第三十四卷第二期 (期別134) (108年)

第三十四卷第二期 (期別134) (108年)

摘要近年來臺灣因為少子化的問題,勞動市場逐漸邁向高齡化,勞力的缺乏以及營造業基層勞動人力招募不易等因素,使得需要高勞力的鋼筋混凝土構造建造成本持續提升。使用輕型鋼管結構配合新型式簡易接頭的施工方法,是一個可以有效降低勞力需求及建造時間的結構形式。但目前對於簡易接頭之強度以及與簡易接頭連接之銲道的強度,沒有相關研究結果可供參考。有鑑於此,本文採用結構試驗之方式,探討簡易接頭受力行為,建立接頭強度評估方法。每一個簡易接頭是由兩個形狀構造相同的接頭元件,配合兩顆高強度螺栓組合而成。簡易接頭有用於梁端接頭(簡稱BJ)及用於柱端接頭(簡稱CJ)兩種型式,目前適合使用於斷面100 x 100 mm 之方管及200 x 100 mm之矩形管。經過一系列共51 個試體之載重試驗,配合規範相關強度評估公式,得到主要結果如下:(1)與200 x 100 mm 矩形管連接之BJ 接頭,其正向剪力設計強度可達22.5 tf,負向剪力設計強度可達12.3 tf;(2)與100 x 100 mm 方管連接之BJ 接頭,其正向剪力設計強度可達10.7 tf,負向剪力設計強度可達9.98 tf;(3)與200 x 100 mm 矩形管連接之CJ 接頭,其拉力設計強度可達13.8 tf,壓力設計強度可達61.4 tf;(4)與100 x 100 mm 方管連接之CJ 接頭,其拉力設計強度可達13.8 tf;壓力設計強度可達37.0 tf。
TitleThe Strength of A New Type Connection for Rectangular Steel Tube Structures
AuthorCheng-Cheng Chen, Xiao-Fang Lin
Keywordssteel tube structure, steel tube construction
AbstractIn order to improve construction efficiency of low-rise buildings, a new type of connection for steel tube structures was developed.The new type connection for horizontal and vertical members are designated as BJ and CJ connections, respectively. Each of the new type connection is composed of two identical parts and assembled by two high strength bolts. The strength of this new type connection and the strength of the welds connecting the connection and steel tube were experimentally studied. A total of 51 successful tests were carried out and the following conclusions then are made accordinly: (1) The welds connecting the new type connection and the steel tube possess enough strength to transfer member forces from tubes to the connection. Therefore, it is suggested that the type and size of welds used in the test specimen should be used in the real structures. (2) The design shear strengths for BJ connection are proposed. (3) The design tensile strength and design compressive strength for CJ connection are also proposed.
標題2018 年CNS 560 鋼筋標準修訂
摘要本文主要介紹並說明2018 年CNS 560「鋼筋混凝土用鋼筋」標準的主要修訂內容,包括:(1)新增SD 550W 與SD690 之鋼筋種類:SD 550W 之鋼筋屬於「耐震構材用」與「可銲接」鋼筋;SD 690 為一般用途之鋼筋,若欲應用於耐震構材,可要求實際抗拉強度與實際降伏強度比值不小於1.25,但因該鋼筋未明確規定化學成分,故須經驗證合格之銲接程序方可銲接加工,否則不可銲接。(2)新增螺紋節形式之鋼筋:螺紋節鋼筋可適用於灌漿式螺紋續接器,惟螺紋節鋼筋之節距最大值不大於鋼筋半徑,可獲得與竹節鋼筋相同之握裹性能,並可視為竹節鋼筋之一種。(3)修訂彎曲試驗法:依據ASTM A615 與A706 標準之精神,進行彎曲試驗時,鋼筋端部之軸向不得固定,以避免鋼筋在彎曲過程中受到額外軸向應力之影響。此外,建議未來的CNS 560 鋼筋標準能以對應於實際抗拉強度(actual tensile strength)之均勻伸長率(uniform elongation),作為鋼筋韌性變形能力的評估準則,使得鋼筋能符合結構性能設計原理,提供結構構件對應的變形需求。
TitleRevisions of CNS 560 Steel Bars Standard in 2018
AuthorKer-Chun Lin
Keywordsdeformed bars, threaded bars, relative projected area of rib, total elongation, uniform elongation
AbstractThis paper is intended to introduce and describe the major revisions of CNS 560 standard for steel bars using in reinforced concrete structures that include: (1) Adding two types of steel grade, SD 550W and SD 690. For the SD 550W steel, it is weldable and applicable for seismic members. For the SD 690 normal steel, a minimum ratio of 1.25 for the actual tensile-to-yield strength ratio is requested for seismic members, but welding is not allowed due to no limitations on its chemical compositions. (2) Creating a new type of threaded bars. The threaded bars are suitable for the grouted and threaded couplers. The requirements of deformation dimensions for the threaded bars are identical to those for the deformed bars, except that the rib pitch shall not exceed 0.5 times the diameter of steel bar. That is to get the same level of bond performance with the deformed bars. Therefore, the threaded bars can be regarded as one kind of the deformed bars. (3) Revising the method of bend test. For the bend test, based on the requirements of ASTM A615 or A706 standard, the steel bar shall not be restricted movement in its longitudinal direction to prevent from effects of the additional axial stress during the bend testing. In addition, it is recommended that the requirements of uniform elongation corresponding to actual tensile strength should be incorporated into the future version of CNS 560 standard as an assessment criterion of steel bar ductility. This conforms to the principles of performance-based design and provide the corresponding deformation demands of structural members.
關鍵字鋼筋混凝土高層建築、單側增築RC 梁、單側鋼板剪力補強、雙K型斜撐鋼框架剪力補強、U型鋼板剪力補強、耐震試驗、非線性靜力側推分析、非線性動力歷時分析
摘要本研究評估新北市板橋浮洲37棟鋼筋混凝土高樓層住宅的結構補強效益,內容先敘述補強構件的試驗,驗證補強設計的合理性,再藉由結構分析程式 ETABS(2016)進行其中一棟高層建築物的非線性靜力側推及非線性動力歷時分析求得耐震需求來評估補強效益。板橋浮洲建築物地上結構之補強構件共進行二種類型試驗:(1) 鋼筋混凝土連梁剪力補強試驗,主要探討以單側增築梁寬(增加箍筋量及無收縮水泥砂漿填補)和單側補鋼板對鋼筋混凝土梁剪力補強效益,(2)雙K 型斜撐鋼框架剪力補強試驗,主要探討鋼造雙K 型斜撐於反覆載重下之挫屈及與既有RC 結構接合行為。建築物地下結構之補強構件則進行鋼板剪力補強鋼筋混凝土梁試驗,探討兩側鋼板和U 型鋼板補強對鋼筋混凝土梁剪力補強成效。上述實尺寸構件補強試驗於2016~2017 年間在國家地震工程研究中心進行,補強試驗結果可滿足臺灣和美國規範ACI 374.2R-13(2013)之強度與韌性要求。本研究並進一步地以一棟24 層高樓鋼筋混凝土建築物作為分析標的,藉由非線性靜力側推及非線性動力歷時分析瞭解建築物於475及2500 年地震迴歸期下的變形及力量需求,驗證耐震補強成果。
TitleSeismic retrofit of existing high-rise RC buildings: full-scale test and nonlinear dynamic frame analysis using ETABS program
AuthorChung-Che Chou, Ping-Ting Chung, Ping Nian, V-Liam Chin, Yu-Fang Liu, Chen-Yang Ko, Chu-Chun Wang, Ching-Cheng Chen
Keywordshigh-rise RC building, shear retrofit, double K-braced steel frame, U-shaped steel plate, one-sided steel plate, seismic test, nonlinear static pushover analysis, nonlinear dynamic frame analysis
AbstractThis study evaluates the seismic retrofit of existing high-rise RC buildings in New Taipei City, Taiwan. The paper presents structural test results for verifying the design of member retrofit, nonlinear static pushover analysis and dynamic analysis of the high-rise RC building. The superstructure is mainly retrofitted by two methods. One way adopts a one-sided shear retrofit scheme for RC coupling beams, which are retrofitted with reinforced cement mortar or a steel side plate, respectively, from only one side of the beam to simulate the actual condition on site. The other way is to add a double K-type braced steel frame to increase the shear capacity of the RC frame. The RC beams in the basement are retrofitted with steel plates to increase the shear capacity. The full-scare members with shear retrofits were tested at the National Center of Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) in 2016 and 2017. The test results meet the requirements of the strength and ductility based on Taiwan Seismic Specification and ACI 374.2R-13 (2013). In this study, a 24-story high-rise RC building was analyzed using the computer program, ETABS (2016). The nonlinear static pushover analysis and nonlinear dynamic analysis were conducted to evaluate the seismic performance of the building frame under a set of 2500 year-return period earthquakes, further verifying the seismic demands and technology of the seismic retrofit.
摘要台灣混凝土彈性模數Ec 較現行規範所預估之値有偏低的趨勢,其值約為規範的80%左右,彈性模數的修正將會對版梁柱尺寸設計、設計基底剪力值和其餘與彈性模數相關的規範產生影響,如台灣混凝土結構設計規範、台灣建築物耐震設計規範及解說與鋼結構容許應力設計法規範等。然而上述相關規範沒有對其中受彈性模數影響的公式做出修改。為使設計更為準確,須探討彈性模數修正對規範的影響。本研究檢視前述規範中直接或間接與彈性模數有關的規定,探討其數項受影響的公式,並依據學理提出對應的建議。依據本研究結果,非預力單雙向版規範因應彈性模數的折減,其最小深度需要增加為1.077 倍;在柱的長細效應中,當細長比為40時,其彎矩放大係數則需要增加為1.15倍;當混凝土之抗壓強度小於360kgf / cm2 時,則單一剪力釘容許強度將變為0.89倍,所需剪力釘個數變為1.124倍。以上結果顯示,彈性模數的修正不僅單是修正Ec 值公式,規範中直接或間接與彈性模數有關的規定均須要修正。
TitleStudy of Influences of Reduced Elastic Modulus of Concrete on Related Structural Design Codes in Taiwan
AuthorWei-Hsiu Hu, Wen-Cheng Liao
Keywordsmodulus of elasticity, design code for structural concrete in Taiwan
AbstractIn Taiwan, the prediction of Ec calculated by current design code is usually overestimated by 20% of that obtained by experimental results. The revision code of Ec = 12000 (f’c)^0.5 is 80% of current Ec = 15000 (f′c)^0.5 . The reduction of Ec would influent the size of beam and column, design value of base shear and other related structural design codes in Taiwan, such as “Design Code for Concrete Structures”, “Seismic Design Specifications and Commentary of Buildings” and “Allowable Stress Design Specifications and Commentary of Steel Structures”. The objectives of this research are to clarify those influences on these related structural design codes with reduced Ec and to comment and give suggestions to the engineering society. The results show that because of the reduction of Ec, the minimum thickness of reinforced concrete slab should increase by 7.7% times, moment magnification factor would increase by 1.15 times (if slenderness ratio of column is 40), number of shear concrete stud would increase by 1.124 times (if compressive strength of concrete f′c < 360 kgf/cm^2). Structural design codes that directly or indirectly related to Ec should be modified accordingly because of the reduction of Ec.
TitlePreliminary discussions on analysis and design of floating houses
AuthorJhih-Rong Wang, Shih-Hsun Yin, Che-Hao Chang
Keywordsflood-proof house, floating house
AbstractThe main purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept and procedure needed to design a floating house which has flood-proof capability. The house was composed of steel box substructure and lightweight cold-form steel truss superstructure. Several columns were built up around the house, which can guide the house move up and down through a ring system connected to it. The house can float up along the columns due to buoyancy when flood waters invade and return back to the original location of the base when flood waters recede. Since the house has such a floating mechanism, it cannot be fixed to ground directly. Rubber Bearings were needed to pass vertical and horizontal loadings. In this paper, a real case study will be conducted for designing a floating house including a steel box structure preventing from invasion of flood waters, a lightweight truss structure forming the main house structure, rubber bearing pads transferring loads to foundation when the house is located on the ground, and guide columns limiting the horizontal movement of the house when it floats. The design and analysis procedure presented here may provide industry, government, and academic institutions in Taiwan with some design guidance and be beneficial to the development of floating houses.


第三十四卷第一期 (期別133) (108年)

第三十四卷第一期 (期別133) (108年)

