第三十七卷第二期 (期別144) (111年)

第三十七卷第二期 (期別144) (111年)




      優良混凝土工程為台灣基礎建設成功發展的重要角色,近年混凝土科學與研究的蓬勃發展,掀起了混凝土性能與永續發展之革新,因而如今可見超過20,000 psi 抗壓強度、又具有高抗裂與防水能力的「類鋼鐵」超高性能混凝土應用於大小實務工程中,亦有不須添加任何卜特蘭水泥而製成的綠色混凝土,以及混凝土添加回收處理之廢棄漁網或橡塑膠材料,而同時提升性能與循環經濟的永續混凝土材料,除了組成材料與性能之革新,混凝土的積層列印技術也開始應用於實務製程。

      結構工程期刊企盼藉由此次特刊的機會,向各界介紹國內先進混凝土於近期結構工程之研發成果。本特刊收錄了先進混凝土材料之研發與應用,包含高性能早強無機聚合物混凝土與高強度纖維樹脂砂漿之介紹,以及其於結構工程之應用;呼應循環經濟發展之議題,探討再生廢棄材料所製成之短纖維於混凝土性能強化之可能性;混凝土構件的自動化製作技術,研究3D 列印混凝土的製備技術;借鏡澳洲與美國混凝土結構工程規範,探討其與國內規範之異同。期盼透過這些文章之介紹,進一步鼓勵國內各界持續推動混凝土技術的革新與落實,共同為台灣提升下一世代混凝土工程之品質與永續性。

國立成功大學土木工程系 洪崇展 特聘教授 謹誌
結構工程期刊144 期 客座主編
2022 年05 月

TitleStudy on Seismic Retrofit of Concrete Frames using High-strength Fiber Resin Mortar
AuthorFu-Pei Hsiao, Pu-Wen Weng, Chia-Chen Lin, Takanori Kawamoto, Yi-Ching Lin, Asahi Oogami, Chia-Yi Ho
KeywordsHigh-strength Fiber Resin Mortar, Earthquake-proof Furniture, Seismic Assessment and Retrofitting
AbstractThe traditional seismic retrofitting methods often affect the regular operation of the building, and it takes a lot of time during the construction period. So it isn’t easy to carry out reinforcement work in private houses. This research aims to develop seismic retrofitting methods, so we use high-strength fiber resin mortar for existing reinforced concrete structures. It can effectively improve the performance of seismic retrofitting methods. By using the high-strength fiber resin mortar, its expected strength can be achieved within two weeks. Therefore, it takes just a small impact during construction, which does not affect the existing functions of the building. It has high application value for hospitals, commercial buildings, and private residences. In this research, the different kinds of seismic retrofitting methods will be tested at the NCREE Laboratory. There are three kinds of seismic retrofitting methods, such as steel frame bracing, shear wall, stub column. The experimental specimens were tested in horizontally cyclic loading to compare the seismic behavior and the difference of seismic retrofitting methods. It uses popular seismic assessment methods for each test and compares them with the experimental results in this research.
標題 高早強無機聚合修復材料於橋梁伸縮縫之可行性研究
作者 瑞子灣、劉光晏、蔡志達
關鍵字 無機聚合材料、高早強、快速修復、伸縮縫
摘要 全球暖化是現今世界的關鍵議題,溫室氣體是造成全球變暖的原因。CO2 被認為是一種溫室氣體,水泥行業在環境中的總排放量貢獻5-7% CO2 排放量。此外,水泥量以每年3%之需求增加被視為僅次於水之外最被廣泛使用的材料。如果工程材料可免除水泥使用量將可達到減碳目的。另一方面,橋梁中的伸縮縫因可吸收因溫度、側向移動與轉動的功能,在橋面的穩定性中具有重要的角色。因此,橋梁從業人員需要一種高強度、快速凝固的材料來更換伸縮縫並迅速重新開放交通。基於前述討論,本研究使用飛灰、爐石粉來開發高早強無機聚合修復材料。高鈣的無機聚合材料係以F 級飛灰和爐石粉(S4000)以不同比例混合作為黏結劑,鹼液NaOH 濃度為10M;SiO2/Na2O 為1.28,和預熱的河砂作為細粒料以增強聚合反應。本研究的主要目的是開發高強度無機聚合物材料(35MPa/5 小時),並考慮預熱細粒料的影響、抗壓強度(加熱1、3、5 小時),以及其與超高性能砂漿、無收縮高強度砂漿的黏結強度及剪切強度。實驗針對不同的飛灰-爐石粉比例、水-NaOH 比例而設計。實驗結果顯示,根據36 個高寬比為1 的試體,當飛灰-爐石粉比例為1:3、水-NaOH 比為10%,抗壓強度在 5 小時內可達52.67 MPa。當飛灰-爐石粉比例為1:2、水-NaOH 比為10%,黏結強度為34.93 MPa。增加爐石粉用量將減少無機聚合材料的初凝、終凝時間,以及的流速。因此,工程實務使用時,仍應同時滿足強度與工作性的需求。
Title Feasibility study on the Early-High-Strength
Repairing Geopolymer Materials at Bridge Expansion Joints
Author Mohammad Rizwan Bhina, Kuang-Yen Liu, Chih-Ta Tsai
Keywords Geopolymer material, early-high-strength, rapid repairing, expansion joint.
Abstract Global warming has become a serious issue worldwide and it was evident that the greenhouse gases are mainly responsible for global warming. CO2 is considered as the major greenhouse gas. Among all the industries, cement industries contributed 5-7 ℅ CO2 emissions to the environment. Demand for concrete is increasing by 3% per year as concrete is the material used worldwide next to the water. If the engineering materials can be exempted from the use of cement, the purpose of carbon reduction can be achieved. Additionally, expansion joints play an important role in the stability of the bridge deck and also in accommodating thermal, lateral, and rotational moments. Hence, bridge industries demanded a high-strength, rapid setting material to replace the joints quickly and reopen the traffic. Considering all these issues, the early-high-strength repairing geopolymer material by using fly-ash and ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) are developed in this study. The high calcium inorganic polymer material was prepared by mixing fly-ash (Class-F) and GGBS (S4000) as a bonding agent with a varied ratio, NaOH alkali solution with 10 molarity (SiO2/Na2O=1.28) as an activator and pre-heated river sand as a fine aggregate to enhance the polymerization reaction. The main objectives of the present investigation were to develop a high strength geopolymer material (GPM) to provide 35MPa in 5 hours and examined the properties with regard to the effect of pre-heated fine aggregate, compressive strength (hot air-cured for 1,3 and 5 hours) and bond strength of GPM with ultra-high-performance material (UHPM) as well as high-strength non-shrinkage material (HS-NSM) from the slant shear test. The experiment was also carried out by varying the fly-ash to GGBS ratio and water to NaOH ratio. A total of 36 GPM specimens with an aspect ratio of 1 were tested. Results revealed that the hot mix procedure of GPM with the fly-ash to GGBS and water to NaOH ratio 1:3 and 10%, respectively produced greater compressive strength (52.67 MPa/5 hours) and fly-ash to GGBS and water to NaOH ratio 1:2 and 10%, respectively indicated excellent bond strength of 34.93 MPa. Results of the present investigation revealed that by increasing the amount of GGBS, the initial and final setting time and the flow rate of GPM have decreased. It was suggested that by applying GPM on the actual construction site, strength and workability should be considered simultaneously.
摘要纖維混凝土係於混凝土中添加纖維,以提升其抗彎強度及韌性,減少混凝土收縮與開裂。本研究採用微波熱裂解法處理廢熱固碳纖維高分子複合材料之回收碳纖維,並將其加入混凝土中製成纖維混凝土。回收碳纖維長度分別為5 ~ 10 mm、15 ~ 20 mm、與30 ~ 50 mm,纖維添加量分別為水泥重量之0.5%、1.0%、1.5%。試驗之混凝土水灰比為0.6,粒料細度模數為6.78。再透過抗壓、抗彎、劈裂和撞擊等試驗探討回收碳纖維混凝土之力學行為。試驗結果顯示,纖維添加量為1.5%時,較其他添加量之回收碳纖維混凝土力學行為表現維最佳。與標準試體比較,纖維添加量為1.5%時且依照纖維長度從短到長,碳纖維混凝土抗壓強度分別能夠提升48.71%、56.15%與48.88%;抗彎強度分別能夠提升55.76%、43.63%與27.31%;劈裂強度分別能夠提升28.96%、45.70%與47.58%。而撞擊試驗結果顯示,回收碳纖維添加量為1.0%,撞擊能量為50 焦耳下,纖維長度30 ~ 50 mm 之回收碳纖維混凝土之撞擊次數比未添加纖維之混凝土提升達3,615%。上述試驗結果顯示,添加回收碳纖維可以有效提升回收碳纖維混凝土之力學特性。
TitleA Study on the Static and Dynamic Mechanical Behaviors of Recycled Carbon Fiber Reinforced Concrete
AuthorYeou-Fong Li, Jin-Yuan Syu, Shu-Mei Chang, Ming-Yuan Shen, Fa-Jun Huang, Li-Chen Lin, Pei-Jun Huang, Jia-Lu Yu
KeywordsRecycled carbon fiber, microwave-assisted pyrolysis, carbon fiber concrete
AbstractFiber reinforced concrete can improve the flexural strength and toughness of concrete, and also can reduce the shrinkage and cracking of concrete. In this study,  microwave-assisted pyrolysis was used to recycle carbon fibers from the waste carbon fiber polymer composites to make recycled carbon fiber- reinforced concrete. The lengths of the recycled carbon fibers were 5-10 mm, 15-20 mm, and 30-50 mm, respectively, and the fiber to cement weight rations were 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5%, respectively. The water-cement ratio was 0.6, and the aggregate fineness modulus (F.M.) was 6.78. The mechanical performances of recycled carbon fiber-reinforced concrete (RCFRC) were investigated by using compression, bending, splitting and impact tests. The test results show that when the fiber to cement weight ratio is 1.5%, the mechanical performance of the recycled carbon fiber- reinforced concrete is the best compared to other fiber to cement weight ratios. Compare to the benchmark specimen, for 1.5% fiber to cement ratio and fiber length from short to long, the compressive strengths of the RCFRC increase 48.71%, 56.15% and 48.88% respectively; the flexural strengths of RCFRC increase 55.76%, 43.63% and 27.31%; the splitting strengths of RCFRC increase 28.96%, 45.70% and 47.58% respectively. The impact test results show that with 1.0% fiber to cement ratio and an impact energy of 50 joules, the impact times of RCFRC with a fiber length of 30-50 mm increased by 3,615% compared to benchmark specimen. The above results show RCFRC can effectively improve the mechanical properties of concrete.
