,並提供後續管理及養護參考依據。
TitleInvestigation, Evaluation, Strengthening Design & Construction and Long-Term Monitoring of Wuxi No. 1 Bridge on National Highway 3
AuthorMeng-Kang Chung, Ming-Xing Wu, Chien-Hung Chen, Kang-Yu Peng, Sheng-Fa Lin, Tsair-Yi Luo, Jiunn-Jye Jeng, Yen-Tiem Pai
Keywordsprestressed concrete girder retrofitting, carbon fiber reinforced polymer, external tendon, electrically isolated tendon system, replaceable post-tensioned external tendon system, bridge monitoring
AbstractWith the proliferation of prestressed concrete bridges and the aging of existing structures, the demand for maintenance and retrofitting has surged. This article presents a comprehensive case study based on the retrofitting project of Wuxi No. 1 Bridge on National Highway 3, detailing the methodology and considerations employed at each stage, encompassing investigation, evaluation, strengthening design, construction, and long-term monitoring. The retrofitting strategy for the superstructure of Wuxi No. 1 Bridge involved the utilization of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) to enhance both flexural and shear capacity. To validate the effectiveness of CFRP, supplementary experiments were conducted during construction, with the results iteratively provided to the designer. External tendons were adopted to adjust superstructure stress, achieving Protection Level 3 (PL3) in accordance with the corrosion protective classification of The International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib) and Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI). Various techniques, including vacuum-assisted grouting, the electrically isolated tendon (EIT) system, elasto-magnetic sensor (EM Sensor), and a replaceable post-tensioned external tendon system, were amalgamated to ensure the durability, monitorability, and replaceability of the external tendon system. A long-term monitoring system was implemented to evaluate the effectiveness of retrofit by continuously assessing structural behavior. The insights gained from this project serve as a valuable reference for future bridge management and maintenance.

本研究開發一適用於ETABS分析軟體的結構物耐震分析輔助程式,主要目的為 (1) 提供國家地震工程研究中心《校舍結構耐震評估與補強技術手冊第三版》(簡 稱TEASPA V3)與《臺灣結構耐震評估與補強技術手冊》(簡稱TEASPA V4)之 輸入檔參數自動化輔助功能,如梁構件有效翼寬計算、梁柱構件有效長度計算、窗 台柱塑鉸位置調整等,讓在進行評估工作時,可以減少繁瑣之輸入與人為錯誤。(2) 以TEASPA V4之理論為依據,提出一修改後的柱塑鉸設定方式,提供自動化計算 與設置,除改善TEASPA V4柱構件使用軸力─彎矩 (axial force-moment, P-M) 互 制塑鉸可能收斂慢之情況,也讓僅有M3塑鉸功能之ETABS版本使用者,也可以 依TEASPA V4理論進行高層建物耐震評估。在簡化柱塑鉸上,假設地震造成之彎 矩與軸力為等比例增加,求得柱降伏時在P-M曲線上所對應之軸力,並依此軸力計算塑鉸容量。此外,亦提供可使用ATC-40容量震譜法或以耐震規範反算法求取耐 震能力之輔助功能,求得不同韌性容量下對應的耐震性能。以兩高層建物為例,分 析結果與TEASPA V3及TEASPA V4進行比對檢核,驗證內容包括基底剪力、耐 震性能、破壞行為的探討等,以驗證程式之正確性。本輔助程式與其使用說明可於 臺灣結構耐震評估側推分析法下載專區下載,網址為:

TitleDevelopment of Auxiliary Program for Seismic Capacity Assessment of RC Structures
AuthorYa-Ching Chang, Chien-Kuo Chiu, Tsung-Chih Chiu, Wen-I Liao
Keywordsseismic capacity assessment, nonlinear hinge, auxiliary program

This research develops a seismic analysis auxiliary program for structures. The main objectives are (1) to provide automation assistance for input file of TEASPA (Taiwan earthquake assessment and strengthening of structures by pushover analysis) V3 and V4 developed by the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, such as calculating the effective flange width of beams, the effective length of beams and columns, adjusting the plastic hinge position of windowsill columns, etc. This aims to reduce the tedious input work and minimize human errors for engineers. (2) Based on the theory of TEASPA V4, a modified model for column plastic hinges is proposed. It offers automated calculation of nonlinear hinge parameters, addressing to improve the slow convergence in using P-M interaction plastic hinges for columns. This modification also enables users of ETABS versions with only M3 plastic hinge function to conduct seismic assessments for high-rise buildings according to TEASPA V4. In modified P-M column hinges, the seismic-induced moment and axial force are assumed to increase proportionally. The corresponding axial force at the yield point of the P-M curve is determined, and the capacity of the column is calculated based on this force. Additionally, the program provides a function for determining seismic capacity using the ATC-40 capacity spectrum method or the method based on design code, obtaining seismic performance corresponding to different ductility. Two buildings are analyzed as examples, and the results are compared against TEASPA V3 and V4, including base shear strength, seismic performance, and discussions on failure modes to validate the accuracy of this program. The program can be downloaded at:                          https://teaspa.ncree.org.tw/Home/ DownloadFile/13

標題 台度磚牆剪力強度公式對鋼筋混凝土建築物側推分析的影響
作者 張順益、詹芬淇、張肇元
關鍵字 側推分析、短柱效應、台度磚牆剪力強度、鋼筋混凝土
摘要 先前的研究發現舊台度磚牆剪力公式並無法可靠預測台度磚牆的剪力強度,於是進行反覆載重試驗而提出新台度磚牆剪力公式。本文探討新、舊台度磚牆剪力強度公式對既有建築物側推分析的影響。分析結果發現:(1)含有高台度磚牆的建築物,當使用舊台度磚牆剪力公式,可能因低估磚牆的剪力強度而使磚牆先發生破壞並避免了短柱破壞的發生,因而高估了建築物的性能目標地表加速度;(2)只含有低台度磚牆的建築物,不管是使用新或舊台度磚牆剪力公式,其性能目標地表加速度值可能差異不大;(3)台度磚牆頂部因配置低矮的窗戶直覺上屬於高台度磚牆,預期發生短柱破壞,但實務上可能未發生短柱破壞。本研究發現當磚牆淨寬較大或磚牆砌法有較大的臨界破裂角時,此類磚牆屬於低台度磚牆而非高台度磚牆,所以不會有短柱破壞。另外,高樓層的高台度磚牆也可能因高樓層所受的地震總橫力較小而避免了短柱破壞。由於舊台度磚牆剪力強度公式低估高台度磚牆的剪力強度,因而在側推分析時可能導致高台度磚牆先行發生破壞而避免了短柱破壞,因而高估性能目標地表加速度,也因此無法早期偵測出耐震能力不足的建築物,據此強烈建議主管單位應修正舊台度磚牆剪力強度計算公式以提高耐震能力詳細評估的可靠性。
Title Effect of Shear Strength Formula for Masonry Window Spandrel in Pushover Analysis of RC Building
Author Shuenn-Yih Chang, Fen-Chyi Chan, Karen Chang
Keywords pushover analysis, short column effect, shear strength of masonry window spandrel, reinforced concrete

It has been shown that the current formula for predicting the shear strength of masonry window spandrel may not be reliable. Thus, a series of cyclically loading tests were conducted for the reinforced concrete (RC) frames with different heights of masonry window spandrels and then a new formula is proposed to predict the shear strength. Herein, a further study is focused on the effect of using these new and old formulas in pushover analysis of old RC buildings with masonry window spandrel. The results reveal: (1) The use of the old formula for high masonry window spandrel may underestimate its shear strength. Hence, it might be damaged first and there is no short column failure. As a result, the performance-target ground acceleration (Ap ) of the building under analysis will be overestimated; (2) There is no significant difference in Ap value for using either new or old formula if the building has low masonry window spandrel; (3) Some masonry window spandrels look like high masonry window spandrels and it is expected that a short column failure will occur for the RC building under analysis. However, it shows no short column failure. This is because these masonry window spandrels are low masonry window spandrels because they may have a large width or their brick bond has a large critical failure angle. Since the old shear strength formula underestimates the shear strength of the high masonry window spandrels, it is likely to cause these high masonry window spandrels fail first without short column failure in the pushover analysis. Consequently, the Ap value is overestimated. Thus, buildings with insufficient seismic resistance cannot be detected early. Based on this, it is strongly recommended that the authority should revise the old shear strength formula for masonry window spandrel to improve the reliability of seismic evaluation of RC buildings.

標題 應用變分自動編碼器產生人造地震歷時
作者 林怡勳、黃謝恭
關鍵字 變分自動編碼器、特徵學習、人造地震歷時

地震是地球上的主要災害之一,其影響涵蓋社會、經濟和環境等多個層面。然而目前對地震的預測能力有限,這促使許多研究者採取各種手段來應對可能發生的地震災害。像是地震早期警報 (earthquake early warning)、結構健康監測 (structural health monitoring) 和抗震建築等技術的開發,能夠在地震發生後迅速做出反應,減少損害。然而,這些方法的成功與否很大程度上依賴於豐富且具代表性的地震數據。由於大地震的發生頻率較低,因此可供分析的地震數據經常受到限制,特別是在地震發生較少或觀測技術尚未完善的地區。為了解決這一問題,本研究引入了變分自編碼器 (variational autoencoder, VAE) 這一種基於機械學習 (machine learning) 的方法,VAE 具有強大的學習和生成能力,能夠自動提取地震數據的特徵。通過應用地震資料在VAE上,能夠生成具有多樣性且保留原始特徵的人造地震,這為地震數據的模擬提供了新的途徑。而本研究中,本文首先使用單一事件下的數據921地震進行模擬,經過預處理後最終留下293筆資料,初步訓練結果表明VAE能夠生成具有多樣性且符合原始數據特徵的人造地震 (artifical earthquake)。後續進一步應用VAE 於台灣七個特定地區的地震資料,最終結果不斷地驗證地震數據應用於VAE的可行性,為結構工程與地震工程技術提供了更多可靠的數據,並提出未來的研究方向。

Title Applying Variational Autoencoder for Generating Artificial Earthquake Waveforms
Author Yi-Xun Lin, Shieh-Kung Huang
Keywords variational autoencoder, feature learning, artificial earthquake waveforms

As one of the major disasters on earth, earthquakes and their impacts cover a wide range of social, economic, and environmental aspects. However, forecasting earthquakes is currently impracticable, so many researchers have adopted various measures to cope with possible earthquake effects, such as earthquake early warning (EEW), structural health monitoring (SHM), earthquake-resistant structures, etc. This development allows us to respond to events and reduce impacts quickly. Although those advances are successful, they heavily rely on the availability and variety of earthquake data, which is often limited for large earthquakes or areas that are not earthquake-prone. Therefore, not much earthquake data can be used for structural analysis due to the deficiency of observation. In order to address this issue, this study introduces the variational autoencoder (VAE), a machine learning (ML) based approach. VAE is a generative model capable of automatically extracting the seismic features and reproducing the earthquake data. Moreover, it can generate artificial earthquake waveforms with diversity by using the extracted features, which provides a new way to synthesize waveforms. In this study, the 921 earthquake was first adopted, and a total of 293 waveforms were used for training. The preliminary results show that VAE is great while generating artificial earthquake waveforms. Subsequently, VAE is applied to the earthquake data from seven regions in Taiwan, and the final results verify the feasibility. As a result, VAE can provide merits for the development of structural and earthquake engineering, and the paper ends by suggesting future research.


目前有助於隔震技術研發與隔震支承測試的大型壓剪試驗機,尤其是具有動態控制能力者,鮮少甚至不曾公開其動態特性與系統參數識別的研究報告。因此,對於國家地震工程研究中心雙軸向動態試驗系統提供研究與測試服務前,本研究規劃與執行一系列不同水平速度與位移振幅的三角波循環載重試驗,以及不同振動頻率與位移振幅的正弦波循環載重試驗,建立系統摩擦力(係數)與水平速度的關係式,並識別慣性力(等效質量),以更為清楚瞭解與掌握其動態特性。主要研究內容為三個階段:(1) 第一階段為在未加裝隔震支承下,進行一系列的三角波與正弦波循環載重試驗,其目的為求得試驗系統於垂直向空載下,對應不同水平速度之系統摩擦力(係數)與慣性力(等效質量);(2) 第二階段採用經潤滑平面滑動摩擦隔震支承,於施加垂直軸向荷載為10 MN下,分別進行三角波與正弦波之循環載重試驗,並提出一迭代分析方法,識別系統摩擦力(係數)與水平速度之關係式;(3) 最後,將鉛心橡膠隔震支承與直接剪力測量系統串聯,使其排除試驗系統摩擦力和慣性力,進行一系列測試,並透過試驗結果的比較與探討,進一步證明雙軸向動態試驗系統數學模型的可靠性和直接剪力測量策略的可行性。

TitleInvestigation of the Essential Parameters of the Bi-Axial Dynamic Testing System in the Tainan Laboratory
AuthorWang-Chuen Lin, Chung-Han Yu, Cho-Yen Yang, Chin-Cheng Lin, Yu-Fan Tseng, Shen-Kai Peng, Shiang-Jung Wang
Keywordsbi-axial dynamic testing system, friction performance, system identification, iteration methodology, direct force measurement system

Large-scale testing machines with dynamic compression and shear testing capabilities play a crucial role in developing seismic isolation technology and testing full-scale seismic isolators. However, to date, relatively little research has been conducted on its dynamic performance verification and system parameter identification. Only a few studies have established the empirical model to predict the relationship between system friction and peak velocity of the Caltrans seismic response modification device (SRMD) test system in the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), based on the various characterization testing. To support academia and industry, the dynamic characteristics of the biaxial dynamic testing system (BATS) at the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) must be thoroughly investigated. When no specimens are installed, the system friction of BATS generated by the various sliding surfaces can be identified and mathematically characterized using the horizontal triangular reversed loading test results; then, the effective mass of BATS can be estimated using the horizontal sinusoidal reversal loading test results to solve the inertia force problem. Under vertical compression loading, it is assumed that the system friction of BATS and the shear force of the specimen are simply related to the applied total normal force (or vertical compression load) and horizontal excitation rate. An iteration methodology is proposed to identify and mathematically describe the dependency of the friction performance of BATS and the specimen on total normal forces (or vertical compression loads) and horizontal excitation rates by iterating the horizontal triangular and sinusoidal reversed loading test results. To simplify the tests, a lubricated flat sliding bearing is used as the specimen, subjected to horizontal triangular and sinusoidal reversed loading with a constant vertical compression load. The reliability of the proposed mathematical model for BATS and the feasibility of the proposed direct force measurement strategy are further demonstrated by comparing the calibrated force response with the directly measured response.

第三十九卷第三期 (期別153) (113年)

第三十九卷第三期 (期別153) (113年)






                                           國立台灣科技大學營建工程系 汪向榮 教授       
                                                     國家地震工程研究中心 楊卓諺 副研究員  謹誌
                                                                                     結構工程期刊 特刊客座主編
                                                                                                             2024 年 9月

