第三十九卷第一期 (期別151) (113年)

第三十九卷第一期 (期別151) (113年)




第十六屆結構工程研討會暨第六屆地震工程研討會於民國111 年8 月24 日至26 日在淡水將捷金鬱金香酒店成功舉辦,吸引了來自國內學術與工程領域的508 位專家學者參與,共同探討並分享國內結構工程與地震工程最新的研究成果和工程見解。時光匆匆,一年多的時光已逝,回顧起第十六屆結構工程研討會暨第六屆地震工程研討會,每位與會者都對大會做出了難以磨滅的貢獻。然而,由於審查委員推薦論文的限制,難免有一些優秀的研究未能被收錄,這是一件令人感到遺憾的事情。


                                國立台灣科技大學營建工程系 邱建國 教授      
                                                                          陳沛清 副教授  謹誌
                                                                     結構工程期刊 特刊客座主編
                                                                                           2024 年2 月

摘要近年來地震災害逐漸受到全球重視,因地震的不可預測性,故每當強烈地震來臨時往往造成人民生命財產的損失,嚴重則會影響國家整體經濟發展。錐形摩擦單擺支承 (conical friction pendulum isolators, CFPI) 為具延長結構週期特性之隔震系統,可改善近域震波長週期速度脈衝與固定週期隔震結構產生之共振效應。然研究指出CFPI 對於降低上部結構加速度雖具有相當優異之隔震成效,惟其基礎滑動位移量會隨尖峰地表加速度而呈放大之現象。多功式摩擦阻尼器 (multi-functional friction damper, MFD) 具備不同階段之啟動機制,經研究證實,於結構中配置MFD 時,於不同地震強度之作用下具備相當優異之減震效益。故本研究嘗試於基礎隔震層中加入MFD,組成多功式增補阻尼隔震系統,以提升隔震系統於受近域震波作用下安全性。經數值模擬結果顯示,具多功式增補阻尼之隔震系統不論受近、遠域震波作用下,均具有相當優異之隔震效果。此外,為驗證理論方程式之證確性,本研究亦經由振動台試驗,進行含多功式增補阻尼隔震系統之隔震性能測試,並利用振動台測試所得之試驗數據與數值模擬分析之結果進行擬合,其結果顯示,數值模擬分析與振動台試驗具有不錯的擬合程度,亦驗證本研究所提出之理論公式的正確性。
TitleAnalysis and Validation of Isolation Systems With Multi-Functional Friction Damper
AuthorChia-Shang Chang Chien, Shan-Ru Chen, Mei-Ting Guo
Keywordsperformance test, conical friction pendulum isolators, multi-functional friction damper, seismic isolation system, shaking table test
AbstractIn recent years, earthquake disasters have gradually attracted global attention. Due to the unpredictability of earthquakes, whenever strong earthquakes occur, they often cause losses of people’s lives and property. In serious cases, they even affect the overall economic development of the country. The conical friction pendulum isolators (CFPI) is a seismic isolation system with the characteristic of extended structural period, which can improve the resonance effect produced by long-period velocity pulses of near-field seismic waves and fixed-period seismic isolation structures. Nevertheless, although the CFPI has an excellent seismic isolation effect in reducing acceleration of the superstructure, its base sliding displacement will amplify with the peak surface acceleration. The multi-functional friction dampers provide multi-stage activation mechanisms, and studies have shown that they have great shock absorption effects under different earthquake intensities when configured to structures. Therefore, the study in turn installed them in seismic base isolation layers to form a supplementary damping isolation system, improving the safety of the seismic isolator system under the effect of near-field seismic waves. According to the results of numerical simulation, the seismic isolation system with supplementary damping isolation has satisfactory vibration isolation effects regardless of affected by far- or near-field seismic waves. Additionally, to verify the theoretical formulas, the study also conducted the seismic performance test of the multifunctional supplementary damping system by shaking table and fit the results of the shaking table test and numerical simulation analysis. The results showed a fairly good fitting effect, which validates the accuracy of the theoretical formulas in this study.
摘要跨河橋梁經常遭遇基礎沖刷的問題,沖刷可能導致橋梁基礎勁度和強度的顯著降低,從而造成橋梁損壞甚至倒塌。為確保橋梁的安全,開發即時沖刷監測系統來量測橋梁的沖刷深度對於橋梁安全的維護非常重要。本研究提出了一種資料驅動(data-driven) 的深度學習 (deep learning, DL) 方法,透過加速度計歷時訊號的特性來量測沖刷深度。本法主要是利用相空間中吸引子的概念來描述沖刷橋梁的動態特性,基於Takens 嵌入定理將單顆加速度計的歷時訊號來重構沖刷橋梁的高維吸引子。其次,將重建的高維吸引子轉換為二維灰階影像,利用卷積神經網絡 (convolutional neural network, CNN) 識別以獲得沖刷深度。本研究利用數值模擬中不同沖刷深度的橋梁在環境振動下的動力反應,來驗證本文所提方法的準確性。測試結果同時也表明,本文所提出的DL 方法可以比傳統基於振動頻率改變量迴歸公式的方法更準確
TitleBridge Scour Depth Prediction Using Phase Space Attractor and Deep Learning
AuthorChang-Yi Lee, Zu-yi Chen, Yen-Yu Yang, Shu-Wei Chang, Chang-Wei Huang
Keywordsbridge scouring, deep learning, embedding theorem, convolutional neural network
AbstractCross-river bridges often suffer attacks of the foundation scour. Scour can significantly reduce the stiffness and strength of a bridge foundation, resulting in damage or even collapse of the bridge. To ensure the safety of a soured bridge, it is important to develop a real-time scour monitoring system to measure the scour depth of the bridge. In this study, a data-driven method is proposed to measure the scour depth using time series data from accelerometers. The concept of attractor in the phase space is used to describe the dynamic characteristics of scoured bridges. High-dimensional attractors for scoured bridges are reconstructed by a single sensor based on Takens’ embedding theorem. The reconstructed attractors are converted into two-dimensional grayscale images, which are then identified by the convolutional neural network (CNN) to obtain the scour depth. The accuracy of the proposed method is verified by the dynamic responses of bridges with different scour depths subjected to ambient vibrations from numerical simulations. The results demonstrate that the proposed data-driven method can determine the scour depth more accurately than conventional vibration-based methods in the case when the scour is not severe.
傳統隔震設計所採用之分析模型,往往未能忠實呈現軸拉力及傾覆彎矩。因此,本研究針對採用彈性支承之建築結構,根據理論、推導及分析,系統性探討支承的穩定性及破壞。於模型中,將整體隔震結構簡化為兩集中質量,上部結構採單自由度模擬,隔震系統含兩個隔震支承並以一剛性樓板與上部結構相連;彈性支承採Koh-Kelly 模型,以呈現剪切、撓曲與軸向複合作用,進而推導運動方程。於推導中,
TitleStudy of Aspect Ratios for Base Isolated Buildings With Lead-Rubber Bearings
AuthorYi-Chian Wu, Chia-Ming Chang, Cho-Yen Yang