標題積層製造技術用於結構組件之可行性:無水泥3D 列印技術為案例
作者黃家芸、林威廷、鄭安、LUKÁŠ FIALA
關鍵字無水泥型膠凝材料、3D 列印技術、噴凝流量、黏滯度
摘要3D 列印營建用結構構件或元件,屬近年來炙手可熱的營建自動化技術發展,3D 列印技術不僅具備快速施工、節省建築材料、品質穩定等優勢,列印噴凝材料的多樣化亦是其發展重點。本研究選用三種工業副產品(燃煤飛灰、超微細飛灰與水淬高爐石粉),在免添加鹼激發藥劑的前提下,混合製成三元型無水泥膠凝材料,利用三種膠結材料之性質與調整的水膠比,藉由黏滯度試驗、凝結時間試驗、針筒模擬噴凝試驗、流度試驗彙整之試驗結果,挑選出最佳的混合比例進行3D 列印機試體製作與抗壓強度驗證。試驗結果發現:選用黏滯度超過6000 cP 以上的膠結材料,混合出具備黏稠性的黏彈性固體漿體,將可用於液體沉積成型3D 列印機之噴凝材料。試驗結果驗證在水膠比0.25 的條件下,膠結材料使用10%爐石粉、40%超微細飛灰與50%飛灰製成之三元型無水泥膠凝材料,可作為3D 列印噴凝材料,列印機的噴凝流量應設定為40%,其噴凝出的試體有最佳的外觀完整性。利用抗壓強度試驗可以驗證3D 列印的試體較傳統灌模之試體,有較高的抗壓強度與灌製品質,結果驗證本研究開發之無水泥型膠凝材料適合做為3D 列印噴凝材料,並符合工業副產品高值化技術之推廣。
TitleFeasibility of additive manufacturing technology for structural components: the case study of 3D printing using cementless binders
AuthorChia-Yun Huang, Wei-Ting Lin, An Cheng, LUKÁŠ FIALA
Keywordscementless blended material; 3D printing technology; printing flow; viscosity
AbstractIn recent years, 3D printing of structural components or elements for construction has been a popular construction automation technology. 3D printing technology has the advantages of fast construction, saving construction materials and stable quality, and the diversity of printing spraying materials is the key to its development. In this study, three industrial by-products (fly ash, ultra-fine fly ash and ground-granulated blast-furnace slag) were mixed to form a ternary cementless blended material without the addition of alkaline activators. The test results were compiled through viscosity tests, setting time tests, syringe injection tests and flowability tests. The results revealed that a viscoelastic solid paste with a viscosity of over 6000 cP could be used as a spraying material for liquid deposition modeling 3D printers. The results confirmed that a ternary cementless blended material made from 10% slag, 40% ultra-fine fly ash and 50% fly ash, at a water to binder ratio of 0.25, could be used as a spraying material for 3D printing and that the spraying flow rate of the printer should be set at 40% to achieve the best aesthetic integrity of the sprayed specimens. The compressive strength tests were conducted to verify that the 3D printed specimens have higher compressive strength and casting quality than the conventional molded specimens. The cementless blended material developed in this study is suitable for use as a 3D printing spraying material and is in line with the promotion of high-value industrial by-product technology.
標題 低矮型鋼筋混凝土剪力牆往復載重行為之高仿真非線性分析
作者 温子漢、洪崇展、Hexin Zhang 、Phu Anh Huy Pham 、袁宇秉
關鍵字 組成律模型、異向性、剪切與開裂行為、網格敏感性、非比例載荷、有限元素分析
摘要 國內外耐震設計規範對特殊鋼筋混凝土(RC)結構設計要求進行高仿真、非線性之地震歷時動力分析。非線性結構模擬的核心技術是材料的組成律模型,特別是混凝土材料。然而,許多現有的混凝土組成律模型無法解決一些關鍵問題,包括開裂引起的異向性、非比例載荷下應力傳遞機制的變化、剪切滑移和開裂後再接觸行為、網格尺寸敏感性以及計算效率和細部精準度兩者之間的平衡。為此,本文介紹一個穩定且經過實驗驗證的組成律模型 (Yuen 等人 2022),用於混凝土結構的高仿真非線性反應分析。該組成律模型的主要特徵包括 (一) 基於總應變的數學模型,其中包含與加載歷史相關的內部參數,(二) 開裂面上的往復法向和切向應力-應變反應,(三) 利用新穎的開裂平面搜索算法求得符合唯一性之固定三維開裂平面坐標,(四)以等效單軸應變-變換方法模擬多軸應變的相互作用,(五)改進的剪切滑移和開裂重新接觸模擬,以及(六) 透過模型參數正規化減輕網格尺寸敏感性。該組成律模型透過使用者副程式在 ABAQUS 中建立,並已於前文(Yuen 等人 2022)證明能成功應用於模擬剪切板實驗(shear panel tests)與受剪切控制之實尺寸RC 柱的反覆載重行為。本文進一步展示該組成律模型應用於模擬小剪跨比且高強度 RC 牆的反覆載重實驗,模擬結果成功吻合RC牆的損傷演變和遲滯迴圈。因此,所提出的混凝土組成律模型具優異性能,可以用於特殊混凝土結構的高仿真非線性分析。
Title High-Fidelity Nonlinear Cyclic Response Simulations of Squat RC Shear Walls
Author Tzu-Han Wen, Chung-Chan Hung, Hexin Zhang, Phu Anh Huy Pham, Terry Y.P. Yuen*
Keywords Constitutive model, anisotropy, shear-slip and re-contact, mesh-sensitivity, non-proportional loading, concrete, finite element
Abstract As stipulated by most of the prevailing structural design standards, nonlinear response analysis with high-fidelity numerical models would be inevitable for
designing unconventional reinforced concrete structures under extreme seismic loading. The core of nonlinear numerical models is the constitutive modelling of materials, particularly for concrete materials. Nevertheless, many of the existing concrete constitutive models could not resolve some critical issues that involve crack-induced anisotropy, change of stress transfer mechanisms under non-proportional loading, shear-slip and re-contact behaviour, mesh-size sensitivity, and balance between computational efficiency and modelling the detailed responses. To this end, this paper presents a robust and experimentally validated constitutive model that was developed recently (Yuen et al., 2022) for high-fidelity nonlinear response analysis of reinforced concrete elements. The key features include (1) the total-strain based formulation with loading-history dependent internal variables, (2) cyclic normal and tangential stress-strain responses prescribed on crack planes, (3) fixed 3D crack plane coordinate that is uniquely determined by a novel crack plane searching algorithm, (4) multi-axial strain interaction modelled by the equivalent uniaxial-strains transformation method, (5) shear-slip and re-contact of the crack planes modelled by the modified shear retention model, and (6) mesh-size sensitivity mitigation through the model parameter regularisation. The proposed model was already implemented into ABAQUS through the user-subroutine and successfully applied to simulate reserved-cyclic loading tests on shear panels and a full-scale shear-controlled column (Yuen et al., 2022). This paper presents a further validation study of the proposed model on a high-strength squat RC wall. The high-fidelity model can again well capture the damage evolutions and complete load-deflection hysteresis response of the tested wall. Hence, with the demonstrated performances, the proposed model could be a competent candidate for the high-fidelity nonlinear analysis of next generations of concrete structures that feature unconventional design.
作者Sturm, A.B.
摘要Despite being a small country Australia has long maintained independent reinforced concrete design standards with significant differences to the US and European standards which most people outside of Australia would be familiar. This is in part due to the long history of high-level research into reinforced concrete within Australia. Therefore, in this paper I will review the latest edition of the Australian design standards and contrast this with ACI 318-19. From this I will draw implications for reinforced concrete design in Taiwan. Unique aspects of this standard include the approach to time effects, shear as well as fibre reinforced concrete.
AuthorSturm, A.B.
AbstractDespite being a small country Australia has long maintained independent reinforced concrete design standards with significant differences to the US and European standards which most people outside of Australia would be familiar. This is in part due to the long history of high-level research into reinforced concrete within Australia. Therefore, in this paper I will review the latest edition of the Australian design standards and contrast this with ACI 318-19. From this I will draw implications for reinforced concrete design in Taiwan. Unique aspects of this standard include the approach to time effects, shear as well as fibre reinforced concrete.