摘要本研究旨在發展電磁式可變阻尼隔震系統 (electromagnetic variable-damping
seismic isolation system, EM-VDSIS),於滑動隔震系統中加入可變電磁式阻尼器,使隔震系統之阻尼比為可控制之參數,可依照自行定義的控制律即時變化,提升隔震效益。本研究首先介紹EM-VDSIS的運作原理,並藉由機構之力學行為建構數學模型,推導其運動方程式與數值模擬方法,隨後以數值模擬方式,驗證EM-VDSIS之可變阻尼功能,具備能同時滿足近、遠域震波之隔震需求的潛力。在機構之實現方面,本研究首先設計製作第I代EM-VDSIS,並利用電子負載機提供可控制之電阻,進而改變隔震系統之阻尼比。不過,由於電子負載機無法達到理想控制電磁阻尼的效果。因此,本研究設計製作第II代EM-VDSIS,除提升電磁阻尼器的功率外,並改用機械式可變電阻機構提供可控制之電阻值。EM-VDSIS (II) 之開迴路控制振動台實驗結果顯示,機械式可變電阻機構可依控制命令,即時改變隔震系統之阻尼比。另外,隔震系統之理論分析結果與實驗動態反應相符,證實本研究之理論模型與相關公式之正確性。
TitleDevelopment of Electromagnetic Variable Damping Seismic Isolation System
AuthorGing-Long Lin, Yi-Chun Huang, Ming-Bin Chang
Keywordselectromagnetic damping, variable damping, semi-active control, seismic isolation,
near-fault earthquake, shaking table test
AbstractThis study aims to develop an electromagnetic variable-damping seismic isolation system(EM-VDSIS), which incorporates a variable electromagnetic damper into a sliding isolation system. This allows the damping ratio of the EM-VDSIS to be a controllable parameter that can change in real-time according to a defined control law, enhancing the effectiveness of seismic isolation. The principle of the EM-VDSIS is first introduced in this study, and a mathematical
model is constructed based on the mechanical behavior of the EM-VDSIS to derive its equations of motion and numerical simulation methods. Subsequently, numerical simulations are used to verify the variable damping function of the EM-VDSIS, with the potential to meet the seismic isolation requirements of both near-field and far-field ground motions. In terms of implementation, the EM-VDSIS (I) was first designed and manufactured, with a controllable resistance provided by an electronic load machine to alter the damping ratio of the isolation system. However, the electronic load machine fails to achieve ideal control of electromagnetic damping. Therefore, the EM-VDSIS (II) upgraded the power of the electromagnetic damper and used a mechanical variable resistor mechanism to provide controllable resistance values. The results of open-loop control with EM-VDSIS (II) using a shaking table demonstrate that the mechanical variable resistor mechanism can change the damping ratio of the isolation system in real-time according to control commands. Additionally, the theoretical analysis of the isolation system matches the experimental dynamic responses, confirming the accuracy of the theoretical model and related formulas in this study.
摘要以往的被動式滾動隔震支承,一旦設計製作安裝至現場,則其參數已經固定不變,對於一般遠域地震波時,可有效控制受保護物體的最大加速度反應於一定範圍內。但是,當受到具有速度脈衝的近斷層地震波時,則其位移反應可能超出限制而發生碰撞。因此本研究開發結合強震預警技術之半主動滾動隔震支承,將斜面式滾動隔震支承 (sloped rolling-type seismic isolation bearing, SRI) 結合磁流變阻尼器(magnetorheological damper, MR Damper),並發展可根據初達波特徵推估最大地表速度 (peak ground velocity, PGV) 的卷積神經網路預測模型,建立根據PGV及控制MR Damper 所需電壓的控制律,當量測到初達波到達後前幾秒資訊,即可根據模型預測該地震之PGV,並根據控制律得到該次地震下MR Damper所需之電壓,將電壓輸入控制系統使SRI之位移反應控制在門檻值之下,以在強震波來臨前調整滾動隔震支承之阻尼力,使其在一般地震波作用下發揮SRI控制上傳加速度之功能,且其最大位移反應於具有速度脈衝的近斷層地震波作用下仍不至於超出門檻值。本研究將所開發之半主動滾動隔震支承架設於振動台上進行試驗驗證其可行性,由結果可知,所開發之半主動隔震支承能有效發揮其預想之功能。
TitleSemi-Active Sloped Rolling-Type Isolators Based on Earthquake Early Warning Techniques
AuthorZi-Ting Chuang, Shieh-Kung Huang, Ting-Yu Hsu, Shiang-Jung Wang
Keywordsslope rolling-type seismic isolators, semi-active control, earthquake early warning, magnetorheological damper 
AbstractPassive rolling seismic isolators, once designed, manufactured, and installed on-site, have fixed parameters. They can effectively control the maximum acceleration response of the protected object within a certain range when subjected to typical far-field seismic waves, showing remarkable performance. However, when subjected to near-fault seismic waves with velocity pulses, their displacement response may exceed the limits, leading to collisions and damage to the protected object. Therefore, this study proposes the development of a semi-active rolling seismic isolator that integrates sloped rolling-type isolators (SRI) with magnetorheological dampers (MRDampers) and utilizes earthquake early warning technology. This research involves the development of a convolutional neural network (CNN) prediction model to estimate the peak ground velocity (PGV) based on the characteristics of the initial arriving wave. Additionally, control laws are established to determine the required voltage for the MR Damper based on the predicted PGV. By measuring the initial wave arrival information, the system can predict the PGV using the CNN model and apply the control laws to obtain the required voltage for the MR Damper. This enables the adjusting the damping force of the rolling seismic isolator to prevent its displacement response from exceeding the limits during near-fault strong motions with velocity pulses. The feasibility of this proposed approach is verified through experimental tests of a SRI system. The experimental results demonstrate that this system effectively limits the displacement of SRI below the threshold value, validating the concept and feasibility of the proposed method.
摘要地震發生可能導致醫療設備及廠房精密儀器毀損,甚至造成嚴重經濟損失及生 命危害。為此,過去普遍應用基底隔震達到降低受震反應,該策略是透過安裝隔震 系統,進而延長結構或設備的振動週期,有效降低地震對上部結構之傳導。然而, 研究指出當地震規模較大時,基底隔震系統可能產生過大位移,需適當增加隔震系 統之阻尼以降低位移量。隔震系統阻尼之需求,通常是基於設計地震力進行設計, 導致在中小地震時,阻尼過大,隔震效果不佳,缺乏適應不同地震規模的能力。為 此,本研究開發一種具斜交阻尼器的幾何非線性隔震系統,應用幾何之概念,調節 阻尼器出力,確保在不同規模之地震作用下達到對上部結構或設備物之保護。首先,本研究透過對幾何非線性阻尼進行動力特性分析以瞭解整體非線性行為,接著利用 平均法獲得頻率域下外力─位移以及絕對加速度之關係。為了評估系統在真實地震下的性能表現,引入高雄美濃地震進行實際模擬,並定義三個性能指標來評估時間域的動態行為。最後,應用滾動型單擺支承及黏滯阻尼器結合,並透過幾何配置進行振動台實驗以驗證數值模型可靠性,進而證明幾何非線性系統具對外力之適應性與多目標性能。
TitleDevelopment and Performance Analysis of Seismic Isolation Bearings With Angled Viscous Damper
AuthorChieh-Yu Liu, Chia-Ming Chang
Keywordsseismic isolation, geometric nonlinearity, multiple performance objectives
AbstractEarthquakes pose a significant impact on machinery requiring high-precision manufacturing in advanced facilities. Meanwhile, severe earthquakes cause enormous economic losses and threaten lives. Base isolation is a popular method for controlling seismic impact, extensively employed to mitigate structural response and lessen seismic risk. However, certain studies suggest that base isolation could lead to excessive displacement during severe earthquakes. To enhance safety and functionality, supplemental damping is recommended to be integrated into the isolation system to mitigate large displacements. However, isolation parameters are typically designed for design-level earthquakes, resulting in increased absolute acceleration during small-to-moderate earthquakes and limited displacement control capacity during large earthquakes due to the lack of adaptability in damping. This study proposes an isolation system with geometrically nonlinear damping and first examines the dynamic characteristics. Subsequently, the relationship between seismic input and isolation responses in the frequency domain is analyzed using the averaging method. The seismic performance of the proposed system is then evaluated using earthquake records from the 2016 Kaohsiung Meinong earthquake to assess time-domain performance set at various initial inclining angles. Through a series of investigations, it is observed that the geometrically nonlinear damping configuration offers advantages by providing adaptive damping forces to isolation bearings and achieving multiple performance objectives across different earthquake magnitudes. Additionally, the proposed isolation system with a geometrically nonlinear viscous damper is experimentally validated to confirm the displacement-force relationship through shake table testing. In the experimental setup, the isolation system comprises three single-curvature grooves moving on fixed ball bearings alongside an angled linearly viscous damper. During the test, this isolation system is subjected to harmonic excitation on a uniaxial shake table to obtain force-displacement behaviors. The results demonstrate a close behavior between the simulated force displacement relationship and the experiment, thus indirectly carry out the multiple performance objectives of the proposed system against earthquakes.
關鍵字主動激振法、機器學習、外源輸入自迴歸模型、結構控制器、主動質量阻 尼器、振動台實驗
摘要傳統主動控制必須透過系統識別取得結構的簡化數值模型,再根據此模型進行結構控制器的設計與分析,此數值模型將直接影響結構主動控制的性能。此外,常用的線性二次調節器 (linear-quadratic regulator, LQR),常需要設計狀態估測器以估測結構的狀態進行回饋控制。然而,不論是數值模型的建置或結構控制器與狀態估測器的設計皆仰賴工程師的實務經驗,增加了結構主動控制實務應用的門檻。因此,本研究提出一種自動生成結構控制器的方式,其透過主動控制元件對結構產生微小的激振並量測結構樓層的加速度反應,再利用外源輸入自迴歸神經網路模型,以機器學習方法學習激振力與結構加速度反應之逆向關係,自動生成結構控制器。本研究使用了9層樓和27層樓兩種結構數值模型,並假設其頂層配置了主動質量阻尼器 (active mass damper, AMD),以 14 組地震加速度歷時進行結構之受震反應分析,並比較本研究自動生成之結構控制器與權重最佳化LQR控制器的結構控制性能。最後,本研究製作1組3層樓結構試體,在其頂層安裝AMD,以進行振動台實驗驗證。實驗結果顯示,自動生成之結構控制器可有效地降低結構之加速度與位移受震反應,並與透過傳統設計所得之結構控制器有相比的控制性能表現。
TitleAutomatic Generation of an Active Structural Controller Using Direct Excitation With Machine Learning
AuthorChe-Wei Chou, Wei-Jung Wang, Pei-Ching Chen
Keywordsdirect excitation method, machine learning, autoregressive with exogenous inputs, optimal control, active mass damper, shake table testing
AbstractFor active control structural systems, it is necessary to obtain a simplified numerical model of the structure through system identification. Controller design and analysis for vibration control are conducted based on this numerical model. Therefore, the representativeness and accuracy of the numerical model directly affect the performance of active structural control. Additionally, common structural controllers such as the linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) require the additional design of an observer to estimate the state of the structure for feedback control. However, both system identification and the design of structural controller and observer rely on the experience of engineers, thus increasing the practical application barrier of active structural control. In view of this, this study proposes a method for automatically generating structural controllers to mitigate seismic responses of structures. By using active control devices to generate small excitations on the structure and measuring the associated acceleration response, the inverse relationship between excitation force and structural acceleration response can be obtained through machine learning with a recurrent dynamic neural network called the autoregressive with exogenous inputs (ARX) model. Two structural models with 9-story, and 27-story configurations were assumed for numerical simulation. An active mass damper (AMD) was installed at the top of each structural model. Time history analyses were performed using 14 earthquake acceleration records to compare the control performance of the controller generated by the proposed method and LQR with optimized weighting matrices. Finally, a three-story shear building specimen was fabricated in the structural laboratory for shake table verification testing. An AMD driven by a servo motor was installed at the top floor. The experimental results show that the automatically-generated structural controller can effectively reduce the displacement and acceleration responses of the specimen and has similar structural control performance to structural controllers obtained through conventional design approaches.
摘要阻尼器補強屬先進之建築物耐震性能補強方法,且已有許多學者提出各類阻尼 器之設計方法,但多以黏滯型或金屬降伏型阻尼器較為常見,而以摩擦阻尼器進行 建物耐震補強之性能設計法與耐震評估等相關研究較為少見。有鑑於此,本文提出 結合容量震譜法及規範公式之摩擦型阻尼器性能設計方法,該設計方法係引入性能 設計之概念,可用以提升建物之耐震等級至預設之性能目標。為驗證本文所提摩擦 阻尼器性能設計法之有效性,本文選擇一棟七層樓鋼筋混凝土 (reinforced concrete, RC) 建築物,並按照上述之性能設計法之計算流程以獲得摩擦阻尼器之參數。接著以11筆反應譜相容之震波進行動力歷時分析,以評估摩擦阻尼器之補強效果。其中,為了精確模擬RC結構之非線性行為,本文於結構數值模型中引入Bouc-Wen Baber-Noori 模型以模擬一樓柱構件之塑性行為。本文模擬結果顯示前述RC結構於設計地震力作用下之耐震性能等級,可由補強前的避免倒塌耐震等級提升至生命安全之耐震等級,符合預設之性能設計目標,由此驗證本文提出摩擦阻尼器性能設計法之準確性。再者,摩擦阻尼器補強後之一樓層間變位角減震率可達約40%,而頂樓加速度減震率亦可達6%,故可看出摩擦阻尼器不但對於結構位移之減震效果相當顯著,也同時於加速度反應有減震效果。
TitlePerformance-Based Design and Assessment of Friction Dampers for Seismic Retrofit of a Reinforced-Concrete Structure
AuthorShih-Wei Yeh, Lyan-Ywan Lu, Fu-Pei Hsiao, Sheng-Qin Quo, Pin-Tsun Chen, Chia-Shang Chang Chien
Keywordsseismic retrofit, friction damper, performance-based design, seismic assessment, Bouc-Wen-Baber-Noori model, reinforced-concrete structure
AbstractThe use of dampers for seismic retrofit of a building structure is an advanced retrofitting technique, and many researchers have proposed various damper design methods. However, viscous and metallic-type dampers are more commonly used in practice, and studies on the design and assessment of friction dampers for seismic retrofit of structures are limited. To this end, this paper proposes a performance-based design method for friction dampers. The method, which combines the capacity-spectrum method with the codified damper design formulas, can improve the retrofitted building to a desired performance level. To validate the proposed performance-based design method, this paper employs the design procedure to determine the design parameters of a friction damper used in seismic retrofit of a seven-story reinforced concrete (RC) building. The seismic performance of the RC building with the friction damper is then assessed through the nonlinear time-history analysis using 11 spectrum-compatible ground motions. This paper adopts the Bouc-Wen-Baber-Noori model in the numerical model to accurately simulate the post-yield behavior of the RC columns in the first story. Under the DBE (design basis earthquake) intensity ground motions, the numerical results indicate an improvement in the seismic performance level of the RC building from the CP (collapse prevention) level to the LS (life safety) level, which meets the pre-set performance design objective. This validates the effectiveness of the proposed friction damper design method. Additionally, the numerical
simulation also demonstrates that the friction damper achieves a reduction rate of 40% on the peak inter story drift ratio of the first story and a reduction rate of 6% on the peak acceleration of the top floor. 
關鍵字TMD、最佳被動控制、最佳勁度與阻尼係數、最佳質量、靜態輸出回饋、 風力與地震力
摘要本文將被動調諧質量阻尼器 (tuned mass damper, TMD) 針對最佳化目標反應之參數設計問題,轉換為主動控制理論,靜態輸出回饋(或稱直接輸出回饋)中增益矩陣之最佳化問題,經由主動控制理論中最佳增益矩陣之求解方式,從而可得到目標反應均方最小化時,被動TMD之最佳勁度與阻尼係數或最佳質量。所提之靜態輸出回饋設計方法,不論結構為單自由度或多自由度,為有阻尼結構或無阻尼結構,外力為風力或地震力,皆可適用。且針對不同減振目標,僅需選擇不同之輸出矩陣,組合出對應之權重矩陣求解即可,十分直觀與簡便。如結構為單自由度,經由數值模擬驗證,所求出被動TMD針對最佳化目標反應之設計參數,與隨機振動理論下所得之解析解相等,或與近似解相近,確認所提之設計方法無誤且可行。本文亦以所提之方法,另外求得地震力下,單自由度結構速度或絕對加速度之均方反應最小化,TMD之最佳頻率比與阻尼比,供工程師設計時參考;最後,以五層樓之標稱結構與十層樓之ETABS結構,分別加裝被動TMD進行示範,設計TMD之最佳勁度與阻尼係數,或最佳質量,確認此方法對於多自由度結構系統也同樣適用。
TitleDesign Passive Tuned Mass Damper With Optimal Target Response Using Static Output Feedback and Parameter Updating Iterative Method
AuthorYong-An Lai, Chi-Hung Chang, Xian-Zheng Hong
Keywordstuned mass damper (TMD), optimal passive control, optimal stiffness and damping coefficient, optimal mass, static output feedback, wind and seismic loads
AbstractThis study proposes a comprehensive passive tuned mass damper (TMD) optimization design method to minimize structural mean square responses. The optimization design problem for passive TMD is reformulated as an optimal control problem, specifically, the optimal gain matrix design problem in static output feedback (or direct output feedback). By solving for the optimal gain matrix, the optimal stiffness and damping coefficients, or optimal mass, of the passive tuned mass damper can be obtained. The proposed method is applicable to both single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) and multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) structures, whether damped or undamped structures, and subjected to wind or seismic loads. Moreover, for different vibration reduction objectives, only different output matrices need to be selected, and the corresponding weighting matrices can be combined for the solving process, making it intuitive and straightforward. In the case of SDOF structures, numerical simulations validate that the optimal design parameters of the passive TMD obtained through this method are identical to the analytical solutions derived from random vibration theory, or closely approach to the approximate solutions, confirming the correctness and feasibility of the proposed design method. Additionally, using the proposed method, the optimal TMD frequency ratio and TMD damping ratio for minimizing the mean square response of velocity or absolute acceleration of SDOF structures under seismic forces are presented, providing reference for engineers in design. Finally, demonstrations are conducted with a passive TMD installed on a five-story MDOF structures and a ten-story ETABS structure, respectively, to design TMD optimal stiffness and damping coefficients, or optimal TMD mass. The results confirm that the proposed method is applicable to MDOF structural systems.

第三十九卷第二期 (期別152) (113年)

第三十九卷第二期 (期別152) (113年)

關鍵字CFRP 貼片補強、剪力強度、RC 箱型梁
摘要本研究目的為透過試體試驗探討依美國國家公路與運輸官員協會 (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, AASHTO) 規範設計之碳纖維 (carbon fiber reinforced polymer, CFRP) 貼片補強對已產生混凝土剪力裂縫之鋼筋混凝土 (reinforced concrete, RC) 箱型梁的剪力補強效益,故設計並製作兩組剪力強度不足的RC 箱型梁試體,並在施作CFRP 補強後進行承載力試驗。為模擬標的橋梁產生剪力裂縫後再進行補強之狀態,其一之箱型梁試體先加載至剪力裂縫產生後再進行CFRP 貼片補強,另一箱型梁試體則直接進行CFRP 貼片補強,最後兩組補強試體分別進行加載試驗。透過補強前試體與補強後試體之加載試驗結果比較,可確認CFRP 貼片剪力補強效益,另透過於不同的狀態下執行補強作業的兩座補強試體試驗比較,也進一步確認損傷後橋梁進行剪力補強的效益。
TitleExperimental Study on Reinforced Concrete Box Girder Strengthened in Shear With Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Patches
AuthorHsiao-Hui Hung, Chi-Rung Jiang, Chun-Chung Chen, Fang-Yao Yeh, Kuo-Long Chen, Tsair-Yi Luo, Yi-Ting Lee, Kang-Yu Peng, Ming-Shing Wu, Chien-Hung Chen
KeywordsCFRP patch, shear strength, RC box girder
AbstractThe purpose of this research is to investigate the shear strengthening effect of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) patched on reinforced concrete (RC) box girder with concrete shear cracks through specimen tests. Therefore, Two RC box girder specimens with insufficient shear strength were designed and fabricated, and the loading tests were carried out after strengthening of girders by CFRP was applied. The CFRP shear reinforcement was designed according to the guide specification published by American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). In order to simulate the state of RC box girder after shear cracks already occurred, one of the box girder specimens was loaded at first until shear cracks occurred and then strengthened with CFRP patches, while the other box girder specimen was directly strengthened with CFRP patches. Then, both strengthened specimens were respectively subjected to loading tests. Through the comparison of the loading test results of the specimens before and after strengthening with CFRP patches, the shear strengthening effect of the CFRP patch was confirmed. In addition, through the comparison of the test results of two strengthened specimens performed under different conditions, the benefits of shear strengthening with CFRP patch on RC box girder with existed damage can also be confirmed.
摘要本研究旨在探討使用高強度剪力鋼筋於預力梁之剪力行為,完成了六座長為5 m、深為600 mm 之預力I 型梁試體,其中,採用SD790 及SD420W 兩種不同強度鋼筋做為剪力鋼筋,試驗參數包含剪力鋼筋比及預力大小,試體以四點簡支梁型式進行單向漸增加載。試驗結果顯示,在相同剪力鋼筋用量與間距下,以高強度鋼筋取代一般強度鋼筋作為預力梁之剪力鋼筋時,可提升其剪力強度,若高強度鋼筋之剪力設計應力採790 MPa,則於相同標稱剪力強度下,預力梁所得到的試驗剪力強度較採一般強度鋼筋者低,因此並不建議以790 MPa 做為預力梁剪力設計的規定降伏強度上限,而若改以600 MPa 進行設計,於相同標稱剪力強度下,預力梁之試驗剪力強度與採一般強度鋼筋者相近。此外,比較本研究預力梁試驗剪力強度與ACI (American Concrete Institute) 318-19 及AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) LRFD 2020 兩種剪力強度計算結果,可發現於ACI 318-19 中,高強度剪力鋼筋之規定降伏強度上限提升至600 MPa,仍可得到合理保守的剪力強度計算結果,而於AASHTO LRFD 2020 中,規定降伏強度上限即便採690 MPa,雖其剪力強度計算值之保守度較普通強度鋼筋之預力梁下降許多,但依然可得到相當保守的計算結果。
TitleShear Behavior of Prestressed Concrete Girders With High-Strength Transverse Reinforcement
AuthorYu-Chen Ou, Dwi Prasetya, Jhen-Wei Wu
Keywordsbridges, prestressed concrete, girder, shear strength, high-strength steel reinforcement, SD790
AbstractThis study investigated the influence of high-strength shear reinforcement on the shear behavior of prestressed concrete girders. Six I-girders, with a cross-sectional height of 600 mm and a total length of 5 m, were constructed and tested in the laboratory using two types of rebar as shear reinforcement: high-strength steel (SD790) and normal-strength steel (SD420W). The test parameters included the transverse reinforcement ratio and prestressing level. Monotonic-static loading was applied in all girders using two loading points. The test results indicated that a direct replacement of normal-strength shear reinforcement with high-strength shear reinforcement increased the shear capacity of the girder. The equivalent shear strength replacement of normalstrength shear reinforcement with high-strength shear reinforcement based on the specified yield strength showed a decrease in the ultimate shear strength. Thus, the use of fy = 790 MPa in shear design calculation is not recommended. In addition, the equivalent shear strength replacement based on a yield strength limit of fy = 600 MPa resulted in similar ultimate shear strengths between the specimen with the normal-strength shear reinforcement and that with the high-strength shear reinforcement. Furthermore, the experimental results were evaluated using the ACI 318-19 and AASHTO LRFD 2020 shear strength models. The findings showed that the yield strength limitation for shear strength design in the ACI 318 could be increased up to 600 MPa. Using 690 MPa as the yield strength limit with the AASHTO LRFD shear strength model still provided a high degree of conservatism.
作者黃丞偉、王孔君、周中哲、沈厚寬、Claudio Sepulveda、Gilberto Mosqueda、Chia-Ming Uang
摘要本文利用複合模擬實驗 (hybrid simulation, HS) 技術,探討一樓銲接箱型鋼柱在軸力及彎矩共同作用下局部挫屈導致鋼柱縮短對整體建築構架耐震行為影響。本研究將HS 應用於一個七層樓鋼造二元構架的數值模型及一實尺寸試體子構架,探討在近斷層地震力作用下的反應。該實尺寸試體為包含中等韌性銲接箱型鋼柱及與其相連之I 型梁的子構架。當試體受到軸力和側向位移時,柱發生撓曲挫屈,柱底產生局部挫屈,導致柱縮短。為了模擬此現象,本研究透過在數值模型中施加一組虛擬等效力以強制達成實驗和數值模型間之位移諧和。在實驗控制上,本研究使用一個四自由度 (degree of freedom, DOF) 的混合控制模式(三位移和一力量控制)進行加載,使得能以簡化之實驗配置模擬子構架試體複雜之邊界條件。在HS 過程中,一樓中間柱的縮短量乃於實驗中實際量測試體反應,而一樓外柱的縮短量則是利用軟體ABAQUS 根據以往鋼柱實驗資料比對事前分析而得。實驗結果證實本研究所提出的控制和建模方法之有效性,能將實驗實際量測及ABAQUS 分析所得之柱垂直位移成功納入HS 的數值歷時分析中,從而更真實地模擬柱縮短對整體構架的影響。此外,中等韌性銲接箱型鋼柱在近斷層地震荷載下表現出良好的耐震行為,驗證AISC 341 高等韌性鋼柱寬厚比限制太過保守。
TitleHybrid Simulation of a Steel Seven-Story Dual System With Measured Buckling-Induced First-Story Box Column Shortening in Subassemblage Tests
AuthorCheng-Wei Huang, Kung-Juin Wang, Chung-Che Chou, Hou-Kuan Shen, Claudio Sepulveda, Gilberto Mosqueda, Chia-Ming Uang
Keywordshybrid simulation, moderately ductile built up box column, buckling, forced control, displacement compatibility
AbstractThis paper presents a series of hybrid simulation (HS) conducted on full-scale steel beam-column connection subassemblages to study the seismic responses of a two-dimensional steel dual frame, considering first-story steel column shortening caused by local or global buckling during the seismic events. A seven-story two-bay dual frame system is composed of a special moment frame (SMF) and a buckling-restrained braced frame (BRBF) using built-up box columns. The experimental substructure consists of a full-scale interior column and beam cruciform subassemblage, including a moderately ductile first-story built-up box column and two I-shaped beams. Under combined axial and lateral loads, local buckling can occur near the column base, resulting in column shortening. The specimen is loaded through a four degree of freedom (DOF) mixed-mode control (three displacement- and one forcecontrol) actuation system that simplifies the laboratory loading conditions given the complex boundary conditions of the frame structure. To account for column shortening in the HS, a new approach is applied to enforce compatible displacements between the experiment and numerical model. With the column axial load in force control and column shortening, a set of fictitious equivalent forces is applied to columns in the numerical model to achieve compatible displacements. Shortening of two exterior columns in the model is simulated through finite element analysis using the computer program ABAQUS. The test results confirm that the proposed modeling and control methods could successfully integrate the information available in the laboratory and ABAQUS simulation into the HS, resulting in a more realistic frame response that captures the effect of column shortening in the analysis. The moderately ductile built-up box column is also verified to perform well in near-fault earthquake loadings.
摘要鋼木立面混合結構系統結合了鋼結構與木結構,其下部為鋼結構抗彎構架,上部則為木結構。本研究將鋼木立面混合結構系統簡化為一雙自由度模型進行參數分析,探討上下部結構系統之質量比以及第一模態頻率比對其結構互制效應之影響,並依照分析結果決定鋼木結構之設計地震力。本研究使用既有建築物耐震設計規範及解說中的靜力分析法,將鋼結構與木結構分開來單獨設計,其中上部木結構之水平設計地震力透過地震力調整係數進行調整,並藉此調整後之設計地震力進行木結構的設計。同樣地,在計算下部鋼結構之設計地震力時,考慮由上部木結構傳遞之基底剪力進行調整,以調整後之水平設計地震力進行鋼結構之設計。本研究首先使用商用結構分析軟體ETABS 進行鋼木混合結構之斷面設計,以滿足國內耐震設計之要求。完成結構設計後使用開源結構分析軟體OpenSees,建立設計完成的鋼木混合結構數值模型,使用FEMA P695 所建議的遠域地震集進行增量動力分析,考慮四種不同高度的立面鋼木混合結構,定義出鋼木混合結構模型之極限狀態。分析結果顯示,本研究所提出之立面鋼木混合結構系統設計方法,可滿足FEMA P695 中倒塌裕度之需求。
TitleA Simplified Seismic Design Method for Steel-Timber Hybrid Buildings Considering Shear Force Modification
AuthorKai-Jun Huang, Pei-Ching Chen
Keywordssteel-timber hybrid building, structural dynamic interaction, design seismic force, incremental dynamic analysis
AbstractA steel-timber hybrid building consists of a conventional steel moment-resisting frame in its lower section, while the upper part is constructed with timber. In this study, a simplified method for structural design of steel-timber hybrid buildings has been proposed. It incorporates the dynamic interaction between the superstructure and the substructure into the existing Seismic Design Specifications and Commentary of Buildings in Taiwan. First a steel-timber hybrid building is simplified into a two degrees-of-freedom (2DOF) linear model. Parameter analysis is conducted to investigate the effects of the mass ratio and the frequency ratio of the superstructure to the substructure on the dynamic response of the 2DOF model. Accordingly, a seismic force modification factor can be defined, and the design seismic force for the upper timber structure can be calculated directly by using this modification factor. Meanwhile, the design seismic force for the lower steel structure can be determined individually by considering the base shear of the upper timber structure transmitted to the top of the lower steel structure. Four steel-timber hybrid buildings with different elevation have been designed based on the proposed method. OpenSees is used to build the nonlinear numerical model of the steel-timber hybrid buildings to perform nonlinear pushover analysis and incremental dynamic analysis (IDA). A total number of 44 earthquakes recommended in FEMA P695 are used for IDA. Based on FEMA P695 and relevant literature recommendations, the limit states of the steel-timber hybrid buildings can be assessed. The IDA results indicate that the Collapse Margin Ratios suggested in FEMA P695 is satisfied which demonstrates the applicability of the proposed simplified design method for design of steeltimber hybrid buildings in Taiwan.
標題經驗與統計格林函數法在地震動模擬上之應用與GUI 程式開發
摘要本研究利用經驗格林函數法 (empirical Green’s function method) 為主軸進行地震動模擬圖形使用者介面 (graphical user interface, GUI) 程式開發,其主要理論是利用已觀測到之小震加速度歷時進行疊加,以模擬同震源區發生大震時所產生之強震歷時,此方法可有效模擬大震之加速度歷時,另外為了解決經驗格林函數法無法對無小震紀錄之工址進行強地動模擬的問題,本研究則提出統計格林函數法 (statistical Green’s function method) 來模擬該工址之強地動加速度歷時,其主要理論是利用周邊測站所記錄到的小震加速度歷時,統計其地表加速度振幅譜、相位譜與震源距之關係,之後透過計算出之結果,將欲模擬點之震源距代入統計結果即可計算該工址之振幅譜與相位譜,接著將振幅譜與相位譜透過傅立葉逆轉換即可得該工址之小震加速度歷時,最後再將此小震加速度歷時代入經驗格林函數法中代替真實小震紀錄以模擬該工址之強地動,另外開發之GUI 程式中還包含了反應譜相符加速度歷時產生、因應特殊強地動效應調整譜型之用介面之功能。
TitleApplication and GUI Program Development of Empirical and Statistical Green’s Function Method in Earthquake Motion Simulation
AuthorWen-I Liao, Yuan-Ting Chen
Keywordsempirical Green’s function method, statistical Green’s function method, MATLAB, strong ground motion simulation
AbstractThis study primarily utilizes the empirical Green’s function method for seismic motion simulation graphical user interface (GUI) program development. The main theoretical concept involves the superposition of observed small earthquake event acceleration time histories to simulate the strong earthquake time history that occurs at the same site during a large earthquake. This method can effectively simulate acceleration time history of large earthquakes. To address the issue of the empirical Green’s function method being unable to simulate strong ground motion for locations without records of small earthquake events, this study proposes the statistical Green’s function method to simulate the strong ground motion acceleration time history at such sites. The main theory behind this approach is to use the recorded acceleration time histories of small earthquakes from surrounding monitoring stations to statistically analyze the relationship between ground acceleration amplitude spectra, phase spectra, and source-toreceiver distance. Subsequently, by calculating the results, the source-to-receiver distance for the desired simulation site can be used to calculate the amplitude spectra and phase spectra at that site. Then, by performing a Fourier inverse transform on the amplitude spectra and phase spectra, the acceleration time history of small earthquakes at that site can be obtained. Finally, this small earthquake event acceleration time history is used in place of actual small earthquake records in the empirical Green’s function method to simulate the strong ground motion at that site. Additionally, the developed GUI interface program includes functions for generating response spectrum-compatible acceleration time histories and amplifying acceleration time histories at specified period range.