摘要針對雙向鋼板剪力牆底層角落邊界柱須抵抗兩正交向剪力牆之作用,本研究利用過去研究所提單向剪力牆底層邊界柱設計方法,考量雙向構架及鋼板共同造成之彎矩、剪力及軸力互制關係,設定底層柱塑鉸高程在0.3倍柱高,提出雙向鋼板剪力牆邊界柱設計方法。為驗證所提之設計方法,本研究利用四組兩層L 型平面之雙向鋼板剪力牆有限元素模型進行分析,分析結果顯示,所提設計方法可準確預測底層受壓邊界柱之雙向彎矩需求分佈與塑鉸發生位置。此外箱型邊界柱須承受與柱面垂直之鋼板拉力場作用力,柱面板厚不足時可能導致局部非線性變形,本研究亦探討雙向鋼板剪力牆交界處邊界箱型柱面外受拉力與變形之關係,並提出耐震設計方法。鋼板剪力牆頂層邊界梁構件須承受下方鋼板下拉力引致之正彎矩,本研究以有限元素分析探討邊界鋼寬翼梁與混凝土樓板合成之行為,分析結果顯示當合成梁受來自鋼梁下方之鋼板拉力,混凝土樓板與鋼梁之共同作用行為並不明顯,因此本研究建議設計時應保持一般鋼寬翼斷面梁之設計方法,僅考量鋼骨之彎矩強度。
TitleSeismic design and analysis on boundary elements in bidirectional steel plate shear walls
AuthorYi-Hsuan Yang, Tung Huang, Chao-Hsien Li, Ching-Yi Tsai, Keh-Chyuan Tsai
Keywordsbi-directional steel plate shear walls, capacity design, axial, shear and flexural interaction, finite element model analysis, composite beam
AbstractThe aim of this research is to propose a seismic design method for the corner vertical boundary elements (VBEs) in bidirectional steel plate shear walls (SPSWs) through a series of analytical and experimental studies. The VBEs at the intersection of bidirectional SPSWs must sustain the force demands induced from the two SPSWs simultaneously. The column axial force, bi-directional moments and shears are incorporated in the proposed procedures in computing the reduced column flexural capacities. The location of the bottom column flexural hinge is set at an elevation of 0.3 times the first story column height in order to achieve both performance and economy goals. In this paper, the effectiveness of the proposed design method is verified by four two-story L-shape bidirectional SPSW finite element model (FEM) analyses. The pushover analyses on the FEMs confirm that the flexural demands and the plastic hinge locations of the bottom corner VBEs can be predicted by the proposed method. This research also investigates the effectiveness of the composite action of the concrete slab and steel beam in the SPSW’s top boundary element using FEM analysis. Analysis results show that the composite action is not pronounced since the vertical downward panel forces are applied on the beam bottom flange.
標題 含鋼板阻尼器構架最佳化設計
作者 張舉虹、蔡克銓
關鍵字 鋼板阻尼器、耐震設計、容量設計、受剪挫屈、最佳化設計、抗彎構架
摘要 鋼板阻尼器(Steel Panel Damper, SPD)為三段式寬翼構件,中段為非彈性核心段,上下兩段為彈性連接段,在核心段配置加勁板,可延遲受剪挫屈的發生。在抗彎構架配置SPD,核心段腹板能反覆受剪降伏來消能,本研究利用MATLAB 最佳化工具箱,結合模擬退火法與梯度下降法成混合式演算法,考慮上下層SPD 相同且皆於梁跨中心,僅探討SPD、邊界梁與其交會區之設計,以最少SPD、加勁板、邊界梁全長、交會區疊合板與連續板總用鋼量為目標函數。SPD、加勁板、邊界梁斷面與交會區疊合板厚為設計變數;以滿足SPD、邊界梁與交會區容量設計、SPD 核心段加勁板設計及防止斷面局部與側向扭轉挫屈作為基本限制條件,研究最少用鋼量為「基本設計」。因SPD 勁度強度可分離,在固定強度下可增加勁度,然增加SPD或邊界梁勁度,皆能提升構架勁度,本研究根據反曲點取出SPD 與邊界梁十字子構架,在選定SPD 強度下,以子構架側向勁度增加50%為新增限制條件,再次進行最佳化設計,稱所得最少用鋼量為「1.5 倍勁度設計」。設計範例顯示在滿足基本限制條件下,只須增約9%用鋼量,即可達1.5 倍勁度設計。為提高勁度,主要以增加邊界梁深與腹板厚較有效,但將導致梁強度增加40%。另對梁強度增量設25%上限,發現須較基本設計增約11%用鋼量,才可得1.5 倍勁度設計。若另對梁深也設上限,須增約30%用鋼量,才可得1.5 倍勁度設計;此時梁強度為基本設計的1.2 倍。本研究也討論垂直載重對邊界梁設計之效應,並表列實際可供工程應用之最佳化SPD 與邊界梁的設計尺寸案例。
Title Optimization of Steel Panel Dampers for Moment Resisting Frame Designs
Author Chu-Hung Chang, Keh-Chyuan Tsai
Keywords steel panel damper, seismic design, capacity design, shear buckling, optimization design, moment resisting frame
Abstract The proposed 3-segment steel panel damper (SPD) consists of one middle inelastic core (IC) and two end elastic joint (EJ) wide-flange sections. During earthquakes, the two EJs of the same cross-sectional property, are designed to remain elastic while the IC could undergo large inelastic shear deformation thereby dissipating seismic energy. In order to sustain a large deformation and delay the shear buckling of the IC web, stiffeners must be properly devised. In this study, optimization algorithm is adopted to proportion the SPDs and the boundary beams, and achieve the minimum steel weight design. It is assumed that two identical SPDs, one above and one below, are attached to the boundary beam mid-span. The MATLAB optimization toolbox combined the simulated annealing algorithm with the gradient-descent method is adopted to find the minimum steel weight design. The objective function is the total weight of the SPD, the boundary beam and the panel zone. The design variables are the sectional properties of the SPD, the boundary beam and the doubler plate thickness. Constraints include the capacity design of the SPD, boundary beam and panel zone, the stiffeners of the IC web, compact section and lateral torsional buckling limit state design requirements. The ”basic design”  is the lightest sections meeting all the constraints. The lateral stiffness of the two SPDs- to-boundary beam subassembly can be enhanced by either increasing the stiffness of the SPDs or the boundary beam. As examples, the optimization designs of increasing 50% more stiffness of the subassemblies as the new constraint were conducted also. While complying with the aforementioned constraints, the steel weight is increased by about 9% to achieve a 50% more stiffened design. The stiffness of the subassemblies are found enhanced most effectively by increasing the beam depths and web thicknesses.
標題 鋼造自復位挫屈束制斜撐(SC-SBRB)發展及耐震試驗
作者 周中哲、蔡文璟、鍾秉庭
關鍵字 自復位挫屈束制斜撐、反覆載重、殘餘變形、能量消散
摘要 鋼造斜撐構架具有良好的耐震性能,然而在大變形下易使建築物產生結構損壞和殘餘變形,造成震後難以修復且費用昂貴,因此本文提出一種可提升建築物抗震能力的全新鋼造自復位挫屈束制斜撐(Self-Centering Sandwiched Buckling-Restrained Brace, SC-SBRB),此種斜撐同時具有雙核心自復位斜撐的自復位能力及挫屈束制斜撐的消能能力,自復位能力是利用斜撐中的兩組拉力構件束制斜撐中的鋼受壓構件,使斜撐在大變形下具有回到零殘餘變形的能力;消能能力是利用兩組獨立分離的圍束構件以栓接方式束制斜撐中的核心構件,使得斜撐受壓不會挫屈而產生飽滿的遲滯消能。本文首先介紹兩組不同構件配置的自復位挫屈束制斜撐,說明其力學行為及抗震機制,以減少建築物受震的最大變形及殘餘變形,並於實驗室進行兩組長度7860 mm 的實尺寸斜撐試驗驗證其耐震性能,試驗結果顯示斜撐的傳力機制與理論預測相符,試驗亦證明兩組斜撐試體分別經歷共3 次反覆載重及52 圈疲勞載重測試下仍保持良好耐震能力,斜撐更可在層間側位移角2.5%而不破壞,最大軸力可達1700 kN,全部試驗的累積韌性容量可達1090-1129,超過美國耐震規範AISC (2010)的建議值200。
Title Development and Seismic Tests of Steel Self-Centering Sandwiched Buckling-Restrained Braces (SC-SBRBs)
Author Chung-Che Chou, Wen-Jing Tsai, Ping-Ting Chung
Keywords Self-centering sandwiched buckling-restrained brace (SC-SBRB), Cyclic test, Residual deformation, Energy dissipation
Abstract Earthquake-resisting frame systems that are designed based on current seismic provisions provide life safety performance in a large earthquake, but may have significant structural damage or residual drift due to energy dissipation in designated structural members. The damage leads to difficult or expensive repairs after a large earthquake. Therefore, development of a structural system that has both energy dissipation and self-centering properties in earthquakes is needed to improve the seismic performances of buildings. This paper presents a viable solution that was validated by multiple cyclic tests of an innovative brace, called a dual-core self-centering sandwiched buckling-restrained brace (SC-SBRB). The proposed brace combines the self-centering property of a dual-core self-centering brace (DC-SCB) and the energy dissipation of a sandwiched buckling-restrained brace (SBRB) together. The dual-core SC-SBRB is essentially a DC-SCB that is positioned concentrically with a SBRB to create both the self-centering and energy dissipation properties in either tension or compression. A 7860 mm-long dual-core SCSBRB, which uses ASTM A572 Gr. 50 steel as bracing members and ASTM A416 Grade 270 steel tendons as tensioning elements, was cyclically tested six times to validate its kinematics and cyclic performance. The test program demonstrated that the proposed dual-core SC-SBRB provides stable hysteretic responses with appreciable energy dissipation, self-centering behavior and large deformation capacity before low-cycle fatigue failure of the SBRB core.
標題 考量強地動特性之可變勁度隔震系統研發與應用
作者 劉政嘉、林子剛、盧煉元、蕭迦恩
關鍵字 勁度可變、速度能量、隔震系統、半主動控制、半主動控制、最佳動位能比例法
摘要 近年來,結構物隔減震研究日趨受到重視,過去的研究顯示隔減震效應無法即時判定地震類型,並針對近遠域地震特性改變以達到最佳控制效果。為了使控制效果最佳化,本研究開發一套半主動控制系統「地震能量預測比例法」(Feed-forward Predictive Earthquake Energy Analysis, FPEEA),透過量測地震主波到來前之速度,計算頻率域之能量頻譜,進而區分出近遠域地震;並結合最佳動位能比例法(Minimal Energy Weighting, MEW)決定位能權重,以有效即時控制結構反應。本研究已開發完成此半主動控制理論, 搭配槓桿式可變勁度隔震系統(Leverage-type Stiffness Controllable Isolation System, LSCIS),調整槓桿支點位置進而改變隔震層勁度,以達到最佳的隔減震效果。與過去的半主動控制律相比,本研究之控制律可達到與MEW相同之控制效果甚至更佳。實際振動台試驗結果顯示,透過速度能量判定可於主要震波來前區分出近遠域地震,達到即時控制效果。而針對近域地震情況下,更可有效降低隔震層位移,並對上部結構加速度反應有良好的控制成效。
Title Development and Application of a Variable Stiffness Isolation System Considering Ground Motion Characteristic
Author Zheng-Jia Liu, Chia-En Hsiao, Tzu-Kang Lin, Lyan-Ywan Lu
Keywords Stiffness-variable, energy of velocity, isolation system, semi-active control, minimum energy weighting
Abstract In recent years, the research of isolation and mitigation system has become more and more important. In the traditional isolation and mitigation system, the control effect may be reduced because of unknown earthquake types. To have the best effect of response reduction, the systems have to be adaptive with the earthquake type. To achieve that, an upgraded algorithm, Feed-forward Predictive Earthquake Energy Analysis (FPEEA), is proposed by considering the energy of earthquake velocity to have the optimal response. The new algorithm quickly evaluates the velocity energy to have the optimal weighting of minimum energy weighting (MEW). With the optimal weighting of the potential energy and the kinetic energy, the PFEEA can reduce the structural responses efficiently. In order to demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithm, a single-degree-of-freedom structure is used as a benchmark in both numerical simulation and experimental verification. With predicting the optimal weighting in advance, the type of earthquake can be defined before the main shock of earthquake comes. The results have shown that the dynamic response of the structure can be effectively alleviated. Comparing to the structural responses of the MEW method, the performance of the proposed algorithm is similar to MEW or even better. The shaking table test also demonstrates the feasibility of applying the proposed algorithm in practical application.
TitleA Life Cycle Consideration Structural Design Method for Concrete-Filled Steel Tubes Structure
AuthorJenn-Chuan Chern, Zu-Liang Wu
Keywordscreep, autogenous shrinkage, drying creep, CFT, structural design
AbstractThe concrete-filled steel tubular structure has become a common structural type for buildings, which is matched with the use of self-compacting concrete, which is helpful for increasing the bearing capacity and stiffness of the high-rise building and increasing the effective use of the building area. However, the existing specifications and designs adopt the composite design method, and the structural design and the creep & Shrinkage behavior of the in-filled concrete and the interaction between concrete and steel tube are not fully considered in the existing structural design. This study introduces the time-dependent deformation characteristics of concrete and the necessity of applying local developed prediction formulas and proposes a design analysis method for concrete-filled steel tubular structures considering life cycle, and proposes design procedures and case studies to ensure the life expectancy in life cycle. During the period, the structural safety and serviceability of the structure can be ensured.

第三十三卷第四期 (期別132) (107年)

第三十三卷第四期 (期別132) (107年)

摘要為解決結構受震層間位移角分佈不均之問題,本研究希望利用簡化分析模型對強脊系統(strongback system)進行大量的參數分析,提出有效的設計參數。本研究以廣義建築模型(generalized building model,GBM)及含強脊系統之廣義建築模型(generalized building model with strongback,GBMSB)作為簡化的數值模型,針對在台北二區,第二類地盤的三、六、九和二十層建築進行參數分析。採用SRSS 振態疊加法估算最大彈性層間位移角,並利用層間位移角的標準偏差作為均勻度指標,評估層間位移角分佈之均勻性,使層間位移角的標準偏差為最小之設計為最佳設計。分析結果顯示強脊系統為純剪力型式,且其層勁度呈線性遞減,並且於一樓加勁的勁度分配法效果最佳。為了驗證參數分析之有效性,採用SAC 研究計畫中的九層鋼構造抗彎矩構架,和國家地震工程研究中心台南實驗室的三層鋼筋混凝土構架試體作為驗證例。將原始結構模型(分別稱為SAC9 和T3)、含最佳強脊系統之結構模型(分別稱為SAC9-SB 和T3-SB)、及含非最佳強脊系統之結構模型,分別利用PISA3D 結構分析程式進行非線性反應歷時分析。結果顯示配置最佳強脊系統之SAC9-SB 和T3-SB 層間位移角之標準偏差平均值最小,能使層間位移角分佈最為均勻。
TitleStrongback systems for enhancing the seismic performance of buildings
AuthorMeng-Kwee Kek, Jui-Liang Lin, Keh-Chyuan Tsai
Keywordsinter-story drift ratio, generalized building model, strongback, nonlinear response history analysis
AbstractIn order to reduce the variations of peak inter-story drifts occurred in earthquakes along the building height, this research conducts the parametric study of the buildings with strongback systems through simplified numerical models. The generalized building model (GBM) and generalized building model with strongback (GBMSB) are employed as the simplified numerical models in the parametric study. This study investigated 3, 6, 9 and 20-story buildings.The peak inter-story drift ratios along the building height are computed by using the response spectrum analysis method, in which the peak modal responses are combined according to the SRSS method. The optimization objective is to minimize the standard deviation of the peak inter-story drift ratios. The optimal stiffness distribution of a strongback is thus obtained.The results of parametric study show that when a pure shear-type strongback, whose first story is stiffened and its story stiffness decreases linearly along the height, the standard deviation of inter-story drifts is minimized. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by investigating one 9-story steel building and one 3-story reinforced concrete (RC) building.The 9-story steel moment resisting frame, designated as SAC9, was a prototype building located in Los Angeles adopted in SAC steel research project. In addition, the 3-story RC building, designated as T3,was tested using shaking table at Tainan Laboratory of National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering. The optimal designs of SAC9 and T3 with the strongbacks are designated as SAC9-SB and T3-SB, respectively. Nonlinear response history analyses (NRHA) of SAC9, T3, SAC9-SB, T3-SB models and the others with different properties of strongback systems were conducted using PISD3D program. The NRHA result shows that SAC9-SB and T3-SB have smaller standard deviations than those using other strongback properties. The analysis results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method in proportioning the strongback for buildings.
摘要鋼箱型斷面柱構件具有雙強軸的特性,因此國內鋼建築結構中應用非常普遍。為傳遞梁端彎矩至柱構件,箱型柱內與梁翼同高處須配置與梁翼同厚的橫隔板。內橫隔板與柱板間焊接常使用電熱熔渣焊(Electro Slag Welding, ESW)工法,此種焊道施作便利且效率高,已大量使用於國內鋼結構製造廠。然而,ESW 施做時的高入熱量恐導致其焊道及其周圍母材結晶過大與抗衝擊性質較差,此現象亦常導致梁柱發生非預期的脆性破壞。為避免ESW 發生脆性破壞及量化ESW 破壞之機制,本研究採用既有的鋼材斷裂預測模型,利用有限元素模型對試體進行斷裂預測分析。本研究進行三組梁柱接頭試驗,藉由變化試驗之載重歷時與ESW 施工儲倉口截面形狀,探討試體破壞時機並驗證鋼材斷裂預測模型之可行性。實驗結果顯示證實累積塑性應變大小確實影響其破壞時機;ESW 儲倉口截面由矩形變為喇叭口形時,顯示若增加ESW 之熔透範圍可增加接頭試驗耐震性能。為應用斷裂預測模型,藉圓周刻痕拉伸(Circumferential Notched Tensile, CNT)試驗與有限元素模型分析,將所得之材料參數對ESW 元件試驗與梁柱接頭試驗進行斷裂預測分析。分析結果顯示,ESW 之幾何形狀及相對位置對於破壞時機影響甚大,因此顯示破壞預測分析與CNT 試驗之可行性,以及焊道超音波檢測(Ultrasonic Test, UT)之重要性。
TitleFracture Tests and Finite Element Analysis of Diaphragm Connection in Steel Beam-to-Box Column Joints
AuthorChung-Che Wu, Chao-Hsien Li, Ching-Yi Tsai, Ker-Chun Lin, Sheng-Jhih Jhuang, Keh-Chyuan Tsai
Keywordssteel box column, electro-slag welding, heat affected zone, fracture prediction model, steel beam-to-box column connection, finite element model analysis, circumferential notched tensile test, ultrasonic test
AbstractSteel box columns are widely used in steel building structures in Taiwan due to the strong axes in two directions. In order to transfer the beam end moment to column, diaphragm plates of the same thickness and elevations as beam flanges are usually welded inside box column. Electro-slag welding (ESW) process is typically used in attaching the diaphragms to column flanges. This ESW process has been widely used in steel beam-to-box column joints in Taiwan because of its’ convenience and efficiency. However, ESW may increase the hardness of the welds and heat affected zones (HAZs), while reduce the Charpy-V Notch (CVN) strength in HAZ. This situation could cause the diaphragm to column flange weld to suffer premature fracture before a large plastic rotation is developed in beam-to-box column joints. In order to quantify the critical eccentricity and the effectiveness of predicting the fractures, this study utilizes the fracture prediction model and finite element model (FEM) analysis to correlate the test results. In this study, three beam-to-box column connection subassembly tests have been conducted with a different loading protocol or the shape of ESW chamber. Test results show that the fracture instances can be predicted based on the cumulative plastic deformation in the HAZs. Tests confirm that the possible fracture of the diaphragm to column flange welds can be mitigated by enlarging the chamber of the ESW. When the fracture prediction model is applied, the material parameters were firstly established from the Circumferential Notched Tensile (CNT) tests and FEM analysis. Subsequently, these parameters were used to predict the fractures observed in the ESW component tests and beam-to-box column connection subassembly tests. The fracture locations and instances can be reasonably well predicted by a suitable FEM model analysis. Thus, the effectiveness of CNT and the fracture model are confirmed. Analytical results also show fracture instances and locations are sensitive to the relative locations of the ESW and the beam flange. Thus, the importance of ultrasonic test in assuring the quality of the ESW is evident.
摘要鋼構橋梁於維護階段主要之費用分為定期維護成本及防蝕塗裝成本。對於定期維護成本而言,本研究主要使用貝氏更新決定構件/元件劣化速率,並且推估不同維護週期下之費用分布,以選擇成本最小之定期維護週期。防蝕塗裝成本除材料費用外須考慮施工費用,本研究主要參考歷史資料,以建立防蝕塗裝工程洐生之施工機具與相關費用推估模式。此外,為使設定之塗裝系統更換週期更貼近實務,本研究亦進行鋼構橋梁常用塗裝系統之耐用年限評估,除加速耐候試驗與現地曝曬試驗外,並參考文獻之塗膜消耗速率以建議不同性能要求下之對應耐用年限,以做為不同塗裝系統更新週期之設定依據。本研究以某直轄市之26 座鋼構橋梁為例,主要選取 8 項橋梁構件/元件,共包括:橋面板、支承、伸縮縫、面層、防落橋裝置、主結構、欄杆及護牆、排水設施等,利用上列元件/構件估算所得維護費用,再依係數進行修正以得出橋梁整體定期維護成本,並試算不同塗裝系統及更新週期下之費用,以了解其對生命週期維護成本之影響,可做為後續維護計畫之擬定參考。
TitleLife-cycle Cost Assessment Method Development for Steel Bridges Considering the Effect of the Renewal Periods of Coating Systems
AuthorC. K. Chiu, C. C. Chen, M. Y. Chen
Keywordssteel bridge, deterioration rate, life-cycle maintenance cost, anti-corrosion coating system
AbstractIn the maintenance stage of steel bridges, the costs can be divided into the regular maintenance cost and anti-corrosion coating cost. For the regular maintenance cost, this work adopts the Bayesian updating to determine the deterioration rate of each component or member. Additionally, based on the minimal regular maintenance cost, the corresponding maintenance period can be obtained. In order to quantify the renewal cost of the anti-corrosion coating system, this work conducts the accelerated-weathering test and site exposure test for the anti-corrosion coating materials. In addition to the testing results, the past investigations on the consuming rates of the specified coating materials for steel bridges are referred to determine the renewal periods of the anti-corrosion coating system. Finally, an assessment method of the life-cycle cost (LCC) of steel bridges is developed to investigate effect of the renewal period of the anti-corrosion coating system on the LCCs for 26 steel bridges located in a special municipality in Taiwan.
摘要本研究提出一套容量位移反應譜(Capacity-based inelastic displacement spectra),其係由一個非彈性位移比CR反應譜與一個相應之損傷指標DI反應譜所構成之雙反應譜(Dual spectra),可用於鋼筋混凝土橋梁之耐震性能設計與評估。反應譜之建置係藉由一個功能強大的平滑型遲滯模型,可考慮不同橋柱設計參數之影響,並分別就遠域及近斷層地震進行單自由度系統之非線性動力歷時分析而得。本研究證實在任何的位移加載歷程下,Park and Ang 所提出之損傷指標不但可用來準確地預測橋柱的強度衰減時機,更可作為評估橋柱真實可視破壞狀態的良好指標,進而得到較佳的橋梁耐震性能評估結果。採用遠域地震所計算之CR反應譜顯示,當結構週期約略大於0.8 秒時,非彈性位移比CR可近似滿足等位移原理;但就近斷層地震而言,在全部反應譜週期範圍內則皆不滿足此原理。此外,分析結果顯示近斷層地震會較遠域地震產生明顯較大的CR及DI值,且當相對強度比R = 5.0 時,大部分本研究所考量之設計方案皆無法承受所考慮之近斷層地震的侵襲。最後,根據所計算之反應譜分析結果,本研究分別就遠域及近斷層地震各提出一套非彈性位移比CR及相應之損傷指標DI之反應譜公式,並依據所建置之容量位移反應譜,提出一套基於損傷之鋼筋混凝土橋梁耐震性能設計與評估方法。
TitleCapacity-Based Inelastic Displacement Spectra for Seismic Design and Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Bridges
AuthorPing-Hsiung Wang, Kuo-Chun Chang, Yu-Chen Ou
Keywordsspectrum, inelastic displacement ratio, damage index, smooth hysteretic model, far-field earthquake, near-fault earthquake, seismic design and evaluation, RC bridges
AbstractCapacity-based inelastic displacement spectra that comprised an inelastic displacement (CR) spectrum and a corresponding damage state (DI) spectrum was proposed in this study to aid seismic evaluation and design of reinforced concrete (RC) bridges. Nonlinear time history analyses of SDOF systems were conducted using a versatile smooth hysteretic model that accounted for the influences of various column design parameters when subjected to far-field and near-fault ground motions. It was proved that the Park and Ang’s damage index not only can be used to accurately predict the onset of strength deterioration, but also can be a good indicator for assessing the actual visible damage condition of column regardless of its loading history, providing a better insight into the seismic performance of bridges. The computed spectra show that the CR for far-field ground motions approximately conforms to the equal displacement rule for structural period (Tn) larger than around 0.8 seconds, but that for near-fault ground motions departs from the rule in the whole spectral regions. Moreover, the near-fault ground motions would lead to significantly greater CR and DI than far-field ground motions and most of the design scenarios investigated in this research cannot survive the near-fault ground motions when relative strength ratio R = 5.0. Based on the computed spectra, CR and DI formulae are presented as a function of Tn, R, and various design parameters for far-field and near-fault ground motions. Finally, application of the proposed spectra to the performance-based seismic design and evaluation of RC bridge was presented using DI as the performance objective.
作者羅元隆、Michael Kasperski
TitleEstimation of Design Pressure Coefficient Based on Extreme Value Analysis Theory
AuthorYuan-Lung Lo, Michael Kasperski
KeywordsDesign wind speed, Extreme value distribution, Pressure coefficient, Optimal design fractile
AbstractTo determine a proper design wind load relies on correct evaluations on design wind speed and design wind pressure coefficient. The evaluation on design wind speed requires the understanding of local meteorological information accumulated for a long-term period and the knowledge of extreme value analysis; wind pressure coefficient of the target structure can be obtained via properly arranged wind tunnel test fulfilling the satisfactory demand of all non-dimensional aerodynamic parameters. By satisfying the target exceedance probability of failure of a target building, convolution process of probability densities of design wind speed and pressure coefficients is carried out and then the optimal design pressure coefficient can be found through iterative calculation. This study intends to apply local meteorological information in Taiwan and a simple wind tunnel test to demonstrate the determination of the optimal design fractile and its corresponding design wind pressure coefficient and design wind load.