第三十七卷第一期 (期別143) (111年)

第三十七卷第一期 (期別143) (111年)

摘要規範ACI 318-19 之竹鋼筋直線受拉伸展長度公式,增加鋼筋強度等級修正
Ψg鋼筋強度等級超過420 MPa 時,對於550 與690 MPa 者,須依規範ACI
318-14 的計算長度分別加長1.15 與1.3 倍。現行規範中鋼筋伸展長度設計公式
研究共進行20 組梁端的鋼筋握裹試驗試體,伸展鋼筋分別採用420、550 與690
MPa 三種強度等級之#10 鋼筋,同時也變化混凝土強度與劈裂指數兩參數。試驗
結果顯示,20 組試體中的15 組試體發生如預期的混凝土劈裂破壞,試體之劈裂
分別採用70 MPa 與2.5 的上限限制時,規範ACI 318-14 計算所得之直線伸展長
度的試驗平均握裹應力比介於1.72 至2.4 之間,可提供充分的安全餘裕,因此,
ACI 318-19 之受拉伸展長度公式中,無需額外增加鋼筋強度等級修正增長因子
Ψ􀯚。若將混凝土強度與劈裂指數上限條件分別提升至100 MPa 與5.0,可獲得約
TitleBond Splitting Performance of Concrete and Development Length in Tension for High-Strength Deformed Bars
AuthorKer-Chun Lin, Yuan-Yan Lin, Kai-Ning Chi, Sheng-Jhih Jhuang, Yung-Chih Wang
KeywordsHigh-strength reinforced concrete, development length, modification factor of steel grade, split index, bond stress
AbstractFor ACI 318-19 Code, a modification factor of steel grade of Ψ􀯚 that is equal to 1.15 or 1.3 for 550 or 690 MPa grade of steel bar exceeding 420 MPa was added to increase straight development length in tension for deformed bar. It is known that the design equation of development length stipulated in the existing ACI 318 Code was obtained based on a mechanism of concrete splitting primarily dominated by contact characteristics between concrete and steel bar. This paper was intended to investigate the rationality of the Ψ􀯚 included in the design equation of development length. A total of 20 beam-end specimens was carried out to study bond behaviors of concrete splitting with a deformed bar in this research. A #10 bars for three various grades of 420, 550 and 690 MPa was used as developed steel bar per specimen. Concrete strength and split index were study parameters as well. Test results indicated that the anticipated concrete splitting occurred in 15 specimens of all 20 ones even took place in the specimens with the split index of 4.93. Based on analysis overcomes of the test bond stress in this research, it was confirmed that under upper limitations of 70 MPa for the concrete strength and 2.5 for the split index, the average bond stresses of the three various grade bars for ACI 318-14 Code ranged from 1.72 to 2.4. The modification factor of steel grade of Ψ􀯚 seemed to not be needed in the provisions of straight development length of ACI 318-19 Code. It was certificated as well that raising the limit limitations of 100 MPa for the concrete strength and 5.0 for the split index, good results with around 10% conservative margin could be obtained according to the provisions of straight development length of ACI 318-14 Code. However, a safety factor should be considered for applications of engineering practice.
從臺灣混凝土收縮潛變資料庫出發,以7 種不同水灰比之普通混凝土及固
定水膠比為0.42 之6 種飛灰、爐石取代量之摻料混凝土,分別配合3、
7、14、28、56、91、180 天的齡期,進行抗壓及彈性模數試驗,提出普通
TitleEstablishment of Time Dependent Functions for Ordinary and Pozzolanic Concrete Compressive Strength and Modulus of Elasticity in Taiwan
AuthorYing-Chieh Wang, Wen-Cheng Liao
Keywordsfly ash, slag, strength, elastic modulus, time function
AbstractConcrete is a widely used construction material composed of aggregate, cement, water, mineral admixture in a specific proportion. Not only safety, long-term serviceability is also the main consideration for buildings and infrastructures made of concrete. The volume of concrete changes over time, such as shrinkage and creep, and all the above influence the long-term serviceability. The elastic modulus of concrete, mainly determined by composition of concrete, directly affects shrinkage and creep behaviors of concrete. However, because materials vary from different resources, a localized prediction model is essential to account for characteristics of concrete in Taiwan and this specific prediction model shall involve localized time function of strength and elastic modulus as well. In view of the importance of elastic modulus and strength in practical applications, and in recent years, the addition of fly ash and water-quenched blast furnace slag in concrete has been widely used, so this research also investigates the shrinkage and creep test data from the database. A comprehensive experimental program, including compression and elastic modulus tests for seven different water-to-cement ratios of ordinary concrete and six different fly ash and slag replacement ratios of water-to-binder ratio of 0.42 for 3, 7, 14, 28, 56, 91 and 180 days, were conducted. The prediction models of time function for strength and elastic modulus for ordinary and fly ash/slag concrete in Taiwan are proposed for further modification of shrinkage and creep model and practical applications.
摘要近年來歐美等先進國家的鋼結構設計規範中, 多建置有二階分析(Second-order analysis)或直接分析(Direct analysis method)的相關規定。事實上二階分析即幾何非線性分析,歐盟及大英國協國際組織內家的鋼結構設計規範採用此名詞;美國工程界認為二階分析與二階彎矩兩個名詞易混淆,故在其鋼結設計規範中採用直接分析法取代二階分析。傳統鋼結構設計以各類構件強度為依據進行,是一種間接計的概念。二階分析則是依據整體結構系統強度和穩定進行設計,是一種直接且更為合理的設計方式,因而受到歐美等先進國家鋼結構設計規範採用。二階分析尤其適合用於水平梁及非垂直柱之組合、且造型不規則又兼具美學外觀、有效長度難以確定的鋼構造物的設計。本文針對歐美等先進國家鋼結構設計規範採用的二階分析情形做初步介紹;為方便工程師掌握內容,文中特別將各國鋼結構
TitleBrief Introduction to Applications of Second-order Analysis in Design of Steel Structures
AuthorJui-Lin Peng, Liang-Jenq Leu, Siu-Lai Chan, Yao-peng Liu, Wai-Fah Chen
KeywordsCritical load, Direct analysis method, Notional lateral force, Initial imperfection, Second-order analysis
AbstractIn recent years, the steel structural design codes of advanced countries such as Europe and the United States have stipulated the related regulations of “second-order analysis” or “direct analysis method.” In fact, the second-order analysis, widely adopted in the steel structural design codes of the European Union and the Commonwealth of Nations, is the geometric nonlinear analysis. The American engineering community believes that the terms of “the second-order analysis” and “the second-order bending moment” are easily confused, so the “direct analysis method” is used to replace the “second-order analysis” in the steel structural design code. Traditional steel structural design is mostly carried out on the basis of component strength, which is an indirect design concept. The second-order analysis is designed based on the strength and the stability of the overall structural system. It is a direct and more reasonable design method, which is the reason for the adoption of steel structural design codes in advanced countries such as Europe and the United States. The second-order analysis is especially suitable for the design of steel structures that combine nonhorizontal beams and non-vertical columns, have irregular shapes and aesthetic appearances, and is difficult to determine the effective length. This paper makes a preliminary introduction to the second-order analysis of steel structural design codes in advanced countries such as Europe and the United States. In order to make it easier for engineers to grasp the content, the paper especially makes key excerptions from chapters related to the second-order analysis and the direct analysis method in the steel structural design codes of various countries. It is hoped that through the introduction of this paper, domestic engineers can understand the development of steel structural design in advanced countries, and their designs can be synchronized with international designs in the future.
摘要土木水利學會與台灣混凝土學會於105 年著手修訂「混凝土結構設計規範」[1]之第九章「預鑄混凝土構材」設計規定條文,業經營建署於106年8 月核定公布實施[2]。修訂之規範條文僅作原則性描述,設計人員不易理解;本文,主要就規範之部分剛性接合設計作補充說明,包括規範修訂主要內容說明、預鑄小梁之結構模型建立、部分剛性接合之定義與設計、及鋼筋細則等。特別針對部分剛性接合之預鑄小梁傳遞剪力提出可能破壞之路徑及計算公式,讓設計者參考;最後,並提供計算案例作為說明,讓有志從事預鑄設計工作者得到充份的瞭解。
TitleDesign of partial rigid joint of precast girder and beam
AuthorTzu-Liang Wu, Shyh-Jiann Hwang
Keywordsprecast, partial rigid joint, shear transfer
AbstractIn 2016, the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering and the Taiwan Concrete Institute began to revise the design provisions of Chapter 9 of the ” Design Code of Concrete Structures [2] “, “Precast concrete Structures”, which were approved and published by the Construction and Planning Agency Ministry of the Interior in August 2017 [3]. The revised provision is only a principle description, which is not easy for designers to understand; this article mainly provides supplementary explanations on partial rigid joint design of the code, including the description of the main content of the revised provisions, the establishment of the structural model of the precast beams, and the definition of partial rigid joint and design, and reinforcement details, etc. In particular, the path and calculation formula for possible failure of the shear force transmitted by the partial rigid join between girder and beam are proposed for the designer’s reference. Finally, a design case is provided as an illustration, so that those interested in precast design can fully understand.
摘要國內多以美國AISC 規範中抗彎矩構架梁柱接頭加載歷時作為鋼構試驗參考依據,並未制訂挫屈束制斜撐構架(BRBF)之載重歷時,但因不同構架加載歷時對於結構的非線性行為無法真實反應,且一樓柱在反應建築物行為上最具代表性,因此提出建立BRBF 的一樓柱軸力變化及側向位移往
覆加載歷時計劃。台灣居住在鄰近活動斷層10 公里內之人口超過860 萬人,受到近斷層地震機率相當高,若參考美國規範標準載重歷時,將無法反應國內近斷層效應帶來的破壞,因此提出一套涵蓋台灣地理特性考量之鋼構造加載歷時乃十分必要。本研究已完成不同週期BRBF 的非線性靜力側推及
非線性動力歷時分析,瞭解BRBF 在地震作用下力學行為,並提出BRBF 之加載歷時建議,期望能作為未來國內鋼結構研究之參考依據。
TitleLateral displacement and axial force protocols of the first-story steel column in buckling-restrained braced
frames under near-fault earthquake motions
AuthorYu-Fang Liu, Chung-Che Chou, Guan-Ru Peng, Kuan-Ju Chen
Keywordsstatic cyclic loading, loading protocol, near-fault earthquakes, nonlinear dynamic analysis, buckling-restrained brace
AbstractMost of the domestic researchers considered the loading protocol for beam to
column moment connections in moment resisting frame (MRF), specified by
AISC, as the reference for static cyclic test. The loading protocols for buckling
restrained braced frame (BRBF) had not been developed yet. The nonlinear
behavior of a structure cannot be truly reflected using the loading protocols of
different type of structure. Since the first story columns are generally used to
represent the seismic behavior of a building, loading protocols for the first story
columns in BRBF with varied axial force and lateral drift should be developed.
Moreover, the loading protocols suggested by American specifications might
omit the effect of near-fault earthquakes which is common in Taiwan. Therefore,
the near-fault effect on buildings is necessary to be considered for better developing the loading protocols for BRBF in Taiwan. This research has completed the nonlinear static and nonlinear dynamic analysis of BRBF which is designed with various periods for a better understanding of seismic performances of BRBF and developing loading protocols for the first story columns in BRBF with varied axial force and lateral drift. The developed loading protocols for BRBF is expected to be a beneficial reference to steel structure study in the future.

第三十六卷第四期 (期別142) (110年)

第三十六卷第四期 (期別142) (110年)