第三十九卷第一期 (期別151) (113年)

第三十九卷第一期 (期別151) (113年)




第十六屆結構工程研討會暨第六屆地震工程研討會於民國111 年8 月24 日至26 日在淡水將捷金鬱金香酒店成功舉辦,吸引了來自國內學術與工程領域的508 位專家學者參與,共同探討並分享國內結構工程與地震工程最新的研究成果和工程見解。時光匆匆,一年多的時光已逝,回顧起第十六屆結構工程研討會暨第六屆地震工程研討會,每位與會者都對大會做出了難以磨滅的貢獻。然而,由於審查委員推薦論文的限制,難免有一些優秀的研究未能被收錄,這是一件令人感到遺憾的事情。


                                國立台灣科技大學營建工程系 邱建國 教授      
                                                                          陳沛清 副教授  謹誌
                                                                     結構工程期刊 特刊客座主編
                                                                                           2024 年2 月

摘要近年來地震災害逐漸受到全球重視,因地震的不可預測性,故每當強烈地震來臨時往往造成人民生命財產的損失,嚴重則會影響國家整體經濟發展。錐形摩擦單擺支承 (conical friction pendulum isolators, CFPI) 為具延長結構週期特性之隔震系統,可改善近域震波長週期速度脈衝與固定週期隔震結構產生之共振效應。然研究指出CFPI 對於降低上部結構加速度雖具有相當優異之隔震成效,惟其基礎滑動位移量會隨尖峰地表加速度而呈放大之現象。多功式摩擦阻尼器 (multi-functional friction damper, MFD) 具備不同階段之啟動機制,經研究證實,於結構中配置MFD 時,於不同地震強度之作用下具備相當優異之減震效益。故本研究嘗試於基礎隔震層中加入MFD,組成多功式增補阻尼隔震系統,以提升隔震系統於受近域震波作用下安全性。經數值模擬結果顯示,具多功式增補阻尼之隔震系統不論受近、遠域震波作用下,均具有相當優異之隔震效果。此外,為驗證理論方程式之證確性,本研究亦經由振動台試驗,進行含多功式增補阻尼隔震系統之隔震性能測試,並利用振動台測試所得之試驗數據與數值模擬分析之結果進行擬合,其結果顯示,數值模擬分析與振動台試驗具有不錯的擬合程度,亦驗證本研究所提出之理論公式的正確性。
TitleAnalysis and Validation of Isolation Systems With Multi-Functional Friction Damper
AuthorChia-Shang Chang Chien, Shan-Ru Chen, Mei-Ting Guo
Keywordsperformance test, conical friction pendulum isolators, multi-functional friction damper, seismic isolation system, shaking table test
AbstractIn recent years, earthquake disasters have gradually attracted global attention. Due to the unpredictability of earthquakes, whenever strong earthquakes occur, they often cause losses of people’s lives and property. In serious cases, they even affect the overall economic development of the country. The conical friction pendulum isolators (CFPI) is a seismic isolation system with the characteristic of extended structural period, which can improve the resonance effect produced by long-period velocity pulses of near-field seismic waves and fixed-period seismic isolation structures. Nevertheless, although the CFPI has an excellent seismic isolation effect in reducing acceleration of the superstructure, its base sliding displacement will amplify with the peak surface acceleration. The multi-functional friction dampers provide multi-stage activation mechanisms, and studies have shown that they have great shock absorption effects under different earthquake intensities when configured to structures. Therefore, the study in turn installed them in seismic base isolation layers to form a supplementary damping isolation system, improving the safety of the seismic isolator system under the effect of near-field seismic waves. According to the results of numerical simulation, the seismic isolation system with supplementary damping isolation has satisfactory vibration isolation effects regardless of affected by far- or near-field seismic waves. Additionally, to verify the theoretical formulas, the study also conducted the seismic performance test of the multifunctional supplementary damping system by shaking table and fit the results of the shaking table test and numerical simulation analysis. The results showed a fairly good fitting effect, which validates the accuracy of the theoretical formulas in this study.
摘要跨河橋梁經常遭遇基礎沖刷的問題,沖刷可能導致橋梁基礎勁度和強度的顯著降低,從而造成橋梁損壞甚至倒塌。為確保橋梁的安全,開發即時沖刷監測系統來量測橋梁的沖刷深度對於橋梁安全的維護非常重要。本研究提出了一種資料驅動(data-driven) 的深度學習 (deep learning, DL) 方法,透過加速度計歷時訊號的特性來量測沖刷深度。本法主要是利用相空間中吸引子的概念來描述沖刷橋梁的動態特性,基於Takens 嵌入定理將單顆加速度計的歷時訊號來重構沖刷橋梁的高維吸引子。其次,將重建的高維吸引子轉換為二維灰階影像,利用卷積神經網絡 (convolutional neural network, CNN) 識別以獲得沖刷深度。本研究利用數值模擬中不同沖刷深度的橋梁在環境振動下的動力反應,來驗證本文所提方法的準確性。測試結果同時也表明,本文所提出的DL 方法可以比傳統基於振動頻率改變量迴歸公式的方法更準確
TitleBridge Scour Depth Prediction Using Phase Space Attractor and Deep Learning
AuthorChang-Yi Lee, Zu-yi Chen, Yen-Yu Yang, Shu-Wei Chang, Chang-Wei Huang
Keywordsbridge scouring, deep learning, embedding theorem, convolutional neural network
AbstractCross-river bridges often suffer attacks of the foundation scour. Scour can significantly reduce the stiffness and strength of a bridge foundation, resulting in damage or even collapse of the bridge. To ensure the safety of a soured bridge, it is important to develop a real-time scour monitoring system to measure the scour depth of the bridge. In this study, a data-driven method is proposed to measure the scour depth using time series data from accelerometers. The concept of attractor in the phase space is used to describe the dynamic characteristics of scoured bridges. High-dimensional attractors for scoured bridges are reconstructed by a single sensor based on Takens’ embedding theorem. The reconstructed attractors are converted into two-dimensional grayscale images, which are then identified by the convolutional neural network (CNN) to obtain the scour depth. The accuracy of the proposed method is verified by the dynamic responses of bridges with different scour depths subjected to ambient vibrations from numerical simulations. The results demonstrate that the proposed data-driven method can determine the scour depth more accurately than conventional vibration-based methods in the case when the scour is not severe.
傳統隔震設計所採用之分析模型,往往未能忠實呈現軸拉力及傾覆彎矩。因此,本研究針對採用彈性支承之建築結構,根據理論、推導及分析,系統性探討支承的穩定性及破壞。於模型中,將整體隔震結構簡化為兩集中質量,上部結構採單自由度模擬,隔震系統含兩個隔震支承並以一剛性樓板與上部結構相連;彈性支承採Koh-Kelly 模型,以呈現剪切、撓曲與軸向複合作用,進而推導運動方程。於推導中,
TitleStudy of Aspect Ratios for Base Isolated Buildings With Lead-Rubber Bearings
AuthorYi-Chian Wu, Chia-Ming Chang, Cho-Yen Yang

base isolation, elastomeric bearing, stability, aspect ratios, nonlinear time history analysis

AbstractSeismic isolation shifts the fundamental frequency of structures away from the dominant frequencies of earthquakes by employing bearings with low horizontal stiffness, resulting in reduced responses of superstructures. However, an isolated building with a higher aspect ratio may introduce excessive overturning moments that can further cause tensile failure to bearings. Moreover, the elastomeric bearings, which are familiar and common in Taiwan, consist of laminated rubber layers with in-between steel shims, yielding complicated and coupled mechanics. Thus, the stability of the isolation bearings and the overall structural system should be concurrently considered. Such complicated behavior for an isolated building with elastomeric bearings as mentioned above may not be simulated or presented by conventional analysis in practical application. Therefore, this research studies the coupling effect for base isolated buildings with lead-rubber bearings, and then the relationship between aspect ratios and selected isolation bearings is constructed. In this research, the superstructure is simplified to be single-degreeof-freedom and mounted on an isolation system consisting of a rigid floor and two bearings. Each bearing is modeled by a simple mechanical model proposed by Koh and Kelly to consider the coupling effect. Based on the tension prevention of bearings, an aspect ratio criterion is also
derived and proposed. This aspect ratio criterion is further verified by time history analyses which consider various factors, such as the period of superstructure, isolation period, fault effect, and layout of bearings. As found in the parametric study, an isolated building designed by the proposed aspect ratio formula has a pretty low probability of tensile failures on bearings, as compared to the recommendation in the Japanese design code. Thus, the proposed aspect ratio criterion is more conservative and can be consequently a reference for engineers in the preliminary design phases of base isolated buildings with lead-rubber bearings.
摘要若欲瞭解鋼筋混凝土 (reinforced concrete, RC) 結構物受地震力時之反應,最接近真實行為之實驗方法為振動台實驗。然而,RC 結構振動台實驗之試體模型需花費高昂的成本建立,且振動台設備能力有限,難以進行大尺度之結構實驗。有鑑於此,本文擬發展結合數值運算與大型結構實驗之複合實驗 (hybrid testing) 技術,以便以較為經濟的方式完整測試大尺度RC 結構於強震下之非線性反應。為使研究成果具廣泛之應用性,本文採用具開放性之複合實驗技術架構,亦即於建立RC 非線性數值子結構時採用OpenSees (Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation) 開放式有限元素分析軟體;而於RC 構架物理子結構及實驗設備控制連接方面則採用OpenFresco (Open source Framework for Experimental Setup and Control) 開放式中介軟體,以連接國家地震工程研究中心台南實驗室之油壓致動設備。本文複合實驗之標的結構為一棟七層樓RC 補強結構,物理子結構為一樓中間跨經內嵌式門型構架補強後之RC 構架,其餘結構構件則以OpenSees 建立含塑鉸之非線性數值子結構模型。實驗結果顯示,本文所建立之非線性複合實驗方法所預估之RC 結構地震反應與有限元理論分析結果十分吻合,各樓層層間變位角之最大平均差異皆在5% 以內,並確認數值子結構中之塑鉸於強震中已啟動參與計算,由此驗證開放式複合實驗以非線性數值子結構進行模擬之可行性,同時配合國家地震工程研究中心台南實驗室既有之油壓控制設備可成功的進行大型RC 結構複合實驗。
TitleApplication of Hybrid Testing in a RC Structure With Seismic Retrofitting
AuthorFu-Pei Hsiao, Lyan-Ywan Lu, Hung Cheng, Bo-Tse Hsu, Shih-Wei Yeh
Keywordshybrid testing, RC structure, seismic retrofitting, open framework, OpenSees, OpenFresco
AbstractThe most realistic experimental method for evaluating the behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) structures under ground motion is a shaking table test (STT). However, the construction of RC shaking table test specimens is costly, and the shaking table equipment usually has limited
capabilities; therefore, conducting a large-scale structure test using a STT is difficult. To this end, this paper aims to develop a cost-effective hybrid testing (HT) technique that combines numerical simulation with large-scale structural experiments to test the nonlinear response of large-scale RC structures under strong ground motions. To make the result more applicable, this paper adopts the framework of an open-source hybrid testing technology. The technique used the OpenSees (Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation) as an open-source finite-element analysis software to build the RC nonlinear numerical substructure (NS) and the OpenFresco (Open source Framework for Experimental Setup and Control) as an open-source middle software to connect the physical substructure (PS) and a controller, which was connected to the hydraulic facility in Tainan Laboratory of the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE). In the HT of this study, the target structure was a seven-story RC structure. The PS was taken to be the first-floor middle span retrofitted by an embedded RC portal frame, while the remaining structure, treated as the NS, was simulated by an OpenSees nonlinear numerical model with plastic hinges. The HT result demonstrates that the seismic responses of the retrofitted RC structure predicted by the HT experimental result match very well with the theoretical values predicted by a nonlinear finite-element model. The average difference between the experimental
and theoretical first-floor displacements is merely 5%. The nonlinear behavior contributed by the plastic hinge was also observed in the test. This study confirms that by cooperating with the existing hydraulic facility in Tainan Laboratory of the NCREE, the established open-framework HT technique with a nonlinear numerical substructure is a feasible means for the experimental study of a large-scale RC structure.
摘要地震超材料 (seismic metamaterial) 為全新之抗震技術,透過人造結構改變波傳行為,產生特定頻率之波傳無法通過的區域,防止具高破壞性頻率的地震波傳至結構物,達到保護結構物效果。目前地震超材料面臨兩大困難:(1) 超材料帶隙頻率相較於地震主頻過高;(2) 缺少針對體波的地震超材料。有鑑於此,本研究藉由 Kalderon 等人所提出的雙層質量共振筒公式,設計新型的低頻率 (0.35–1.5 Hz)、針對體波的地震超材料單元,並以數值模擬方法確認其折減效益。首先以單元晶格頻散分析確定帶隙範圍。同時進行排數分析及排序分析確認產生折減效果所需的超材料單元數及最佳排列方式,顯示所設計的超材料單元四個為一組,為最經濟之排列方式。此外,探討超材料外側土壤厚度對折減效益的影響,並接續透過地盤反應分析,確認超材料在實際地震下對SH 波的折減效益容易受到側向土體量影響,但側向土體量對P 波下的折減效益則不顯著。最後,真實地震下反應分析顯示超材料單元在實際地震P 波與SH 波激發下,可折減超材料帶隙對應週期之結構物譜加速度至原本的一半,顯示目前設計的共振筒型超材料具備發展潛力。
TitleNew Seismic Attenuation Technology: Resonator-Type Metamaterial
AuthorYuan-Yu Lo, Tung-Yu Wu, Shiang-Jung Wang
Keywordsseismic metamaterial, finite element analysis, local resonance, bandgap
AbstractSeismic metamaterials represent a novel earthquake-resistance technology. By manipulating wave propagation through artificial structures, they create regions where waves of specific frequencies cannot pass, preventing seismic waves of primary frequencies from reaching structures. Currently, seismic metamaterials face two major challenges: (1) the band gap frequency of the metamaterial is relatively higher than the primary frequency of earthquakes, and (2) there is a lack of metamaterials specifically designed for body waves. In light of this, our study designs a new low-frequency (0.35–1.5 Hz) seismic metamaterial unit targeting body waves based on duallayer tube-type resonators. Row and ordering analyses were conducted to determine the optimal arrangement of metamaterial units for reduction effects. The influence of the soil layer outside the metamaterial on its reduction effect was also investigated. Simulation results show that a group of four consecutive metamaterial units is the most economical arrangement, and the reduction effect of the metamaterial on SH waves was sensitive to the thickness of the soil layer. A subsequent ground response analysis demonstrated that when excited by actual seismic waves, the designed metamaterial units can reduce the spectral acceleration at the corresponding metamaterial band gap period to half, indicating the promising potential of the dual-layer tube-type resonators.

