第三十四卷第二期 (期別134) (108年)
標題 | 輕型鋼管結構簡易接頭之受力行為與強度 |
作者 | 陳正誠、林曉芳 |
關鍵字 | 鋼管結構接頭、簡易接頭 |
摘要 | 近年來臺灣因為少子化的問題,勞動市場逐漸邁向高齡化,勞力的缺乏以及營造業基層勞動人力招募不易等因素,使得需要高勞力的鋼筋混凝土構造建造成本持續提升。使用輕型鋼管結構配合新型式簡易接頭的施工方法,是一個可以有效降低勞力需求及建造時間的結構形式。但目前對於簡易接頭之強度以及與簡易接頭連接之銲道的強度,沒有相關研究結果可供參考。有鑑於此,本文採用結構試驗之方式,探討簡易接頭受力行為,建立接頭強度評估方法。每一個簡易接頭是由兩個形狀構造相同的接頭元件,配合兩顆高強度螺栓組合而成。簡易接頭有用於梁端接頭(簡稱BJ)及用於柱端接頭(簡稱CJ)兩種型式,目前適合使用於斷面100 x 100 mm 之方管及200 x 100 mm之矩形管。經過一系列共51 個試體之載重試驗,配合規範相關強度評估公式,得到主要結果如下:(1)與200 x 100 mm 矩形管連接之BJ 接頭,其正向剪力設計強度可達22.5 tf,負向剪力設計強度可達12.3 tf;(2)與100 x 100 mm 方管連接之BJ 接頭,其正向剪力設計強度可達10.7 tf,負向剪力設計強度可達9.98 tf;(3)與200 x 100 mm 矩形管連接之CJ 接頭,其拉力設計強度可達13.8 tf,壓力設計強度可達61.4 tf;(4)與100 x 100 mm 方管連接之CJ 接頭,其拉力設計強度可達13.8 tf;壓力設計強度可達37.0 tf。 |
Title | The Strength of A New Type Connection for Rectangular Steel Tube Structures |
Author | Cheng-Cheng Chen, Xiao-Fang Lin |
Keywords | steel tube structure, steel tube construction |
Abstract | In order to improve construction efficiency of low-rise buildings, a new type of connection for steel tube structures was developed.The new type connection for horizontal and vertical members are designated as BJ and CJ connections, respectively. Each of the new type connection is composed of two identical parts and assembled by two high strength bolts. The strength of this new type connection and the strength of the welds connecting the connection and steel tube were experimentally studied. A total of 51 successful tests were carried out and the following conclusions then are made accordinly: (1) The welds connecting the new type connection and the steel tube possess enough strength to transfer member forces from tubes to the connection. Therefore, it is suggested that the type and size of welds used in the test specimen should be used in the real structures. (2) The design shear strengths for BJ connection are proposed. (3) The design tensile strength and design compressive strength for CJ connection are also proposed. |
標題 | 2018 年CNS 560 鋼筋標準修訂 |
作者 | 林克強 |
關鍵字 | 竹節鋼筋、螺紋節鋼筋、節相對投影面積,總伸長率、均勻伸長率 |
摘要 | 本文主要介紹並說明2018 年CNS 560「鋼筋混凝土用鋼筋」標準的主要修訂內容,包括:(1)新增SD 550W 與SD690 之鋼筋種類:SD 550W 之鋼筋屬於「耐震構材用」與「可銲接」鋼筋;SD 690 為一般用途之鋼筋,若欲應用於耐震構材,可要求實際抗拉強度與實際降伏強度比值不小於1.25,但因該鋼筋未明確規定化學成分,故須經驗證合格之銲接程序方可銲接加工,否則不可銲接。(2)新增螺紋節形式之鋼筋:螺紋節鋼筋可適用於灌漿式螺紋續接器,惟螺紋節鋼筋之節距最大值不大於鋼筋半徑,可獲得與竹節鋼筋相同之握裹性能,並可視為竹節鋼筋之一種。(3)修訂彎曲試驗法:依據ASTM A615 與A706 標準之精神,進行彎曲試驗時,鋼筋端部之軸向不得固定,以避免鋼筋在彎曲過程中受到額外軸向應力之影響。此外,建議未來的CNS 560 鋼筋標準能以對應於實際抗拉強度(actual tensile strength)之均勻伸長率(uniform elongation),作為鋼筋韌性變形能力的評估準則,使得鋼筋能符合結構性能設計原理,提供結構構件對應的變形需求。 |
Title | Revisions of CNS 560 Steel Bars Standard in 2018 |
Author | Ker-Chun Lin |
Keywords | deformed bars, threaded bars, relative projected area of rib, total elongation, uniform elongation |
Abstract | This paper is intended to introduce and describe the major revisions of CNS 560 standard for steel bars using in reinforced concrete structures that include: (1) Adding two types of steel grade, SD 550W and SD 690. For the SD 550W steel, it is weldable and applicable for seismic members. For the SD 690 normal steel, a minimum ratio of 1.25 for the actual tensile-to-yield strength ratio is requested for seismic members, but welding is not allowed due to no limitations on its chemical compositions. (2) Creating a new type of threaded bars. The threaded bars are suitable for the grouted and threaded couplers. The requirements of deformation dimensions for the threaded bars are identical to those for the deformed bars, except that the rib pitch shall not exceed 0.5 times the diameter of steel bar. That is to get the same level of bond performance with the deformed bars. Therefore, the