摘要    隨著時代的演進與規範的與時俱進,既有之鋼構造建築結構亦可能耐震能力不足,需要耐震能力評估與補強。鋼構造詳細評估法為延續鋼筋混凝土建築物耐震能力詳細評估方法之原理,以容量震譜法與非線性靜力側推分析為基礎,並使用國內工程師普遍使用之 ETABS 程式進行非線性靜力側推分析。本文參考 ASCE 41-13,檢核其非線性鉸之合理性及適用性,進而修訂為本土化之非線性鉸參數。側推分析得容量曲線 (結構基底剪力與屋頂位移之關係) 後,本文進而提出其檢核之方法,包括結構之勁度 (容量曲線之斜率) 及最大基底剪力,以確認側推分析結果之合理性,避免工程師與分析程式溝通不良,繼而出現系統性之錯誤,而工程師又未能即時察覺分析結果有誤,則可能嚴重誤判評估結果,傷及結構所有權人及使用者之權益。最後,以一案例進行耐震能力之詳細評估,接著檢核評估結果,確屬合理。
TitleDetailed evaluation and its checking for seismic performance of steel building structures
AuthorLap-Loi Chung, Dan Chiao, Min-Lang Lin, Jing-Fang Liang, Tsung-Chih Chiou, Kai-Wen Deng
Keywordssteel structure, nonlinear hinge, pushover analysis, detailed evaluation method of seismic capacity
AbstractWith the evolution of the times and the development of the code, the existing steel structures may also be insufficient in earthquake resistance, which need to be evaluated and reinforced. The detailed evaluation method of steel structure is a continuation of the principle of the detailed evaluation method of seismic capacity of reinforced concrete buildings. It is based on the capacity spectrum method and nonlinear static pushover analysis by using ETABS program. In this paper, the rationality and applicability of the nonlinear hinge are checked by referring to ASCE 41-13. After the capacity curve (the relationship between the structural base shear and the roof displacement) is obtained from the pushover analysis, this paper further proposes the checking method, including the structural stiffness (the slope of the capacity curve) and the maximum base shear, so as to confirm the rationality of the pushover analysis results, and avoid the poor communication between the engineer and the analysis program, which leads to systematic errors. If the engineer fails to detect the error of the analysis result immediately, he may misjudge the evaluation result seriously. Finally, a case is used to evaluate the seismic capability in detail, and then the evaluation results are verified to be reasonable.
摘要    找出耐震能力不足及需要補強的老舊建築物為當前重要任務,但若全數進行詳細評估,工程會極為浩大、不經濟且難以實施,故本文針對中高樓層建築物提出簡易詳細評估法,該法僅考量構件之強度、破壞形式等,不須透過套裝軟體建置模型進行分析,以極限彎矩平衡法求得建築物之極限基底剪力,以此判斷其耐震能力,可提供工程師作為詳評結果的參考。本文分別透過簡易詳細評估及詳細評估方法,以實例分析中高樓層建築物,其中詳細評估方法是參考國家地震工程研究中心出版之校舍結構耐震評估與補強技術手冊所建議的方式,對建築物進行側推分析,將兩方法之分析結果進行比較,就本案例而言,簡易詳細評估方法之極限基底剪力強度及耐震性能與詳細評估結果差異不大,未來可推廣於中高樓層建物使用。
TitleSimplified Seismic Detailed Evaluation Method on Mid-to High-Rise Buildings
AuthorKai-Wen Teng, Chu-Yuan Chang, Yu-Chih Lai, Lap-Loi Chung, Tao Lai, Gin-Show Liu
Keywordsmaximum base shear, seismic evaluation, simplified seismic evaluation method
AbstractTo find out the buildings with less seismic capacity is an important issue. However, conducting detailed evaluation for all buildings will cost a lot and uneconomical. This article focuses on Simplified Seismic Detailed Evaluation for mid-rise to high-rise buildings. The method needs not to use structural analysis software to obtain the results, but only consider strength of member, failure mode, etc. The article uses Ultimate Moment Balanced Method to evaluate the maximum base shear of building and assesses the seismic ability of the building. The result of Simplified Seismic Detailed Evaluation can be reference for engineers to check with Seismic Detailed Evaluation. The article adopts both Simplified Seismic Detailed Evaluation and Seismic Detailed Evaluation for a mid-rise to high-rise building to compare the differences of two methods. The Seismic Detailed Evaluation in the article is the method provided by NCREE. The results show that the base shear and seismic ability evaluated by both two methods only with minor difference. The method can be proposed to conduct seismic evaluation on mid-rise to high-rise buildings.
摘要    本研究針對國家地震工程研究中心增建後的結構進行耐震分析。增建案是在既有的六層 RC 建築上,擴建為十三層 RC 與鋼構的複合結構;此外建築基地面積也增大以容納一樓至十三樓鋼結構服務核。舊有一樓至六樓的 RC 建築結構加厚或新增剪力牆,並採複合材料補強 RC 短梁,另外為增加結構耐震能力,也採用 BRB、SPD 及 FVD 等消能元件。為了解增建後之耐震行為,本研究採 PISA3D 程式建立結構模型,在 RC 梁、RC 柱、RC剪力牆、鋼梁、鋼柱、BRB 及 SPD 等構件分別採用雙線性、衰減、硬化等不同材料模型,二至七樓新舊樓板採雙質心雙剛性樓板,並在交界節點採 6自由度接點元素來分析新舊樓板交界面受力情形,進行模態與非線性反應歷時分析。結果顯示前三個振態的週期相近,分別為長向平移 1.24s、短向平移並旋轉 1.19s 及旋轉 1.05s。非線性歷時分析採 21 組三向地震紀錄,放大兩水平方向反應譜的幾何平均以擬合臺北二區設計反應譜(DBE),定比係數約在 2.22~6.35 之間,其中 921 地震在 TAP042 測站下的定比放大反應譜最接近設計反應譜。將 DBE 三向地震除以 3.5 或乘以 1.3 以得中小度地震(SLE)、最大考量地震(MCE)危害度之地震加速度歷時。採用 ASCE/SEI 4-16強震段定義的愛氏震度 5%至 75%區間擷取地震歷時,每組非線性歷時分析花費約一小時。在 21 組 SLE、DBE、MCE 作用下,長向最大層間側移角發生在七樓且各層側移角最大值分布較為均勻,平均值分別為0.35、1.21、1.61%弧度,短向則發生在五樓且七樓以下反應較大,平均值分別為0.34、1.12、1.52%弧度,並且二至七樓板有明顯旋轉反應。結果顯示,在DBE作用下兩向最大層間側移均小於ASCE/SEI 7-10如講堂等建築之1.5%弧度(Risk3)的層間側移角限制,在MCE作用下,也小於 FEMA 356 Life Safety性能所限制的2%層間側移角,梁柱構件、消能元件與基樁也不致破壞,顯示增建案之耐震性能應可滿足未來使用上的需求。
TitleSeismic Analysis of NCREE Office Building Extension
AuthorGuan-Hong Lin, Ming‐Chieh Chuang, Keh-Chyuan Tsai, Jui-Liang Lin
KeywordsComposite structure, RC structure, Steel structure, RC shear wall, FRP strengthening, BRB, SPD, FVD, PISA3D, Nonlinear response history analysis
AbstractThis study conducts the seismic analysis of NCREE office building extension. The extended NCREE building becomes a composite structure including the original six-story RC structure with RC shear walls and FRP strengthened beams, vertically added seven-story steel structure with BRBs, SPDs and FVDs. In addition, a service core was extended from the first floor to the roof at the north side of the building. PISA3D program was used for conducting the modal and nonlinear response history analyses (NRHAs). Bilinear, degrading, hardening material models were adopted for RC beam and column, RC shear wall, steel members, BRB and SPD. Maxwell model was applied on FVDs. In order to gain insight into the force transfers between the RC structure and steel service core interfaces, dual rigid diaphragms with two individual mass centers and several 6DOF joint elements were incorporated into the lower six floors of the structural model. Single rigid diaphragm and mass center were considered in all other floors. Modal analysis results show that the first three natural periods are 1.24s (longitudinal translation), 1.19s (transverse translation and rotation) and 1.05s (rotation), respectively. A total of 21 sets of ground accelerations and scaling factors were chosen in fitting the Taipei Zone 2 DBE design spectrum. The scale factors range from 2.22 to 6.35. 0921TAP042 earthquake scaled spectrum is closest to the design spectrum among all selected earthquake records. SLE and MCE earthquake hazard levels are 0.29 and 1.3 times of DBE, respectively. Under three different earthquake hazard (SLE, DBE, MCE) levels, maximum story drifts (SD) are distributed evenly in the LG direction but unevenly in the TR direction and coupled with rotation. Obvious story rotations occurred from the 2nd to the 7th floor. The averaged SDs occur at the LG 7th floor and TR 5th floor, which are 0.35, 1.22, 1.61% radians and 0.34, 1.12, and 1.52% radians respectively. In the DBEs, the SDs are less than 1.5% radians, and within the ASCE/SEI 7-10 limitation of the risk3 category having an importance between hospital and general buildings. In the MCEs, SDs are less than 2% radians within the FEMA356 performance limitation for life safety. Through the results of NRHAs, the satisfactory seismic performance of the extended NCREE building can be demonstrated.
摘要    財團法人台灣建築中心為推廣建築物安全 AI 系統,在 109 年 10 月底選定新北市樹林藝文大樓 B1F、6F 與 7F 共安裝四部網路型三軸向地震儀,計劃自該年 10 月起進行連續三年的地震反應監測,本研究利用該套系統於109 年 12 月 10 日與 110 年 1 月 9 日所蒐集的兩次地震事件紀錄利用三種不同系統識別方法進行分析,該棟建物由地震訊號識別出來的週期 Tx、Ty分別為 0.3 秒與 0.35 秒,阻尼比約為 4%,由於本大樓 108 年 7 月啟用,至109 年 12 月即遇到 4 級震度之有感地震,故該次識別之振動週期可合理地視為勁度參數之初始值,並做為後續年度建物健康監測的比較依據。另本棟建物週期識別出來之結果,僅為現有耐震規範的經驗公式以及 ETABS 以純構架模式分析結果的 1/3,因此本研究推論,目前一般業界常使用的分析程式,若僅針對構架系統進行建模,未將其他內外牆元件一併納入考量,所得動力分析結果與實際建物週期相較,有 2~3 倍的差異;此外,若以識別出來的週期套用靜力分析公式進行本大樓耐震設計,所算出之設計橫力超出目前規範建議的經驗公式設計值約 10%,顯示若依現有規範公式計算的設計地震力在建物週期的推估是否合宜須更進一步探討。
TitleStudy on the Earthquake Response of Shulin Art & Administrative Building in New Taipei City
AuthorCheng, Li-Hui
Keywordssystem identification, earthquake response, building health monitoring, vibration period, building period
AbstractFor promoting the building safety AI system, Taiwan Architecture & Building Center installed an earthquake monitoring system including four triaxial seismometers and a host computer in Shulin Art & Administrative Building in New Taipei City for health monitoring in October, 2020. Earthquake response data of the building will be collected by the system in the following consecutive three years. The research is based on the data recorded from the earthquakes on Dec.10, 2020 and Jan. 09, 2021 in North Taiwan. By system identification methods, the periods of the building are 0.3 second in X direction and 0.35 second in Y direction while the results of damping ratio are about 3%~5%. Since the building was just finished in July 2019, the identification results from the above earthquake records can be regarded as the initial properties of the structural stiffness which could be the reference for the building health monitoring in the future. In addition, the identified periods of the studied building are only 1/3 of both the empirical equation of Taiwan’s earthquake designing code and dynamic analysis of ETABS base on a mere RC frame model assumption. Thus, the research infers that, without taking the inner and outer walls into analysis consideration, the estimation of building periods will be much different from the actual values. Furthermore, in the studied building, the designing earthquake forces based on the empirical period equation might be less 10% than the forces based on the periods given from the identification results. In the result, the research proposes that the relationship between the periods and building categories shall be studied more thoroughly.
摘要    台灣位屬多地震區域,由於地震頻繁,為了結構物之安全性,需於災害發生前與災害發生後進行結構物健康識別。本研究所提出之最佳化配置為減少往後檢測量測同棟中高層結構物所設置之感測器顆數,及提高判斷結構物模態頻率的精度。為此目的,需先求得結構物之參考模態頻率;首先在結構物上設置參考感測器獲得真實時間歷時,並利用 Cubic spline 內插法取得模擬時間歷時,得到結構物各樓層真實與模擬時間歷時後,運用隨機子空間識別 (SSI),做出穩態圖,使用機器學習中的 K-means 演算法判斷穩態圖上之各參考模態頻率,最後基因演算法判斷出加速度感測器配置之最佳樓層位置。最後做了四棟真實結構物之實驗以驗證此方法的可行性。
TitleOptimal Sensors Placement for Micro-Vibration Monitoring of Mid-High Rise Building
AuthorYen-Yu Yang, Leng-Jenq Leu
KeywordsOptimal Sensors Placement, Structural Health Monitoring, Stochastic Subspace Identification, Cubic Spline Interpolation
AbstractTaiwan is located in the seismic zone with high frequency earthquake occurrences. In order to increase structure safety, it needs to monitor the structural health before and after disaster occurs. This study proposes a method to obtain the optimal sensors placement(OSP), which could reduce the number of sensors for building monitoring. In additions, the method could find out the higher modal frequencies for structures. First, collect the real time-histories and use Cubic spline interpolation method to obtain simulated time-histories for each floor. Second, use Stochastic Subspace Identification to generate stabilization diagrams. Third, K-means clustering method is used to obtain modal frequencies. Finally, use Genetic Algorithm method to find OSP. There are four in-situ experiments for the method verifying, one is in National Taiwan University Cancer Center, one in Tamsui(a new building) and others are 5 years buildings in Banqiao.