第三十三卷第三期 (期別131) (107年)

第三十三卷第三期 (期別131) (107年)

摘要本研究完成8支大尺寸鋼筋混凝土圓形柱試體之反復側向載重試驗,共規劃R、S33、S17 及D33 等4 個系列,以箍筋、繫筋總圍束力維持固定為原則,箍筋之圍束力以箍筋2 倍的斷面積與標稱降伏強度之乘積計算,而對於十字型及井字型配置之繫筋,分別以1 根及2 根繫筋斷面積與標稱降伏強度之乘積,計算繫筋之圍束力,探討井字型及十字型等2 種繫筋於圍束柱混凝土的可行性及有效性。研究結果顯示:(1)含十字型及井字型組合繫筋之鋼筋混凝土圓形柱,其耐震性能與側力方向具有某種關聯性,但並不顯著。故圓柱繫筋施工時應不需要特別旋轉或是調整十字型及井字型組合繫筋之方向或指定方向。(2)以本研究圍束力之定義,在相同總圍束力下,圓箍筋的圍束效果優於十字型及井字型配置之組合繫筋,另十字型繫筋比井字型繫筋圍束效果稍佳,組合繫筋之圓箍筋等效圍束力折減之計算,與繫筋配置形式及圍束力比有關,尚需後續進一步研究釐清。
TitleThe confinement effectiveness of transverse reinforcement in circular reinforced concrete columns
AuthorTai-Kuang Lee, Cheng-Cheng Chen
KeywordsCircular RC Columns, Transverse Reinforcement, Confinement Effectiveness
AbstractIn this study, a lateral cyclic load test was conducted on eight specimens of large-sized circular reinforced concrete (RC) columns to investigate the confinement effectiveness of circular ties and lap-spliced crossties. Totally, there are four series of specimens including R, S33, S17 and D33 constructed and tested. In single-cross crossties, the confining force of transverse reinforcement is calculated by adding the confinement effectiveness of one crosstie cross-sectional area. On the other hand, in double-cross crossties, the confining force of transverse reinforcement is calculated by adding the confinement effectiveness of two crosstie cross-sectional areas. The research results are presented as follows: (a) The seismic performance of circular RC columns with single-cross and double-cross lap-spliced crosstie correlates with the lateral loading direction. But its influence is not significant (b) The confinement effectiveness of circular tie is better than that of single-cross and double-cross lap-spliced crosstie. The reduction influence of lap-spliced crossties depends upon crosstie layout and the confinement force ratio. More details need further studies.
摘要本文開發以波動技術非破壞檢測植筋握裹長度與植筋深度。首先以有限元素法對植筋結構之應力波動訊號進行數值模擬分析,以瞭解植筋之波動行為,並經由植筋試體之敲擊回音試驗來驗證數值分析結果。研究結果顯示,在頻譜圖中可以發現明顯尖峰位於主導頻率上,該主導頻率主要由植筋外露長度與植筋握裹長度所控制,對特定之植筋外露長度時,植筋握裹長度越長所得頻率就越高。本文以數值分析建立三種不同植筋外露長度(10、15 與20公分),頻率與植筋握裹長度間之關係曲線。試驗檢測結果與數值模擬相當吻合。研究結果建議現場植筋握裹長度檢測程序如下:(1)以超音波測得植筋總長度,由測得之植筋總長度扣除外露長度即可求得植筋深度;(2)執行敲擊回音試驗測得主導頻率,代入所建立的迴歸方程式,即可以預估植筋握裹長度。試驗結果顯示預估之植筋握裹長度誤差大都在1 公分以內,證明本文所開發檢測法可以作為現地植筋施工品質之檢驗用。
TitleUse of Stress Wave methods for Nondestructive Inspection of Epoxy-Bonded Length of Post-installed Rebars in Concrete
AuthorKai-Chung Teng, Chiang-Lung Chuang, Yiching Lin, Guo-Ruei Jiang
Keywordsquality of planting bars, nondestructive evaluation, stress waves, impact-echo
AbstractThis article develops a stress wave-based technology to detect non-destructively the epoxy-bonded length and embedded depth of post-installed rebars in concrete. Firstly, the finite element method (FEM) was used to simulate the stress wave propagation signal of the post-installed rebars in concrete to understand the wave propagation behavior of anchorage rebar. The results of the numerical analysis were verified by the impact-echo test performed on the concrete specimens containing post-installed rebars. The results show that a high amplitude peak can be found at the dominant frequency in the spectrum. The dominant frequency is mainly controlled by the exposed length and the epoxy-bonded length of the post-installed rebar. For a specific exposed length of the planting rebar, the longer the epoxy-bonded length, the higher the dominant frequency. In this paper, numerical analysis of three different exposed lengths (10,15 and 20 cm) were considered to establish the relationship between the dominant frequency and the epoxy-bonded length. The experimental results are in good agreement with those obtained from the numerical simulation. The results obtained from this study suggested that the epoxy-bonded length of post-installed rebar can be evaluated as follows: (1) The total length of the post-installed rebar can be measured by ultrasound. The embedded depth of the post-installed rebar is obtained by deducting the exposed length from the measured total length; (2) Impact-echo test measured the dominant frequency. The epoxy-bonded length can be predicted by substituting the dominant frequency into the established regression equation. The test results show that the estimated error of embedding length of post-installed rebar is mostly within 1 cm, which proves that the test method developed in this paper can be used to evaluate the quality of planting bars.
標題台灣混凝土變形預測模式B4-TW 建置(ㄧ):基本潛變、乾燥潛變與總潛變
摘要台灣目前之混凝土工程設計規範缺乏混凝土潛變之預測公式,工程師設計大多依循美國ACI 規範,參考美國AASHTO 公路橋梁設計規範;歐洲CEB-FIP、RILEM;或日本JSCE、JCI 等作法。基於台灣混凝土材料、配比、施工與環境之地區特性,台灣著實需要發展良好之本土化混凝土潛變預測公式。本文指出運用現有之國內外混凝土潛變模式預測台灣混凝土資料之情形,結果顯示大多現有模式皆呈現低估的現象。本研究評估並選用Bažant 2015年提出之Model B4 潛變預測公式為基礎,針對上述之台灣混凝土特性進行本土化修正,分別是在瞬時應變項中考慮因粒料堅實度較為不足造成之混凝土彈性模數折減;在基本潛變項中考慮因高漿體量及粒料性質造成高變形之現象;在乾燥潛變項中考慮台灣常用之砂岩粒料造成之影響。結果顯示,進行本土化修正後之Model B4-TW 潛變預測公式與原始Model B4相比,預測台灣混凝土基本潛變資料時,迴歸分析中之決定係數 R2由 0.52提升至0.78;預測總潛變資料變形時R2由 0.76 提升至 0.81。除 R2外,各國學者提出之不同統計指標也顯示Model B4-TW 預測台灣潛變資料之表現較佳,建議發展成為適用台灣本土之混凝土潛變預測公式。
TitleEstablishment of B4-TW Prediction Model for Concrete Deformation in Taiwan ( I ) :Basic Creep, Drying Creep and Total Creep
AuthorTing-Kai Liu, Jenn-Chuan Chern
KeywordsConcrete, Long-term Deformation, Creep, Shrinkage, Database
AbstractAt present the concrete design code in Taiwan lacks any predictive model for concrete creep, which is why most engineers in Taiwan follow the models of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) or the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) of the US; the European CEB-FIP and RILEM ; or the methods of the JSCE or JCI of Japan. Although the physical and chemical characteristics of concrete are essentially the same all across the world, each location uses its own constituent materials and mix design. In the present study, looking at the establishment of a concrete creep database for concrete in Taiwan, we have seen that the aggregate used in concrete of Taiwan is of lower quality. When formulating a mix design to attain higher strength, the resulting concrete will tend to have a high paste content, high cement content, low water cement ratio, and low aggregate/cement ratio. These local characteristics of concrete in Taiwan may lead to inaccuracies when they are applied to foreign predictive formulas, and in turn influence the structural behavior and safety of the concrete structures. Taiwan therefore has a manifest need for developing better localized predictive models for concrete creep. This study first presents the results from the predictive models for concrete creep (foreign and domestic formulas) applied to concrete in Taiwan. At present, it may be seen that the norms tend to undervalue. Then, it evaluates and actually uses the Model B4 predictive model for concrete creep suggested by Bažant in 2015 as a basis for the correction of characteristics in localized concrete in Taiwan in multiple situations: in instantaneous deformation items the reduction of the elasticity modulus in concrete due to low-quality aggregate was considered; in basic creep items the phenomenon of high levels of deformation due to high paste content and aggregate property were considered; in drying creep items the effect of sandstone aggregate, which is often used in Taiwan, was considered. Our results were as follows: after using the Model B4-TW model, which has been corrected for localized concrete in Taiwan, we may compare the two models (Model B4 and Model B4-TW); when predicting basic creep for Taiwan concrete, the coefficient of determination R2 rose from 0.52 to 0.78; when predicting the total strain, R2 rose from 0.76 to 0.81. In addition to R2, the statistical indicators given by scholars from around the world have shown that the predictive capabilities of the Model B4-TW model for concrete creep data in Taiwan are superior to other models; thus it can be further developed as a predictive model for concrete creep in Taiwan.
標題台灣混凝土變形預測模式B4-TW 建置(二):乾縮、自體收縮與總收縮
摘要目前台灣之混凝土工程設計規範之混凝土收縮計算並未有明確公式,未能和混凝土材料之性質連結。致其計算常使用國外之美國 ACI、AASHTO,歐洲 CEB-FIP、RILEM 等預測公式。混凝土變形問題仍因牽涉世界各地區氣候環境、組成材料、配比及施工實務等,而有所差異性。台灣混凝土使用之粒料性質堅實度較為不足,配比設計時為追求強度達標,有使用高漿體量、高水泥量、低水灰比、低粒料量⁄水泥量比等特性,上述之本土化特性非使用國外預測公式可掌握,故台灣著實需要發展良好之本土化混凝土收縮預測公式。經評估現有國內外混凝土收縮預測規範,本文選用美國西北大學Bažant等人發展於2015 年提出之Model B4 收縮預測公式為基礎。針對上述之台灣混凝土特性進行本土化的修正,並考慮台灣常用之砂岩粒料造成之影響,找出適用於台灣之粒料修正參數。本文亦針對含有礦物摻料之混凝土進行摻料 影響之修正,選用FIB2000 作為自體收縮時間成長曲線,並修正Model B4 之礦物摻料參數表格,建立適合台灣使用之內含自體收縮項目的Model B4-TW 收縮預測公式。結果顯示,進行本土化修正後之Model B4-TW 收縮預測公式,在預測台灣普通混凝土或含有礦物摻料混凝土收縮時,均有極優表現,可發展為適用台灣本土之混凝土收縮預測公式。
TitleEstablishment of B4-TW Prediction Model for Concrete Deformation in Taiwan ( II ) : Drying Shrinkage, Autogenous Shrinkage and Total Shrinkage
AuthorWei-Yi Chin, Jenn-Chuan Chern
Keywordsconcrete, long-term deformation, shrinkage, blast-furnace slag cement, fly ash, dataset
AbstractAt present, there is no definite formula for concrete shrinkage calculation in the concrete engineering design code of Taiwan, which cannot link with the nature of local concrete material. Most engineers in Taiwan often use the formula of American Concrete Institution (ACI), the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and European CEB-FIP and RILEM codes. The problem of concrete deformation is still different because it involves the climate environment, mix design, proportion and construction practice in different areas. The aggregate quality of the concrete used in Taiwan is poor, and the mix is designed to achieve the strength with the use of high paste volume, high cement content, low water/cement ratio, low aggregate/cement ratio and other characteristics. The localization characteristics described above cannot be mastered by foreign prediction formula, so Taiwan really needs to develop a good local concrete shrinkage prediction formula. Based on the evaluation of the existing domestic and foreign concrete shrinkage prediction formulae, this paper chooses the model B4 shrinkage prediction formula developed in 2015 by Bažant of Northwestern University. With regard to the local characteristics of the concrete in Taiwan, and the effect of the commonly used sandstone aggregate in Taiwan, the modified parameters of the aggregate are found. In this paper, the influence of concrete containing mineral admixture is modified: the FIB2000 is selected as autogenous shrinkage time growth curve; and the mineral admixture parameter table of model B4 is modified. These local modifications led to the establishment of the Model B4-TW. The results show that the model B4-TW shrinkage prediction formula, which included autogenous shrinkage, after localization correction has excellent performance in predicting the shrinkage of normal concrete or concrete containing mineral admixture in Taiwan, and can be developed as a concrete shrinkage prediction formula for Taiwan.
TitleExperimental Study of Reinforced Concrete Frame Filled with Low Masonry Window Spandrel
AuthorShuenn-Yih Chang, Ping-Chi Wu, Tsui-Huang Wu
KeywordsReinforced Concrete Building, Low Masonry Window Spandrel, Seismic Evaluation, Pushover Analysis
AbstractIn Taiwan area, structural damages caused by short column effect are very common in school buildings. The short column failure is closely related to the shear strength of the masonry window spandrel infilled within a reinforced concrete frame. The shear strength of a masonry window spandrel might be highly affected by its height-width ratio. However, this factor is not considered in the current evaluating formula and thus this formula seems unable to faithfully predict the shear strength. In fact, a formula for estimating the shear strength of a masonry window spandrel has been proposed. Because the height-width ratio of the masonry window spandrel was not considered in the formula its application is limited or might be inappropriate. To improve thisformula, three reinforced concrete frames were designed and fabricated for the cyclic loading tests for predicting the shear strength of a low masonry window spandrel within a reinforced concrete frame. One is a pure frame and the other two frames were infilled with different height of the masonry window spandrels. After conducting the cyclic loading tests of the three frames, the pushover analysis of each frame was also performed. Hence, after comparing the analytical result with the experimental results, the shear strength of the masonry window spandrel can be estimated. In this work, the height-weight ratio is chosen as an important factor for the newly proposed formula to estimate the shear strength of a low masonry window spandrel within a reinforced concrete frame. As a result, an improved formula for predicting the shear strength of the low masonry window spandrel within a reinforced concrete frame is proposed in this work.