threaded bars can be regarded as one kind of the deformed bars. (3) Revising the method of bend test. For the bend test, based on the requirements of ASTM A615 or A706 standard, the steel bar shall not be restricted movement in its longitudinal direction to prevent from effects of the additional axial stress during the bend testing. In addition, it is recommended that the requirements of uniform elongation corresponding to actual tensile strength should be incorporated into the future version of CNS 560 standard as an assessment criterion of steel bar ductility. This conforms to the principles of performance-based design and provide the corresponding deformation demands of structural members. |
標題 | 板橋浮洲鋼筋混凝土高層建築結構補強實驗及ETABS非線性動力耐震評估 |
作者 | 周中哲、鍾秉庭、粘評、陳威霖、劉郁芳、柯鎮洋、王志誠、陳景誠 |
關鍵字 | 鋼筋混凝土高層建築、單側增築RC 梁、單側鋼板剪力補強、雙K型斜撐鋼框架剪力補強、U型鋼板剪力補強、耐震試驗、非線性靜力側推分析、非線性動力歷時分析 |
摘要 | 本研究評估新北市板橋浮洲37棟鋼筋混凝土高樓層住宅的結構補強效益,內容先敘述補強構件的試驗,驗證補強設計的合理性,再藉由結構分析程式 ETABS(2016)進行其中一棟高層建築物的非線性靜力側推及非線性動力歷時分析求得耐震需求來評估補強效益。板橋浮洲建築物地上結構之補強構件共進行二種類型試驗:(1) 鋼筋混凝土連梁剪力補強試驗,主要探討以單側增築梁寬(增加箍筋量及無收縮水泥砂漿填補)和單側補鋼板對鋼筋混凝土梁剪力補強效益,(2)雙K 型斜撐鋼框架剪力補強試驗,主要探討鋼造雙K 型斜撐於反覆載重下之挫屈及與既有RC 結構接合行為。建築物地下結構之補強構件則進行鋼板剪力補強鋼筋混凝土梁試驗,探討兩側鋼板和U 型鋼板補強對鋼筋混凝土梁剪力補強成效。上述實尺寸構件補強試驗於2016~2017 年間在國家地震工程研究中心進行,補強試驗結果可滿足臺灣和美國規範ACI 374.2R-13(2013)之強度與韌性要求。本研究並進一步地以一棟24 層高樓鋼筋混凝土建築物作為分析標的,藉由非線性靜力側推及非線性動力歷時分析瞭解建築物於475及2500 年地震迴歸期下的變形及力量需求,驗證耐震補強成果。 |
Title | Seismic retrofit of existing high-rise RC buildings: full-scale test and nonlinear dynamic frame analysis using ETABS program |
Author | Chung-Che Chou, Ping-Ting Chung, Ping Nian, V-Liam Chin, Yu-Fang Liu, Chen-Yang Ko, Chu-Chun Wang, Ching-Cheng Chen |
Keywords | high-rise RC building, shear retrofit, double K-braced steel frame, U-shaped steel plate, one-sided steel plate, seismic test, nonlinear static pushover analysis, nonlinear dynamic frame analysis |
Abstract | This study evaluates the seismic retrofit of existing high-rise RC buildings in New Taipei City, Taiwan. The paper presents structural test results for verifying the design of member retrofit, nonlinear static pushover analysis and dynamic analysis of the high-rise RC building. The superstructure is mainly retrofitted by two methods. One way adopts a one-sided shear retrofit scheme for RC coupling beams, which are retrofitted with reinforced cement mortar or a steel side plate, respectively, from only one side of the beam to simulate the actual condition on site. The other way is to add a double K-type braced steel frame to increase the shear capacity of the RC frame. The RC beams in the basement are retrofitted with steel plates to increase the shear capacity. The full-scare members with shear retrofits were tested at the National Center of Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) in 2016 and 2017. The test results meet the requirements of the strength and ductility based on Taiwan Seismic Specification and ACI 374.2R-13 (2013). In this study, a 24-story high-rise RC building was analyzed using the computer program, ETABS (2016). The nonlinear static pushover analysis and nonlinear dynamic analysis were conducted to evaluate the seismic performance of the building frame under a set of 2500 year-return period earthquakes, further verifying the seismic demands and technology of the seismic retrofit. |
標題 | 台灣混凝土彈性模數折減對數項結構相關設計規範的影響 |
作者 | 胡瑋秀、廖文正 |
關鍵字 | 彈性模數、台灣混凝土結構設計規範、台灣建築物耐震設計規範及解說、鋼結構容許應力設計法規範 |