第三十六卷第三期 (期別141) (110年)

第三十六卷第三期 (期別141) (110年)



作者張英發、張志斌 、張容慈
摘要    安坑輕軌計畫位於新北市,為政府積極推動之三環六線之一,路線行經 新店及安坑地區,其中跨越新店溪部分之橋梁即為安心橋。因此處路線與新 店溪河道以41度角度斜交,並於新店端設置一處轉彎以便進入K9車站(十四 張站),使得跨越行水區長度長達500公尺,另受限於行水區內僅能設置兩處 橋墩之限制,在橋梁跨度、高度及橋墩斷面尺寸及型式皆須符合軌道系統以 及防洪水利需求條件下,安心橋採用國內首見且國外亦少有案例之複合式 斜張鋼桁架橋。 安坑輕軌安心橋以大跨度不落墩的方式跨越深槽區,採用三跨連續桁 架主梁之配置(225m+150m+127m=502m),除可滿足軌道結構物對於變位 的要求外,亦可維持轉彎段軌道與結構變位的一致性。本橋受限於橋墩位置 ,採用單柱式A型傾斜橋塔及雙索面鋼索配置,克服長短跨徑差異產生的不 平衡力影響,達到力與美的設計目標。此外,桁架主梁搭配斜張橋之分析與 模擬,以及轉彎段與漸變段之鋼桁架設計細節,加上軌道橋梁在設計上須考 量的項目,均為本橋有別於一般大跨度橋梁之設計特點。 安心橋不論在規模、跨距、量體、工程難度等,均屬國內軌道橋梁首見 ,本文除就安心橋之規劃設計做整體敘述外,也將針對軌道橋梁所需考量之 耐震設計、耐風設計以及構造細節等議題逐一介紹,以提供未來相關工程參 考。
TitlePlanning and Design of AnShin Bridge, the Ankeng LRT System Xindian River Crossing Bridge
AuthorTeo Eng-Huat, Chang Jhih-Bin, Chang Jung-Tzu
KeywordsCable-Stayed Bridge, Steel Truss Bridge, Wind Tunnel Test
Abstract    Ankeng LRT, located in New Taipei City, is a part of the “3 ring & 6 line railway project”. The route goes through Xindian and Ankeng area, and the section crossing Xindian River is the AnShin Bridge. Since the route crossing Xindian River has a skew with the river channel in 41 degrees, and there is a big turn in the Xindian side in order to enter the K9 station, it makes distance crossing river over 500 m. Moreover, there is a restriction which allows only 2 piers in the Xindian river reservation. In order to fulfill the requirement of the hydrographic as well as the railway system, a cable-stayed and truss composite bridge is used, which is the first in Taiwan and are seldom used in the foreign as well. AnShin Bridge crosses the deep trench area with a big span, a three-span continuous truss girder is used (225m+150m+127m=502m) for the bridge, not only can fulfill the deflection restriction of the railway structure, but also can keep the deformation continuity of the rail and structure at the curve route section. Since the location of the pier is restricted, the A-shaped inclined tower with single pier and the arrangement of the cable was well designed to surmount the imbalanced force due to unbalanced span. Last but not least, the analysis and modeling of the cable-stayed bridge with truss girder, the design detail of the curve and gradient steel truss, and the extra consideration for the railway bridge are some of the design features of AnShin Bridge which is different from the usual. The Anshin Bridge are special not only in the scale, span and design features, but also in the steel details and construction challenge. The design of AnShin Bridge is carried out in this article, some railway bridge design feature including seismic design, wind resistance design as well as the structural detail are also introduced, provide as a reference for the future engineering related project.
作者彭康瑜 、吳明興 、蕭天任
摘要    近年來新北市政府極力發展各項建設及推動觀光,土城區、樹林區、三 峽區及鶯歌區之交通量成長快速,面對交通建設急迫性、道路安全需求性、 瓶頸路段改善及觀光發展區聯外道路需求等因素,必須積極因應與改善。其 中,三鶯大橋為鶯歌與樹林通往三峽市道110與國道3號三鶯交流道之重要 聯絡橋梁,由於現況交通服務水準尖峰時間已達到F級,為積極改善此交通 瓶頸,新北市政府推動三鶯二橋新建工程(以下稱本工程),銜接台北大學 特定區內之40m道路(大義路),以分擔市道110及三鶯大橋之車流。 三鶯二橋的規劃路線,於穿越國道3號、跨越大漢溪及台鐵軌道後,以 迴轉方式銜接市道114,在穿越國道路段,採用國內首創倒T型預鑄預力梁, 爭取橋下淨高並加速橋梁施工,確保國道交通維持的順暢。跨越大漢溪與台 鐵軌道,採大跨徑鋼箱型梁橋設計,克服汛期與鄰接鐵路施工的風險。本文 旨在提出本工程的設計考量與施工經驗,期對國內工程界有一建設性的參考。
TitlePlanning, Design and Construction of the Sanying Second Bridge in New Taipei City
AuthorKang-Yu Peng, Ming-Sing Wu, Tien-Jen Hsiao
KeywordsAdjacent precast PC inverted T-beam, Accelerating Bridge Construction, Construction crossing over the railroad

    In recent years, New Taipei City Government has made great efforts to develop various constructions and promote tourism. The rapid growth of traffic volume in Tucheng District, Shulin District, Sanxia District and Yingge District must be actively responded and improved, facing the factors such as urgency of transportation construction, road safety requirements, bottleneck section improvement and the demands for access roads to tourism-developing districts. Among other things, the Sanying Bridge is an important one connecting Yingge and Shulin to Sanxia City Road No.110 and Sanying Interchange of National Highway No. 3. As the current service level of traffic has reached F-level during peak hours, in order to actively improve the traffic bottleneck, New Taipei City Government promotes the construction of the Sanying Second Bridge (hereinafter referred to as this project) to connect the 40m road (Dayi Road) in the Designated Area of Taipei University to share the traffic flow of City Road No. 110 and the Sanying Bridge.

    The planned route of the Sanying Second Bridge connects City Road No. 114 in a turning manner after crossing National Highway No. 3, the Dahan River and the track of Taiwan Railway. It adopts the first domestic inverted T-shaped, precast and prestressed beam to strive for the clearance under the bridge and to boost construction to ensure maintaining smooth traffic of national highway. By using large-span steel box girder for the bridge to cross the Dahan River and the track of Taiwan Railway, the design overcomes the risks of construction during the flood season and railway adjacency. This article aims to provide the design considerations and construction experience of this project which is expected to give a constructive reference to the domestic construction community.