第三十三卷第二期 (期別130) (107年)

第三十三卷第二期 (期別130) (107年)

TitleImproving Seismic Performance of Hollow Steel Reinforced Concrete Members with Inclined Bars
AuthorHsieh-Lung Hsu, Ming-Te Hong
Keywordssteel reinforced concrete, flexural-torsional behavior, inclined bars
AbstractThis study focused on the improvement of flexural-torsional behavior of hollow composite members subjected to eccentric cyclic loads. A series of composite members composed of encased steel tubes and reinforced concrete with various inclined bars were fabricated for testing. Member performance was evaluated by the strength, stiffness and energy dissipation during the loading history. Test results showed that the strength of members with inclined bars was significantly increased when subjected to torsion and combined loading coupled with torsion. Enhancement in energy dissipation further validated the applicability of incline bars to the performance improvement of hollow composite members.
關鍵字包覆填充型箱型柱、鋼骨鋼筋混凝土、包覆型SRC 柱、填充型箱型柱
摘要包覆填充型箱型柱的橫向鋼筋,除了外圍之圍束箍筋外通常也需要配置繫筋以滿足規範之要求。但是繫筋受到鋼骨箱型柱的阻撓而無法直通,因此箱型柱板外圍混凝土的圍束往往無法滿足規範的要求。使用「角隅繫筋」、「接力式繫筋」及「側繫筋」為可能解決這個問題的方法。本文以10支大尺寸包覆填充型箱型短柱之軸向載重試驗,探討上述3 種繫筋對於圍束箱型柱外側混凝土的效果。由試驗結果獲得結論如下:(1)角隅繫筋無法提供主筋及角隅混凝土足夠之橫向支承,不能取代一般繫筋,也不能計入橫向鋼筋量。(2)接力式繫筋的作法可以達到圍束箱型柱板外側混凝土的效果,可行性相當高,應該可以計入橫向鋼筋量。(3)側繫筋的構想也相當程度達到圍束箱型柱板外側混凝土的效果,惟側繫筋是否可以直接計入橫向鋼筋量,還需要進一步的研究探討之。
TitleThe Effect of Different Transverse Reinforcement Schemes on the Confinement of Encased Concrete-Filled Box Columns
AuthorCheng-Cheng Chen, Pin-Da Wu, Jia-Xi Zhou
KeywordsEncased Concrete-Filled Steel Box Columns, steel reinforced concrete column, SRC column, encased box column, concrete filled box column.
AbstractThe concrete in a concrete-filled steel box column is confined by the box column. However, the confinement of the concrete outside the box column(referred as outer concrete hereafter) in an encased concrete-filled box column need to be provided by the steel cage which is composed of main reinforcement and transverse reinforcement. Due to the existence of the steel box column, the traditional ties used in RC columns can note be implemented here. In this article, the confinement effect of so called corner tie, combined tie and lateral tie are investigated experimentally. Ten large-sized concrete-encased concrete-filled steel box short columns were tested under monotonic axial compression. Based on the test results obtained, the following conclusions are made: (a) the corner tie was unable to provide sufficient lateral support to the longitudinal bar and corner concrete that required by the design code; (b) the use of combined tie can provide sufficient confinement to the outer concrete, (c) the potential of lateral tie in providing sufficient confinement to the outer concrete is high, however, further research is needed to confirm it.
摘要現有調諧質量阻尼器之機構模型,裝設之阻尼器與質量塊的衝程相同,因此為配合質量塊衝程,常需選用較長衝程之阻尼器。長衝程之阻尼器,在製造上須預留相當伸縮之空間予阻尼器,因此阻尼器本身相當龐大,裝設不易,且長衝程阻尼器磨耗較高,於製造上需要較高的精度與油封技術,使其造價及維護費用較高。有鑒於此,本研究針對單純降低調諧質量阻尼器之阻尼器衝程, 提出「具短衝程阻尼器之調諧質量阻尼器(Short-Stroke Damper assembled in Tuned Mass Damper, SSD-TMD)」,並介紹其可行之機構。SSD-TMD 的機構特徵為,將傳統調諧質量阻尼器之彈簧元件分成兩段,使阻尼元件與第一段之彈簧元件並聯後,再與第二段彈簧元件串聯相接質量塊。由於阻尼器衝程與質量塊衝程並不相同,能經由適當設計大幅降低阻尼器之衝程,以避免使用長衝程之阻尼器,且不降低其減振效果。為使短衝程阻尼器消散與長衝程阻尼器等量之能量,因此短衝程阻尼器選用之阻尼係數較高,以提供較大之阻尼力。本文提出之SSD-TMD可行機構之詳細解說,並以傳統調諧質量阻尼器之最佳化設計參數為輔,提出SSD-TMD 之最佳化設計公式及設計流程,供工程師初步設計時參考。由台北101 結構案例分析結果顯示,不論頻率反應函數或是風力歷時模擬,SSD-TMD 皆能有效大幅降低阻尼器衝程,因而使用短衝程阻尼器即可;且如適當選取SSD-TMD 二段彈簧元件之勁度比值,其減振效果及質量塊衝程都可略優於傳統調諧質量阻尼器。
TitleStudy on Short-Stroke Damper Assembled in Tuned Mass Damper
AuthorYong-An Lai, Fan-Yen Meng, Kuan-Hua Lien, Lap-Loi Chung
Keywordstuned mass damper, short-stroke damper, optimal design, damper stroke
AbstractIn the conventional tuned mass damper (TMD), the damper stroke and the mass stroke must be the same, thus the long-stroke dampers are required for implementation in TMD. In addition, a considerable size and higher precision for manufacture of long-stroke damper majorly cause expensive budget for installation and maintenance of the TMD. According to the above features, the“Short-Stroke Damper assembled in Tuned Mass Damper (SSD-TMD)” is proposed in order to reduce the damper stroke in the TMD. In the SSD-TMD, the stiffness of SSD-TMD is separated into two parts. The first part is connected with the viscous damper in parallel. Then, the paralleled system is connected with the stiffness of the second part in series. Afterwards, the mass block is further attached to form the SSD-TMD. This assemblage will produce different strokes between the damper and the mass so that the damper stroke can be significantly mitigated under appropriate design of the stiffnesses and damping coefficient. In this article, the model of the SSD-TMD is firstly proposed. The design formulae and procedure of the SSD-TMD is also proposed by following the optimal design parameters for conventional TMD. The case study of the Taipei 101 structure implemented with the SSD-TMD shows that the damper stroke of the SSD-TMD can be dramatically reduced, so that the short-stroke dampers can be used to replace the long-stroke dampers. Furthermore, with suitable design of the SSD-TMD, both effectiveness of structural vibration reduction and mass stroke of the SSD-TMD can outperform the conventional TMD.
摘要近年來台灣所發生的地震如921 大地震,均凸顯老舊建築物耐震能力不足之問題,因而導致人員傷亡,因此提升老舊建物之耐震能力極為重要,其中校舍可能需於震後供避難使用,應優先提升其耐震能力,國家地震中心因而針對發展出一套完整之耐震評估程序,以3 個階段進行篩選,包含簡易調查、初步評估法及詳細評估法,將耐震能力最不足之老舊校舍優先進行補強,以減少成本並提升效率。然國內除校舍外,亦有諸多其它老舊建築物(如:街屋、醫院、行政機關)之耐震能力亦亟需提升,故本研究提出使用極限彎矩平衡法,分別計算所有柱線之極限側向強度,依據其破壞模式,乘上折減係數,最後再進行疊加,可得建築物之極限基底剪力;並依據各柱線不同破壞模式,給予其相對之韌性容量,再依各柱線貢獻之側向強度採加權方式,得知該建物之韌性容量,最後採結構物耐震容量與需求比的方式,於側推分析前初步得知建築物之耐震能力;由於極限彎矩平衡法同時考量弱柱強梁及強柱弱梁之柱線情形,故可用於既有建築物之簡易詳細評估及完成補強設計建築物之簡易詳細評估。本研究初步以桃園縣瑞埔國小標準構架為例,進行簡易詳細評估,驗證其極限基底剪力及耐震容量均較現地試驗保守,故可針對老舊建物進行簡易之耐震評估及補強後之耐震評估,未來可使用此方法建立校舍外之其它老舊建物之初步評估方法,便於工程師使用。
TitleSimplified Seismic Evaluation Method on Old Buildings
AuthorYu-Chih Lai, Tao Lai, Lap-Loi Chung, Guo-Luen Huang, Yao-Sheng Yang, Chien-Chuang Tseng, Sheng-Hsueh Lin, Chu-Yuan Chang
Keywordsseismic evaluation, maximum base shear, in-situ test
AbstractThe earthquakes happen in Taiwan, such as Chi-Chi earthquake, let us know seismic capacity of old buildings is not enough. Because it may cause casualty, it is important to raise seismic ability of those old buildings. School buildings belong to public facility and provide people shelters when their home are damaged seriously by earthquake. Therefore their seismic ability should be raised as soon as possible. National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) proposed complete procedures for seismic evaluation. The procedures of seismic evaluations include: simple survey, preliminary evaluation and detailed evaluation. After screening out school buildings which have less seismic capacity than seismic demand, we need to do seismic retrofit for them. However, there are lots of other old buildings in Taiwan (such as street houses, hospitals and executive agency) need to raise their seismic ability. In this paper, the method use Ultimate Moment Balanced Method to do Simplified Detailed Seismic Evaluation is proposed. The method first evaluates the lateral strength of each column line and multiplied by reduction factor which decided by failure mode of column. And then add lateral strength of each column after reduction, the result is the maximum base shear strength of building. Also, decides the ductility capacity of each column by its failure mode. The ductility capacity of building can be decided by the ductility capacity of each column weighted its lateral strength. Finally, using the ratio of seismic capacity and seismic demand can get the seismic performance of the building before detailed evaluation. Since Ultimate Moment Balanced Method consider both failure mode of strong beam weak column and strong column weak beam, the method can be used on old building either before or after retrofit. This paper takes Ruei Pu elementary school in Taoyuan county as an example to do Simplified Detailed Seismic Evaluation. It is proved that both maximum base shear and seismic capacity are conservative compared to in-situ test. So the method can be used on existing buildings for seismic evaluation. The Simplified Detailed Seismic Evaluation method can be used on establishing the preliminary evaluation method of buildings in addition to school buildings for engineers to application.
摘要都會區由於地狹人稠之故,建築物大多屬於中高樓結構,這些結構若於地震中倒塌或受損所造成的地震災害將不容小覷。因此對於老舊或因設計施工不良具潛在危險性之中高樓建物,吾人實有必要建立一套合理的耐震評估方法,以作為工程實務上篩檢與補強之依據。然而,現行建物評估法大多屬於定量式(deterministic)的非線性靜力側推分析法,此法對於低矮樓房或有其準確性,但卻不易預估中高樓結構高頻振態之反應,亦未能計及震波與設計及施工中所涵有的諸多不確定因子,因此評估結果有可能不夠保守。有鑑於此,本文旨在研議一實用之機率式建物倒塌耐震評估方法與流程,該方法乃結合美國FEMA P-58 之倒塌易損分析法、非線性增量式動力分析法與地震危害度分析法等,以計及結構在強震下的非線性動態特性及地震力的不確定性等項因子。惟因FEMA P-58 對於建物倒塌的判定準則與倒塌性能指標的選擇並無明確的建議。因此,本文乃參採PEER-TBI 與ASCE 41-13 技術報告針對RC 構造建議二項倒塌判定準則,分別稱為「總體結構」與「局部構件」倒塌判定準則。而在倒塌性能指標的訂定方面則參採ASCE 7-10 及FEMA P695建議之倒塌機率容許值,亦即:「最大考量地震力之倒塌機率」小於10%及「50年內倒塌超越機率」小於1%,作為判定建物是否有倒塌疑慮之標準。其中,前者之最大考量地震力可採用我國設計規範之值,十分方便實務之應用;而後者則須配合工址所在之地震危害度曲線加以計算,有利建物所有人作為承擔風險決策之用。最後,再以一實際倒塌的中高樓建物案例說明本文所建議倒塌性能評估法之執行程序。
TitleProbabilistic assessment of seismic performance and collapse risk for mid-rise buildings
AuthorWei-Huan Hsieh, Lyan-Ywan Lu, Fu-PeiHsiao, Yu-Shi Tang, Yin-Nan Huang
KeywordsWei-Huan Hsieh, Lyan-Ywan Lu, Fu-PeiHsiao, Yu-Shi Tang, Yin-Nan Huang Mid-rise building, seismic performance assessment, probabilistic assessment, collapse fragility analysis, risk assessment, incremental dynamic analysis, nonlinear time history analysis
AbstractMid-rise buildings, which are usually heavily populated, are very common structures in urban areas. The casualty and social impact caused by the collapse of mid-rise buildings in an earthquake can not be overestimated. Therefore, developing suitable assessment methods to identify the buildings with high collapse risk becomes a critical issue. Even though traditional seismic assessment methods, which usually employ nonlinear static pushover analysis, have been successfully applied to regular low-rise buildings, these methods are unable to reflect higher-mode effect on the responses of mid-rise buildings. Furthermore, a traditional approach usually leads to a deterministic result that could not account for the uncertainty in seismic motions and structural responses of a mid-rise building, which is usually more complicated and involves more structural uncertainties than a low-rise building. To this end, this paper presents a procedure and methodology to assess the collapse risk of a mid-rise building. This methodology is developed based on the collapse fragility analysis proposed by FEMA P-58, the collapse criteria proposed by PEER-TBI and ASCE 41-13, and acceptance criteria suggested by ASCE 41-13 and FEMA 356. To establish the fragility curves, this approach employs nonlinear time history analysis together with the method of incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) to estimate structural response parameters. Finally, for demonstration, the proposed assessment method is applied to assess the collapse risk of a mid-rise building that collapsed in an earthquake.