摘要 | 台灣混凝土彈性模數Ec 較現行規範所預估之値有偏低的趨勢,其值約為規範的80%左右,彈性模數的修正將會對版梁柱尺寸設計、設計基底剪力值和其餘與彈性模數相關的規範產生影響,如台灣混凝土結構設計規範、台灣建築物耐震設計規範及解說與鋼結構容許應力設計法規範等。然而上述相關規範沒有對其中受彈性模數影響的公式做出修改。為使設計更為準確,須探討彈性模數修正對規範的影響。本研究檢視前述規範中直接或間接與彈性模數有關的規定,探討其數項受影響的公式,並依據學理提出對應的建議。依據本研究結果,非預力單雙向版規範因應彈性模數的折減,其最小深度需要增加為1.077 倍;在柱的長細效應中,當細長比為40時,其彎矩放大係數則需要增加為1.15倍;當混凝土之抗壓強度小於360kgf / cm2 時,則單一剪力釘容許強度將變為0.89倍,所需剪力釘個數變為1.124倍。以上結果顯示,彈性模數的修正不僅單是修正Ec 值公式,規範中直接或間接與彈性模數有關的規定均須要修正。 |
Title | Study of Influences of Reduced Elastic Modulus of Concrete on Related Structural Design Codes in Taiwan |
Author | Wei-Hsiu Hu, Wen-Cheng Liao |
Keywords | modulus of elasticity, design code for structural concrete in Taiwan |
Abstract | In Taiwan, the prediction of Ec calculated by current design code is usually overestimated by 20% of that obtained by experimental results. The revision code of Ec = 12000 (f’c)^0.5 is 80% of current Ec = 15000 (f′c)^0.5 . The reduction of Ec would influent the size of beam and column, design value of base shear and other related structural design codes in Taiwan, such as “Design Code for Concrete Structures”, “Seismic Design Specifications and Commentary of Buildings” and “Allowable Stress Design Specifications and Commentary of Steel Structures”. The objectives of this research are to clarify those influences on these related structural design codes with reduced Ec and to comment and give suggestions to the engineering society. The results show that because of the reduction of Ec, the minimum thickness of reinforced concrete slab should increase by 7.7% times, moment magnification factor would increase by 1.15 times (if slenderness ratio of column is 40), number of shear concrete stud would increase by 1.124 times (if compressive strength of concrete f′c < 360 kgf/cm^2). Structural design codes that directly or indirectly related to Ec should be modified accordingly because of the reduction of Ec. |
標題 | 初談浮動式房屋分析與設計 |
作者 | 王峙蓉、尹世洵、張哲豪 |
關鍵字 | 抗洪房屋、浮動式房屋 |
摘要 | 本文的目的主要是介紹設計浮動式房屋時所需考慮的設計概念與流程。此具有抗洪能力之浮動式房屋由避淹鋼箱下部結構與輕型冷軋型鋼桁架上部結構所組成,並在房屋周圍設置引導房屋垂直運動之柱子,當洪水來臨時,利用洪水的浮力讓房屋沿著周圍柱子往上浮起,當洪水退去時,沿著周圍柱子下降至地面。由於房屋具有上浮的功能,所以無法直接固定於地面,因此藉由支承墊傳遞垂直向與水平向載重。本文將藉由一個浮動式房屋案例,針對浮動式房屋四個主要組成部分,包括避免洪水進入屋內的避淹鋼箱、屬於房屋主體的輕型鋼桁架結構、房屋未浮起時將房屋所受載重傳遞至基礎的支承墊、以及房屋浮起時限制房屋水平移動的導柱,進行實際案例分析與設計,希望所介紹之浮動式房屋設計流程與分析方法可以提供國內產官學界參考,對國內浮動式房屋的發展有所幫助。 |
Title | Preliminary discussions on analysis and design of floating houses |
Author | Jhih-Rong Wang, Shih-Hsun Yin, Che-Hao Chang |
Keywords | flood-proof house, floating house |
Abstract | The main purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept and procedure needed to design a floating house which has flood-proof capability. The house was composed of steel box substructure and lightweight cold-form steel truss superstructure. Several columns were built up around the house, which can guide the house move up and down through a ring system connected to it. The house can float up along the columns due to buoyancy when flood waters invade and return back to the original location of the base when flood waters recede. Since the house has such a floating mechanism, it cannot be fixed to ground directly. Rubber Bearings were needed to pass vertical and horizontal loadings. In this paper, a real case study will be conducted for designing a floating house including a steel box structure preventing from invasion of flood waters, a lightweight truss structure forming the main house structure, rubber bearing pads transferring loads to foundation when the house is located on the ground, and guide columns limiting the horizontal movement of the house when it floats. The design and analysis procedure presented here may provide industry, government, and academic institutions in Taiwan with some design guidance and be beneficial to the development of floating houses. |