第三十八卷第四期 (期別150) (112年)

第三十八卷第四期 (期別150) (112年)

TitleStudy on analysis of a reinforced concrete portal frame retrofitted with an elliptically hollow steel frame infilled with rubber cylinders
AuthorChia-Chuan Hsu,Chia-Wei Hsu,Hsiao-Hui Hung, Kuang-Wu Chou,Chin-Kuo Su,Yu-Chi Sung
Keywordsnear-fault ground motion, seismic retrofit, RC frame, steel oval
hollow section, rubber, equivalent brace
AbstractThis study proposes an analysis procedure for engineers to apply a new method of retrofitting a reinforced concrete frame. This retrofitting method uses an elliptically hollow member, which is created with a steel frame infilled with rubber cylinders. This method enables rapid retrofitting construction and could help the retrofitted structure bear more loadings, resist strong earthquakes, and recenter, without sacrificing too much space for usage. Moreover, applying this method could effectively reduce structural damage caused by near-fault earthquakes. The proposed analysis procedure separates the three-dimensional finite element modeling of such a complex retrofitting member from the frame analysis that engineers need to perform for design. A retrofitting member alone gets detailed finite element modeling and pushover analysis to create a brace that can equivalently represent the retrofitting member in the frame analysis of the retrofitted RC frame. The comparison of the structural analysis result and the experiment result shows the proposed analysis procedure can prudently predict the behavior of a retrofitted RC frame with acceptable bias.
關鍵字SC 結構、SC 梁、鋼結構梁柱接頭、鋼骨鋼筋混凝土、混凝土防火層
摘要鋼材機械性質受高溫的影響很大,因此鋼結構房屋需要有適當的防火措施,防止火災發生時建築物過早倒塌。有些鋼結構建築物以混凝土作為防火材,並配置縱向及橫向輔助鋼筋,且設計時不計入混凝土及鋼筋可能提供之強度,工程實務上稱此為SC 結構。本文以5 組大尺寸梁-柱子結構試體之反復載重試驗,探討SC 梁結構細部對韌性、強度及裂縫發展之影響。試驗結果顯示:(1)H 型鋼梁翼板施作韌性切削對SC 梁之撓曲韌性有顯著的幫助,SC 梁之塑性轉角容量皆達3% rad 以上,符合耐震所需;(2)對梁塑性鉸區之翼板與混凝土間設置握裹隔離裝置,可以提升梁塑性轉角容量約16%,但梁柱交界面處之裂縫寬度在彈性範圍達到9 mm,在試驗結束時達39 mm,明顯偏大;(3)雖然翼板與混凝土間之握裹隔離裝置可以提升梁塑性轉角容量,但是裂縫寬度過大,且未設置握裹隔離裝置之試體仍然擁有耐震所需之塑性轉角容量,因此設置握裹隔離裝置的必要性低;(4)雖然H 型鋼梁與混凝土間未配置剪力釘,但是SC 梁中之H 型鋼梁與混凝土基本上可發展出完全合成之彎矩強度;(5)縱向輔助鋼筋延伸至鋼箱型柱面,若採用90°彎鉤錨定,會於柱混凝土面產生額外的裂縫,因此縱向輔助鋼筋延伸至鋼箱型柱面處直接截斷即可,不需採用彎鉤錨定;(6)縱向輔助鋼筋在壓力側可發展出87%之降伏應力,根據本試驗之經驗,梁塑性鉸區輔助箍筋之間距限制在10 倍縱向輔助鋼筋直徑以內,可以有效避免縱向輔助鋼筋受壓挫屈,此經驗可供工程實務參考。
TitleFlexural Behavior of Steel Beam-to-Column Connections with Concrete as Fire Protection Material
AuthorCheng-Cheng Chen, Pin-Da Wu and Chen-Wei Fan
Keywordssteel structure, steel girder, beam-to-column connection, steel
reinforced concrete structure, fire protection layer
AbstractThe mechanical properties of steel are greatly affected by high temperature; thus, steel structure buildings need to have appropriate fire protection measures to prevent premature collapse of buildings in the event of fire. In some cases, steel structure buildings use concrete as fireproofing material. Although longitudinal and transverse steel bars are also provided as auxiliary reinforcements, but the strength that can be contributed by these steel bars is not considered in the strength calculation during design process. In engineering practice, this kind of structure is known as SC structure. In this study, five beamcolumn sub-assemblage was tested under cyclic loading to investigate the influence of SC beam structural details on beam strength, ductility, and crack development. The test results show that the use of reduced beam section beamtocolumn connection detailing is necessary since it can significantly increase the flexural ductility of the SC beams. The SC beams can develop the full composite action even though without using any shear stud. The use of isolation layer between beam flange and concrete in plastic hinge region is not necessary since it only slightly increase the plastic rotation capacity of the SC beams but causes larger crack in the concrete at the beam-to-column interface. The auxiliary longitudinal rebar is provided up to the face of box column and the use of 90° hooks are not recommended since it will cause additional cracks. The local buckling of the auxiliary longitudinal rebar can be effectively avoided when the distance between the rebar is less than ten times of its diameter.
標題 鋼筋混凝土梁穿孔補強新工法之研究
作者 邱建國、鄭敏元、羅尊仁、王勝輝、周玠慈、何胤頤
關鍵字 鋼筋混凝土梁、塑鉸、穿孔、雙方型一筆箍、U 型斜插筋、強度、
摘要 為避免梁構材於強震作用下因剪力破壞限制其變形能力,國內結構工程技師公會全國聯合會提出之鋼筋混凝土結構標準圖[1]禁止梁構材於距柱面兩倍梁深範圍內作橫向穿孔,此範圍一般認定是塑鉸區,依土木401-110規範[2]內規定,在此範圍內須提供閉合肋筋且滿足嚴格的肋筋細部以確保該區能發展出理想的非線性反應。但國內大部分住宅單元小且機電配置的複雜性有時迫於該區域內穿孔,因為國內外對於梁塑鉸區開孔補強的相關文獻非常有限,此問題目前並沒有適當的解決方法。據此,本研究規劃九組鋼筋混凝土梁試體,期望透過實驗結果能提供更多參考資訊外也能提供一套明確的梁塑鉸區穿孔補強方式。所有試體尺寸一致,均以單曲率變形配置(懸臂梁)於自由端施加往復位移載重,主要測試變數包含:(1)穿孔位置、及(2)穿孔補強筋型式,其中穿孔補強筋包含U型斜插筋及雙方型一筆箍,探討鋼筋混凝土梁於塑鉸區穿孔補強後之力學行為及裂縫發展情況,歸納出一套可使用於塑鉸區及非塑鉸區的穿孔補強的新工法,依穿孔位置不同而建議不同補強方式,並探討日本建築學會•鋼筋混凝土建築物之韌性保證型耐震設計指針(1999)[3]及日本建築學會•鋼筋混凝土構造計算準則(2010)[4]中相關計算方式的合理性。
Title Study on New Retrofit Methods for an Reinforced Concrete Beam with the Opening
Author Chien-Kuo Chiu ,Min-Yuan Cheng, Yu-Chen Ou, Sheng-Huei Wang, Jie-Cih Jhou, Yin-Yi He
Keywords Reinforced concrete beam, plastic hinge, opening, retrofitting method, one-piece double-square hoop, inclined U-shape stirrup, strength, deformation capacity
Abstract To prevent a reinforced concrete (RC) beam member from undergoing shear failure instead of flexural failure or flexure-shear failure under earthquakes, it is generally not recommended to make the opening within a region extending twice the beam depth from the face of the support column toward the central position of the span of the beam. However, in recent years, for actual requirements of the pipeline configuration, the problems of arranging the openings in the plastic hinge zone of an RC beam member have been already faced in the design and construction. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a set of design guidelines for the retrofit of the openings in the plastic hinge zone of an RC beam member.
A total of nine specimens are tested in this study. The main test variables include: (1) opening location, (2) retrofitting methods of the openings. All specimens are subjected to cyclic lateral load. This work investigates the crack development and mechanical behavior of reinforced concrete beams with the circular openings, and provide the novel retrofitting methods with one-piece double-square hoops and inclined U-shape stirrups for the beams with circular openings. The experimental results are used to to verify the effectiveness of the proposed retrofitting methods. Additionally, based on the experimental results, this work also investigates the application of the design formulas that are recommended from AIJ-1999 and AIJ-2010 for an RC beam with the opening.
作者黃世建、黃紹愷、翁樸文 、歐昱辰、黃明慧
摘要歷年來的震後勘災均顯示鋼筋混凝土剪力牆系統有極佳的耐震能力,其中合併使用韌性立體剛構架與特殊剪力牆的二元系統尤其優越。例如二元系統具有剪力牆與構架兩道耐震防線,其對餘震有額外之安全保障。從地下室連續施作至屋頂的剪力牆可以排除軟弱層破壞之可能,而剪力牆勁度高、強度大的特性也可以有效保護非結構桿件不致於提前損毀。新版鋼筋混凝土設計規範要求特殊剪力牆作剪力容量設計,在引入超額強度係數與動剪力效應係數後,剪力牆之剪力強度設計需求被放大2 至3 倍。若按新版規範設計,如此高額之強度需求會要求非常厚的剪力牆,這造成建築使用上的困擾。此不利於優良耐震系統之推廣應用,實需有效之解決對策。若能善用二元系統之特性並配合壓拉桿設計方法,其應可解決上述困境。其設計構想為利用二元系統之梁柱框架,束制樓層間之牆體使其出現低矮型剪力牆之傳力行為。再以壓拉桿方法估計低矮型剪力牆較高之剪力強度,此可有效降低剪力牆之厚度,排除建築使用困難之不利限制。本文內容包含新版規範設計需求、壓拉桿設計方法、二元系統框架剪力牆之傳力機制、日本振動台試驗驗證、剪力牆設計建議,並配合案例比較說明。希望透過本文之努力,鋼筋混凝土二元系統之優越抗震性能可獲得肯定與廣泛之應用。
TitleShear Strength Design for Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls of Dual System
AuthorShyh-Jiann Hwang, Shao-Kai Huang, Pu-Wen Weng, Yu-Chen Ou, Ming-Huoy Huang
KeywordsDual system, Reinforced concrete, Shear strength design, Shear wall, Softened strut-and-tie model.

Past earthquake reconnaissance already demonstrated that the reinforced concrete dual system, which consists of ductile moment resisting frames and shear walls, is one of the most effective earthquake resisting systems. A dual system can provide the 2nd line of defense when shear walls are coupled with frames. In seismic design, the 2nd line of defense is a secure protection against impulsive earthquakes. The shear walls of the dual system provide a continuity over height, which effectively prevent the story sway mechanism and provide uniform and reduced lateral drift resulting in a better damage control. The new building design code of Civil 401-110 requires the shear capacity design of the special shear wall. After the inclusion of the over-strength effect and the dynamic amplification factor, the shear strength demand can be doubled or even tripled, which leads to the shear walls with highly improbable thickness. This strict demand will hamper the application of the dual system in seismic design. This problem should be resolved.

A feasible solution to overcome this difficulty is to adopt the dual system with the shear walls designed by the strut-and-tie method. The structural walls of the dual system are equipped with substantial boundary members appearing as both beams and columns, which create a special shear force transferring mechanism within the framed squat walls. The framed squat walls possess very high shear resisting capacities, which can effectively reduce the thickness of shear walls, if well designed by the strut-and-tie method. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the merits of the dual system and to promote its application in seismic design. The content of this paper includes the requirements of the new building design code, the softened strut-and-tie model, the shear strength design of framed squat walls of the dual system, design verification using Japanese shaking table tests, design suggestions for shear wall and the related case study.

摘要黏彈性制震壁(Viscoelastic Damping Wall, VEW)為常見的速度型阻尼消能裝置,可用於降低小地震下造成的變形以及提升居住舒適性,但由於其變形能力相較於位移型消能裝置小,因此無法在大地震下提供減震效果。而槓桿黏彈性制震壁(Lever Viscoelastic Damping Wall, LVEW)為「速度型 + 位移型」的消能裝置,由黏彈性阻尼與摩擦阻尼組合而成,在中小度地震下,藉由槓桿原理放大層間位移,使黏彈性阻尼承受數倍剪變形而提升消能效果;在大地震下,限位裝置限制黏彈性阻尼變形,但啟動摩擦阻尼產生滑動而消散地震能量。本研究選取八層樓和十四層樓鋼筋混凝土建築物,分別代表週期1 秒至1.8 秒的結構物,並將傳統黏彈性制震壁(VEW)與槓桿黏彈性制震壁(LVEW)配置於結構物中進行非線性動力分析。結構物工址假設位於台北一區且緊鄰山腳斷層,因此採用模擬山腳斷層錯動之加速度歷時進行動力分析,探討在山腳斷層錯動之地震下槓桿黏彈性制震壁與一般黏彈性制震壁對中高樓層的鋼筋混凝土建築物的遲滯行為以及其減震效果。
TitleSeismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Viscoelastic Damping Wall under Shanchiao Fault Earthquakes
AuthorChung-Che Chou, Jian-Lin Lai, Kuan-Hua Chen, Shu-Hsien Chao
Keywordsviscoelastic damping wall, lever viscoelastic damping wall, Shanchiao fault, near-fault effect, nonlinear response time history analysis
AbstractViscoelastic damping wall (VEW) is a common velocity-dependent energydissipating device, which is used to reduce the lateral deformation of building frames in small earthquake or wind loadings. Its allowable deformation is smaller than the displacement-dependent energy-dissipating device so that VEW is unable to reduce the earthquake response under large earthquakes. The lever viscoelastic damping wall (LVEW) is a new velocity-dependent and displacement-dependent energy dissipating device, which is composed of viscoelastic and frictional damping in one single device. Under small or service level earthquakes, the LVEW could amplify its interstory drift by using a leverage mechanism so it can amplify the shear deformation and energy dissipation of a viscoelastic mechanism to reduce the frame response. Under large earthquakes, the stopper in the LVEW limits the deformation of viscoelastic damper, and activates frictional damping for energy dissipation. In this study, 8-story and 14-story reinforced concrete (RC) buildings with moment-resisting frames and shear walls were designed, representing a fundamental period of 1.0 second and 1.8 seconds. The frames were added with the traditional viscoelastic damping wall (VEW) and the leveraged viscoelastic damping wall (LVEW) for studying their seismic response. The building site was assumed to be located in Taipei Zone 1, close to the Shanchiao fault so the analysis was conducted by using acceleration time histories obtained based on the movement of Shanchiao fault. The work was focused on investigating the seismic response of RC frames with VEWs or LVEWs under Shanchiao fault ground motions.


第三十八卷第三期 (期別149) (112年)

第三十八卷第三期 (期別149) (112年)



標題 「第16屆結構工程暨第6屆地震工程研討會特刊」引言
作者 邱建國、陳沛清

    第十六屆結構工程研討會暨第六屆地震工程研討會於民國一一一年八月二十四日至二十六日於淡水將捷金鬱金香酒店舉辦,為新冠肺炎疫情後結構工程學會首次舉辦的實體大型研討會,共有508人參與,發表超過300 個兼具創新與實務的研究成果。除了研討會之外,更邀請產官學界專業人士共同舉辦兩場產學論壇,特別針對即將修訂與實施的新版規範進行交流與討論,學界亦在論壇上分享新型鋼結構與New RC 結構之相關研發成果及應用技術。


                                                     國立臺灣科技大學營建工程系 邱建國 教 授
                                                                                             陳沛清 副教授 謹誌
                                                                                     結構工程期刊 特刊客座主編
                                                                                                          2023 年7 月

摘要三段式鋼板阻尼器(SPD)設置於抗彎構架(MRF)中能增加構架的勁度、強度與消能能力。本研究改良之前以混合式演算法計算SPD-MRF最佳化尺寸,以Sequential Least Squares Programming (SLSQP)非線性規劃法,將計算時間降至1秒以內,並將此最佳化程式開發成雲端服務。本研究最佳化的子構架例包含單十字型以及雙十字型,分別設計滿足耐震設計的最小用鋼量尺寸,稱之為「基本設計」,以及1.5倍「基本設計」勁度的「1.5×K設計」。「基本設計」中,單十字構架的SPD最佳化深度約在700~1200mm,而雙十字構架單一支SPD則是500~800mm。單十字構架的最佳化邊界梁深度在700~1100mm,雙十字構架則是600~800mm,雙十字構架可得比單十字構架較淺的梁設計,在大噸位SPD(1500kN)情況,梁深可少300mm。單、雙十字構架從「基本設計」提升勁度到「1.5×K設計」時,尺寸比例增加最多的前三名是:連接段腹板厚、邊界梁深、邊界梁腹板厚。若考慮垂直載重效應比ξ=0.15進行設計,對邊界梁重量及尺寸影響不大。本研究探討0倍、0.1倍、0.2倍梁跨長三種SPD偏心距離對構架的影響,發現 8公尺(短梁跨)範例,0.2倍梁跨偏心距離下,產生的SPD軸力將超過連接段的0.15倍軸壓強度(P_y)。本研究以兩組給定邊界梁設計例,分別為 RH708×302邊界梁跨8公尺的小構架、RH800×300邊界梁跨12公尺的大構架,並分別設計單雙十字型構架,探討實務中常先決定邊界梁再設計SPD,需提升構架勁度的情況。單十字大構架因SPD翼板厚度到達極限,僅設計至0.0046的降伏層間位移角的勁度,而雙十字小構架可設計至目標值0.003的降伏層間位移角,表示在長梁跨構架、給定邊界梁時,雙十字型設計較能有效提升構架勁度。
TitleOptimal Design of Steel Panel Damper in MRF and Optimal Design Software
AuthorYe-Ying Jan, Keh-Chyuan Tsai

steel panel damper, moment resisting frame, seismic design, optimization, software development, web service.


Incorporating a steel panel damper (SPD) into a moment resisting frame (MRF) can increase the stiffness, strength, and energy dissipation ability of the MRF. This research improves the previous optimization algorithm by using Sequential Least Squares Programming (SLSQP) nonlinear programming algorithm. The chosen algorithm takes less than one second to complete the optimization.Time-efficient algorithm has helped the authors to implement an optimization software into a web service to users. This paper demonstrates the optimization of single-cruciform (SC) and double-cruciform (DC) types of SPDs-to-beam subassemblies. Each SC or DC type has “Basic Design (BD)” and “1.5 times stiffened Design (1.5KD)” In the BD, the optimal depth of SPD in SC type is around 700~1200mm, while around 500~800mm in DC type. The optimal beam depth of SC type is around 700~1100mm, while around 600~800mm in DC type. The DC type can save up to 300 mm less beam depth than the SC type for a strong SPD of 1500kN nominal shear strength. Comparing the BD with the 1.5KD for both the SC and DC type subassemblies, the top three largest increases of dimensions are web thickness of elastic joint (EJ), boundary beam depth and web thickness. Applying a gravity load effect ratio 𝜉, it’s found that one can consider a ratio of 𝜉 up to 0.15 to consider the gravity load effect in the optimization without much additional cost. In the case of an 8-meter boundary beam with an SPD location eccentricity of 0.2 times the beam span, the induced SPD axial force would exceed 0.15 times of compression yield capacity of the EJ segment. It is recommended that the eccentricity be limited to less than 0.2 times the beam span. In the cases when boundary beam sizes are specified first, it is found that the DC type designs are more efficient in increasing structural stiffness than the SC type designs for the SPD-MRFs with long-span beams.