第三十三卷第一期 (期別129) (107年)

第三十三卷第一期 (期別129) (107年)

TitleLong-Term Micro-Vibration Monitoring and Seismic Performance Evaluation of an Existing 10-Story Steel Factory in Hsinchu Science Park
AuthorChung-Che Chou, Steven Tsuang, Yu-Ting Ling
KeywordsSteel factory, Micro-vibration, Seismic performance, Moment connection
AbstractThe Hsinchu Science Park was opening in 1979 and becomes a very important high-tech area in Taiwan to support the economic growth. This work supported by the MOST, Taiwan focused on the micro-vibration and seismic performance of an existing 10-story steel factory that was designed in 1991 and completed in 1995 in Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan. A few velocity and acceleration meters were used to monitor the building micro-vibration and performance during earthquakes and typhoons. The monitoring duration is from January to October, 2015 while Typhoons Soudelor and Dujuan and several small earthquakes hit the building. The recorded data was used to (1) evaluate the factory performance in terms of micro-vibration in vertical and longitudinal directions, and (2) adjust the building computer model such as the fundamental period and damping ratio. Then, the nonlinear pushover analysis and time history analyses were conducted on the factory model to obtain seismic demands on design-based and maximum-considered earthquake levels.
摘要在耐震設計中,吾人須求取柱之最大可能彎矩強度Mprc,以進行剪力容量設計。所謂最大可能彎矩強度為斷面在考慮材料超強效應(真實強度大於標稱強度、混凝土圍束效應、鋼筋應變硬化等)與各種設計軸力作用下所可能產生的最大彎矩。現行混凝土結構設計規範與橋梁耐震設計規範各設有一套最大可能彎矩強度計算方法,過去研究顯示此二法之保守程度會隨軸壓力比之增加而降低,其中又以壓力控制斷面之柱構件尤其明顯。為確認前述現象,本研究計算297 組柱試驗彎矩強度與標稱彎矩強度之比值,經比對後發現該比值與軸壓力比呈顯著正相關,相符於過去研究結果。為確認前述現象之主因,本研究進一步以數學式推導證明混凝土圍束效應會使此現象發生。考量此現象,本研究發展一套最大可能彎矩強度建議通用式,在材料實測強度已知的情況下,可通用於普通強度與高強度柱構件最大可能彎矩強度之計算。為驗證建議通用式之保守性,本研究計算柱之最大可能彎矩強度,結果顯示混凝土結構設計規範於多數柱呈現不保守,現行橋梁耐震設計規範則顯著改善此現象,然而對高軸壓力比之試體仍普遍得不保守計算結果,本研究建議通用式則可滿足規範一般對保守程度之要求,變異性亦屬三個算法中最低者。另外,為便於設計時使用,本研究另發展兩套最大可能彎矩強度建議式,在僅知材料規定強度的情況下,分別適用於普通強度與高強度柱構件。此二建議式經比對發現可得相近於建議通用式的計算結果。
TitleMaximum probable moment strengths of reinforced concrete columns
AuthorYu-Chen Ou, Tung-Chun Tsai
Keywordsreinforced concrete, columns, maximum probable moment strength, high strength, axial force
AbstractIn seismic design, the maximum probable moment strengths of columns need to be calculated for shear design. The maximum probable moment strength is the maximum possible moment strength considering material overstrengths (e.g. actual strengths higher than specified ones, concrete confinement, strain hardening of reinforcement, etc.) and the range of factored axial load acting on the column. Both the codes for design of reinforced concrete structures and seismic design of bridges have include their own provisions to calculate the maximum probable moment strength. Earlier studies have shown that both the code methods tend to show unconservative results with increasing axial compression, particularly for compression-controlled sections. In this research, the ratios of measured moment strength to nominal moment strength of 297 column specimens were examined. The examination confirmed that the ratios increased with increasing axial compression and found that it is mainly due to the effect of concrete confinement. To account for the phenomenon, a general equation for maximum probable moment strength of normal and high-strength columns was developed based on actual material strengths. Comparison with the test data of the 297 columns showed that the proposed equation produced conservative predictions for most of the columns. In contrast, current code equations for reinforced concrete structures and for seismic design of bridges produced unconservative predictions for most of the columns. Moreover, the predictions by the proposed equation showed smaller standard deviation than those by the current code methods. Based on the general equation, two equations were developed based on specified material strengths for normal and high-strength columns. Comparison with the test data of the 297 columns showed the two equations produced results similar to the proposed general equation.
摘要本研究設計了六座對台灣低矮型建築具代表性之含開口鋼筋混凝土牆非韌性構架試體,於國家地震工程研究中心(National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, NCREE)進行試驗。共規劃三個系列,每個系列各二座試體:單一開窗試體、雙開窗試體以及單一開門試體。實驗結果顯示,開窗寬度較小的試體,因保有翼牆的特性,其翼牆能讓剪力強度明顯提昇。雙開窗試體,於兩開窗中間的垂直牆段,其強度的貢獻,與其高長比有明顯的差異。而單一開門系列的試體,其開門上方所增加的垂壁,對試體的剪力強度提昇效果不大,但會因開門兩側垂直牆段的高長比,明顯影響試體的韌性表現。關於含開口鋼筋混凝土牆的剪力強度計算,ACI 318-14 規範中已有明確的計算公式,本文利用ACI 318 的建議公式來計算剪力強度並與實驗值作比較,以驗證ACI 318-14 規範針對含開口RC 牆的剪力強度預測之適用性。
TitleExperimental Study of Non-ductile Frame Infilled with RC Shear Wall with Openings
AuthorChien-Chuang Tseng, Li-Ping Chen, Shyh-Jiann Hwang
Keywordsreinforced concrete, shear wall with openings, window openings, door openings, shear strength, experimental study
AbstractIn this study, six specimens of non-ductile RC infilled frames with openings were designed according to the typical low-rise buildings in Taiwan, and these specimens were tested in NCREE. Specimens were categorized into three series, such as single window opening, double window openings and single door opening, and each series has two specimens. Test results indicated that the smaller width of window opening can increase shear strength significantly due to the contribution of wing wall. For the specimens of double window openings, shear strength of vertical wall segments between two window openings is significantly lower as compared with its height-to-length ratio. For the specimens of single door opening, the experimental results showed shear strength only increased slightly by its overhanging wall. In addition, it was indicated that the ductility of the specimen is significantly improved because the larger vertical dimension of door opening can yield higher height-to-length ratio of vertical wall segment. ACI 318-14 building code has equations to predict the shear strength of RC wall with openings. In this paper, ACI 318 building code was used to calculate shear strength and compared with the experimental results to check the applicability of ACI 318-14 code on predicting the shear strength of RC wall with openings applicability.
摘要本文針對採Z 字形(zigzag)配置挫屈束制支撐(buckling-restrained brace,BRB)於新建鋼筋混凝土(reinforced concrete, RC)構架中的接合介面進行探討,依據現行耐震設計規範提出一棟含BRB 之12 層樓RC 結構設計例。為了解所提接合方式之施工性與耐震性能,擷取設計例中位於10 樓的RC梁柱接頭處進行細部設計,並製作含接合板基座及托架之實尺寸梁與柱節點子結構試體進行反覆載重試驗。試驗結果顯示,接頭處之接合板基座及托架未發生明顯損壞,可有效傳遞BRB 與RC 構架間的力量,並證實所提接合方式之設計與施工方法可供工程實務應用。為更進一步探討整體結構系統受震反應,本研究採用三種地震危害度(SLE, DBE and MCE)共240組含近斷層之地震加速度歷時進行非線性動力歷時分析。分析結果顯示,整體結構系統高模態振動反應並不顯著,三種危害度地震下BRB 最大抗層間側力比例平均值分別為23%(SLE)、21%(DBE)及19%(MCE);DBE及MCE 等級地震下,最大層間側位移角則分別為0.0182 及0.0232 弧度。此外,接合板基座之最大水平向拉力需求可採相鄰兩組BRB 可能發展之最大拉力強度水平向合力之70%進行設計。
TitleSeismic Design and Tests of the Beam-column Joint in a Buckling-Restrained RC Braced Frame
AuthorTing-Li Lin, An-Chien Wu, Kung-Juin Wang, Keh-Chyuan Tsai
Keywordsbuckling-restrained brace, reinforced concrete structure, corbel, beam-column joint, nonlinear response history analysis
AbstractIn this study, the brace connection performance in the new reinforced concrete (RC) frame buildings with buckling-restrained braces (BRBs) arranged in a zigzag configuration is investigated. A 12-story buckling-restrained braced RC building is proposed following the model building codes as a prototype. In order to verify the constructability and the seismic performance of the proposed connection, the beam-column joint at the tenth floor selected as the sub-assemblage specimen was designed and fabricated. The full-scale sub-assemblage, including the BRB gusset bracket and a pair of RC corbels, in the proposed BRB-RCF structural system was tested using cyclic loading procedure. Test results demonstrate that the proposed BRB-to-RC connection details performed very well without failure in the steel gusset bracket or the RC corbels. The design and construction of the sub-assemblage specimen show the feasibility of the proposed system for practical applications. In order to further gain insights into the seismic performance of the BRB-RCF system, nonlinear response history analyses were conducted using a total of 240 (SLE, DBE and MCE) ground accelerations. Analysis results indicate that the mean maximum total BRB shear to base story shear ratios are about 23%, 21% and 19% for SLE, DBE and MCE, respectively. The maximum inter-story drift ratios under the DBE and MCE events are 1.82% and 2.32%, respectively. Analysis results also suggest that the high mode effect is moderate. It is found that the peak demand of the horizontal tension force on the gusset bracket can be estimated by considering 70% of the sum of the horizontal force components computed from the maximum tension strengths of two adjacent BRBs.
摘要本研究彙整台灣近半世紀潛變及收縮試驗資料,參考國際上資料庫的參數組成及資料架構,並與前所建立台灣既有混凝土資料庫結合,建立「台灣混凝土潛變收縮資料庫」。其中收錄82 篇文獻,包含潛變試驗156 組及收縮試驗303 組,並對於其材料性質、配比、摻料用量、試體幾何、養護條件等試驗情況皆有紀錄。本研究透過與文獻探討和國際資料庫資料的分析比較,證實台灣混凝土配比設計中,在相同設計強度目標,具有使用高水泥量及漿體量,及使用彈性模數較低之本土粒料的特性。最後,本文成果除了將台灣資料庫併入世界混凝土資料庫,並可用以建立台灣混凝土潛變與收縮預測公式,亦期望能奠定世界資料庫發展至雲端化、網頁化之基礎。
TitleDevelopment and Analysis of Creep and Shrinkage Database of Concrete in Taiwan
AuthorJenn-Chaun Chern, Wen-Cheng Liao, Ting-Kai Liu, Wei-Yi Chin
KeywordsConcrete, Creep, Shrinkage, Slag, Fly Ash, Database
AbstractThe present study begins with the organization of recent half a century data on the shrinkage and creep testing, and proceeds to refer the parameter formation and data structure in international databases, and combines those with present concrete databases in Taiwan to create the Database on Creep and Shrinkage of Taiwan Concrete. The database incorporates 82 documents, 156 data sets for concrete creep tests, and 303 data sets for concrete shrinkage tests. The material properties, the mix designs, the admixture amounts, the geometry of the test specimens, and the test conditions, for each test, are well documented in this database. Through comparisons with international database analyses and literature reviews, this study has verified that the mix design of concrete in Taiwan, for comparable design strength targets, tends to have the following characteristics: high cement amounts, and low elastic moduli of local aggregate. Finally, this study, in addition to incorporating the Taiwan database into the international concrete databases, is also expected to serve as a base to facilitate the development of the worldwide database with a cloud-based web platform for the world.

第三十二卷第四期 (期別128) (106年)

第三十二卷第四期 (期別128) (106年)