作者陳冠淳 、李柏辛 、宋冠諭 、李家萱、 彭知行 、陳正鴻 、宋裕祺
摘要    預力混凝土橋梁在施工期間與完工後,或因採用工法不同、或因混凝土 潛變乾縮及預力鋼腱鬆弛等特性導致結構應力與撓度具備時變特性,結構 設計時須能考量此些過程,確認造成構件可能發生最大應力究係發生於各 施工階段或完工使用階段,乃至於是受何種因素影響所及,方能獲得合理的 設計成果。為能執行此一設計程序,大量的分析工作實不可避免,設計輔助 介面開發亦屬需要。 本研究係依據鐵路橋梁設計規範、鐵路橋梁耐震設計規範、公路橋梁設 計規範與公路橋梁耐震設計規範,建立預力混凝土橋梁之檢核與輕量化輔 助設計介面,並說明此介面計算原理與流程。為有效降低輕軌捷運橋梁斷面 尺寸,本研究依逃生走道需求及橋梁電力設施、隔音牆配置等,提出中路式 箱型梁斷面,作為輕量化方案進行有限元素模型分析與設計,並與實際案例 進行比較。透過本檢核與輕量化輔助設計介面可以大量執行繁複的分析工 作,可以減少人為錯誤與檢核時間、提高設計效率、供使用者快速得到設計 檢核結果、提升操作便利性。分析結果顯示,中路式箱型梁斷面在該案例中 ,上部結構斷面積減少約20%,橋柱斷面積則減少約2.5%。
TitleDevelopment of Computer-aid Design System for Prestressed Concrete Bridges Considering Weight-minimum
AuthorGuan-Chun Chen, Po-Hsin Lee, Guan-yu Sung, Jia-Hsuan Li, Chih-Hsing Peng, Zheng-Hong Chen, Yu-Chi Sung
KeywordsPrestressed concrete bridges; Weight-minimum design; Program development
Abstract    Based on the specifications of railway bridges and highway bridges, this study developed the computer-aid design system for weight-minimum of prestressed concrete railway bridges. Creep, shrinkage, and relaxation would cause variation of the prestress tendons and deflection of the structure, leading to a lot of analyses in design. Through the computer-aid design system, complicated analysis can be performed quickly to obtain results, reduce human errors, and improve design efficiency.The results show that the optimized section is valid for reducing the superstructure section area by around 20 % and reducing the area of the pier section by around 2.5%.”
作者劉光晏 、吳振揚
摘要    本研究採用本土化之高強度鋼筋混凝土受圍束之應力應變關係,探討 高強度混凝土取代一般強度混凝土後,在相同的上部結構載重作用下,對於 橋柱斷面尺寸與鋼筋用量縮減之影響。案例分析顯示,因材料強度提升後使 橋柱斷面縮小,造成結構周期延長與地震力下降,進一步達到橋柱主筋減量 的雙重目標。此外,當橋梁工址位於斷層近域,如採用一般強度或高強度鋼 筋混凝土材料,並納入速度脈衝引致高應變率來提升材料強度之貢獻,亦可 有效縮減橋柱斷面及節省主筋量。設計成果採用ATC-40容量震譜法與Fu-RT強度韌性折減法,耐震性能檢核均符合,驗證高強度混凝土橋柱之斷面尺寸與鋼筋量更具經濟性。
TitleSeismic Performance Design of New RC Bridges subjected to Near-Fault Earthquakes
AuthorKuang-Yen Liu, Chen-Yang Wu
Keywordshigh-strength concrete, bridge column, near-fault earthquake, strain rate, seismic performance assessment
Abstract    This study adopts the stress-strain relationship of localized high-strength reinforced concrete to explore the effect of replacing general-strength concrete with high-strength concrete on the reduction of the cross-sectional dimensions of the bridge column and the amount of steel under the same superstructure load. Case analysis shows that the increase in material strength reduces the crosssection of the bridge column, resulting in an extension of the structural period and a decrease in seismic force, which further achieves the dual goal of reducing the main reinforcement of the bridge column. In addition, when the bridge site is located near the fault, if conventional and high-strength reinforced concrete materials are used, and the contribution of the speed pulse to the high strain rate and the enhancement of the material strength is incorporated, it can also effectively reduce the cross-section of the bridge column and save the amount of main reinforcements. The design results adopt the ATC-40 capacity seismic spectrum method and the Fu-R-T strength and ductility reduction method, and the seismic performance assessment are consistent, verifying that the crosssectional size and the amount of steel reinforcement of the high-strength concrete bridge column are more economical.
作者王柄雄 、鄭維中 、張國鎮
摘要    為了解縱向鋼筋比及高寬比對鋼筋混凝土橋柱遲滯衰減行為之影響, 本研究規劃五座矩形橫箍筋橋柱之反覆載重試驗,考慮之縱向鋼筋比為 0.75%、1.5%及3.0%,橋柱之高寬比為3、6及10。再加上文獻相關圓形螺箍 筋橋柱之試驗結果,以綜合探討不同斷面圍束型式及設計參數對多項結構 性質之衰減特性,如強度衰減、勁度折減及束縮行為之影響。試驗結果顯示 ,橋柱之勁度折減程度及加載路徑之束縮嚴重程度,皆會隨著縱向鋼筋比的 降低而趨於嚴重;而高寬比對勁度折減之影響不甚明顯,但加載路徑之束縮 效應則是會隨著高寬比的降低而趨於嚴重。此外,在相同的縱向鋼筋比及滿 足耐震設計規範最低橫向鋼筋用量的前提下,圓形螺箍柱因有較好的圍束 作用,其衰減幅度會比矩形橫箍柱來的輕微。在試體破壞模式的比較方面, 矩形橫箍柱主要因其箍繫筋之彎鉤外撐鬆脫以致圍束失效,而產生漸進式 的強度衰減破壞;圓形螺箍柱則為螺箍筋發揮至極限應變斷裂以致圍束機 制崩解,而發生急遽的強度損失破壞。
TitleEffects of Longitudinal Reinforcement and Aspect Ratios on Deteriorated Hysteresis Behaviors of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns
AuthorPing-Hsiung Wang, Wei-Chung Cheng, Kuo-Chun Chang
Keywordsreinforced concrete, bridge column, longitudinal reinforcement, aspect ratio, hysteresis behavior, deteriorations
Abstract    To study the effects of longitudinal reinforcement and aspect ratios on the deteriorated hysteresis behaviors of reinforced concrete (RC) bridge columns, five rectangular RC column specimens with hoop and tie reinforcements are tested under cyclic loading considering longitudinal reinforcement ratios of 0.75%, 1.5%, and 3.0% and aspect ratios of 3, 6, and 10. Furthermore, another five circular RC columns with spiral reinforcement and similar test scheme obtained in the literature are included to further compare the differences of deterioration characteristics resulting from various confining mechanisms. Test results show that the stiffness degradation and pinching severity of column would increase as its longitudinal reinforcement decreases. The pinching severity of column would also increase with decreasing aspect ratio, but the stiffness degradation is barely affected by the aspect ratio. Moreover, due to the well confinement effects, the severity of deteriorations of circular columns are less than those of rectangular columns with the same longitudinal reinforcement ratio and the minimum transverse reinforcements required by seismic design codes. Besides, the failure of rectangular columns is mainly caused by the loosening of transverse reinforcements at seismic hooks, leading to gradually deteriorated confinement and strength. In contrast, the failure of circular columns is primarily induced by the fracture of spirals, resulting in destruction of confinement mechanism and sudden strength loss.
標題側推分析暨𝐹௨- 𝑅- 𝑇法於橋梁耐震評估強化及其演算法之建議
作者曾榮川 、黃鎮齊 、劉靖俞 、周贊翔
關鍵字動力歷時分析、側推分析、容量曲線、容量譜曲線、雙線性化、 EPA(有效最大地表加速度)
摘要    側推分析暨Fu‐R‐T法目前為國內橋梁耐震能力檢核或評估所普遍採用, 但在實務應用上仍有多方面待檢討釐清及擴充強化,以進一步了解此方法 的適用性及變異性,確保分析評估結果的可靠度。本文提出了對水平譜加速 度係數短、中週期分界T0的擴充,以及求得譜位移Sd對應之EPA(有效最大地 表加速度)的演算法,建立連續的EPA與受力狀況(如位移、塑鉸韌性比等)曲 線,並經由規則橋梁簡化模型的案例分析,與非線性動力歷時分析結果比較 檢討,確認其適用性與可靠度。利用此一連續的EPA與受力狀況曲線,結合 橋址處的地震危害度,可作為量化計算橋梁震害風險成本或補強效益的依 據基礎。除此外,本文也針對容量譜曲線雙線性化方法的研析檢討,證明了 採用「非彈塑性雙線性化」方法,將會得到較「彈塑性雙線性化」方法為高 的橋梁耐震能力,且有相當幅度,在實務應用上須謹慎注意。
TitleRecommendations of Pushover Analysis and 𝑭𝒖- 𝑹- 𝑻 method for Bridge Seismic Capacity Evaluation and its Algorithm
AuthorDzong-Chwang Dzeng, Dzong-Chwang Dzeng, Ching-Yu Liu, Tsan-Hsiang Chou
Keywordsdynamic time history analysis, pushover analysis, capacity curve, capacity spectrum curve, bilinearization, EPA (Effective Peak Acceleration)
Abstract    While the approach combined pushover analysis with 𝐹௨- 𝑅- 𝑇 process is universally adopted in examination and evaluation of seismic capacity for domestic bridge, there are still many aspects to be reviewed, clarified, expanded and improved to further recognize its applicability and variation and to ensure the reliability of the analyzed results. This work presents an algorithm expanding the period 𝑇଴ at the end of constant spetral design acceleration plateau to obtain the 𝐸𝑃𝐴 (effective peak acceleration) corresponding to any spectrum displacement 𝑆ௗ ), establishing the continuous 𝐸𝑃𝐴 and load condition curve (e.g. displacement and plastic hinge ductility ratio) and verifying its applicability and reliability by comparing the results of simplified regular bridge model analysis with nonlinear dynamic time-history analysis. Combining this continuous EPA and load condition curve with seismic hazard at bridge site, it could be the basis for quantified calculation of bride seismic risk costs and the benefits of retrofit. In addition, this work also studies and reviews the bilinearization method of capacity spectrum curve. It proves that a much greater seismic capacity would be obtained by the “non-elastoplastic bi-linearization method” than the “elastoplastic bi-linearization method” . It should be cautious in practical applications.
作者林子剛 、楊子慧 、張皓惇 、王柄雄 、張國鎮
摘要    本研究開發一套以人工智慧為基礎的模型,將其用於預測平滑遲滯模 型(Smooth Hysteretic Model, SHM)的相關參數。近年來以Bouc-Wen模型為 基礎的平滑遲滯模型常被用於判定損害累積與遲滯迴圈的加載路徑,該類 模型包含五種主要參數,這些參數用以描述受撓曲為主的鋼筋混凝土 (Reinforced Concrete, RC)橋柱之耐震性能。其中,與時間變化相關的參數, 僅能透過實驗取得,但實際上無法頻繁使用真實結構物進行試驗,進而影響 平滑遲滯模型的實用性。雖然平滑遲滯模型的方便性有待商榷,但其性能表 現優於其他現有的遲滯模型,因此本研究試以支持向量回歸法(supportvector regression, SVR),結合人工智慧與平滑遲滯模型的優勢,開發一套更 加完善之遲滯模型,以利橋梁震損與耐震性評估。研究資料取自近年來進行 實驗之九座不同RC橋柱,樣本資料共有119筆勁度衰減參數與81筆束縮參數資料。並以80%資料進行訓練,其餘20%資料用於測試。將各橋柱的主筋比 、高寬比、位移及殘餘位移做為輸入參數,透過支持向量回歸法,預測出該 橋柱之勁度衰減與束縮參數。該方法能在低誤差的情況下,精準預測各項時變參數。最後,將分別以支持向量回歸法預測之參數,與實驗數據識別之參 數繪製之遲滯迴圈進行比較。分析結果表明,利用本研究所提出之方法,可 以進行可靠的橋柱耐震性預測,無須進行繁雜的實驗流程,即可達成協助平滑遲滯模型預測橋柱之震損程度與耐震特性。
TitleHysteretic Model Parameters with Using Support Vector Regression
AuthorTzu-Kang Lin, Tzu-Hui Yang, Hao-Tun Chang, Ping-Hsiung Wang, Kuo-Chun Chang
Keywordssupport vector regression, smooth hysteretic model, pinching, stiffness degradation
Abstract    This study developed artificial intelligence–based models for predicting smooth hysteretic model (SHM) parameters. Recently, an SHM based on the Bouc–Wen model was developed to determine damage accumulation and path dependence of reloading. The model comprises five main parameters that describe the seismic behavior of ductile, flexure-dominated reinforced concrete (RC) bridge columns. However, each time-variant parameter can be derived only through practical experiments and cannot be tested on actual structures; therefore, the SHM is not very practical. In this study, support-vector regression (SVR) was adopted to capitalize on the advantages of the developed SHM, which exhibits superior performance to other existing hysteresis models. Nine different RC bridge columns were tested under displacement time histories, and a total of 119 samples were acquired. Of the samples, 80% were used for training and the remaining 20% were used for testing. The longitudinal reinforcement ratio, aspect ratio, and displacement or residual displacement of individual columns were set as the inputs to the SVR models, and the pinching and stiffness degradation parameters were set as the model output. Time-variant parameters could be predicted accurately with low deviation and error percentages. Moreover, hysteresis loops were generated using the identification parameters, and the SVR prediction results were compared with experimental data. The results indicated that the seismic behavior of the RC bridge columns could be estimated with high reliability using the proposed method without the support of experimental progress and support the SHM to predict the degree of damage. “