摘要此研究目的為探討摩擦阻尼器外伸臂結構系統之最佳化分析及耐震性能研究,為驗證數值分析之可靠性,設計縮尺試體進行振動台測試,縮尺試體主要分為10 層,總樓高9 公尺,總重量約15tonf,於實驗前透過OpenSees進行數值模型的建立,進行多模態之非線性反應譜分析探討10 種不同外伸臂高程及6 種摩擦阻尼器正向力之模態週期、模態等效質量。反應譜分析考慮摩擦阻尼器滑動時造成等效阻尼比增加的反應折減,迭代出結構物之最大變形。利用SRSS 方法將各模態反應進行疊加,以探討最大側向變形、層間側位移角、外周柱軸力、傾覆彎矩及等效阻尼比之影響,並透過反應譜分析選擇振動台之外伸臂高程位置及摩擦阻尼器正向力。為更加準確掌握摩擦阻尼器之行為及摩擦係數,另外設計一組摩擦阻尼器進行鋼板之反覆加載測試,以不銹鋼304 作為摩擦材料,阻尼器具有兩個摩擦面,以螺栓作為正向力加載來源,並透過荷重計觀察正向力變化。試驗以不同頻率及不同位移進行反覆加載,從實驗中得出摩擦係數對於溫度及加載頻率的影響極小。振動台實驗選用5 個地震,分別為BCJL2、El Centro、Imperial Valley、Tabas 及ChiChi,最大地表加速度為0.64g,藉由改變外伸臂高程(RF、8F 及6F)及摩擦阻尼器正向力(5kN、10kN 及20kN)探討含摩擦阻尼器之耐震性能。結果顯示,反應譜分析之結果與實驗結果趨勢接近,並根據振動台環境及試驗實際配置修正數值模型,分別對五個地震進行非線性動力歷時分析,探討3 種不同外伸臂位置下之頂層位移、層間側位移角、外周柱軸力及核心柱底彎矩之影響,以及3 種不同摩擦阻尼器正向力下的摩擦阻尼器消能表現。比較反應譜分析、動力歷時分析及振動台試驗之趨勢,探討含摩擦阻尼器外伸臂結構之受震特性及最佳耐震配置。
TitleShaking table test of damped-outrigger structure incorporating friction dampers
AuthorMing-Ching Chen,Meng-Lin Chung, Pao-Chun Lin
Keywordsoutrigger, large-scale test, friction damper, numerical analysis, steel structure

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the seismic performance of damped-outrigger system incorporating friction dampers through numerical analysis and shaking table tests. A 9 m tall steel structure specimen was designed by scaling down a 20-story benchmark model. The specimen was equally divided into ten floors and the outrigger beams together with the friction dampers can be installed in different floors. The normal force in the friction damper is adjustable so that its energy performance can be modified during the test. The seismic response of the specimen was evaluated by performing response spectral analysis (RSA) using the OpenSees numerical model. The equivalent damping ratio was included in the RSA in order to evaluate the energy dissipation resulted from the friction dampers. Based on the RSA results, the specimen configurations when outrigger locates at the sixth (6F), eighth (8F), and roof floors (RF) and when the normal force in the friction damper varies between 5 kN, 10 kN, and 20 kN were tested by imposing five different ground motions with the peak ground acceleration of 0.64g. Both the RSA and test results indicated that the maximum roof drift of the specimen was around 0.7% 0.4%, and 0.3% rad., when the outrigger locates at the RF, 8F, and 6F, respectively. The greater normal force applied in the friction damper generally result in a greater amount of energy dissipation and a smaller roof drift response. Based on the experimental and numerical results, the optimal design of the damped-outrigger system incorporating friction dampers are demonstrated in this study.

作者黃淳憶、何奕親、Binh Nguyen Doan、廖文正
關鍵字New RC、開孔剪力牆、鋼纖維混凝土、垂直牆段、不連續區

隨著高層建築的需求逐漸提升,為縮減構件尺寸以降低結構體的自重並有效率地提高可使用空間,各國已發展出高強度混凝土,在台灣的New RC計畫也開始推廣高強度材料的使用,其主要針對混凝土抗壓強度(𝑓c′)70MPa以上、鋼筋降伏強度(𝑓y)685MPa以上之營建材料進行研究。然而,隨著混凝土材料強度之提升,其性質將逐漸轉為脆性,因此依照現今之規範需要在應力干擾區或斷面幾何不連續區(D區)如梁柱接頭等,配置大量之剪力箍筋來維持件之韌性及剪力強度,但密集的剪力箍筋將導致施工上綁紮困難、灌漿時混凝土工作性不佳而使混凝土構件品質降低。而添加鋼纖維於高強度混凝土之中能大幅增加剪力強度、延緩脆性破壞,由於鋼纖維之間的橋接效應能有效抑制裂縫寬度擴張,因此能大幅減少橫向箍筋的配置,解決施工上的問題。 


TitleThe Study on Prediction of Lateral Load Displacement Force and Behavior of High Strength Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Walls with Opening
AuthorChun-Yi Huang, Yi-Ching Ho, Binh Nguyen Doan, Wen-Cheng Liao
KeywordsNew RC, Shear wall with opening, Steel fiber reinforced concrete, Vertical wall segment, Discontinuous zones

With the gradual increase in the demand for high-rise buildings, countries all over the world have developed high-strength concrete in order to reduce the size of components to reduce the weight of the structure and increase the usable space efficiently. The New RC project in Taiwan has also begun to promote the use of high-strength materials. It mainly conducts research on construction materials with concrete compressive strength (𝑓c′) above 70MPa and steel yield strength ( 𝑓y ) above 685MPa. However, as the compressive strength of the concrete material increases, its properties will gradually become brittle. Therefore, according to the current code, it is necessary to deploy a large amount of shear reinforcements in the stress interference area or the geometric discontinuity zone (D zone) such as beam-column joints. Stirrups are used to maintain the toughness and shear strength of the parts, but dense shear stirrups cause difficulties in reinforcement assembling during construction, and poor workability of concrete during casting, which results in the poor quality of concrete components. Adding steel fibers to high-strength concrete can delay brittle failure. Since the bridging effect between steel fibers can effectively inhibit the expansion of crack width, it can greatly reduce the configuration of transverse stirrups and solve construction problems.

According to the past experiments on the structural discontinuity area (D area), such as beam-column joints and deep beams, etc., the results show that the use of steel fibers in high-strength concrete can improve the toughness and shear strength of components, so the benefits of steel fiber reinforced concrete in structural discontinuities is known. This study carried out 4 high-strength steel fiber reinforced concrete shear wall experiments as the shear walls that are also members of the structural discontinuity area. The test parameters include the presence or absence of openings, the type of openings, the ratio of steel bars in the wall, the amount of stirrups in the boundary columns, and the configuration of reinforcement bars in the openings. Through the observation of the strength and deformation behavior of the test body and the development of cracks, the role played by steel fibers and the benefits of collocation with transverse reinforcement will be clarified in order to revise the prediction model and provide reference for future design.

摘要本研究探討使用高強度撓曲鋼筋之鋼筋凝土柱在低軸壓下之振動台試驗反應(試體頂部混凝土塊自重提供柱軸壓約0.1Agfc’,其中Agfc’分別代表柱斷面面積與混凝土材料強度),總共測試兩組鋼筋混凝土構架試體,每組試體均包含一個混凝土底座、兩支淨高除以斷面高度超過12的柱、以及一個頂部混凝土塊。兩組構架試體先於振動台上完成十六組地震歷時測試;接著移至反力牆區完成靜態試驗。試體C1使用普通強度撓曲鋼筋(鋼筋降伏強度453 MPa)、試體 H1 使用高強度撓曲鋼筋(鋼筋降伏強度716 MPa),兩組試體以發展相同標稱撓曲強度作設計,所有設計參數均一致僅撓曲鋼筋量與強度不同。動力試驗結果顯示試體H1在所有十六組地震歷時下所得最大變形量均大於試體C1,兩試體最大變形量比介於1.3~2.4之間,在主筋降伏前,兩試體側向勁度隨著最大變形量增加而遞減,而試體H1具有較低的側向勁度與阻尼比;當試體進入非線性反應後,兩試體最大強度接近,分析結果顯示Shimazaki與Sozen模型可用以評估試體C1非線性最大位移評估的上限值,但該模型所得結果對試體H1並不保守。靜態試驗結果顯示(反力牆區)兩試體均能維持其最大撓曲強度達層間位移角10%,試體C1柱底在測試完後有嚴重混凝土剝落情況,試體H1除了柱底混凝土剝落外,其中一支柱底的兩支主筋在層間位移角10%第二個迴圈加載過程中斷裂,一般而言,試體C1在不同層間位移角的正規化能量消散能力大於試體H1。
TitleShaking Table Test of RC Columns Using High-Strength Flexural Reinforcement with Low Axial Load
AuthorChih-Hsuan Chin, Shun-Bang Yan ,Min-Yuan Cheng
Keywordsshaking table, drift, stiffness, high-strength reinforcement.
AbstractShaking table tests of reinforced concrete columns using high-strength flexural reinforcement and under low axial force (around 0.01 Ag fc’, where Ag and fc’ was the column gross section area and concrete cylinder strength, respectively) were investigated in this research. Two reinforced concrete frame specimens were tested. Each specimen consisted of a concrete base block, two columns with a clear-height-to-depth ratio greater than 12, and a top concrete block. The two specimens were first tested on the shaking table with 16 input ground motions, followed by static test on the strong floor. Specimen C1 used conventional strength longitudinal reinforcement (yield strength of 453 MPa) and specimen H1 used high-strength longitudinal reinforcement (yield strength of 716 MPa). The two specimens were designed to have the same flexural strength. Except for flexural reinforcement ratio and strength, all other design parameters were identical in the two specimens. Shaking table test results indicated the maximum drift of specimen H1 consistently larger than that of specimen C1 in all 16 table motions. The ratio of the maximum drift between the two specimens ranged from 1.3 to 2.4. Before yielding of the longitudinal reinforcement, lateral stiffness of the two specimens decreased as the maximum drift demand increased. Specimen H1 exhibited lower lateral stiffness and damping ratio. The inelastic responses indicated that the maximum strength of the two specimens were similar. Using Shimazaki and Sozen model provided an acceptable upper bound to estimate the maximum drift of specimen C1 but was not conservative for specimen H1. Static test results showed that both specimens sustained the maximum lateral force up to 10% drift ratio. Specimen C1 had severe concrete spalling at the column base. Specimen H1, in addition to severe concrete spalling at the column base, had two longitudinal reinforcement fracture during the 2nd cycle of 10% drift cycle. In general, specimen C1 had larger normalized energy absorption ability than that of specimen H1.
作者邱聰智、鍾立來、賴昱志、趙奕涵、 Jae-Do Kang、 Koichi Kajiwara
摘要目前台灣非線性靜力分析常用TEASPA 提供的公式計算結構單自由度下的容量震譜,若非線性靜力分析能準確預測結構的反應,則對樓板加速度需求等等的計算會有極大的幫助。故本篇文章嘗試用台灣TEASPA 的評估方法去預測2015年在日本進行的十層樓RC 振動台實驗(E-Defense)的動力反應,以驗證其可信度。此篇文章先由TEASPA 算出的耐震容量值Sa 和單自由度模型以真實地震波激震後得到的最大加速度值進行比較,驗證TEASPA 之耐震容量準確度。再來將試體模型進行側推分析後得到之各樓層加速度值和真實實驗所得之各樓層最大加速度值進行比較分析,進而提出訂定各樓層預估加速度需求值的建議程序,該程序為以TEASPA 側推分析選定結構之耐震性能點,此時可得到的屋頂加速度,將之放大2 倍作為安裝在屋頂板上之非結構物的樓板設計需求值,接著以該屋頂層樓板加速度值為基準,乘以1/2 做為二樓樓板加速度需求值,其餘各層樓板加速度需求值則依樓層數線性內插。
TitleSeismic demand acceleration of non-structural elements attached to building floors using nonlinear pushover analysis.
AuthorTsung-Chih Chiou, Lap-Loi Chung ,Yu-Chih Lai, Yi-Han Chao, Jae-Do Kang, Koichi Kajiwara
Keywordsnonlinear pushover analysis, TEASPA, capacity Spectron, demand acceleration of building floor
AbstractTaiwan Earthquake Assessment for Structures by Pushover Analysis (TEASPA) can provide a capacity spectron of an equivalent single degree of freedom system. The predicted structural response can be applied to determine seismic demand acceleration of non-structural elements attached to building floors. The study adopts the shaking table testing results of ten-story RC building by E-defense in 2015 to verify TEASPA’s predicted response of the building. The predicted capacity Spectron Sa is compared to the maximum acceleration of an equivalent SDOF under a real excitation history. The comparison will be discussed in this paper. Eventually, the study proposed a procedure on seismic demand acceleration for non-structural components attached to building floors.

第三十八卷第二期 (期別148) (112年)

第三十八卷第二期 (期別148) (112年)