標題 化學植筋在低強度混凝土中剪力行為研究
作者 許家銘、鄭元良、蕭輔沛、廖文義、翁樸文、李台光、黃國倫
關鍵字 低強度混凝土、化學錨栓、植筋、剪力、補強
摘要 植筋工程常被用於結構物補強工程中,如翼牆及剪力牆補強等工法,藉由對既有結構體進行植筋,將補強結構體與既有結構體相連接,以期發展出良好的耐震行為。國家地震工程研究中心於校舍補強案例中,發現老舊校舍結構常有混凝土強度偏低的問題,其平均混凝土強度約為17 MPa,甚至有低至5 MPa 左右之案例,因此本研究探討低強度混凝土中植筋剪力行為,並探討現行ACI 混凝土設計規範之適用性。本研究在混凝土強度分別為5MPa、10 MPa 及15 MPa 之混凝土試體中,進行一系列的植筋單向剪力測試,試體共計有192 組,試驗控制參數包含植筋深度、邊距及混凝土強度。試驗結果與ACI 規範計算值相比較後,發現ACI 計算值在強度10MPa 和15MPa 之試體仍屬保守,但在5MPa 試體之試驗值則與計算值相當接近,故ACI 規範錨定計算公式應用於極低強度混凝土中可能會有不保守情況產生。此外,實驗發現有一種在低強度混凝土中的破壞模式屬鋼筋彎曲破壞,其強度介於邊距破壞與鋼筋剪斷之間,有別於ACI 規範中所考慮之邊距、撬破和鋼筋剪斷三種破壞模式。最後,本文以國內實際RC 剪力牆試驗與震害勘災結果,說明混凝土植筋界面剪力強度之重要性。
Title Study on the Shear Behavior of Chemical Anchors in the Low Strength Concrete
Author Jia-MingHsu, Yuan-Liang Zheng, Fu-Pei Hsiao, Wen-I Liao, Pu-Wen Weng, Tai-Kuang Lee, Guo-Luen Huang
Keywords low strength concrete, adhesiveanchors, post-installed rebars, shear, retrofit
Abstract In order to increase seismic capability of structural system, retrofit techniques are usually applied. Traditional RC retrofit methods include adding RC shear wall, wing wall and RC jacketing. In addition to connect new structural members to old structural members,adhesive anchors (post-installed rebars) are used. From the investigation results by National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), it was found that concrete strength of old school buildings is very low due to poor construction quality. Therefore, the behavior of post-installed rebars in low strength concrete is very important. In this study, the concrete strength of specimens are 5MPa, 10MPa and 15MPa. According to the minimum edge distance and depth of ACI code, this study proposed a series of anchorage and shear test, a total of 192 specimens. Control parameters are the embedded depth of the rebar, the distance to edge, and concrete strength. The results of those experiments are compared with the calculated values of ACI code. It was found ACI calculated values remain conservative in strength 10MPa and 15MPa, but in the 5MPa calculated values is very close to experiment results.So,the formula of ACI code used in low strength concrete may not be conservative. From the experiments of this study,it was also found a new failure mode as steel bending failure. Finally, the importance of the shear strength of the interface between the post-installed rebar and concrete was addressed with an actual experiment of RC shear wall and the results of the reconnaissance of earthquake disaster in Taiwan.
TitleLoading Test Analysis of An Earthquake-Damaged Bridge
AuthorChun-Chung Chen, Yu-Chi Sung, Zheng-Kuan Lee, Chia-Chung Hsu, Fang-Yao Yeh, Yu-Chi Sung, Feng-Kai Chang, Yi-Tsung Chiu, Ping-Hsun Huang, Jia-Ying Chen, Wan-Long Wu
KeywordsGene Algorithm, Response Surface Method, Loading Test
AbstractThis paper conducts an analysis on loading tests of the earthquake-damaged bridge. The study uses the commercial finite element program to build a bridge analytical model, and the analysis result is compared with that of the field load testing to verify the proposed model. Generally, in order to improve the reliability of the finite element model, it is needed to adjust some modeling parameters using field experimental data to realize the representative characteristic of the bridge structure. However, the structural model usually involves numerous elements which lead the poor analysis efficiency of modeling parameters adjustment work. In view of this, this study applies the response method of experimental design function to take place of the finite element model by statistical experimental design theory and integrates the genetic algorithm to optimize modeling parameters which were used in the model and can make the model gives the reliable results which close to static and dynamic characteristics of the actual bridge.
摘要老舊建築物或因設計年代久遠或因現況不佳等因素,其耐震能力恐未能符合現行規範標準。若逐一進行詳細耐震能力評估,將耗費相當龐大的經費與時間。本文根據內政部建築研究所2014 年委託研究計畫所制定的新版建築物耐震能力初步評估方法為基礎,開發出鋼筋混凝土建築物耐震能力初步評估系統(Preliminary Seismic Evaluation of RC Building, PSERCB),讓使用者能夠快速且不失準確的估算建築物的耐震能力。PSERCB 能夠將耐震能力初步評估結果以定性與定量方式呈現,並以分數表示,讓評估者能夠判別建築物耐震能力之情況,作為後續是否須執行耐震詳細評估與補強或者是拆除重建之參考依據。本系統採雲端作業方式,評估者之調查資料將儲存於雲端資料庫內,可提供各級政府資料檢視、分析、統計與管理之用,並可作為擬訂防災策略所需大數據(Big Data)分析之依據,達到災害控管的目的。
TitleStudy and Establishment for Cloud Platform of Preliminary Seismic Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Buildings
AuthorYu-Chi Sung, Ming-Chun Lai, Yi-Tsung Chiu, Chun-Jung Chen, Hong-Syuan Lin, Chih-Liang Yen, I-Chau Tsai, Chien-Jung Chen, Chang-Yu Chen
KeywordsCloud Operation System, Quantitative Evaluation, Disaster Prevention
AbstractThe numerous existing buildings maynot behave qualified seismic performance satisfied with the current seismic design code as a result of material deterioration or outdated design, etc. It needs a significant cost and time to do the detailed seismic evaluation of existing buildings for determination on necessary seismic retrofit. Therefore, development of a preliminary seismic evaluation system giving a rapid and reliable result is very important currently in Taiwan. This paper focused on developing the preliminary seismic evaluation of reinforced concrete buildings (PSERCB), based on research of Profs. Tsai and Sung 2014, granted by Architect Research Institute, Taiwan. Both qualitative and quantitative evaluation results are involved in this framework. A cloud platform was established for the engineers to input the inspection of current status of buildings and the evaluation report is able to be downloaded as technical report. All the data on the cloud platform are collected as the basis of big data analysis for strategy of disaster prevention to government in the future.
摘要耐震規範中對立面不規則建築有其定義與限制,並且要求須以動力分析方法進行結構設計。除了以有限元素分析法(finite element method, FEM)進行全結構的非彈性動力分析外,振態側推分析法(modal pushover analysis method)是常用的簡化分析方法之一。進行振態側推分析可以得到各振態的非彈性受力與變形關係,由此受力與變形關係可以建立代表該振態的單自由度振態系統。再進行各單自由度振態系統的非線性反應歷時分析,並將各振態造成的反應歷時相加,即可求得結構的總反應,在本研究中稱此簡化分析方法為單自由度振態分析方法(single-degree-of-freedom modal analysis method,SDM)。相關文獻顯示SDM會高估底層或下半結構較強或較強且較硬之立面不規則建築之下部樓層的受震反應,建議對此類結構仍應採用較為複雜與耗時的FEM來分析其受震反應。然而此類型之立面不規則結構物常見於實際工程中,若能發展適合的簡化分析方法,則將有助於工程的應用。有鑒於單自由度振態系統無法反映上述類型結構上下兩部分顯著不同的受震反應, 本研究提出二自由度振態分析方法(two-degree-of-freedom modal analysis method,2DM),將每個振態系統以兩個自由度分別代表上部及下部結構的振態反應,經由疊加各振態所造成的反應歷時以估算結構的總反應歷時。本研究以一棟9層樓及一棟20層樓規則平面抗彎矩構架做為原型建築,修改每一個原型建築成為四個立面不規則構架(底層較強、底層較強且較硬、下半結構較強、下半結構較強且較硬)做為研究之標的建築。以FEM、SDM及2DM分析上述八個立面不規則構架分別受到60筆地震記錄作用下的反應。本研究顯示當結構保持彈性,2DM與SDM分析結果完全相同;當結構進入非彈性,一般而言2DM估算的各樓層反應較SDM準確,能夠有效降低被SDM高估的下部結構的最大層間位移比。
TitleA Simplified Seismic Analysis Procedure for Vertically Irregular Buildings
AuthorChih-Chia Tsaur, Jui-Liang Lin, Keh-Chyuan Tsai
Keywordsvertically irregular building, setbacks, nonlinear response history analysis, modal pushover analysis, modal response history analysis
AbstractMost seismic building design codes describe the features of vertically irregular buildings. In addition, these building design codes prescribe that dynamic analysis should be adopted in the seismic analysis and design of these irregular structures. Besides the finite element method (FEM), which performs inelastic dynamic analysis to complete finite element models, the modal pushover analysis (MPA) method is one of common simplified seismic analysis procedures. The force-deformation relationship of each vibration mode obtained from the MPA method is employed to construct the corresponding single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) modal system. The modal response histories are obtained from performing nonlinear response history analysis to each SDOF modal system. The total seismic responses of the building are estimated by adding up the seismic response histories resulting from all vibration modes. This study designates the aforementioned simplified method as the single-degree-of-freedom modal analysis method (SDM). Some research literatures showed that using SDM leads to overestimated seismic responses of the lower parts of the vertically irregular buildings, which have stronger or stronger-and-stiffer bottom story or lower half. Instead of the SDM, the complicated and time-consuming FEM was thus suggested for the seismic analysis of this type of buildings. Nevertheless, this type of vertically irregular buildings is common. It would benefit engineering practice if there are simplified seismic analysis methods available to this type of irregular buildings. In light of the incompetence of using the SDOF modal systems to simultaneously reflect the seismic responses of the super- and sub-structures of the buildings, this study proposes the two-degree-of-freedom modal analysis method (2DM). 2DM is basically the same as SDM, except that 2DM represents each vibration mode as a two-degree-of-freedom modal system. One 9-story and one 20-story regular moment resisting frames are selected as the prototype building in this study. Each of the two prototype buildings are further varied into four vertically irregular buildings as the target buildings. The four variations include buildings with stronger, stronger-and-stiffer first story; stronger, stronger-and-stiffer lower half. FEM, SDM, and 2DM are applied to the eight target buildings subjected to the selected 60 ground motions. This study shows that the analysis results obtained from 2DM are the same as those obtained from SDM as long as the structures remain elastic. While the structures become inelastic, 2DM generally results in more accurate estimations of inter-story drifts, compared with those obtained from SDM. The overestimated peak inter-story drifts of the substructures by using SDM are effectively reduced by using 2DM.
TitleInterference Effects on High-rise Building Based on Aerodynamic and Aeroelastic Tests
AuthorYuan-Lung Lo, Chi-Rou Chen
KeywordsHigh-rise building, Aero-elastic test, Interference effect, Interference factor
AbstractWind effects on high-rise buildings are one of the most important topics in safety designs of structures, especially the target building is neighbored by another or even multiple high-rise buildings. This study intends to compare the differences between the results from the aerodynamic test and the results from the aeroelastic test. Physical scaling tests are planned in three parts: firstly the aerodynamic test is conducted in order to understand mean and fluctuating force coefficients of a square prism model with interference effects; secondly the aeroelastic test is conducted in order to examine the displacement variation under various velocities and terrain flows; thirdly the results from both tests are compared to find the differences by means of displacement estimation methodologies. It is found that, adopting the aerodynamic test for wind-induced response is not reliable compared to the aeroelastic test since the wind-induced response with/without interference effects are much more complicated and need more investigations in systematic aeroelastic test works.

第三十二卷第三期 (期別127) (106年)

第三十二卷第三期 (期別127) (106年)

關鍵字高強度混凝土、彈性模數、抗壓強度、矽灰、New RC
摘要彈性模數為混凝土在工程設計中的重要材料性質,影響混凝土變形,也是計算撓度和剛度的重要參數。台灣現積極研發New RC 建築技術,採高強度混凝土(f’c > 700 kgf/cm2)搭配高強度鋼筋,朝向超高層鋼筋混凝土建築發展;惟台灣目前對於高強度混凝土彈性模數預估式一般仍採用美國混凝土學會ACI318 或ACI 363 相關規定,然而相關研究已發現由於高漿體量、低粒料強度與矽灰添加等特性,台灣高強度混凝土的彈性模數預估值明顯高估。為了能獲得較準確的彈性模數,須提出一個符合台灣高強度混凝土材料特性之評估計算公式。本研究收集國內本土471 筆的試驗資料,對各參數進行迴歸分析,將矽灰添加等重要參數納入考量;根據研究成果,本研究以ACI 363 彈性模數預估公式為基礎,乘上矽灰折減係數 ksf,除了易於業界計算外,並可反映台灣混凝土彈性模數偏低的現象,並做為未來New RC 構件設計及工程規範修訂的參考。
TitleStudy of Prediction Equation for Modulus of Elasticity of High Strength Concrete in Taiwan
AuthorWen-Cheng Liao, Wei-Xiu Hu
KeywordsHigh Strength Concrete, Modulus of Elasticity, Compressive Strength, Silica Fume, New RC
AbstractThe modulus of elasticity of concrete is an important factor in design of RC structures. Modulus of elasticity is also essential for engineers to estimate deflections and stiffness of RC members. Nowadays, Taiwan New RC project is developing to reduce the member sections and increase the available space of high rise buildings by using high strength concrete (f’c > 700 kgf/cm2) and high strength rebars. However, the prediction and calculation of modulus of elasticity of high strength concrete in Taiwan is still mainly referred to ACI318 or ACI363. It was confirmed that modulus of elasticity of high strength concrete is usually overestimated due to less coarse aggregate amount and high paste volume. In order to gain precise modulus of elasticity, it is necessary to find out an equation which can reflect materials characteristic in Taiwan.This study collects 471 data sets of high strength concrete in Taiwan. By regression analysis with certain key parameters, such as silica fume, a new and practical prediction equation based on the ACI318 is proposed. This equation is easy to calculate and reflects the low modulus of elasticity characteristics in Taiwan. It can offer more accurate estimation of modulus of elasticity for New RC member design.
關鍵字水平搭接組合繫筋、搭接長度、RC 柱、耐震性能
摘要組合繫筋為由兩支一端為180 度彎鉤另一端為直線的J 形鋼筋搭接組合而成。本研究完成3 支大尺寸鋼筋混凝土柱試體之反復側向載重試驗,探討水平搭接組合繫筋在圍束柱核心混凝土之效應。研究結果顯示:(1)本研究使用之組合繫筋水平搭接長度雖不符合甲級搭接長度之要求,但是由試體之遲滯行為可看出,其圍束效果不亞於兩端為180 度彎鉤之一體繫筋,以及使用90 度-135 度彎鉤之傳統繫筋;(2)組合繫筋之應變量測的結果顯示,組合繫筋發展之強度遠高於單根鋼筋之降伏強度,應變量測結果亦顯示本研究所使用之組合繫筋可以發揮良好的圍束功能;(3)雖然本研究使用之組合繫筋的搭接長度低於甲級搭接長度,而仍然可以發揮預期的功能,但是試驗數據很有限,因此建議組合繫筋還是使用甲級搭接長度;(4)組合繫筋可以大幅改善繫筋之施工性及施工品質,但也會增加鋼筋使用量。本研究探討的個案顯示,使用組合繫筋會使每個塑性鉸區增加11.5 公斤之橫向鋼筋量,柱淨高範圍較傳統繫筋之橫向鋼筋量增加17%。
TitleThe seismic performance of reinforced concrete columns using horizontally lap-spliced crosstie
AuthorTai-Kuang Lee, Cheng-Cheng Chen, Ming-Chin Ho
Keywordshorizontally lap-spliced crosstie, lap splice length, RC columns, seismic performance
AbstractA lap-spliced crosstie consists of two J-shaped steel bars (rebars) that have a straight end and an end featuring a 180° hook. In this study, a lateral cyclic load test was conducted on three specimens of large-sized reinforced concrete (RC) columns to investigate the seismic resistance capability of RC columns comprising horizontally lap-spliced crossties with less than Class A splice length. The research results are presented as follows: (a) The confinement effect of horizontally lap-spliced crosstie with less than Class A splice length, was comparable to that of the specimens using crossties featuring a 180° hook on the two ends and conventional crossties. (b) According to the reading data of strain, the horizontally lap-spliced crosstie can develop the required strength and provide satisfactory confinement effect. (c) In order to be safe and conservative, Class A splice (1.0 times the development length) for lap-spliced crossties is recommended. (d) Using lap-spliced crossties in construction is easy and produces a low possibility of construction errors. Therefore, the construction quality of RC column reinforcement and the seismic resistance capability of RC structures can be substantially increased. The case discussed in this study shows that the use of lap-spliced crosstie would increase the amount of transverse steel in each plastic hinge by 11.5 kg and in the clearance height of columns by 17%.
摘要近年來隨著隔震設計之建築物蓬勃發展,其中因施工性較優之中間層隔震(Mid-Story Isolation)設計逐漸被廣泛應用,然而中間層隔震設計之高模態參與比例較高,常造成隔震層下部結構反應放大,欲減少隔震層下部反應放大的問題,採用調諧質量阻尼(Tuned Mass Damper,TMD)系統為能量吸收器,於外力作用下與主結構產生反相位運動進而消散外力擾動能量。自體調諧質量阻尼系統(Building Mass Damper System,BMD)將上部結構視為調諧質量,並利用控制層中的橡膠支承墊與黏性阻尼器分別提供BMD 系統所需之勁度及阻尼,結合中間層隔震與調諧質量阻尼器設計之優點,同時控制下部與上部結構反應。數值模型上,以一簡化三自由度模型分別模擬上部結構、控制層及下部結構,進而以三自由度之動力反應總和最小化作為控制目標,推導BMD 最佳化系統(Optimum Building Mass Damper,OBMD)。基於過去研究已分別透過數值模擬及振動台實驗,驗證OBMD 設計於八層樓縮尺構架之可行性,故本研究將針對OBMD 於實際結構之可行性進行探討,因此將採用57 層樓鋼構架作為空構架設計依據,在分析程序上,先根據2%鋼構架初始阻尼比分別設計TMD、BMD 及OBMD 構架,輸入六組不同特性之地震歷時,比較三種系統之歷時反應,同時透過簡化三自由度之加速度轉換函數配合震波FFT 頻涵圖,交互驗證其動態反應。根據第一階段之分析結論,再分別設計下部結構阻尼比為4%之OBMD 構架及一整體阻尼比為4%之消能減震構架,並重新對於空構架、消能減震構架及OBMD 構架進行分析,最後比較最大層間變位角及樓層最大加速度,以驗證OBMD 於實際案例應用之可行性。
TitleFeasibility Study on Building Mass Damper Using Optimum Dynamic Response Control Algorithm for Practical Application
AuthorPei-Rong Chen, Yu-Fang Liu, Bo-Han LEE, Tzu-Kang Lin, Kuo-Chun Chang
KeywordsMid-story isolation system, Tuned mass damper, Building mass damper, Objective function, Optimum Dynamic Response Control Algorithm
AbstractIn a mid-story isolated building, the isolation system is incorporated into the mid-story rather than the base of the building. The effectiveness of mid-story isolation design in reducing seismic demands on the superstructure above the isolation system has been verified in many researches. However, the response of substructure may be amplified due to the flexibility and the contribution of the higher modes. On the other hand, although tuned mass damper has been recognized as an effective energy absorbing device to reduce the undesirable vibrations of the attached vibrating system subjected to harmonic excitations, the mass ratio of most TMD was not enough for earthquake resistance due to the limitation of the building space. Therefore, the concept of building mass damper (BMD) design has been developed, which incorporates the TMD design concept into the mid-story isolated building to control the seismic response of both substructure and superstructure. In the BMD design, the superstructure serves as a tuned absorber mass while the stiffness and damping can be provided by the isolation system composed of elastomeric bearings and additional dampers, as the advantages of conventional TMD and mid-story isolation systems can be integrated. A simplified three-lumped-mass structure model, in which three lumped masses are respectively assigned at the building mass absorber, the control layer, and the primary structure, is rationally assumed to represent a building structure with a BMD system. The reason for doing this is that the inherent dynamic characteristics (fundamental modal characteristics of vibration) of both the building mass absorber and the primary structure can be considered comprehensively in the simplified structure model. The feasibility of the optimum BMD (OBMD) design method has been verified in previous studies. In this research, the 57 story steel frame is used to be a bare frame. According to 2% inherent damping ratios of the TMD, BMD and OBMD can be designed respectively. Six real earthquake records with distinct seismic characteristics adopted in this research are selected for the ground acceleration inputs along the longitudinal and transversal direction. On the other hand, the acceleration transfer functions of the simplified three-lumped-mass structural model and the FFT of each ground motion are used to describe the seismic behavior of the TMD, BMD and OBMD. Then, the seismic responses of the OBMD system are thoroughly investigated and the practicability and effectiveness of the OBMD system for seismic design are verified.
關鍵字樓版振動、鋼承版、移動載重、通用振動標準、1/3 倍頻程譜、SCI P354
摘要一般實驗研究中心的振動敏感設備多規劃於地下室,一方面可減緩建築物外部環境振動之影響;另一方面,當須增加樓版厚度時,因樓版的水平地震力可直接由地下室外牆承擔,故對整體結構設計之影響較小。然而,地下室用途經常包含停車或裝卸貨物,在空間規劃上雖可設置全高RC 牆以區隔車道,或使振動敏感設備盡量遠離車道,但其效果仍須經由樓版振動分析才可確認。本文應用SAP2000 之移動載重分析功能,評估建築物內部車行載重引致的樓版振動,其中,考慮樓版型式為鋼結構常見之鋼承樓版,故結構模擬部分特別參考英國鋼結構學會出版的樓版振動設計指引SCIP354。本文內容包含移動載重模擬、鋼承樓版模擬以及振動標準計算等,其中,振動標準採用高科技廠房常見的通用振動標準,最後,以一動物實驗中心之樓版振動設計為例,詳述各項操作細節和常見問題的解決方法。
TitleEvaluation of composite floor vibrations induced by moving loads
AuthorJian-Huang Weng, Chi-Hang Li
Keywordsfloor vibration, composite floor deck, moving load, generic vibration criteria, one-third octave spectrum, SCI P354
AbstractIn the laboratories or research centers, the vibration-sensitive equipments are often placed on the basement floors. The reason is the impact of environmental vibrations outside the building can be reduced. Another reason is the influence on the structural design will be smaller if the slab thickness needs to be increased because the lateral seismic force of the slab is directly borne by the basement exterior wall. However, basements are often used as parking or loading/unloading spaces so that the vibration induced by vehicle pass-bys may affect the equipments. Although the full height RC partition wall can be used to reduce the vibration and it is also effective to keep the equipments far away from the lane, the result should be confirmed with floor vibration analysis. In this paper, the moving load analysis in SAP2000 is applied to evaluate the floor vibration induced by vehicle traveling inside the building. The publication of Steel Construction Institute: Design of Floor Vibration – A New Approach (SCI P354) is referred as a guideline for structural simulation of the composite floor deck which is commonly used in steel structures. This paper contains simulation of moving load, modeling of composite floor deck and calculation of the generic vibration criteria which is commonly used for high-tech facilities. Finally, an example, design of floor vibration in an animal research facility, is provided to illustrate the design details.
摘要自有地震儀觀測90 年間以來,臺灣地區已發生多次重大的地震災害。88年9 月21 日發生芮氏地震規模達7.3 的921 集集大地震,造成臺灣相當重大的生命及財產損失,使人不得不懾於大自然無與倫比的力量。此次地震後橋梁結構物之耐震安全成為國家防災計畫非常重要的課題,而國道高速公路為臺灣地區南北交通的大動脈,對於國家整體經濟發展及民生影響甚鉅。臺灣區國道高速公路局為防範於未然,開始分階段持續推動高速公路橋梁耐震評估補強工作。在耐震補強工法中,橋柱包覆補強可有效提升橋梁於強震時之韌性,國內橋梁耐震補強工程常見之包覆補強方式為鋼筋混凝土包覆及鋼板包覆補強工法。鑑於補強材料科技日新月益,碳纖維材料其具有承受主要負載、限制微裂紋延伸、提高材料強度與剛性、改善材料抗疲勞、抗潛變性能及提高材料使用壽命之特性,因此高公局於「國道橋梁耐震強工程」中考量若因空間受限、美觀要求或施工條件不適用混凝土及鋼板包覆工法時,採用纖維強化高分子複合材料包覆工法(FRP 包覆),藉由碳纖維材料重量輕、強度高、易施工等的特性以提高高速公路橋梁的耐震能力與累積本土之設計、施工及檢測維護經驗,期能提供國內橋梁未來耐震補強更多的工法選擇。
TitleDesign and Construction of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Jacketing for Seismic Retrofit of National Freeway Bridges
AuthorKang-Yu Peng, Ming-Shing Wu, Chien-Hung Chen, Chi-Shan Wang, Sheng-fa Lin, Jun-Jjie Zheng
Keywordsbridge, seismic retrofit, carbon fiber, jacket, construction
AbstractChi-Chi earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale struck Taiwan on September 21, 1999, and caused severe property losses and casualties to central Taiwan. After the earthquake, the seismic safety of the bridge structure has become a very important issue in the national disaster prevention plan. The national freeway is the main traffic artery connecting the north and south in Taiwan, which has great influence on the national economic development and the people’s livelihood. Taiwan Area National Freeway Bureau (TANFB) actively took preventive measures for the bridge structures. The bridge columns jacketing can effectively increase the flexural ductility and shear strength of the bridge in large earthquake. The reinforced concrete jacketing and steel jacketing are the most widely used in the domestic bridge columns seismic retrofit project. In view of the ever-changing materials technology, carbon fiber material has the characteristics of bearing the load, limiting the micro-crack extension, improving the material strength and rigidity. The material can also improve the material anti-fatigue, anticreep performance and service life. When the space is limited, the landscape requirements or construction conditions are not applicable reinforced concrete jacketing and Steel Jacketing , the seismic retrofit program of national freeway bridges using carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite jacketing (CFRP jacketing). With carbon fiber materials’ light weight, high strength, easy constructed and other characteristics, increase the seismic capacity of freeway bridges, and accumulate the experience of domestic design, construction, testing and maintenance. Looking forward to provide more choice for future domestic bridge seismic retrofit project.