第三十六卷第二期 (期別140) (110年)

第三十六卷第二期 (期別140) (110年)

關鍵字挫屈束制支撐、巨型斜撐、桁架圍束單元、撓曲剛度、剪力剛度、 穩定性分析
摘要跨越多樓層之挫屈束制支撐在高層建築結構中的抗震應用漸趨廣泛,桁架圍束式挫屈束制支撐(truss-confined buckling-restrained brace, TC-BRB) 為較新型之 BRB,TC-BRB 於圍束鋼管外部再配置一桁架圍束系統,由任意數量、方向與尺寸之桁架構架所構成,並與圍束鋼管共組成圍束單元來提供所需之撓曲剛度;因此其圍束鋼管與內灌水泥砂漿的撓曲剛度與斷面需求得以大幅下降。當安裝為具長跨與高軸力容量之斜撐構件時,更得以發揮減少材料用量、自重及初始凹曲等優點。本研究提出一全新型 TC-BRB,將桁架圍束系統之斷面高度由過去的等斷面改為沿 BRB 軸向變化,於跨中央最高並以正弦函數曲線向兩端漸縮,更有效率地使用材料並獲更優美之外觀。為使此新創型 BRB 方便實際工程應用,本研究建立穩定性理論模型與耐震設計方法並進行相關實驗與數值驗證。先提出桁架圍束系統等效撓曲剛度與剪力剛度計算方式,再建立穩定性理論模型。考量剪力效應計算 TC-BRB 之整體彈性撓曲挫屈強度(Pcr);並再考量初始缺陷與材料非線性行為來計算整體挫屈破壞強度(Plim)。本研究並藉 ABAQUS 有限元素模型分析進行數值驗證,結果顯示理論模型在圍束單元的 Pcr 計算上,誤差小於 10%;而於整體 TC-BRB 的 Pcr 計算上,誤差更小於 3%。為驗證理論並評估 TC-BRB 之實際遲滯消能行為,本研究第一階段設計並新造兩組具不同桁架圍束系統型態、1/5 縮尺總長 6.3 米、100 噸級之 TC-BRB 試體,利用國家地震工程研究中心多軸向試驗系統執行反覆加載試驗。理論模型考量殘餘應力的效應後,預測所得 Plim 與試驗結果的誤差小於 6%;實驗證實本研究所建理論模型於穩定性預測之準確性,更證實本研究所提之設計方法與檢核程序的可靠性。為觀察 TC-BRB 更嚴峻的耐震消能與穩定性表現,本研究第二階段再設計兩組 TC-BRB 試體並提高其整體穩定性容量,理論預測的 Plim 與試驗所得結果兩者誤差小於 7%,再次確認所提理論模型之準確性;本文提供 TC-BRB 之耐震設計流程與範例以供參考。
TitleLong-Span Buckling-Restrained Braces using Truss-Confined Restrainers
AuthorChun Chen, Yu-Cheng Lin, An-Chien Wu, Lu-An Chen, Keh-Chyuan Tsai
Keywordsbuckling-restrained brace, mega brace, truss-confined restrainer, flexural rigidity, shear rigidity, stability analysis
AbstractLong span buckling-restrained braces (BRBs) are getting popular for applications in seismic tall buildings. Recently, a novel type of BRB, namely the truss-confined BRB (TC-BRB) with a constant-depth truss built into the restrainerhas been investigated. The TC-BRB’s restrainer is constructed by attaching an additional truss system composed of several steel open-web truss frames outside the central steel casing in order to develop the overall restraining rigidity. Thus, the cross-sectionof the central steel casing and the weight of the infilled mortar in the TC-BRB can be significantly reduced in comparison with the conventional BRBs. The initial crookedness caused by the BRBs’ self-weight can also be reduced in the cases of long-span and large axial capacity BRB designs. This study investigates a new type of TC-BRB using a varying-depth truss system in the restrainers. This type of TC-BRB could save construction material and achieve the structural aesthetic more effectively than those using the constant-depth trusses. In this study, stability analytical model and seismic design procedures are developed and verified. Key mechanical properties including equivalent flexural rigidity and shear rigidity of the truss system are firstly presented. It is illustrated that the TC-BRBs’ elastic flexural buckling strength (Pcr) can be satisfactorily computed by incorporating Timoshenko shear effect into the classical stability theory. TC-BRBs’s buckling failure strength (Plim) can be further computed by considering the initial imperfections and inelastic material property.Abaqus finite element model (FEM) analysis results indicate that the proposed analytical model can satisfactorily predict the restrainers’ Pcr with errors less than 10%; and predict the TC-BRBs’ Pcr with errors less than 3%. In the first phase experiment, two 1/5-scale TC-BRB specimens, each of 6.3m long with the 1016-kN nominal yield strength anda constant- or varying-depth truss design, were tested in NCREE. Cyclic test results confirm that the Plim of the two TC-BRB specimens can be accurately predicted using the proposed analytical model with errors less than 6% when the effects of residual stresses in the truss members are considered. In the second phase experiment, two additional specimens were fabricated with significantly increased stability capacities. Cyclic test results show that the Plim of these two specimens can also be accurately predicted with the errors less than 7%, further confirm the reliability of the proposed analytical model. The TC-BRBs’ experimental performance also suggests that the proposed design procedures are generally conservative and practical. This study concludes with the recommendations, produres and examples on the seismic design of the proposed TC-BRBs using the constant- or varying-depth trussses.
標題非定值軸力作用下含組合繫筋 RC 柱之耐震性能
摘要組合繫筋為由兩支一端為180度彎鉤另一端為直線的J形鋼筋搭接組合而成。本研究完成4座大尺寸鋼筋混凝土柱試體之反復側向載重試驗,探討非定值軸力作用下含組合繫筋RC柱之耐震性能。研究結果顯示:(1)非定值軸力作用下,使用180度彎鉤一體繫筋(兩端使用180度彎鉤之一體繫筋)之試體承受軸壓力之韌性(塑性轉角)表現最佳,使用組合繫筋之試體次之,使用傳統繫筋(一端具有135度彎鉤,而另一端為90度彎鉤之繫筋)之試體韌性表 現最差;(2)不論使用組合繫筋、180度彎鉤一體繫筋或傳統繫筋之RC柱試體,承受軸拉力之韌性表現優於承受軸壓力之韌性表現;(3)僅承受軸壓力之柱,當柱軸力比小於30%時,可採用組合繫筋取代傳統繫筋;(4)建築結構內柱承受較大之軸壓力,當柱在地震過程中僅承受軸壓力,且柱軸力比大於30%時,此時使用組合繫筋不但可以合乎規範要求且施工容易;(5)當柱在地震過程中承受反復軸力(即軸壓力及軸拉力)時,一般而言此種情形之 柱軸力比小於30%,此時可以採用組合繫筋取代傳統繫筋。
TitleThe seismic performance of reinforced concrete columns using the lap-spliced crosstie with various axial load
AuthorTai-Kuang Lee, Cheng-Cheng Chen
Keywordslap-spliced crosstie, lap splice length, axial tension, RC columns, seismic performance
AbstractA lap-spliced crosstie consists of two J-shaped steel bars (rebars) that have a straight end and an end featuring a 180° hook. In this study, the cyclic lateral load test of four large-scale reinforced concrete columns with axial force proportional to the lateral force was conducted to discuss the seismic performance of RC columns with lap-spliced crossties and investigate the axial tension load effect. The research results are presented as follows: (a) The seismic performance of the specimens that adopted lap-spliced crossties is superior to that of the specimen using conventional crossties and worse than that of the specimen using crossties featuring a 180° hook on the two ends. (b) The ductility of RC columns comprising lap-spliced crossties, crossties featuring a 180° hook on the two ends and conventional crossties under axial tension is superior to that under axial compression. (c) For RC columns under axial compression, when the axial force ratio is less than 30%, lap-spliced crossties can be used instead of conventional crossties. (d) The inner columns of the building structure are subjected to large axial compression. When the columns are only subjected to axial compression during the earthquake, and the column axial force ratio is greater than 30%, the use of lap-spliced crossties can not only meet the ACI design requirements, but also facilitate the construction. (e) When the columns are subjected to repeated axial forces (axial compression and axial tension) during the earthquake, generally speaking, the column axial force ratio in this case is less than 30%. In this case, lap-spliced crossties can be used to replace conventional crossties.
TitleLoad demand assessment of liquid storage tank in water supply facilities
AuthorYuan-Tao Weng, Gee-Yu Liu, Wen-Cheng Shen, Min-Lang Lin, Lap-Loi Chung, Chao- Hsien Li
Keywordswater supply facilities, seismic evaluation, liquid storage tank
AbstractWhen carrying out the seismic evaluation and analysis procedure of the liquid storage tank, the static load, live load, soil load, fluid load, temperature load and seismic load must be estimated first. The seismic load can be divided into earthquake-induced fluid dynamic load, dynamic load of the soil and the seismic force induced by the self-weight of the structure. Firstly, the dynamic load of the fluid caused by the earthquake can be further divided into the fluid impulsive modal load, the fluid convective modal load, and the horizontal dynamic load caused by the vertical vibration of the fluid. Secondly, the soil dynamic load caused earthquakes can also be divided into active soil pressure and passive soil pressure. In addition, the vertical seismic force of the liquid storage tank and the lateral inertial force of the tank wall should also be considered. This study focuses on load demand assessment methods and seismic evaluation process for the common pool-like water tank structure in Taiwan to make the seismic evaluation and analysis procedures more feasible and reasonable.
摘要目前橋梁耐震規範主要是透過放大係數來考慮近斷層效應,對於跨斷層 橋梁並無相關的規定。然而跨斷層橋梁在斷層線兩側由於會因地表相對錯動而導致不同的變形趨勢,因此在數值模擬上必須採用多支承非同步輸入,計算橋梁模型在地震作用下的結構地震反應。本研究之目的在建立以地表位移輸入法為基礎之多支承地震輸入方式,用以探討跨斷層橋梁受地震作用之反應。首先以近斷層地震的地表加速度歷時經數值積分得到對應的地表位移歷時,利用多支承位移輸入方式進行非線性動力歷時分析來模擬跨斷層橋梁的地震反應。並進一步比較地表位移分配方式、斷層穿越角度、橋面板支承形式等對於跨斷層橋梁受震反應之影響。數值模擬結果顯示非同步輸入地震歷時會使橋梁結構產生局部較大變形與內力;同步輸入地震歷時則會使橋梁結構產生較大的絕對加速度。此外,本文就位移的分配方式區分為絕對錯位和相對錯位兩種,數值結果顯示在內力計算的部分,相對錯位與絕對錯位所得之最大值差異不大;但變形的部分,絕對錯位所得之最大值往往高於相對錯位所得之最大值。模擬同時顯示斷層水平角45度的作用下,對於柱底扭矩會產生較明顯的放大,但其餘物理量會小於斷層水平角90度的作用。最後,本文依主梁與柱頂接合處不同的邊界條件,將橋型分為連續橋、簡支梁橋和構架橋等三種。構架橋與連續橋的最大歷時反應相當接近,簡支梁橋各項物理量的最大歷時反應相較於連續橋可能增大或減少。
TitleSeismic Performance of Crossing–fault Bridges
AuthorHsiao-Hui Hung, Lian-Gui He, Yi-Che Ho, Ching-Chiang Chuang, Chang-Wei Huang
KeywordsCrossing-fault bridge, nonlinear time history, multiple excitation, ground displacement input
AbstractThe influences of near-fault earthquakes are taken into account only by the magnification factors in the seismic design code for highway bridges. There are no related specifications about crossing-fault bridges in the design code. However, cross-fault bridges which are subjected to different ground motions at opposite sides of the fault line suffer more attacks in earthquakes. In this study, the seismic responses of cross-fault bridges are simulated with the multiple-excitation method and solved by nonlinear dynamic time history analyses. The displacement time history of each excitation is obtained by integrating the acceleration time history of a near-fault ground motion. The influences of the velocity impulse and residual displacements of near-fault earthquakes on the seismic responses of cross-fault bridges are discussed. In addition, the effects of the boundary conditions of the bridge deck and the angle between the bridge and fault line on the seismic responses of cross-fault bridges are also elaborated here. Numerical results demonstrate that the multiple-excitation simulation obtained larger local deformation and internal forces. On the other hand, the single-excitation simulation obtained larger absolute acceleration. Moreover, the ground displacements from integration are further divided into absolute displacements and relative displacements, which are assigned to the ground motions at opposite sides of the fault line. Numerical results show that there are no obvious differences on internal forces between these two displacement distributions. However, the absolute displacement generates larger member deformation. Moreover, the torsions at the bottom of bridge columns are magnified when the fault angle is 45°. Finally, the influences of different boundary conditions between bridge slabs and columns on the seismic responses are investigated. The seismic responses of rigid connections are similar to those of pin connections while the seismic responses of simply supported bridges have different characteristics
摘要本研究探討既有群樁基礎橋梁,因沖刷導致基礎裸露前、後之耐震性能及倒塌機率。首先,針對土壤結構互制行為進行實驗與分析比較。根據群樁基礎單柱結構之雙軸向大型振動台實驗結果,比較美國石油協會(API )、日本道路橋示方書(JRA)及本研究之等值線性土壤彈簧法。研究結果顯示,在綜合考量時間成本與結果準確度下,API土壤彈簧法是較佳之樁土互制模擬方式。爰此,將API土壤彈簧應用至一座四跨全橋模型,採用增量動力分析法(IDA)並參考FEMA P58流程,探討不同橋基裸露程度之破壞模式、構件轉角韌性容量與不同等級地震之耐震能力與破壞機率,最後再與公路橋梁耐震評估與補強設計規範草案(2018年版)之靜力側推分析法進行比較。案例分析顯示,FEMA P58要求等級III地震作用下倒塌機率小於 10%,對於橋梁結構過於嚴格。短柱位置之樁基礎發生裸露時,對整體耐震性能有明顯降低。採用側推分析進行勁度不規則橋梁之耐震能力評估時, 其結構反應較動力分析有不保守的疑慮。
TitleProbabilistic Assessment of Seismic Performance and Collapse Risk for Irregularly Bridge
AuthorKuang-Yen Liu, Yi-Han Lu
KeywordsScouring Effect, Soil Spring, Group Pile Effect, Probabilistic Assessment Method, Collapse Risk Analysis, Incremental Dynamic Analysis, Static Pushover Analysis
AbstractThis study investigates the seismic performance and collapse risk of a group pile foundation irregularly bridge after scouring, which use API soil spring method to build a group pile foundation, four-span bridge models, and use probabilistic assessment to discuss the seismic performance due to different scouring places. This methodology was presented by previous researcher. For numerical analysis, this study uses SAP2000 to do incremental dynamic analysis (IDA). Afterward, based on the result, also establish fragility curve considering IO, LS, and CP performance. This study also uses pushover analysis to evaluate the seismic performance of bridge after scouring. The result shows the first yielding point for group pile will appear at the top of the pile. Second, Seismic performance for the bridge will have the greatest influence when scouring was taken place at the pier which has the biggest stiffness difference compare to its nearby pier. Last, pushover analysis for irregularly bridge may underestimate its reaction compare to nonlinear time history analysis. All in all, this simplified probabilistic procedure can be used as a reference for future seismic performance evaluation for bridges.