關鍵字鋼箱型柱、梁柱接頭、電熱熔渣銲、SM570M-CHW 高強度鋼、喇叭形儲倉口、有限元素模型分析、鋼材破壞預測模型。
摘要鋼箱型柱為傳遞梁彎矩,常使用電熱熔渣銲(Electro-Slag Welding, ESW)在柱內配置橫隔板。因施工誤差或鋼柱兩向梁深不同,而致梁翼與橫隔的高程偏心,在銲道熱影響區(Heat Affected Zone, HAZ)旁的初始縫隙尖端易發生脆性破壞。將ESW 熔填截面形狀(儲倉口)由矩形改為喇叭形,可增加熔幅但亦會提升ESW 入熱量。本研究利用SM570M-CHW 鋼材可容忍高入熱的特性,探討ESW 耐震行為。為量化研究ESW 破壞機制,現採用MM-CVGM 鋼材破壞預測模型以預測ESW 的破壞時機。先對過往曾有之2組ESW 元件單向拉伸試驗及7 組實尺寸梁柱接頭反覆載重試驗,分析顯示MM-CVGM 預測所得與試驗相差不超過1 個載重迴圈,相較舊用模型更準確且保守。本研究另再執行4 組實尺寸梁柱接頭反覆載重試驗,探討儲倉口與梁翼偏心對ESW 破壞之影響。當儲倉口由傳統矩形改為小或大喇叭形,試體由1.5%層間位移角可改善至4%才發生破壞。為有效預測大型構件受低週疲勞之破壞,本研究修改MM-CVGM 模型的破壞判斷式,藉有限元素模型中首先破壞的元素與群組,決定整體破壞時機,將此應用於4 組試體可得預測與試驗相差皆不超過1 個載重迴圈。為探討母材及銲材的韌性差異,本研究另進行圓周刻痕試片之反覆拉伸試驗,再建立有限元素模型與代表性體積單元模型分析,結果顯示,不同來源的同系列鋼材,可獲得相似的破壞曲線且誤差在10%內。母材為SM570M-CHW 時HAZ 破壞曲線斜率為ESW 之114%與CJP 之88%,三者有相同的破壞臨界值且差異在5%內;母材改為SN490C 時HAZ 的破壞臨界值即降至29%。本研究建議柱板若為SN490C 或SM570M-CHW,皆可採用喇叭形儲倉口,以有效延緩ESW 之脆性破壞。
TitleEffects of chamber geometry on electro-slagwelding failure
AuthorChun-Yao Yang, Keh-Chyuan Tsai
Keywordssteel box column, welded moment connection, electro-slag welding,SM570M-CHW steel, flared chamber, finite element model analysis, steel fracture prediction model.
AbstractIn order to transfer the steel beam moment, diaphragm plates are welded inside the box column at the beam flange elevations. Electro-slag welding (ESW) is commonly used to attach the diaphragms to the column. Due to the fabrication imperfection or the frame beam depth difference, eccentricity between beam flange and diaphragm elevations may exist. This situation could lead to brittle fracture initiated at the tip of initial slit near heat affected zone (HAZ). By changing the ESW chamber from a rectangular to a flared cross section, the fusion zone can be increased, but with a price of increasing the thermal input. Considering its advantage of high heat tolerance, SM570M-CHW high strength steel column is considered. This study firstly applied the MM-CVGM fracture prediction model to the tests of two ESW component specimens and seven full-scaled steel beam-to-box column (BC) subassembly specimens conducted in previous studies. Analytical results indicate that the difference between MM-CVGM prediction and test results is no more than one loading cycle, which is more accurate and conservative than the previous model. Additionally, four full-scale BC specimens were fabricated and tested to investigate the effects of chamber geometry and column flange thickness on ESW performance. Results show that the joint with a rectangular ESW failed at the 1.5% inter-story drift ratio (IDR) cycle, while the fractures were delayed until the 4% IDR when the ESW sections were changed to a large or small flared shape. The fracture criterion of the MM-CVGM model was modified in this study. The overall failure initiation is determined by the difference of the first crack initiation between the element and the group. Applying this conditional fracture criterion to the test results, the difference between the prediction and test results is no more than one loading cycle. Circumferential-notched tensile coupon tests were conducted to investigate the ductility difference between the base and weld metals. This study utilized representative volume element models in finite element model analyses. Results show that even the steels are from different sources, very similar failure response can be observed for the same grade of steel with a difference less than 10%. Analytical results indicate that the slope of damage evolution curve of HAZ in the SM570M-CHW base metal is 114% of ESW zone and 88% of CJP zone. Three regions have the same critical damage threshold and the difference is within 5%. When the base metal is changed to SN490C, the critical damage threshold of HAZ is reduced to 29%. Based on the research results, it is recommended that the ESW chamber be considered with a flared section when grade SM570M-CHW or SN490C steel is selected for the column in order to effectively delay the ESW crack initiation.
摘要現行「混凝土結構設計規範」規定,鋼筋混凝土梁於塑性鉸區域,梁縱向鋼筋在各角隅處之梁縱向鋼筋及每隔一根梁縱向鋼筋,均須以閉合箍筋或閉合肋筋之轉角或繫筋之彎鉤作側向支撐,惟國內鋼筋混凝土工程施工實務,RC梁縱向鋼筋配置較為密集,致使難以施工。本研究針對繫筋配置對於鋼筋混凝土梁耐震性能影響,規劃4座大型鋼筋混凝土梁試體進行實驗驗證,分別為S6D試體橫向鋼筋間距為6倍最小梁縱向鋼筋直徑(D25),且梁中間縱向鋼筋不配置繫筋;S4D試體橫向鋼筋間距為4倍最小梁縱向鋼筋直徑(D25),且梁中間縱向鋼筋不配置繫筋;S6D-SHB試體橫向鋼筋間距為6倍最小梁縱向鋼筋直徑(D25),梁中間縱向鋼筋配置繫筋其耐震彎鉤勾住梁底部縱向鋼筋;S6D-SHT試體橫向鋼筋間距為6倍最小梁縱向鋼筋直徑(D25),梁中間縱向鋼筋配置繫筋其耐震彎鉤勾住梁頂部縱向鋼筋。S6D-SHB及S6D-SHT試體橫向鋼筋(3根SD280W之D10鋼筋)總圍束力與S6D試體(2根SD 420W之D10鋼筋)相同。研究結果發現:(1)負方向(梁頂部縱向鋼筋受拉及底部縱向鋼筋受壓)韌性表現,以S6D-SHB試體為最優,S6D-SHT及S4D試體次之,S6D試體為最差。S6D-SHB試體為最優,其原因在於配置中間垂直繫筋且其耐震彎鉤勾住梁底部縱向鋼筋,延緩底部縱向鋼筋受壓挫屈之效應;(2)在相同橫向鋼筋總圍束力作用下,配置外閉合箍筋及中間垂直繫筋且其耐震彎鉤勾住梁底部縱向鋼筋試體之極限層間位移角及塑性轉角較採用外閉合箍筋的試體高出5%及12%,建議施工時,接近RC梁柱接頭2倍梁深度的範圍內,先不組立底模及側模,待繫筋完成組裝後,再進行底模及側模之組立,應可解決施工困難的問題;(3)橫向鋼筋間距為4倍最小梁縱向鋼筋直徑的試體之極限層間位移角及塑性轉角較橫向鋼筋間為6倍最繫筋配置對於鋼筋混凝土梁耐震性能影響之實驗研究小梁縱向鋼筋直徑的試體相等及高出8%,RC梁橫向鋼筋間距對於RC梁耐震性能之影響並不顯著;(4)在相同橫向鋼筋總圍束力作用下,配置外閉合箍筋及中間垂直繫筋且其耐震彎鉤勾住梁底部縱向鋼筋試體之極限層間位移角及塑性轉角較採用外閉合箍筋的試體高出5%及12%,配置外閉合箍筋及中間垂直繫筋且其耐震彎鉤勾住梁頂部縱向鋼筋試體之極限層間位移角及塑性轉角較採用外閉合箍筋的試體高出2%及4%。本研究發現「混凝土結構設計規範」第15.4.3.3節RC梁於塑性鉸區域,在各角隅處之梁縱向鋼筋及每隔一根梁縱向鋼筋,均須以閉合箍筋或閉合肋筋之轉角或繫筋之彎鉤作側向支撐之規定對於RC梁耐震性能之影響並不顯著;(5)所有4座試體正向包絡線強度無明顯衰減的情形,負方向側向強度則有明顯衰減的情形,此外Pinching(收縮)效應明顯,且極限側向位移角均可達到4.0%以上,惟參考現行「鋼結構極限設計法規範及解說」第13.6.1節韌性抗彎矩構架梁柱接頭所需塑性轉角為0.03弧度,因此所有試體的韌性(塑性轉角)表現基本上皆未達耐震結構3.0% rad之所需,推測原因應為撓剪破壞所致;(6)無論是矩形或T型斷面梁柱接頭,梁頂部縱向鋼筋量一般會略大於梁底部縱向鋼筋量,因此T型梁主要破壞模式應為梁底層縱向鋼筋受壓破壞,撐開閉合箍筋及繫筋所致,而配置垂直繫筋且其耐震彎鉤勾住梁底部縱向鋼筋,也應該有延緩底部縱向鋼筋受壓挫屈之效果。
TitleExperimental Study on the Effect of Crosstie Configuration on the Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams
AuthorTai-Kuang Lee, Cheng-Cheng Chen
Keywordsreinforced concrete beams, crossties, seismic performance
AbstractThe current Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete stipulates that in the plastic hinge zone of reinforced concrete beams, the longitudinal reinforcement at each corner and every other longitudinal reinforcement must be enclosed by the corner of the closed hoop or the hooks of crossties used as lateral support. However, in Taiwan reinforced concrete construction practice, the longitudinal reinforcement of RC beams is densely arranged, making construction difficult. In this study, four large-scale reinforced concrete beam specimens were planned and fabricated to conduct experiments to verify the effect of crosstie configuration on the seismic performance of reinforced concrete beams. The transverse reinforcement spacing of S6D and S4D specimens is 6 and 4 times the minimum beam longitudinal reinforcement diameter (D25) respectively, and the longitudinal reinforcements in the middle of the beam are not enclosed with crossties. The transverse reinforcement spacing of S6D-SHB S6D-SHT specimens is 6 times the minimum beam longitudinal reinforcement diameter (D25), the longitudinal reinforcement in the middle is enclosed with crossties, and the seismic hook engages the longitudinal reinforcement at the bottom and the top of the beam, respectively. The total confining force of the transverse reinforcement of S6D-SHB and S6D-SHT specimens (3-D10 reinforcements of SD 280W) is the same as that of S6D specimen (2-D10 reinforcements of SD 420W). It is found that: (1) With respect to the seismic performance in the negative direction (the longitudinal reinforcement at the top of the beam is under tension and the longitudinal reinforcement at the bottom is under compression), the S6D-SHB specimen is the best, the S6D-SHT specimen is second, and the S4D specimen is the third. S6D specimen is the worst. It is because that the middle vertical crosstie is configured in the S6D-SHB specimen and its seismic hook engages the longitudinal reinforcement at the bottom of the beam, delaying the effect of buckling of the longitudinal reinforcement at the bottom. (2) In the same transverse reinforcement total confining force, the ultimate drift angle and plastic rotation angle of the specimen with outer closed hoop and middle vertical crosstie and its seismic hook engaging the longitudinal reinforcement at the bottom of the beam are 5% and 12% higher than those of the specimen with outer closed hoop. It is recommended that during construction, within a range close to 2 times the depth of the beam at the RC beam-column connection, the bottom and side forms are not assembled in advance, and then after the crossties are assembled, the bottom and side forms are installed to solve the construction difficulties. (3) The ultimate drift angle and plastic rotation angle of the specimen with the transverse reinforcement spacing of 4 times the minimum beam longitudinal reinforcement diameter are equal to and 8% higher than those of the transverse reinforcement spacing of 6 times the minimum beam longitudinal reinforcement diameter. The transverse reinforcement spacing of RC beams has no significant effect on the seismic performance of RC beams. (4) Under the same total confining force of transverse reinforcements, when the outer closed hoops and the middle vertical crossties are configured and the seismic hooks engage the longitudinal reinforcement at the bottom of the beam, the ultimate drift angle and plastic rotation angle of the specimen are 5% and 12% higher than those of the specimen with outer closed hoop. When the outer closed hoops and middle vertical crossties are configured and the seismic hooks engage the longitudinal reinforcements at the top of the beam, the ultimate drift angle and plastic rotation angle of the specimen are 2% and 4% higher than those of the specimen with outer closed hoops. This study found that in Section of Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, for the plastic hinge zone of RC beams, the rule that the longitudinal reinforcement at each corner and every other longitudinal reinforcement must be enclosed by the corner of the closed hoop or the hooks of crossties used has no significant effect on the seismic performance of RC beams. (5) All four specimens have no significant attenuation in the positive lateral strength, and the negative lateral strength has significant attenuation. In addition, the pinching effect is obvious, and the ultimate drift angle can reach more than 4.0% rad. The required plastic rotation angle is 0.03 rad, so the seismic performance (plastic rotation angle) of all specimens basically does not meet the requirement of 3.0% rad for earthquake-resistant structures. It is speculated that the reason should be caused by flexural-shear failure. (6) For RC beam-column connections, the amount of longitudinal reinforcement at the top is generally slightly greater than the amount of longitudinal reinforcement at the bottom. Therefore, the main failure mode of the T-shaped beam should be the compression failure of the longitudinal reinforcement at the bottom, and the expansion of the closed hoops and crossties. The seismic hook of vertical crosstie engaging the longitudinal reinforcement at the bottom of the beam should also have the effect of delaying the compression and buckling of the longitudinal reinforcement at the bottom.
摘要由先前鋼筋混凝土構架填充台度磚牆的試驗研究,發現現行台度磚牆的側向剪力強度公式並無法提供可靠的預測,進而影響側推分析的準確性。因此研究團隊在國科會研究計畫補助下,多年來陸續完成八座鋼筋混凝土構架填充台度磚牆的試驗研究。本研究首先將探討現行台度磚牆的側向剪力強度公式的缺陷,隨後提出改善公式,並利用此八座試體的反覆載重試驗結果來重新推導台度磚牆的剪力強度計算公式。現行台度磚牆剪力強度計算公式有兩個明顯的缺陷:(1) 計算公式未考慮台度磚牆高度或高寬比對剪力強度的影響以及(2) 由於未區分高、低台度磚牆,因而對於高台度磚牆的剪力強度計算公式就如同低台度磚牆一樣未納入紅磚自體劈裂強度的貢獻。依據磚牆破壞理論,磚牆強度的貢獻可能來自於紅磚與砂漿的水平介面摩擦強度,垂直灰縫的劈裂強度以及紅磚的自體劈裂強度。本文將針對上述缺陷進行改善,並重新提出台度磚牆剪力強度計算公式。在提出新台度磚牆剪力強度含待定係數的計算公式之後,利用八座試體的反覆載重試驗值經由回歸分析來擬定台度磚牆的剪力強度計算公式。為了進一步驗證此公式的可靠性,特別搜集其他研究團隊的台度磚牆剪力強度試驗值來進行比較。雖然這些試體的砌磚方式為法式砌法與新研擬公式所使用的英式砌法不同,但比對結果仍舊相當一致準確。
TitleThe Shear Strength of Brick Wall of Window Spandrel
AuthorShuenn-Yih Chang , Hao-En Hung
KeywordsReinforced concrete frame, window spandrel, pushover analysis, failure theory of brick wall, shear strength of brick wall of window spandrel
AbstractThe previous experimental study of reinforced concrete frames infilled with brick wall of window spandrel revealed that the shear strength of the brick wall cannot be reliably predicted by the current computing formula. This might result in an unreliable result that is obtained from a pushover analysis. To overcome this difficulty, a series of cyclically loading tests of the eight reinforced concrete frames infilled with this type of brick walls were conducted and thus a new computing formula can be proposed for reliably predicting the shear strength of the brick wall of window spandrel. There are two drawbacks of the current computing formula for predicting the shear strength of brick wall of window spandrel: (1) the height of the infilled brick wall of window spandrel is not considered; and (2) the strength for the rupture of brick is not accounted by the current computing formula for high brick walls of window spandrel. Based on the failure modes of brick walls, the main contributions to shear strength include the horizontal friction force between the mortar and brick, the rupture of motor in vertical direction and the rupture of brick. These two drawbacks will disappear after considering the effect of the ratio of the height over width of brick walls and the rupture of brick for the high brick walls of window spandrel. After modelling the computing formula for predicting the shear strength, a regression analysis is conducted to determine the coefficients of the computing formula based on the test results of eight specimens. To affirm the feasibility of this formula, two test results that were reported in the literature are also compared. Although they adopt the Flemish bond for bricklaying and is different from the use of the English cross bond for the eight specimens for developing the new computing formula, the calculated results are still in good agreement with the test results.
摘要三段式鋼板阻尼器(steel panel damper, SPD)為一種剪力消能型的耐震間柱。本研究考慮日本學者對挫屈束制加勁板設計的研究,並參考美國AISC剪力連桿梁的設計建議,提出簡化且完整的加勁板設計流程。本研究考量容量設計法並採用貼板型連接段,提出三段式SPD 的整體耐震設計流程,內容亦包含SPD 承受軸力、抗側向扭轉挫屈等設計建議。可在製造長跨寬翼斷面後,裁切成SPD 高度後再於EJ 段進行貼板,能減低SPD 的造價。利用兩組同為淨高2.6m、深1.0m、標稱降伏剪力1128kN,但消能段腹板加勁板配置不同的實尺寸貼板型三段式SPD 進行反覆載重試驗。試驗結果顯示,兩組試體受力變形反應極為相似,在層間位移角達0.04 弧度前均無明顯強度下降現象,累計塑性變形達400 以上,具極優異的韌性與遲滯消能行為。研究利用有限元素分析模型模擬試驗反應並進行參數分析;第一組分析驗證貼板型連接段須採用塞孔銲來連接疊合板與腹板,以避免彈性挫屈。第二組分析比較AISC 剪力連桿梁與本研究所提的加勁板設計方法。分析結果顯示AISC 設計方式較保守,且因雙面加勁造成用鋼量及銲接量增加,成本較高;而本研究所提設計方法可用較少的鋼量來達到延遲腹板挫屈的效果。
TitleSeismic Testing and Design of Steel Panel Dampers
AuthorJin-Ting Lai, An-Chien Wu, Wei-Yang Li, Keh-Chyuan Tsai
Keywordsseismic stud column, steel panel damper, shear yielding, web stiffener, seismic design, cyclic loading test
AbstractThe 3-segment steel (shear) panel damper (SPD) can be viewed as a type of seismic stud column capable of dissipating energy through inelastic core (IC) shear deformations. In this study, the concept of capacity design is adopted to design a novel SPD with a continuous web plate and doubler plates in the elastic joint (EJ) segments. Considering the IC web buckling resisting stiffeners design guides for SPDs from Japan, and for shear links from the US, this research proposed a simplified design procedure for the IC stiffeners. Cyclic loading tests were conducted on two full-scale 3-segment SPDs with the same EJ doubler plates but different IC web stiffeners. Specimens are 2.6m high and 1.0m deep with a nominal shear strength of 1128kN. Test results show that both specimens had remarkably similar strength and hysteresis response until the 4% inter-story drift ratio was reached. The cumulative plastic deformation index was more than 400. After calibrating the finite element material model, parametric analysis results confirm that the properly deigned plug welds are required for the doubler plates in the EJs thereby delaying shear buckling. Using six additional analysis models for three different target shear deformations of 2%, 4% and 6% radians in the IC segments, it is demonstrated that AISC design specifications on shear link web stiffeners are more conservative and costly. Seismic design recommendations for the IC web stiffeners are concluded.
摘要此研究主要目的為進行含阻尼器外伸臂系統結構最佳化設計與探討高樓層建築之耐震性能,重點為利用外伸臂桁架系統以降低結構物之受震反應。相較於傳統型外伸臂,特別對加裝阻尼器之外伸臂系統結構進行探討,藉由阻尼器以增加結構物阻尼比達到消能效果。而此研究所使用阻尼器為挫屈束制支撐(buckling-restrained brace, BRB),因BRB具有良好的軸拉與軸壓力發展強度,受壓時無須考量挫屈問題與良好的消能行為,故將其特殊的力學行為加入外伸臂桁架系統中,預期在小地震下因較大的彈性勁度以及面臨大地震時透過BRB的能量消散機制以減緩結構物受震反應。此研究利用OpenSees軟體建立二維分析模型,主要以配置兩組外伸臂系統做為探討目標,並將分析模型加以簡化,分別建立四種不同樓高之72、144、216、288m之簡化模型, 為了參數研究的目的, 簡化模型使用Timoshenkobeamcolumn element,以便模擬出模型從低到高,由剪力到撓曲變形的行為。分析方法主要藉由非線性反應譜分析(Response spectral analysis, RSA)進行多種結構參數組合之參數分析,包含不同的外伸臂高程及BRB與外周柱的勁度比例,且參數值皆有一定的限制,以貼近實務上的設計。並以非線性歷時分析(Nonlinear response history analysis, NLRHA )驗證其受震反應結果。探討不同樓高含阻尼器外伸臂桁架系統,滿足不同最佳化目標包括最大頂層側位移角、層間側位移角、核心結構基底剪力、核心結構傾覆彎矩和BRB消能表現,最佳設計時結構參數的組合。
TitleSeismic performance and design of high-rise building incorporating buckling-restrained brace outrigger system
AuthorShou-June Tsai, Pao-Chun Lin
KeywordsHigh-rise structures, outrigger truss systems, buckling beam bracing, nonlinear response spectrum analysis, Nonlinear response yime history analysis
AbstractThe keen purpose of this study is to investigate the seismic performance of buildings equipped with damped-outrigger system using the buckling-restrained brace (BRB) system (BRB-outrigger) and to propose the optimal design recommendation for buildings with a different height. The numerical models with building heights of 72, 144, 216 and 288m, each contains two layers of BRB-outrigger and a 40m by 40m structural plan are analyzed using response spectral analysis (RSA) and nonlinear response history analysis (NLRHA) procedures. To get more closer to the actual reality, the member-by-member benchmark models are designed based on the seismic code requirement. In the response spectral analysis procedure, the equivalent damping ratio is computed in order to include the BRB’s inelastic response. For the main purpose of parametric study, a simplified model which will be using a Timoshenko beamcolumn element in order to capture shear-type to flexural-type lateral deformation for a lower to higher raising buildings are proposed. The dimensionless parameters that actually describe the relationships between the core structure stiffness, outrigger flexural stiffness, the axial stiffness of BRB and perimeter column in the parameter study are considered based on practical design and allowable structural sections. The optimization targets include the maximum roof drift, inter-story drift ratio, core structure base shear, core structure overturning moment and the BRB energy dissipation performance. Based on the analyzed result, the ranges of optimal design parameters vary in the different optimization targets and building heights. This study concludes with a design recommendation for building equipped with BRB-outrigger system with different building heights.

第三十八卷第一期 (期別147) (112年)

第三十八卷第一期 (期別147) (112年)

摘要國內建築普遍存在RC梁與RC柱外緣切齊偏心接合的情況,偏心接合RC梁之韌性尚未獲得實驗驗證。本研究針對此類國內工程實務問題,規劃4座大型鋼筋混凝土梁試體,並於內政部建築研究所材料實驗中心進行實驗驗證。本研究共製作R試體(梁主筋不偏移,箍筋為正常尺寸)、RH/SU試體(梁主筋向內偏移且箍筋為縮小尺寸,側面配置U形橫向輔助筋並以2根縱向輔助筋固定)、RH試體(梁主筋向內偏移且箍筋為縮小尺寸),以及SH/SLB試體(梁主筋向內偏移且箍筋為正常尺寸,箍筋增加2根縱向輔助筋固定)等4座試體,其中R試體做為本研究耐震性能之比較基準。研究結果發現:(1)所有試體(含3種外緣切齊的梁鋼筋配置細部)均可發展4%弧度的梁端轉角,皆能達到規範耐震要求。負方向韌性表現,以RH/SU試體為最優,RH試體次之,R試體再次之,SH/SLB試體為最差。SH/SLB試體上、下層梁主筋,皆僅有1根被箍筋角落束制,梁箍筋之角落配置縱向輔助筋,對於RC梁之耐震性能可能會造成不利的影響,因此建議RC梁箍筋之角落應配置梁主筋;(2)RH試體之一側混凝土保護層達85 mm,惟RH試體之側向強度及耐震性能皆不亞於R試體,因此實務上採用RH試體之型式,應為可接受的作法;(3)RH/SU及RH等2座試體之耐震性能皆優於R試體,惟RH試體裂縫寬度較寬且混凝土保護層剝落程度明顯較RH/SU試體嚴重,因此實務上建議採用RH/SU試體之型式。
TitleDiscussion on Influence of Reinforced Concrete Beam Reinforcement Detail with Flush Outside Faces of Beams and Columns on Seismic Performance
AuthorTai-Kuang Lee, Cheng-Cheng Chen
Keywordsreinforced concrete beams, columns, flush outside faces of beams and columns, seismic performance
Abstract        In domestic buildings, the eccentric beam-column connections with the flush outside faces of beams and columns are common, and the ductility of RC beams with eccentric connections has not been experimentally verified. In view of such domestic engineering practice problems, this study plans four large-scale reinforced concrete beam specimens, and conducts experimental verification at the Materials Experiment Center of the Architecture and Building Research Institute, Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan. In this study, the R specimen (the main reinforcement of the beam is not offset, and the stirrups are of normal size), the RH/SU specimen (the main reinforcement of the beam is offset inward and the stirrups are reduced in size, the side is equipped with U-shaped transverse auxiliary reinforcement and two longitudinal auxiliary reinforcements are fixed), the RH specimen (beam main reinforcement is shifted inward and stirrups are reduced in size), and the SH/SLB specimen (beam main reinforcement is shifted inward and the stirrups are normal size, and two longitudinal auxiliary reinforcements are arranged at the corners of the stirrup) are fabricated. The research results show that: (1) All specimens (including 3 beam reinforcement details with flush outside faces) can develop beam end rotation angle of 4% radian, which can meet the seismic requirement of the specification. For the seismic performance in the negative direction, the RH/SU specimen is the best, the RH specimen is the second, the R specimen is the third, and the SH/SLB specimen is the worst. There is only one top and bottom main reinforcement of the SH/SLB specimen, which is surrounded by the corner of the stirrup. The longitudinal auxiliary reinforcement is arranged at the corner of the stirrup of the beam, which may have an adverse effect on the seismic performance of the RC beam. Therefore, it is recommended that the corners of the stirrups should be equipped with the main beam reinforcement. (2) The concrete cover on one side of the RH specimen is 85 mm, but the results of this study show that the lateral strength and seismic performance of the RH specimen are not inferior to the R specimen. It is acceptable to use the type of the RH specimen in practice. (3) The seismic performance of the RH/SU and RH specimens is better than that of the R specimen, but the RH specimen has wider crack width and the degree of spalling of the concrete cover is obviously more serious than that of the RH/SU specimen. Therefore, it is recommended to use the type of the RH/SU specimen in practice.
作者林昱成、莊明介、林冠泓、鄧彬斌 、蔡克銓、蔡青宜、吳安傑、林瑞良
摘要國家地震工程研究中心為因應發展,於2019年10月至2020年11月,在既有六層樓鋼筋混凝土(reinforced concrete, RC)辦公大樓上,增建七層樓成為十三層RC、鋼骨鋼筋混凝土與鋼結構的複合結構。本文介紹二樓至七樓新建服務核樓板及鋼梁與既有 RC 結構接合處的分析與設計。本研究以梁腹側角鋼加勁,同時考量托架有無封板的型式,探討三種接合設計,並進行一系列的有限元素分析。經Abaqus有限元素模型推估接點元素在交界面的軸向勁度為100 tf/mm,配合PISA3D結構分析軟體建立十三層增建大樓的結構模型,進行16組地震的非線性反應歷時分析,二至七樓新舊樓板採雙質心雙剛性樓板的設定,並用6自由度接點元素來分析新舊樓板交界面接頭的受力。經PISA3D歷時分析結果可得二至七樓服務核與既有 RC 結構交界處之單一梁端最大軸力以及最大層間位移角,分別為165 tf以及 1% rad。本研究以保守方式,在不考慮樓板的貢獻,以上述力量和變形作為接頭的設計需求,再對各個接合設計進行 Abaqus 有限元素分析,接頭錨栓採用只受拉之線性彈簧,另以只受壓之線性彈簧來模擬接頭端鋼板抵靠於 RC 面之邊界條件,並在梁端反曲點 3,800 mm 處同步施以軸拉 1.5 mm 與面內向上 40 mm 之位移,來模擬設計地震下之設計需求。分析結果顯示基本設計的接頭型式,直托架接合之托架腹板產生明顯剪力降伏並可觀察到錨栓受力不均的情形。三種改良方案中,比較結果後可知新增封板能使錨栓最大受力降低 35% 以上,且封板傳力使錨栓受力分布均勻的效果顯著。此外,在封板角落可切除短邊長為200 mm之等腰直角三角形低應力區塊,以利未來錨栓受震後的安全性檢查。本研究確認以雙腹側角鋼加勁及直托架封板切角式為最佳方案,除能符合設計需求,可使梁發展出韌性較好之彎矩塑鉸,並具可供未來檢視錨栓的開孔。
TitleAnalyses and designs of the connections jointing the new steel structure and the existing RC structure in NCREE’s office building extension
AuthorYu-Cheng Lin, Ming‐Chieh Chuang, Guan-Hong Lin, Pin-Pin Deng, Keh-Chyuan Tsai, Ching-Yi Tsai, An-Chien Wu, Jui-Liang Lin
Keywordsseismic design, strengthened connection, chemical anchor, finite element analysis, nonlinear response history analysis
Abstract        The existing six-story office building of the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) was extended to thirteen-story from October 2019 to November 2020. This study presents the analysis and design of the connections jointing the existing RC structure and the new steel service core from the second to seventh floors. A steel bracket, which is welded to the steel beam bottom flange and connected to the RC column using chemical anchors, was considered as the basic design of the connection to transfer the gravity shear from the steel beam. This shear connection detail could avoid the congested reinforcing bars inside the RC beam-to-column joint, however, three alternative designs using strengthened schemes are investigated in this study.
        Nonlinear response history analyses (NRHAs) using PISA3D program for the NCREE’s 13-story composite building were conducted in order to gain insight into the possible maximum seismic force and deformational demands on the connections. The features of dual mass centroids and dual rigid diaphragms for the second to seventh floors are incorporated into the PISA3D model. The 6DOF joint elements are utilized to represent the aforementioned bracketed connections on the interface. The axial push-pull stiffness of 100 tf/mm, computed from an Abaqus finite element model (FEM) analysis for the connections, is utilized for all the 6DOF joint elements. A total of sixteen sets of ground accelerations are utilized. NRHA results indicate that the maximum axial force and maximum in-plane rotation of the connection at the steel beam end are about 165 tf and 0.01 radian, respectively.
        The Abaqus FEM analyses were conducted for investigation of four connection types including the basic design and three improved designs. The FEM analysis results indicate that the beam bracket of the basic design exhibits obvious shear yielding. The uneven anchor bolt forces developed are very evident. The improved load-carry capacity and a more uniform bolt forces developed are found in the strengthened designs, such as the stiffened steel angles at the beam web and bracket with cover plate. In addition, an approximately 200×200 mm triangular region on the cover plate corner with a low stress demand is observed. Based on these connections’ FEM analysis results, this study confirms that the strengthened scheme adopts double-sided stiffened steel angles at the beam web, the straight bracket with the angular cuts on the cover plates is suitable. The strengthened scheme adopted in the project not only meets the seismic demands but also allows the inspections of the anchor bolts in the future, if necessary.