第三十二卷第二期 (期別126) (106年)

第三十二卷第二期 (期別126) (106年)

摘要鋼板阻尼器(Steel Panel Damper, SPD)為耐震間柱的一種,在抗彎構架(Moment Resisting Frame, MRF)中設置SPD 可增加結構的側向勁度、強度與韌性。本文利用兩組SPD 試體說明SPD 的構造原理與力學特性,介紹三段式SPD 容量設計與延遲塑性挫屈加勁設計方法。另介紹含鋼板阻尼器構架(SPD-MRF)的耐震設計,與邊界梁容量設計,並設計一棟六層SPD-MRF 範例,來闡明SPD-MRF 塑鉸產生機制與非線性動力歷時分析結果。分析證實ABAQUS 有限元素、PISA3D 結構模型均能準確模擬試體之反覆受力變形反應。統計非線性動力歷時分析結果可得MCE 級地震作用下,SPD 核心段最大剪變形角平均值加標準差為0.055 弧度,而兩組SPD 試體反覆載重試驗結果核心段最大剪變形角皆可達0.11 弧度,且累積塑性變形可達127 以上,約可承受4 次MCE 級地震才可能產生破壞。顯示本文所提之三段式SPD 具備足夠的耐震容量。最後本文提出以等效單構件模擬三段式SPD 的建模方法,並探討連接段相對長度與勁度對整體SPD 彈性勁度、降伏側位移角與降伏後勁度之影響,說明設計適當之上下連接段不僅能確保彈性反應,還能在保持SPD 的強度下,調節整體SPD 之降伏側位移角、彈性與降伏後勁度。
TitleSeismic Design, Tests and Analysis of Steel Panel Dampers for Steel Moment Frames
AuthorChung-Hsiang Hsu, Chao-Hsien Li, Pu-Yuan Chin, Keh-Chyuan Tsai
Keywordssteel panel damper, capacity design, seismic design, finite element model analysis, non-linear structural analysis
AbstractA ductile vierendeel frame can be constructed by incorporating the steel panel dampers (SPDs) into the moment resisting frame (SPD-MRF). Thus, the lateral stiffness, strength and energy dissipation capacity of the building can be enhanced.This paper presents the mechanical properties, capacity design procedures and the buckling-delaying stiffeners for the proposed 3-segment SPDs using two specimens subjected to cyclic increasing deformations. This paper also discusses the seismic design procedures of the SPD itself and the boundary beams connected to the SPDs in typical SPD-MRFs. Tests confirm that the proposed SPDs possess excellent ductility and energy dissipation capacities. The cyclic force vs. deformation relationships of the two SPD specimens can be accurately predicted using either the ABAQUS or PISA3D model analyses. This paper also investigates the seismic performance of a 6-story example SPD-MRF by using nonlinear response history analysis procedures and 240 ground accelerations. Results indicate that under the 80 MCE ground accelerations, the mean plus one standard deviation shear deformation of the SPD inelastic core segment is 0.055 radian, substantially less than the 0.11 radian capacity observed from both two SPD specimens. In addition, the cumulative plastic deformation of the proposed SPD is 127 times the yield deformation, capable of sustaining the MCE at least 4 times before failure. This paper concludes the method of using one equivalent element for effective modeling of the 3-segment SPD. The effects of the core segment relative length and stiffness on the overall SPD elastic, post-elastic stiffness, elastic deformation limit and inelastic deformational demand are discussed.
摘要雙核心自復位斜撐是利用斜撐中的兩組拉力構件束制斜撐中的三組鋼受壓構件,並利用第一核心構件與外層構件之相對位移進行摩擦消能,使斜撐受軸拉與軸壓下提供自復位及消能能力,即在大變形下具有回到零殘餘變形的能力;夾型挫屈束制斜撐則是利用兩組獨立分離的圍束構件以栓接方式束制斜撐中的核心構件,使得斜撐受壓不會挫屈而產生飽滿的遲滯消能。本研究主要目的為比較雙核心自復位斜撐與夾型挫屈束制斜撐安裝在相同梁柱構架下的影響,因此設計三組三層樓鋼造斜撐構架,分別為雙核心自復位斜撐構架(Dual-Core Self-Centering Braced Frame, DC-SCBF)、特殊混合斜撐構架(Special Mixed Braced Frame, SMBF)及夾型挫屈束制斜撐構架(Sandwiched Buckling-Restrained Braced Frame, SBRBF),其中特殊混合斜撐構架之斜撐由雙核心自復位斜撐和夾型挫屈束制斜撐分別配置於不同樓層,目的是結合兩種不同力學行為的斜撐於單一構架中進行抗震。本研究以非線性側推及動力歷時分析三組斜撐構架在20 組強地動地震紀錄下的反應,並於實驗室進行三組全尺寸二層樓鋼造斜撐構架試驗,目的為檢驗三組斜撐構架的側向勁度、能量消散、殘餘變位、累積韌性、等效阻尼比及耐震性能等抗震行為。
TitleSeismic Tests and Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Full-Scale Two-Story Steel Frames with DC-SCBs and SBRBs
AuthorChung-Che Chou, Chia-Hung Hsiao, Ze-Bang Chen, Ping-Ting Chung, Dinh-Hai Pham
KeywordsDual-core self-centering brace (DC-SCB), Sandwiched buckling-restrained brace (SBRB), Tests of two-story steel braced frames
AbstractTraditional seismic resisting systems in a large earthquake can experience significant damage and residual drifts due to energy dissipation of some structural members, which leads to difficult or expensive to repair after earthquakes. A steel dual-core self-centering brace (DC-SCB), which utilizes three steel bracing members, two friction devices, and two sets of tensioning elements that are in a parallel arrangement for doubling its axial deformation, has been proposed and validated to provide both the energy dissipation and self-centering properties to seismic resisting systems. A prototype three-story steel dual-core self-centering braced frame (DC-SCBF) was designed, and its full-scale one-bay DC-SCBF was tested to validate the system response. The DC-SCB was then replaced by the sandwiched buckling-restrained brace (SBRB) in a full-scale two-story frame, so the seismic performance of the DC-SCBF and the special mixed braced frame (SMBF) that has both the DC-SCB and SBRB in a frame could be evaluated. The full-scale two-story DC-SCBF, SMBF and BRBF subassembly specimen performed well up to an interstory drift of 2% after multiple tests. Nonlinear time history analyses were also performed on the prototype braced frames to obtain seismic demands.
摘要摩擦單擺支承(FPS)為目前使用最廣之滑動式隔震支承,該類支承之滑動面為具有固定曲率半徑之圓球面,以便提供隔震系統所需之回復力,並以滑動摩擦提供系統所需之消能能力。目前常用之FPS 隔震分析模型多以一固定勁度之彈簧及定摩擦之元件加以並聯而成。此種模型係假設支承位移遠小於曲率半徑故支承回復勁度近似常數,同時忽略滑動曲面傾角對回復力及摩擦子正向力之影響。此種簡化式模型在支承位移較小時或可提供足夠的精度,但在極大地震力或具速度脈衝特性之近斷層震波作用下,支承位移與速度有可能急速增加,此時滑動曲面效應對隔震動力行為即可能產生可觀之影響。為能補捉FPS 隔震系統於極大地震力作用下之真實隔震行為,本文以拉格朗運動方程式推導該系統於水平與垂直雙向震波同時作用下之完整運動方程式。經由本文所推導之方程式可知,FPS 隔震系統之水平與垂直向運動方程式實應包含二個與曲面斜率及曲率相關之非線性高階項,同時此二項又分別與支承水平滑動加速度及速度相關,因而造成隔震系統垂直與水平運動間之耦合效應,並產生額外之垂直向加速度及支承軸壓力等效應,本文經由振動台實驗並進一步證實此耦合效應之存在。本文進一步利用所推導之完整分析模型,並採用168 筆不同強度之水平與垂直雙向震波以進行剛性結構之隔震模擬。初步研究結果顯示,支承曲面效應對於隔震結構水平向反應(水平上傳加速度與支承位移)之影響較為有限,但對於隔震結構之垂直向反應(垂直上傳加速度與支承正向力)則有較大之影響。若忽略曲面效應可能低估垂直向反應達20%以上,部份震波甚至可達40%以上。
TitleCurvature effect on seismic responses of pendulum sliding isolators subjected to vertical and horizontal bi-directional ground excitations
AuthorChun-Chung Tsai, Lyan-Ywan Lu, Liang-Wei Wang, Lap-Loi Chung
Keywordsbase isolation, sliding isolation, pendulum isolator, curvature effect, bi-direction excitation, centrifugal force
AbstractFriction pendulum system (FPS) isolator is one of most widely used sliding isolators, presently. This type of isolators usually has a spherical sliding surface with constant radius, in order to produce a restoring force for the isolation system. The energy dissipation of the isolator is provided by sliding friction force. The common model adopted for an FPS isolator usually contains a constant-stiffness spring and a friction element placed in parallel. This model assumes that the isolator displacement is much smaller than the radius of the sliding surface, therefore the curvature and slope effects of the spherical surface on the restoring and friction forces can be neglected. This simplified model may not be applicable for FPS isolators under earthquakes that produce large isolator displacements or sliding velocities, since in these earthquakes the curvature and slope of the sliding surface may have significant effects on the dynamic response of the isolation system. In order to capture the actual response of a FPS-isolated structural system under an extreme earthquake, in this paper, complete dynamic equations of motion for the isolation system under vertical-and-horizontal bi-directional ground excitations were derived by using Lagrange’s equation. It is shown that the derived governing equations in both horizontal and vertical directions contain high-order nonlinear terms related to the slope and curvature of the sliding surface. These terms that are functions of horizontal sliding velocity and acceleration cause the coupling effect between horizontal and vertical motions and result in extra vertical acceleration and isolator axial load. The existence of the coupling effect was further verified by the shaking table test conducted in this study. In addition, by using the derived complete dynamic equations, the time responses of a FPS-isolated rigid structure under 168 ground motions with different intensities and characteristics were simulated. The simulation result demonstrates that the high-order terms have less effect on the horizontal response (acceleration and isolator drift) of the isolated system, but are more influential on the vertical responses (acceleration and isolator axial load). Neglecting the high-order terms may underestimate the vertical response by about 20-40% in a sever earthquake.