base isolation, elastomeric bearing, stability, aspect ratios, nonlinear time history analysis

AbstractSeismic isolation shifts the fundamental frequency of structures away from the dominant frequencies of earthquakes by employing bearings with low horizontal stiffness, resulting in reduced responses of superstructures. However, an isolated building with a higher aspect ratio may introduce excessive overturning moments that can further cause tensile failure to bearings. Moreover, the elastomeric bearings, which are familiar and common in Taiwan, consist of laminated rubber layers with in-between steel shims, yielding complicated and coupled mechanics. Thus, the stability of the isolation bearings and the overall structural system should be concurrently considered. Such complicated behavior for an isolated building with elastomeric bearings as mentioned above may not be simulated or presented by conventional analysis in practical application. Therefore, this research studies the coupling effect for base isolated buildings with lead-rubber bearings, and then the relationship between aspect ratios and selected isolation bearings is constructed. In this research, the superstructure is simplified to be single-degreeof-freedom and mounted on an isolation system consisting of a rigid floor and two bearings. Each bearing is modeled by a simple mechanical model proposed by Koh and Kelly to consider the coupling effect. Based on the tension prevention of bearings, an aspect ratio criterion is also
derived and proposed. This aspect ratio criterion is further verified by time history analyses which consider various factors, such as the period of superstructure, isolation period, fault effect, and layout of bearings. As found in the parametric study, an isolated building designed by the proposed aspect ratio formula has a pretty low probability of tensile failures on bearings, as compared to the recommendation in the Japanese design code. Thus, the proposed aspect ratio criterion is more conservative and can be consequently a reference for engineers in the preliminary design phases of base isolated buildings with lead-rubber bearings.
摘要若欲瞭解鋼筋混凝土 (reinforced concrete, RC) 結構物受地震力時之反應,最接近真實行為之實驗方法為振動台實驗。然而,RC 結構振動台實驗之試體模型需花費高昂的成本建立,且振動台設備能力有限,難以進行大尺度之結構實驗。有鑑於此,本文擬發展結合數值運算與大型結構實驗之複合實驗 (hybrid testing) 技術,以便以較為經濟的方式完整測試大尺度RC 結構於強震下之非線性反應。為使研究成果具廣泛之應用性,本文採用具開放性之複合實驗技術架構,亦即於建立RC 非線性數值子結構時採用OpenSees (Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation) 開放式有限元素分析軟體;而於RC 構架物理子結構及實驗設備控制連接方面則採用OpenFresco (Open source Framework for Experimental Setup and Control) 開放式中介軟體,以連接國家地震工程研究中心台南實驗室之油壓致動設備。本文複合實驗之標的結構為一棟七層樓RC 補強結構,物理子結構為一樓中間跨經內嵌式門型構架補強後之RC 構架,其餘結構構件則以OpenSees 建立含塑鉸之非線性數值子結構模型。實驗結果顯示,本文所建立之非線性複合實驗方法所預估之RC 結構地震反應與有限元理論分析結果十分吻合,各樓層層間變位角之最大平均差異皆在5% 以內,並確認數值子結構中之塑鉸於強震中已啟動參與計算,由此驗證開放式複合實驗以非線性數值子結構進行模擬之可行性,同時配合國家地震工程研究中心台南實驗室既有之油壓控制設備可成功的進行大型RC 結構複合實驗。
TitleApplication of Hybrid Testing in a RC Structure With Seismic Retrofitting
AuthorFu-Pei Hsiao, Lyan-Ywan Lu, Hung Cheng, Bo-Tse Hsu, Shih-Wei Yeh
Keywordshybrid testing, RC structure, seismic retrofitting, open framework, OpenSees, OpenFresco
AbstractThe most realistic experimental method for evaluating the behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) structures under ground motion is a shaking table test (STT). However, the construction of RC shaking table test specimens is costly, and the shaking table equipment usually has limited