摘要本文主要目的在探討台灣常用擴頭鋼筋之單體試件受拉的力學特徵,並開發符合時間效益的試驗裝置。本研究進行四種鋼筋強度等級(SD 420W、SD 490W、SD 550W與SD 690)共41組之擴頭鋼筋單體受拉試驗,擴頭部包括摩擦銲、銲接螺桿、擴頭滾牙與螺紋套筒灌漿等型式。試驗之滑動量結果顯示,試驗採用0.7Py與0.95Py為加載上限值,可獲得相同的合格與否鑑識結果,其中Py為鋼筋最小規定降伏強度。摩擦銲式擴頭鋼筋幾乎無滑動量。其餘滑動量由小至大分別為:限滑擴頭滾牙式、螺桿銲接式、擴頭滾牙式、與螺紋套筒灌漿式擴頭部,其中,非螺紋套筒灌漿式擴頭部之滑動量均不大於0.2 mm。對於螺紋套筒灌漿式擴頭鋼筋,有限制滑動裝置者,只要採用適當限滑裝置且施工適當時,其滑動量多能控制在0.3 mm內;無限制滑動裝置者,其滑動量均大於0.3 mm。本研究之強度試驗結果顯示,所有試體的最大強度均能發展鋼筋規定降伏強度的1.25倍與規定抗拉強度。本研究開發完成之擴頭鋼筋單體試件拉力試驗裝置能迅速並目視架設量測設備,以獲得準確的擴頭部滑動量,且較原試驗裝置可縮短約78%的試驗時間,該試驗裝置測試目標上限為SD 690之#12擴頭鋼筋。
Title“Mechanical Characteristics and Testing Device Development of Headed Reinforcements for Uniaxial Tension Test”
AuthorKer-Chun Lin, Chen-Yu Ou, Kai-Ning Chi, Sheng-Jhih Jhuang, Wen-I Liao
Keywordsheaded reinforcement, testing device to test single headed reinforcement in tension, slip of head part, elongation, tensile strength
AbstractThis paper mainly investigates mechanical characteristics of headed reinforcements in tension popular used in Taiwan and develops a fixture for testing to effectively shorten test time. A total of 41 headed reinforcement specimens that include four types of steel grade, SD 420W、SD 490W、SD 550W and SD 690, and three main types of head part, welded head, threaded head, grouted sleeve head. Test results related to head part slip showed that upper loading bounds of 0.7Py and 0.95Py to assess head part slip can acquire the same identified results those are qualified or not. The slip results for the various head parts indicated that the slip of welded head by friction was very limit. The slips of head part with the other heads from small to large in sequence were threaded head and grouted sleeve head. For the threaded heads of the headed reinforcements, all the slips were smaller than 0.2 mm. For the grouted sleeve heads of them, the slips of head part without a restraining-slip nut were more significant than 0.3 mm, but the slips of head part with a restraining-slip nut enable to be reduced under 0.3 mm as long as using proper fabricated process. Test results also presented that the maximum tensile strengths of each specimen exceeded its minimum specified ultimate strength and 1.25 times its minimum specified yield strength. The testing device developed in this study can install measure instruments quick and visually and get reliable measure results of head part slip. It also significantly reduces 78% of testing time per piece compared with the existed testing fixture. The load capacity of the fixture is for #12 reinforcement of SD 690.
關鍵字集中塑性模型、RC非線性、振動台實驗、TEASDA、ASCE 41、ETABS、OpenSees、ModIMK
TitleA Study on Nonlinear Dynamic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Structures using Concentrated Plasticity Model
AuthorFu-Pei Hsiao, Lyan-Ywan Lu, Hsuan-Wen Huang, Hung Cheng
Keywordsconcentrated plasticity model, nonlinear RC, shaking table test, TEASDA, ASCE 41, ETABS, OpenSees, ModIMK
Abstract        In recent years, some strong earthquakes, including the 921 Chi-Chi Earthquake, the 0206 Meinong Earthquake, and the 0206 Hualien Earthquake, have caused the collapse of med-to-high rise reinforced concrete (RC) buildings, and resulted in heavy casualties and severe property losses. Because of this, it is crucial to perform accurate numerical simulation for the nonlinear structural response of med-to-high rise RC buildings. This paper establishes a 7-story RC frame model with different plastic hinges using the commercial software ETABS and the open-source finite element software OpenSees developed by the University of California at Berkeley, USA. The effect of different plastic hinge settings on nonlinear time history analysis of the RC building is explored in this study. Then, based on the shaking table test results of the 7-story RC building, it is judged which plastic hinge analysis results are closer to the experimental structural response. Furthermore, since ETABS is a commercial software, its extensibility is relatively limited. In other words, users cannot add newly developed materials and elements to ETABS, nor connect ETABS with the experimental control system to conduct experiments. Therefore, this paper proposes a method to convert an ETABS model to a OpenSees model. This method will enable researchers to establish the plastic hinges for an equivalent OpenSees model with the help of ETABS, and to take the openness advantage of OpenSees software for analysis.
標題基於FEMA P58法之區域韌性評估:以美國洛杉磯非韌性鋼筋混凝土構架為例
作者陳鵬宇、Ertugrul Taciroglu
關鍵字機率式地震風險評估、區域評估、FEMA P58、非韌性鋼筋混凝土構架、增量動力分析、韌性指標
摘要都會地區房屋密集,遭遇地震時產生之性能表現係決定災損之重要依據。然而既有之結構性能評估所採用之非線性靜力法為一定量式分析(deterministic),一來無法有效地將地表運動以及結構動態反應之不確定性納入,二來其結果以結構反應參數來評估其耐震力,不利於非具工程背景之業主進行決策。另一方面,近來國際上朝向發展韌性城市(resilient city),對於結構工程師而言,如何量化房屋受震後之韌性以及進行大範圍之區域評估尚不清楚。有鑑於此,本研究提出一區域韌性評估之架構,當中依據機率式地震風險評估法(即FEMA P58),將增量動力分析與蒙地卡羅模擬結合進行災損評估,並依據評估結果量化成韌性指標(resilient index)。為示範此架構之應用,本研究以美國洛杉磯地區之非韌性(nonductile)鋼筋混凝土構架為例,透過開發之自動化建模程序完成1,452棟房屋之災損及韌性評估,當中完成了95萬筆非線性動力歷時分析。評估結果顯示在最大考量地震下的平均損失比為37.3%,震後近一年的平均韌性指標不到50%,且所有房屋恢復其原有功能需要至少三年時間。本研究藉由此案例說明,介紹FEMA P58法應用於區域評估之流程,後續期望能將此架構本土化應用於災前評估與災後應變,來提升台灣的都市韌性。
TitleRegional evaluation of resilience based on FEMA P58: a case study for nonductile reinforced concrete frames in Los Angeles
AuthorPeng-Yu Chen, Ertugrul Taciroglu
KeywordsProbabilistic seismic assessment, regional evaluation, FEMA P58, nonductile reinforced concrete frames, incremental dynamic analysis, resilient index
Abstract        Seismic damage and loss assessment are highly related to buildings’ performance. However, the current nonlinear static analysis for performance evaluation is a deterministic methodology, where the uncertainties and variation of ground motion and numerical modeling cannot be considered. Furthermore, the outcome of engineering parameters is difficult to be utilized by decision-makers who may not have engineering backgrounds. While the world is toward developing resilient city, it is still not clear to structural engineers how to quantify the seismic resilience and evaluate it for large-scale regions. Hence, this research proposes a framework for regional resilience evaluation, which is based on probabilistic seismic assessment (i.e., FEMA P58) to incorporate incremental dynamic analysis and Monte Carlo simulation for damage and loss assessment. Moreover, the outcome of the regional evaluation is used to quantify the resilience index to illustrate the ability of a city for recovering from an earthquake. To demonstrate the application of the proposed framework, 1,452 nonductile reinforced concrete frames in Los Angeles are simulated by developing an automatic modeling program. Around 950,000 nonlinear time history analyses are conducted through a supercomputer, and the outcomes are used for loss estimation and resilience quantification. The results show that the mean loss ratio for nonductile frames under maximum-considered earthquake is 37.3%, and the resilience index indicates that the city needs at least 3 years to recover. While the presented work is a US-based case study, the authors hope the framework can be extended and localized for Taiwan’s development of resilient city.

第三十七卷第四期 (期別146) (111年)

第三十七卷第四期 (期別146) (111年)



標題 「人工智慧在結構工程之應用」引言
作者 林子剛

      近年人工智慧(AI,artificial intelligence)正對各個領域帶來前所未有革命性的影響,土木結構工程亦朝向「智慧化」邁進。結構工程導入人工智慧,運用在大量的資料彙整、分析及尋找規律上,透過AI 能有效且快速地節省人力,可直接對接進入施工過程,讓大量常規項目規劃和設計變得快速,比起以往人工判讀更具備效能與效率。美國國家科學基金會(NSF)開發了一套名為BRAILS(大規模人工智慧建築識別)的工具,可以檢測城市建築在地震、颶風或海嘯中可能面臨的風險,此即是人工智慧結合土木結構工程的案例之一。


國立陽明交通大學土木工程學系 林子剛 教授 謹誌
結構工程期刊 特刊客座主編
2022 年12 月

摘要目視檢測常用於結構檢測中,以快速評估建物中構件或材料之耐用性,及尋找可能的損傷。然而,傳統目視檢測相當耗費人力及時間,鑒於以上問題,本研究開發一個進階的建物劣化檢測架構,其中功能包括巡檢規劃、即時劣化識別、損傷程度判別及記錄詳細的損傷狀況。於該架構中,首先規劃巡檢草圖,提供檢測時最有效率檢測路徑;接著本研究使用Scaled-YOLOv4,進行損傷物件偵測,該方法於大規模場域中,也能快速檢測損傷,並使用SOLOv2 模型,對混凝土裂縫位置進行像素等級之實例分割,以利更精確的裂縫量化;最後,根據檢測到的劣化嚴重性及面積大小,對構件的損傷程度進行評級。本研究以一所小學之走廊進行實際場域驗證,目的為檢測和量化混凝土構件之表面劣化。由驗證結果可見,藉由本研究之進階建物劣化檢測架構,於劣化辨識、損傷量化和檢測效率上,相較傳統建物目視檢測都獲得顯著改善。
TitleFramework of Advanced Building Inspection withRoute Planning, Defect Detection, and Damage Rating
AuthorShun-Hsiang Hsu, Ho-Tin Hung, Yun-Man Hsu, Chia-Ming Chang, Tzung-Wu Chen, Chun-Chung Chen
Keywordsvisual inspection; damage detection; damage quantification; deep learning
AbstractVisual inspection is commonly adopted for building operation, maintenance, and safety. The durability and defects of components or materials in buildings can be quickly assessed through visual inspection. However, implementations of visual inspection are substantially time-consuming, labor-intensive, and error-prone because useful auxiliary tools that can instantly highlight defects or damage locations from images are not available. Therefore, an advanced building inspection framework is developed and implemented with route planning, realtime and detailed damage recognition, and damage rating in this study. The inspection route sketching is first exploited to provide an efficient plan with significantly reduced disruption. Then, Scaled-YOLOv4 and SOLOv2 models are considered in this study to detect defects even in a large-scale field quickly and acquire pixel-level damage recognition for more precise quantification, respectively. Finally, damage levels of components are rated following the importance and numbers per unit area of the detected defects. This entire framework is also implemented and verified by the hallway of an elementary school to detect and quantify surface damage of concrete components. As seen in the results, the conventional building inspection is significantly improved by the aid of the proposed framework in terms of damage localization, damage quantification, and inspection efficiency.
作者周遠同、黎光曜 、郭柏志、張慰慈、黃尹男、陳俊杉
TitleLinear Static Analysis with Graph Neural Networks
AuthorYuan-Tung Chou, Kuang-Yao Li, Po-Chih Kuo, Wei-Tze Chang, Yin-Nan Huang , Chuin-Shan Chen
AbstractStructural design is an iterative process for optimum selection, which relies on structural analysis results and experience from structural engineers. Since iterative structural analysis is a necessary for getting a good design, accelerating structural analysis is an important task. In this work, we adopt deep learning approaches as a surrogate model for linear static analysis, which provides fast and accurate structural response prediction. Based on the similarity between the structure’s topology and graph data structure, we represent structures as graphs and leverage graph neural networks (GNNs) to learn the relationship between given external forces and corresponding structural responses. The GNN model is trained with random-generated structures, including random story number, span number, beam-column length, and value of external forces. The results show that the GNN model has good performance on displacement and force predictions and excellent generalizability on unseen, taller structures. In addition, it is shown that based on the analysis of feature importance, the GNN model can extract important physical attributes from the input features.
摘要結構健康監測(structural health monitoring,SHM)和結構完整性管理(structural integrity management,SIM)為逐漸興起的技術,為了持續檢測結構狀態並不斷追蹤結構劣化,海量的資料伴隨著不正常的量測數據正不斷的被產生,至此,檢測與分類這些帶來問題的異常訊號大多依靠人工,這不僅費時費力,工作更是乏味。在本研究中,檢測與分類異常訊號的工作將被機器學習的技術取代,並嘗試利用統計學的優勢來提高檢測與分類的正確性,模式識別網路(pattern recognition network)被採納來使用一維的輸入資料,而GoogLeNet 被引入來使用二維的輸入資料,並利用一組現地量測資料進行學習,其結果顯示兩種機器學習的技術均可有效的檢測與分類異常訊號,並且其算力需求與正確性是個權衡下的結果,因此對於兩種技術的使用情境將可視應用的需求而定。
AuthorTian-Xun Lin, Shieh-Kung Huang, Jau-Yu Chou
Keywordsdata anomaly, machine learning, pattern recognition network, GoogLeNet
AbstractStructural health monitoring (SHM) and structural integrity management (SIM) are emerging recently. To continuously track the condition and constantly detect early deterioration of the infrastructure, huge amounts of data are produced and abnormal measurement is inevitable. The corrupted data can produce a lot of problems and, generally, they are examined and classified by humans. In this study, the detection and classification are replaced by the techniques of machine learning (ML) and improved by using statistic information. The neural networks based on 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional data are studied via a field dataset collected from a long-span cable-stayed bridge. Therefore, a shallow network, called pattern recognition network, is selected to use 1-dimensional data as an input and a deep network, GoogLeNet, is selected to use 2-dimensional data. The results show that both models can detect and classify the data anomalies and the usage depends on the assigned application and the trade-off between computation and performance.
摘要本研究以神經網路熵(Neural Network Entropy, NNetEn)為研究基礎,並將此熵分析方法與卷積神經網路(Convolutional Neural Network, CNN)結合,發展出一套具實用性之結構健康監測系統。為了驗證其系統之可行性,將進行七層樓鋼構架的破壞實驗,並建置與鋼構架相同結構特徵之數值模型。首先使用狀態空間法建立數值模型,模擬與鋼構架相同之十六種破壞模式,並將破壞時之各樓層加速度訊號以神經網路熵進行分析,建立熵值資料庫,再將此熵值資料庫用以訓練類神經網路模型。前期研究之熵值是藉由人為觀察後定義其閥值,藉以判斷結構是否破壞,因此為了避免人為因素的誤判及自動化判讀,本研究以可視化之 heatmap 量化熵值變化,並選用適用於影像處理的卷積神經網路分析,透過將熵值轉為圖像資料之方式不僅能夠減少模型中之參數量還能提升其運算速度。神經網路模型在訓練過程中藉由提取熵值中的破壞特徵並學習,在訓練完成後模型即能在識別輸入資料的破壞特徵後定位結構物之破壞區域。最後,透過國家地震工程研究中心之七層樓鋼構架驗證所設計之十六種破壞案例,逐例討論模型的輸出值並以混淆矩陣量化數值模擬和實驗驗證之預測結果。本研究提出的結構健康診斷系統,將新興之熵分析方法結合類神經網路,其最終驗證實驗之測試樣本結果其準確率 93.13%。
TitleApplication of Convolution Neural Network and Neural Network Entropy Algorithm for Structural Health Monitoring
AuthorTzu-Kang Lin, Yi-Ting Lin, Kai-Wei Kuo
KeywordsStructural Health Monitoring, NNetEn, Convolution Neural Network
AbstractThis study combines Neural Network Entropy (NNetEn) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to develop a practical structural health monitoring system. In order to verify the feasibility of the system, the failure experiment of a seven-story steel frame has been carried out with a numerical model of the same structural characteristics as the steel frame. The state space method is used to simulate the sixteen failure modes on the steel frame, where the acceleration signals of each floor at the time of failure are analyzed by neural network entropy. An entropy database is established based on the model to train the neural network model. To avoid the misjudgment and automatic interpretation of human factors, this study uses the visualized heatmap to quantify the change of entropy value, and the convolutional neural network analysis is selected for image processing. By converting the entropy value into image data, not only the number of parameters in the model can be reduced, but its operation speed can be improved. During the training process, the neural network model extracts and learns the damage features in the entropy value. After the training is completed, the model can allocate the damage area of the structure by identifying the damage features of the input data. Finally, through the verification of 16 failure cases simulated on the seven-story steel frame of the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), the performance of the proposed SHM system is evaluated by both numerical simulation and experimental verification with confusion matrix. The SHM system proposed in this study combines the emerging entropy analysis method with a neural network. The test results of the final verification have an accuracy rate of 93.13%.
摘要地震模擬振動臺是地震工程研究重要的實驗設備,已廣泛應用在各種結構系統的耐震性能試驗,諸如鋼筋混凝土結構、鋼結構、隔減震結構以及精密設備等,因此振動臺加速度控制之精確與否在振動臺實驗中特別重要。本研究提出使用深度學習的方式, 使用了長短期記憶(Long Short-TermMemory, LSTM)神經網路,透過大量實驗資料訓練出振動臺的外迴路控制器。本研究使用油壓驅動之大型單軸向振動臺,設計一組鋼構造試體安裝其上並進行大量的振動臺實驗,以得到LSTM 之訓練資料,再將訓練所得到的LSTM 作為前饋控制器,加裝在振動臺既有的三參數控制架構中,藉此補償振動臺加速度控制的動態響應。實驗結果證明LSTM 前饋控制器可有效地降低振動臺的加速度誤差,並減少試體與振動臺的互制現象,使振動臺之加速度性得到顯著的提升。本研究成果顯示應用深度學習於提升振動臺加速度表現的發展潛能,未來可進行更多的相關研究,以改善振動臺實驗之測試品質。
TitleImproved Acceleration Tracking Performance of Seismic Simulators using Supervised Deep Learning
 Kui-Xing Lai and Pei-Ching Chen
KeywordsSeismic shake table; acceleration control, three-variable control; deep learning, long short-term memory neural network
AbstractSeismic shake table testing has been widely used for various structural systems such as steel structures, reinforced-concrete structures, energy-dissipated and base-isolated buildings, and nonstructural components etc. Therefore, accurate replication of shake table acceleration is particularly important to these tests. In this study, supervised deep learning approach is applied as an alternative for seismic shake table control. The Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network is built for training the controller to improve acceleration performance of the shake table. A large-scale servo-hydraulic uniaxial shake table is adopted. A steel specimen is designed and fabricated for performing a large number of shake table tests. Then, the shake table testing data are used to train a feedforward controller using LSTM which is implemented close to an existing Three-Variable Control (TVC) loop. The validating experimental results prove that the acceleration tracking performance is improved compared with conventional TVC. The control-structure interaction is also suppressed. The experimental results demonstrate the proposed control scheme reduces the acceleration tracking error effectively compared with conventional TVC control. The research results also show great potential for deep learning application to seismic shake table control in the future. Keywords: Constitutive model, anisotropy, shear-slip and re-contact, mesh-sensitivity, non-proportional loading, concrete, finite element
摘要現今時代處於能源高消耗的處境且加上地球暖化帶來的災害規模日益嚴重,使人們對於公共資產管理、減少能源消耗、預測災害損失更加重視。本研究提出利用深度學習建置合成電力網路,以便未來使用其擬真模型進行電網可靠度分析。本研究利用街景圖配合物體識別及計算交集的方式定位出電線桿之地理資訊,並利用此地理資訊建立其合成電力網路。研究首先使用Mask R-CNN 與YOLOv4 物體識別模型,進行時長之條件控制訓練,並比較兩種模型的精確度得出適合此研究之方法。接續調整其參數配置,比較不同參數下對於此研究的最佳模型設置。對於區域的研究進行每條街的個別物體識別,並設計兩種排序方式進行電線桿排序,分別為經緯度以及最短路徑,利用兩種排序方式進行基於馬爾科夫隨機場(Markov random field,MRF)和基於方位線(line of bearing, LOB)與基於密度之聚類演算法(Densitybasedspatial clustering of application with noise, DBCSCAN)兩種方式計算交集,接著進行電線桿之補遺,使其更符合真實電線桿最大容許間距。最後,利用距離迭代的方式合併所有街道並刪除重複預測的電線桿點位,得出四種結果。使用四種結果與真實電線桿地理資訊進行精度比對,選擇出最適者並利用最小生成樹(minimum spanning tree, MST)建立電力網路,建立後分析並比較其性質與真實電力網絡的區別。未來可使用此模型進行改善,使其更符合真實電力網路,並使用其合成電力網絡進行電網可靠度分析、公共資產管理、災害分析等分析。
TitleSynthetic Power Distribution Network Construction Based on Deep Learning Algorithm
 Yue-Hung Lin and Chi-Ying Lin
Keywordssynthetic power distribution network, deep learning, object detection, geo-positioning
AbstractGlobal warming has caused high energy consumption and an increasing scale of disasters, which make people draw more attention to public asset management to reduce energy consumption and predict losses caused by disasters. Based on a deep learning based object detection approach, this study develops a synthetic power distribution network that can serve as an alternative to the real power distribution net-work and be used to analyze its reliability. This research uses the street view images to detect utility poles and conduct geo-positioning to locate utility poles on the map. For object detection, the Mask R-CNN and YOLOv4 are trained with controlled du-ration, and then the accuracy of the two models is compared to determine which method is suitable for this research. Second, the model’s hyperparameters are adjusted and compared to determine the best model setting for the object detection task in this study. Then the selected model is used to perform the object detection task for each street in the research region. Two sorting methods, namely, the latitude and longitude sorting method and the shortest path sorting method, are proposed to sort the poles for pole geopositioning and supplementation. With two sorting methods, pole geopositioning is conducted based on two approaches: The first is the Markov random field (MRF) approach, and the second is the line of bearing (LOB) with density-based spatial clustering of application with noise (DBSCAN). After determining the detected pole location, pole supplementation is conducted to ensure the maximum allowable distance between poles. Third, four sets of results are obtained by merging all streets and removing duplicate poles by means of distance iteration. Finally, four results are compared with the coordinates of real utility poles. The most suitable method for study region is selected to establish the synthetic power distribution network using the minimum spanning tree (MST). In the future, this model can be improved to make it more in line with the real power distribution network, and the synthetic power distribution network can be used for power grid reliability analysis, public asset management, disaster analysis, power demand-supply analysis, etc.