摘要SRC 結構(Steel Reinforced Concrete)是融合SS 結構(Steel Structure)與RC 結構(Reinforced Concrete)的優點,將鋼筋混凝土與鋼骨結合,以增加結構的延展性、耐震性及耐火性。近年來,一些安全及耐震要求高的建案,多會採用SRC 結構進行設計。但SRC 結構在施工過程中,若無正確施工程序,則易造成未預期的施工荷重而發生倒塌。本文即以國內一件SRC 結構施工中倒塌案例,利用二階分析及複合式柱之簡化模式解析解,來探討SRC施工中結構的安全問題。研究結果顯示:經由二階分析確認,設計者可能未考慮SRC 施工中鋼骨整體自重已超過SRC 施工中結構的臨界載重,此造成SRC 施工中結構系統發生挫屈,在受微小擾動後立即瞬間倒塌。複合式柱之簡化模式分析結果顯示,當SRC 結構施工程序比照SS 結構施工程序,持續往上吊裝鋼樑鋼柱而不顧下層鋼筋混凝土梁柱施工進度,則SRC 上層鋼骨自重可能會超過SRC 施工中結構的臨界載重,進而發生倒塌。為避免SRC 結構於施工過程中發生倒塌,建議政府主管機關,在施工方面,應制訂SRC 安全組裝施工程序,使鋼骨吊裝作業與鋼筋混凝土作業能完美結合;在設計方面,參考先進國家鋼結構設計規範,將直接分析法或二階分析納入我國鋼結構設計規範,以供設計者遵循。
TitleInvestigation on Safety Problems of SRC Structures used in Construction
AuthorJui-Lin Peng, Chung-Ming Ho, Wen-Jinn Lee, Liang-Jenq Leu
Keywordscritical load, direct analysis method, second-order analysis, steel reinforced concrete structure
AbstractThe steel reinforced concrete structures (SRC) integrate into the merits of steel structures (SS) and reinforced concrete structures (RC). The steel reinforced concrete structures, combined by reinforced concrete and steel structures, have a good ductility, earthquake resistantce and fire resistance. In recent years, some construction projects with high safety and seismic requirements have considered the design of steel reinforced concrete. However, in the construction of SRC structures, an unexpected construction load may cause the collapse of SRC structures if the correct construction procedures is not considered. This study investigates the construction safety of SRC structure based on the collapse of a SRC structure using a second-order analysis and a simplified model of composite columns. The study result of the second-order analysis shows that designers might fail to consider the overall steel self-weight of the SRC construction structure to exceed the critical load of this structure. This caused that the SRC construction structure buckled and then immediately collapsed after a slight disturbance. The analysis result of the simplified model of the composite column shows that the self-weight of SRC may exceed the critical load of the SRC construction structure and then the structure fails finally. The analysis result implies that the SRC construction structure collapses if the construction procedure of SRC only follows that of SS regardless of the setup progress of reinforced concrete beams and columns at the bottom. In order to avoid the collapse of SRC construction structure, this study proposes that, in terms of construction, the government authorities should develop a safety assembly procedure of SRC structures so that the hoisting of steel beams and columns can combine reinforced concrete operations perfectly. In terms of design, the government authorities should add the direct analysis method or the second-order analysis into the domestic design specifications of steel structures based on those used in advanced countries.
TitleNumerical simulation of shaking table tests on dynamic response of a bridge model with scoured piled foundation
AuthorKuang-Yen Liu, Zheng-Hong Chen, Chia-Han Chen, Kuo-Chun Chang
KeywordsShaking table test, Pile foundation, Scouring effect, Soil springs
AbstractThe simplified analysis process of soil-structure interaction is proposed in this research to study the response of the bridge with scoured piled foundation under earthquake. The simplified analysis applies soil spring to simulate soil-structure interaction behavior. Both soil shear wave velocity and dynamic shear modulus are used to estimate initial value of linear soil spring. Given two assumptions: (1) the shear strain of the soil near the pile is consistent to the strain of the pile, and (2) modification of dynamic shear modulus of soil follows the relationship of effective shear strain and maximum shear modulus, proposed by Seed and Idriss, the parameters of soil springs can be determined iteratively. Furthermore, a simplified approach to identify the soil layers subjected to seismic loading was also introduced by the predominant frequencies of soil layers by the transfer function analysis. Based on the proposed method, the SDOF bridge model with equivalent linear soil springs was built to simulate behavior of soil-pile-structure interaction in the shaking table test. The acceleration and relative displacement of superstructure, the strain of pile top, and the maximum strain of pile can be effectively predicted by the proposed method, either in the condition of exposed or no exposed pile foundation. In addition, the analyzed result of the model considering the double layers of soil can obtain better accuracy than that of the model with single layer of soil.

第三十二卷第一期 (期別125) (106年)

第三十二卷第一期 (期別125) (106年)

TitleSeismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Rectangular Spiral Reinforcement
AuthorPing-Hsiung Wang, Kuo-Chun Chang, Yu-Chen Ou, Samuel Y. Yin, Jui-Chen Wang, Chih-Hsuan Chen, Chen-Wei Wu
Keywordsrectangular spiral, beam, plastic hinge, cyclic loading
AbstractThis paper presents an experimental study on reinforced concrete beam with continuous rectangular spiral as transverse reinforcement. Three exterior beam-column joint specimens with different beam detailing were devised to exhibit beam hinging and to examine their seismic performance under pseudo-static cyclic loading. Two beams with single and double rectangular spirals were introduced to compare with the one with traditional hoops. Test results show that beam specimen with single rectangular spiral has comparable hysteresis behavior compared to the traditional one, while the one with double rectangular spiral exhibits more degradation due to inadequate detailing at the end of spiral. Without the need of anchored hooks on each hoop, beam with rectangular spiral can save around 25% of transverse reinforcement in comparison with traditional hoops. Moreover, rectangular spiral can be automatically produced and easily erected with less labor effort.
摘要高樓建築結構中的低樓層柱常會因載重要求及尺寸的限制而有使用高強度材料的需求, 因此本研究探討高強度混凝土充填高強度箱型鋼柱(Concrete Filled Box Column, CFBC)於高及低軸力(40%及20%軸力強度)下之耐震行為,主要試驗參數包括鋼柱寬厚比、軸力大小及斷面配置,共計有六組試體,試驗方式為對柱施加固定軸力並進行反覆側推試驗。鋼柱方形斷面寬分別為420、400 及280 mm,寬厚比分別為11、18 及30,試體使用高強度SM 570M 鋼材(實際降伏強度520~580MPa)及高強度混凝土(實際 f’c = 80 MPa)。研究結果顯示寬厚比增加會小幅降低柱韌性,但柱軸力大小對柱韌性之影響非常顯著,於高軸力下柱的韌性低,而銲接箱型柱斷面內充填混凝土與否對韌性並無明顯影響。本研究也將實驗所得的強度與各國規範進行比較,發現歐洲EC 規範及日本AIJ 規範對於高強度混凝土充填箱型鋼柱之強度預測較為準確,美國AISC、ACI 及台灣規範均過於保守;各規範對於高強度箱型鋼柱之強度預測均偏於保守,對於寬厚比較小之柱試體,預測誤差較大。
TitleSeismic Tests of High Strength Concrete Filled Box Columns under Large Axial Loads
AuthorChung-Che Chou, Sung-Cheng Wu
KeywordsHigh strength material, Concrete filled box column, High axial load beam-column specimen
AbstractThe cyclic behavior of high strength Concrete Filled Box Column (CFBC) under large axial loads was experimentally investigated. The parameters in the study included the width-to-thickness (b/t) ratio, axial load level and section type. Total six beam-column specimens were tested under a constant axial load and an increasing cyclic loading. The CFBC specimens were 280 to 420 mm in width and 2000 mm in height. Nominal b/t ratios varied from 11 to 30. All specimens were made of high strength steel SM 570M with a nominal yield strength of520~580 MPa.Three specimens were filled with high strength (80 MPa) concrete. Experimental results indicated that ductility decreases significantly with an increase in either axial load level or b/t ratio of the steel. The ductility does not change significantly whether concrete is infilled in the steel box column. Eurocode (EC 2004) and Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ 2010) have good prediction in the flexural strength of high strength CFBC. AISC-LRFD (2010), ACI 318 (2011) and Taiwan Steel Design Code (2010) are too conservative in predicting the flexural strength of high strength CFBC. All the design codes are conservative in predicting high strength steel column moment capacity, especially for small b/t ratios.
TitlePerformance-based design for earthquake-resistant coupled structural walls
AuthorChung-Chan Hung , Yu-Hsiang Cheng ,Wei-Ting Lu
Keywordscoupled structural walls, performance-based design, nonlinear time-history analysis
AbstractCoupled structural walls are often used in the buildings located in regions with high seismic risk. A coupled wall structure consists of two or more structural walls linked by coupling beams. It is able to provide efficient lateral strength and stiffness, which effectively reduces the drift response of buildings under earthquakes. Current seismic design codes are based on strength methods. Although they are able to prevent structures that are designed accordingly from collapse, the designers and users have limited knowledge about the seismic behavior of the designed structures under different levels of earthquakes. The objective of the present study is to develop a performance-based design method for coupled walls. The developed method allows engineers to pre-select the desirable coupling ratio and performance objectives for coupled walls, and then design the structures accordingly. In addition, it also facilitates the ideal yielding mechanism of coupled walls under earthquakes. Four example coupled wall structures are designed in this study using the proposed method. Their computational models are also built and analyzed using nonlinear time history procedures. The results show that the designed coupled walls are able to exhibit satisfactory structural yielding mechanisms and show the seismic behavior satisfying the pre-selected performance objectives for different seismic hazard levels.
摘要本文旨在探討隔震系統輔以黏滯阻尼消能之最佳阻尼比,系統之回復力與阻尼力皆為線性。因前人所用之地表加速度為白雜訊,並未顯現出台灣地盤之特性,故本文以台灣177 個地震紀錄作為地表加速度。並將結構物分成剛體結構與非剛體結構,非剛體結構再以無阻尼以及含阻尼作為劃分。再來根據結構的分類表建立運動方程式,利用狀態空間法以數值模擬求得不同結構參數與地盤種類的動力反應。藉由變化阻尼比,使上部結構絕對加速度反應最小之阻尼比即為最佳阻尼比,進一步利用這些參數與對應之最佳阻尼比迴歸出設計公式。最後以實際案例比較前人與本文提供之公式的優劣,並且證明本文的設計公式之可行性,且有效反映地盤特性對阻尼需求之影響,可作為隔震設計之實務應用中,決定阻尼大小之參考依據。
TitleOptimal Design Formula for Viscous Damping Ratio in Isolation System with Consideration of Site Classification
AuthorCho-Yen Yang,Yang-Chih Fan, Lap-Loi Chung, Bao-Jyun Lu
Keywordsdesign formula, isolation, viscous damping, optimal, site classification
AbstractIn this paper, the optimal viscous damping ratio for isolation system is studied. The linear restoring and damping force are considered. According to the previous literature in optimal design formulas, the white-noise excitation is considered. However, the case analysis in previous study was not doing well because the formulas could not retain the regional feature. Therefore, the numerical analysis intended to input several ground motion records in Taiwan. After that, the rigid and non-rigid superstructures for isolation system with various structure parameters are numerically simulated. The root mean square of absolute structure acceleration is selected to be the objection function for obtaining optimal isolation damping ratio. Repeating the optimal process with various structural parameters, the proposed simple design formula was developed by regression of those optimal isolation damping ratios from numerical simulations. Finally, we conducted the case analysis to verify the feasibility of proposed optimal design formulas.
摘要歷年來國內外之地震勘災紀錄可以知道, 在建築物主結構系統尚未發生破壞之情況下,非結構物遭受嚴重破壞的例子很多,而各項非結構物之損壞又以明架式天花板之破壞最為常見。明架式天花板為國內極為普遍之懸吊式天花板系統,卻因缺乏適當之施工方式及耐震措施導致在地震中極容易受到損壞。2011年明架式天花板之耐震施工指南正式收入至「建築物耐震設計規範及解說」之附錄B 中,其中作為抵抗水平地震力之耐震措施即為斜撐組之設置。然而斜撐組之施作一直以來都面臨極大的施工問題,造成許多斜撐組並無法於現場順利組裝,以致於天花板耐震品質參差不齊,影響原訂規範之美意。近年來陸續有研究發現斜撐組並無法有效抵抗地震之作用,甚至有實驗顯示當垂直地震力同時被考慮時反而會加重天花板破壞之情況。為確實瞭解垂直向地震對於明架式天花板之影響以及斜撐組之實際效用,本研究規劃兩階段之全尺寸天花板振動台試驗,試體材料皆符合規範之耐震需求。第一階段天花板試體尺寸為5.7m×2.7m,此階段主要為量測天花板斜撐組在地震中所能負擔之地震力大小,部分試體以單一水平向震波進行測試,其餘天花板試體則同時輸入水平向及垂直向震波。實驗結果發現不論是否考慮垂直向振動,斜撐組中之斜拉線均僅能負擔極少部分之水平作用力(約3%至5%),而當垂直向振動作用於天花板試體時其斜拉線之效用則更為下降。第二階段天花板試體尺寸為7.3m×2.7m, 此階段目的為觀察天花板試體在不同方向地震作用下之破壞模式,實驗結果顯示不論天花板試體是否裝設斜撐組,在單一水平向地震作用下皆有極佳之耐震效果;然而一旦加入垂直向地震力,天花板骨架接頭及骨架收邊處則陸續會出現明顯破壞,甚至在有設置斜撐組之天花板試體中會發現因垂直懸吊線脫落而導致試體發生嚴重崩塌的情形,也說明斜撐組之設計並無法有效提升明架式天花板之耐震能力。本研究依據第二階段實驗數據利用SAP2000 建置明架式天花板電腦模型,首先透過模態分析確認電腦模型之合理性,再以實驗地震紀錄進行動力歷時分析比對電腦模型輸出反應與實驗量測值。完成後之天花板電腦模型可作為後續研究之用模擬各式不同條件明架式天花板之地震動態反應。
TitleSeismic Analysis of Ceiling Lateral Bracing and Vertical Motion Effects on Suspended Ceilings
AuthorGeorge C Yao, Wei-Chung Chen, Ching-Yao Lin
Keywordssuspended ceilings, lateral bracing assembly, bracing wire, shaking table experiment, vertical motion
AbstractPast earthquakes have shown widespread damage to the suspended ceilings. Despite their frequent use in Taiwan, many suspended ceilings experienced damage in earthquakes owing to the lacked proper seismic design or efficient installation. In 2011, Taiwan Building Code issued the seismic installation of the suspended ceiling systems which are similar to the ASTM E580-09. However, the construction of the lateral bracing assembly has always been a difficult challenge. Problems include slack installation or omission of the bracing wires due to obstructions result in uneven quality of the bracing system in-situ. In recent years, some researches have demonstrated that the lateral bracing assembly may not adequately resist the lateral force. The other researches have even shown that unbraced ceiling systems may perform well when providing both sufficient clearance and wide closure. Therefore, there is an increasing concern about the necessity of the bracing system. In order to understand the dynamic behavior of bracing systems of the suspended ceilings, full scale shaking table experiments of suspended ceiling systems were conducted in this study. The first series of experiments on 5.7m × 2.7m ceiling systems looked into the seismic effects of the bracing assemblies. Some ceiling specimens were subjected to unidirectional ground motions while the others were subjected to a horizontal and a vertical ground motions acting together. The results clearly showed that the bracing wire bore only a small portion of the inertial force, and this situation became more obvious while the ceiling systems were subjected to vertical excitations. The second series of experiments on 5.7m × 2.7m ceiling systems compared the seismic performance of the braced and unbraced ceilings. The preliminary observations revealed that the use of the lateral bracing including compression post may not improve the seismic performance of the ceiling system. The unbraced ceiling systems performed well just as the braced ceiling systems when excited only by horizontal ground motions, and it performed better when the vertical ground motions were added to the ceiling systems. In this study, a conceptual computer model was developed based on the experiment data. The accuracy of the computer model was verified by using modal analysis. In comparison with the experiment results, this computer model provides the time-history analysis with reliable accuracy and helps simulate the dynamic response of different conditions of ceiling systems.