capabilities; therefore, conducting a large-scale structure test using a STT is difficult. To this end, this paper aims to develop a cost-effective hybrid testing (HT) technique that combines numerical simulation with large-scale structural experiments to test the nonlinear response of large-scale RC structures under strong ground motions. To make the result more applicable, this paper adopts the framework of an open-source hybrid testing technology. The technique used the OpenSees (Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation) as an open-source finite-element analysis software to build the RC nonlinear numerical substructure (NS) and the OpenFresco (Open source Framework for Experimental Setup and Control) as an open-source middle software to connect the physical substructure (PS) and a controller, which was connected to the hydraulic facility in Tainan Laboratory of the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE). In the HT of this study, the target structure was a seven-story RC structure. The PS was taken to be the first-floor middle span retrofitted by an embedded RC portal frame, while the remaining structure, treated as the NS, was simulated by an OpenSees nonlinear numerical model with plastic hinges. The HT result demonstrates that the seismic responses of the retrofitted RC structure predicted by the HT experimental result match very well with the theoretical values predicted by a nonlinear finite-element model. The average difference between the experimental
and theoretical first-floor displacements is merely 5%. The nonlinear behavior contributed by the plastic hinge was also observed in the test. This study confirms that by cooperating with the existing hydraulic facility in Tainan Laboratory of the NCREE, the established open-framework HT technique with a nonlinear numerical substructure is a feasible means for the experimental study of a large-scale RC structure.
摘要地震超材料 (seismic metamaterial) 為全新之抗震技術,透過人造結構改變波傳行為,產生特定頻率之波傳無法通過的區域,防止具高破壞性頻率的地震波傳至結構物,達到保護結構物效果。目前地震超材料面臨兩大困難:(1) 超材料帶隙頻率相較於地震主頻過高;(2) 缺少針對體波的地震超材料。有鑑於此,本研究藉由 Kalderon 等人所提出的雙層質量共振筒公式,設計新型的低頻率 (0.35–1.5 Hz)、針對體波的地震超材料單元,並以數值模擬方法確認其折減效益。首先以單元晶格頻散分析確定帶隙範圍。同時進行排數分析及排序分析確認產生折減效果所需的超材料單元數及最佳排列方式,顯示所設計的超材料單元四個為一組,為最經濟之排列方式。此外,探討超材料外側土壤厚度對折減效益的影響,並接續透過地盤反應分析,確認超材料在實際地震下對SH 波的折減效益容易受到側向土體量影響,但側向土體量對P 波下的折減效益則不顯著。最後,真實地震下反應分析顯示超材料單元在實際地震P 波與SH 波激發下,可折減超材料帶隙對應週期之結構物譜加速度至原本的一半,顯示目前設計的共振筒型超材料具備發展潛力。
TitleNew Seismic Attenuation Technology: Resonator-Type Metamaterial
AuthorYuan-Yu Lo, Tung-Yu Wu, Shiang-Jung Wang
Keywordsseismic metamaterial, finite element analysis, local resonance, bandgap
AbstractSeismic metamaterials represent a novel earthquake-resistance technology. By manipulating wave propagation through artificial structures, they create regions where waves of specific frequencies cannot pass, preventing seismic waves of primary frequencies from reaching structures. Currently, seismic metamaterials face two major challenges: (1) the band gap frequency of the metamaterial is relatively higher than the primary frequency of earthquakes, and (2) there is a lack of metamaterials specifically designed for body waves. In light of this, our study designs a new low-frequency (0.35–1.5 Hz) seismic metamaterial unit targeting body waves based on duallayer tube-type resonators. Row and ordering analyses were conducted to determine the optimal arrangement of metamaterial units for reduction effects. The influence of the soil layer outside the metamaterial on its reduction effect was also investigated. Simulation results show that a group of four consecutive metamaterial units is the most economical arrangement, and the reduction effect of the metamaterial on SH waves was sensitive to the thickness of the soil layer. A subsequent ground response analysis demonstrated that when excited by actual seismic waves, the designed metamaterial units can reduce the spectral acceleration at the corresponding metamaterial band gap period to half, indicating the promising potential of the dual-layer tube-type resonators.