第三十七卷 第三期 (期別145) (111年)

第三十七卷第三期 (期別145) (111年)

摘要本研究收集鋼骨鋼筋混凝土(Steel Reinforced Concrete, SRC)柱及梁柱抗彎接頭最新國外設計規範及研究成果,再與臺灣鋼骨鋼筋混凝土規範及近年之研究進行分析比較,其中在SRC 柱設計方面,對於混凝土強度、鋼骨強度、柱主筋間距、鋼柱寬厚比等在考慮研究及工程實務的可行性,提出設計條文建議修訂。另外鋼筋混凝土柱與鋼梁(Reinforced Concrete Steel,RCS)之接頭已被美國及日本規範列為一種抗彎接頭,臺灣規範目前尚未有此種接頭設計方法,但學術界及實務界已有一些相關研究供參考,本研究針對RCS 接頭整合美日規範的設計理論,再與國內外研究的成果彙整成RCS接頭剪力設計方法作為規範修訂參考。藉由此次國內外相關規範研究及實驗結果彙整工作,修訂2011 年版的鋼骨鋼筋混凝土構造設計規範與解說以期更符合現今國內實務應用及國際技術發展。
TitleDesign Revision of Column and Beam-to-Column Moment Connection in Taiwanese Specification of Steel Reinforced Concrete Structures
AuthorYu-Fang Liu, Te-Kuang Chow, Chung-Che Chou, Szu-Jui Huang, Lien-An Chen
KeywordsSteel-Reinforced-Concrete (SRC) Structure, Column, Width-to-Thickness Ratio, Beam-to-Column Moment Connection, Shear Strength of Connection,
AbstractThe design specifications and literatures related to SRC columns and beamcolumn connections in the United States, Japan, and Taiwan were collected for the revision of Taiwan Design Specifications and Commentary of Steel- Reinforced-Concrete Structures. The revision recommendation will be expected to be an essential reference for design and construction of SRC structures in Taiwan. Design of Reinforced-Concrete-Column and steel beam connection (called RCS connection) has been included in the design specifications of United States and Japan. However, this connection type has not been included in Taiwan specifications. This work was focused on revision of SRC code in Taiwan. In terms of SRC column design, concrete strength, steel strength, column reinforcement spacing, and column width-to-thickness ratio are revised based on AISC 341 (2016). Integrating the design theories of U.S. and Japan, as well as the research results in Taiwan, a new section of RCS design was recommended to the updated SRC code.
摘要挫屈束制支撐(buckling-restrained brace, BRB)能經濟且有效地提升結構勁度、強度與韌性消能行為,已廣泛運用於建築結構系統。桁架圍束式挫屈束制支撐(truss-confined BRB, TC-BRB)為新型BRB,特點在中央圍束鋼管外再配置由特定數量、方向及尺寸之桁架系統,並與中央鋼管共同構成圍束單元,提供所需之撓曲剛度。此種桁架圍束系統可使中央鋼管與內灌砂漿之斷面大幅下降,能減少自重但仍維持設計強度;此優勢特別利於長跨與高軸力BRB 之應用。本研究擴充、改良與簡化過去研究的理論模型與設計方法,提出變斷面桁架圍束系統及中央鋼管等效剛度的精確計算方法,利用能量法評估圍束單元彈性挫屈強度,並提供簡化計算方式。為進一步驗證分析理論,本研究新增規劃兩組1/3 縮尺之變斷面TC-BRB 試體,設計長度與強度分別約為6.3 米與90 噸,採用國震中心多軸向試驗系統進行反覆載重試驗。藉由四組試驗結果提出圍束單元彈性挫屈強度與整體TC-BRB 壓力強度計算方法,並建議工程實務應用時可採用的設計參數。此外,本研究提出一套有限元素模型分析方法,能有效模擬弦桿殘餘應力效應及BRB 壓拉強度差異現象,驗證圍束單元彈性挫屈強度理論分析的可靠度,並可有效模擬TC-BRB 實際受力變形反應。
TitleA Study of BRBs using Varying Section Steel Truss Restrainers
AuthorLu-An Chen, An-Chien Wu, Chun Chen, Keh-Chyuan Tsai
Keywordsbuckling-restrained brace, truss-confined restrainer, flexural rigidity, shear rigidity, buckling load, finite element analysis
AbstractBuckling-restrained braces (BRBs) can effectively improve the stiffness, strength, ductility, and energy dissipation capacity of building structures. Recently, a novel type of BRB called truss-confined BRB (TC-BRB) has been investigated. The feature of the TC-BRB is attaching an additional truss system outside the central steel casing. The truss system is composed of several steel open-web truss frames thereby providing the overall restraining rigidity, reducing the steel casing section size and infilled mortar. The overall self-weight is reduced as compared to the conventional BRB, especially in the cases of longspan and large load-carrying BRB applications. This study extends and improves the stability assessment methods of the TC-BRB investigated previously. The equivalent flexural rigidity and shear rigidity of varying-section truss confining system are re-examined first. The method of computing the effective shear area of central casing is developed. The results are integrated into the calculations of elastic buckling strength of the restraining system. A simplified computing method is also proposed. Two additional 1/3-scaled specimens each of about 6.3m long and 90tf (853kN) yield strength were designed and tested in the MATS facility in NCREE. Considering tests results of four specimens of similar size and capacity in the previous and this studies, the relationship between the elastic buckling strength of restrainer and the ultimate compressive strength of entire TC-BRB is constructed. The required design parameters are provided for practical applications. In addition, a numerical modeling procedure which can effectively simulate the effects of the BRB compressive over-strength and the residual stresses in the chord members is introduced. Analytical results indicated that the proposed calculations in the restrainer’s elastic buckling strength are reliable and the specimens’ hysteresis behavior can be captured satisfactorily.
摘要鋼筋混凝土(RC)剪力牆之高強度及高勁度雖可有效改善結構系統來提昇建築物之耐震能力,但其高勁度也易於地震中較梁柱構材先產生裂損,專業技師在評估受震損含RC 剪力牆建物的殘餘耐震能力與安全性時,常面臨損壞判斷及震損構材模擬等技術上之問題,尤其對於那些僅為輕度到中度損壞之牆體,其可能不需補強但仍需評估其殘餘耐震能力的牆體。因為對受震損RC 牆的殘餘耐震性能於國內外之研究相當稀少,常使得要使用國內側推分析之詳細評估法來評估震損建物殘餘性能時,於震損RC 牆塑鉸設定上之強度、勁度與變形容量的折減方式無量化選擇依據。故本研究主要目的是通過文獻收集與回顧,彙整RC 剪力牆之震損後力學行為,並與美國及日本現有之震後評估指針的參數與方式進行比較探討其合適性,並依營建署之損傷等級,對輕度至中重度震損RC 牆於塑鉸設定上之強度、勁度與變形容量的折減方式提出建議,期能填補部分國內於震損RC 牆殘餘耐震能力評估上所缺之資訊。
TitleDiscussion on the Residual Capacity and Plastic Hinge Properties of Earthquake Damaged RC Shear Walls
AuthorWen-I Liao, Yu-Ming Zheng, Xuan Ling Chen
KeywordsReinforced concrete, shear wall, residual seismic capacity, plastic hinge
AbstractDue to the high lateral strength and stiffness of the RC shear wall, it can effectively improve the structural system and increase the seismic capacity of the building structure. However, the high stiffness property of RC walls will also easily induce cracking or damage as compared to the beam-column members in the earthquake. The technical problems for judgment of damage status and simulation of damaged components are often difficult to be determined, especially for those RC walls that are only at slightly or moderately damaged status, they may not need retrofitting but their residual seismic capacity should be evaluated. When using the nonlinear pushover analysis procedure to evaluate the residual seismic performance of damaged RC walls. Because researches on the residual seismic performance of damaged RC walls earthquakes are very limited. There is still no quantitative method for the selection of reduction factors on strength, stiffness, and deformation capacity of RC walls with various damaged statuses. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to collect and analyze the relative research works of literature on the post-earthquake behavior of RC shear walls. The suggested criteria, parameters, and procedures of the existing post-earthquake assessment guidelines in the U.S. and Japan are compared with those latest publications in the area of the residual capacity of RC walls for discussing their suitability. Finally, a reduction method based on Taiwan seismic evaluation procedure was proposed for modifying the nonlinear hinge properties of damaged RC walls with different damaged states.
摘要地震工程發展日新月異,然而目前許多有效的隔減震技術,如加強結構本身的強度與韌性、於結構底部安裝隔震系統、利用消能元件吸收地震能量等,皆僅針對單一結構進行嵌入式安裝,這對於老舊且急需耐震補強建築繁多的臺灣,可能無法兼顧合理成本與時間效益的考量。近五年全球開始發展以波傳與複合材料角度切入的地震超材料研究,其不直接接觸結構物本體,轉而思考於保護區域外圍建立屏障,使特定頻段的地震波產生衰減或轉向,進而有效保護既有且大範圍的社區。考慮臺灣地震頻繁、老舊大樓及基礎設施眾多,以及缺乏地震超材料的本土性相關研究,本文通訊作者組成跨領域研究團隊,並於2021 年起在科技部補助下開始執行三年期整合型計畫「地震超材料結構的隔減振屏蔽:理論架構、數值模擬及實驗」。本文除回顧國外地震超材料之研究發展外,亦簡介整合型計畫的前期研究與整合現況,並提出未來可能的發展方向與策略,以期提供工程與研究人員關於隔減震的另一思維。
TitleA Review of Seismic Metamaterials for Seismic Protection
AuthorHsu-Ci Su, Hsiang-Jung Wang, Wen-Chung Chang, Tzu-Kang Lin, Cheng-Hung Lin, Tung-Yu Wu, Kuo-Chen Chang, Tung-Yang Chen
Keywordsseismic metamaterial, seismic waves, local resonance, periodic structure, wave propagation
AbstractCurrent seismic-resistant technologies include enhancement of structural strength and ductility, application of isolation systems, and adoption of energy dissipation devises. These approaches target a single building and integrate isolation and damping devices. In the area with significant numbers of aging buildings like Taiwan, retrofitting existing infrastructure with traditional methods may not be a pragmatic solution. Seismic metamaterials have emerged as a state-of-the-art research topic in the last decade. They block or deflect waves by forming a seismic shield outside the area around existing structures without direct contact with the actual buildings. The seismic metamaterials are able to complement the techniques used in current earthquake engineering; however, domestic study on this subject is limited. Therefore, Professor Tungyang Chen assembled an interdisciplinary team to conduct the 3-year integrated project titled “Seismic Metamaterials towards Cloaking Earthquakes: Theoretical Framework, Numerical Modelling and Experimental Verifications”, under the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan since 2021. This review article includes literature review on seismic metamaterials, current progress in Taiwan, and future work. The study introduces the insights of seismic metamaterials for engineers and researchers, and aims to provide alternatives from seismic isolation and energy dissipation.
標題運用致動器量測之振動台運動分析與關鍵參數識別方法–以MAST 為例
摘要為了解或驗證結構物之耐震性能,將待測物安裝於振動台檯面進行動態測試,為最直接且廣為採納之研究方法。配置於國震中心臺南實驗室之關鍵零組件測試系統(Multi-Axial Seismic Test System,簡稱MAST)係以油壓驅動之六軸向振動台。該系統配置為史都華平台(Stewart platform)式,僅採用6 支致動器即可實現六自由度運動,可降低建置成本以及系統冗餘度。本文將簡介MAST 系統,而後推導MAST 系統致動器伸長量與檯面位移之轉換關係,以及致動器出力與等值檯面作用力之轉換關係。為能有效模擬MAST 系統之動態行為,以便進行實驗規劃,本文亦將提出MAST 系統等效質量及等效摩擦力與阻尼力之識別方法。由實驗數據識別之等效質量顯示,其與MAST 原始設計之理論質量結果相當接近,表示本文提出之等效質量識別方法之可靠性。此外,相關研究通常以庫倫摩擦模型或Bouc-Wen模型描述摩擦力,本文採用Bouc-Wen 模型描述元件相互位移產生之摩擦力,因該模型於速度轉折處為連續且可微分,更易於應用於數值分析與模擬;後經迴歸分析獲取關鍵參數,發現數值模擬結果與MAST 系統量測之實驗數據相近,顯示利用Bouc-Wen 模型模擬MAST 系統內摩擦力之可行性。綜上所述,此研究將有助於了解振動台系統動態特性及探討相關識別技術,並能提供關鍵參數於後續進行數值分析以及後續與結構試體互制之動態模擬之研究。
TitleKinematics and Identification Study Applied to the Shaking Table by Using the Actuator Measurement: Take MAST for example
AuthorChin-Ta Lai, Shih-Wei Yeh, Pu-Wen Weng, Fu-Pei Hsiao, Bai-Yi Huang
Keywordsshaking table, Stewart platform, actuator kinematics, force transformation, parametric identification
Abstract“A shaking table test is one of the experimental methods widely adopted to inspect the seismic performance of structures. A multi-axial seismic test system (MAST) equipped in Tainan Laboratory, National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) is a hydraulic powered six-degree-of-freedom shaking table, which consists of a rigid mass and six actuators. The placement of the actuators follows the design of the Stewart platform. Hence the MAST system can achieve 6-DOF dynamic motion with the least amount of actuators; in other words, reducing the cost and the redundancy of the system.
This article introduces the MAST system in the very first paragraph. Then the kinematics study based on the geometric relation between the actuators and the rigid platen will apply to the forward and inverse conversion of the actuator displacement/force and the platen 6-DOF displacement/force. In addition, this study proposed system identification methods to evaluate the equivalent mass and the equivalent damping and friction force of the MAST system, which are critical characteristic parameters for simulating the system’s dynamic responses. As a result, the identified equivalent mass approximates the design value, which shows the high fidelity of the proposed system identification method. Moreover, a Bouc-Wen model, which is wildly adopted on describing the friction force and numerical-friendly, is validated in this study. The parameters for Bouc-Wen model are obtained through the regression analysis by utilizing the experimental data. While the simulated results based on the Bouc-Wen model are consistent with the experimental data, it can be concluded that the equivalent mass and damping force of the MAST system or similar systems can be quickly evaluated through the proposed identification methods in this study. With the help of the proposed method, it’s possible to simulate the table motion of the MAST system or similar shaking table system, and then conduct further study, such as dynamic interaction between the system and the specimens.”
標題論「預鑄工法大小梁部分剛性接合之設計」一文中 小梁負彎矩鋼筋錨定細節之結構安全疑義
TitleDiscussion on“Design of partial rigid joint of precast girder and Beam” by Tzu-Liang Wu and Shyh-Jiann Hwang
AuthorCheng-Ping Chen
Keywordsanchorage, load transfer path, shear friction
AbstractThis article discusses some concerns about the design of partial rigid connection presented in the manuscript entitled “Design of partial rigid joint of precast girder and beam”. In the case where precast beam anchored at the spandrel beam, the negative flexure reinforcement of the precast beam should satisfy not only the development length requirements but also the integrity of load transfer path.