第三十六卷第一期 (期別139) (110年)




標題低矮型 RC 建築物之震後耐震性能評估方法研究
TitleStudy on a Post-earthquake Seismic Performance Evaluation Method for Low-rise RC buildings
AuthorChien-Kuo Chiu, Hsin-Fang Sung, Tsung-Chih Chiou
Keywordsresidual seismic capacity, damage level, reduction factor.
AbstractTo quantify the post-earthquake residual seismic capacity of reinforced concrete (RC) column members, the static-cyclic loading and dynamic loading experimental results obtained in previous work, and the “Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center Structural Performance Database (PEER)” are used to obtain reduction factors of strength, stiffness and energy dissipation. This work also applies the method of the modified nonlinear hinge and proposes the preliminary and detailed seismic performance assessment method for the residual seismic performance of earthquake-damaged RC buildings. In the case study, this work selects one actual earthquake-damaged building to display the post-earthquake assessment of seismic performance for a damaged RC building.
作者楊元森、彭筠婷、黃羽璇、 邱聰智、鍾立來、黃世建
TitleConstruction cost analysis of school building seismic retrofit
AuthorYuan-Sen Yang,Yun-Ting Peng,Yu-Hsuan Huang, Tsung-Chih Chiou, Lap-Loi Chung, Shyh-Jiann Hwang
Keywordsschool building seismic retrofit, wing wall, RC jacketing, shear wall, construction cost
AbstractThe cases in the school building seismic retrofit have significant values for data analysis. The school building seismic retrofit data has been accumulated since 2009. More than 30,000 school building structures have been generally surveyed. More than 17,000 of them were preliminarily evaluated, and more than 10,000 of them which had significant risk of damage from earthquakes were evaluated. More than 6,000 of them have been retrofitted. As long as the analysis results are properly utilized, we will have more comprehensive understanding of construction cost, as well as potential for improving the administrative processes.
Based on the aforementioned database, this research analyzed the factors affecting the construction cost based on school locations, retrofit methods, and seismic capacity increment. In the statistics of the use of school building retrofit methods, it is found that wing walls, RC jacketing, and shear walls are the most commonly used retrofit methods. There are many factors that affect the project cost. This article studied the relationship between the retrofit cost and the above three factors through the data analysis.
TitleDesign of base-isolation systems subjected to pulse-like ground motions
AuthorNing-Kai Yang,Yin-Nan Huang,Hsun-Jen Liu, Shu-Hsien Chao
KeywordsNear-Fault Ground Motions; Base Isolation; Lead-Rubber Bearings; Non-Linear Response-History Analysis; GMPE
AbstractModernbuilding codes do not provide clearguidelineson the design of base-isolation systems against pulse-like ground motions, which may produce excessive displacement demand for isolators and endanger the systems. A procedureis proposed in this paper to address the impact of pulse-like ground motionson isolation systems. The procedure involves 1) the development of an “evaluation spectrum” using newly developed Taiwan ground motion prediction equations and a model for the ratio of spectral accelerations of pulse-like to non-pulse ground motions, and 2) selection and scaling of pulse-like records for nonlinear response-history analysis of the isolated building of interest. This paper presents an example of a 15-story steel special moment resisting frame isolated using lead-rubber bearings to demonstrate the proposed procedure.
TitleSeismic Isolation Retrofit and Foundation Replacement of Freeway Bridge
AuthorYin-Xuan Chen,Tien-Jen Hsiao,Ming-Shing Wu, Kang-Yu Peng, Guo-Long Chen
Keywordssystem of retrofit method, seismic isolator, foundation replacement method
AbstractTaiwan’s bridge seismic design specifications have evolved several version from 1987. In order to meet the seismic requirements under newest version specification. Freeway Bureau, MOTC has started existing bridge seismic capability evaluation and retrofitted after Chi-Chi Earthquake in 1999.
Because foundation retrofitting are expansive, we prefer to use “system retrofit method”. Conduct the feasibility studies on seismic isolation and damping devices. While the superstructure and pier are rigid connected, isolation bearing can’t install directly. An example of this is “Dong-Shan Bridge”. In this study, we explain the design considerations and methods of adding seismic isolation bearing to existing rigid piers. Furthermore, there are some cases where the spread foundation base will be scouring. An example of this is “Mei-Lin Bridge”. In order to increase earthquake and flood resistance at the same time. We use foundation replacement method to make spread foundation replace to pile foundation..
TitleSeismic Evaluation and Retrofit of the Isolated Bridge near Active Faults: Chianan Irrigation, Beigan No. 1 bridge
AuthorChih-Siou Gao, Tien-Jen Hsiao, Ming-Shing Wu,Kang-Yu Peng,Guo-Long Chen
KeywordsIsolated bridge, Near-fault effect, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit, Fluid Viscous Damper
AbstractWith the development of the seismic isolation technology in Taiwan, Seismic isolation bearing has been used in some bridges to resist earthquakes. Since the construction of freeway NO.3 and the reconstruction of the bridge damaged by Chi-Chi earthquake,isolation technology has been used in three decade.MOTC also added a chapter “Seismic Isolation and Energy Dissipation Design” to “Specification for Seismic Design of Highways and Bridges” (2008).But the pulses in the near fault ground motion have a large ­ displacement response which is exceed the design displacementon isolated bridges due to their long period property.
Take “Chia-nan Irrigation Channel No.1 Bridge” for example. We studied the effects of earthquakes near and far fault region on seismic behavior of isolated bridge, and suggest the retrofit method. This research shows that resultant displacement of the existing seismic isolated bearings may exceed the design displacement under the far-fault earthquake due to the seismic force increased.Furthermore, the resultant displacement will be much larger under the near-fault earthquake when the period of the isolated bridge is closed to the pulse period.Finally, we install fluid viscous damper (FVD) to increase the overall bridge system damping and to reduce the displacement response of the seismic isolated bearing.
摘要本研究統整台灣近40年的試驗資料並建立「台灣混凝土收縮與潛變資料庫」,並比較國內外資料庫後,發現台灣混凝土有漿體量高、低水灰比、低粒料勁度等特性,若直接套用國外預測式將不保守。故選用Bažant的Model B4為預測公式之基礎,對以上參數進行本土化修正,提出台灣普通混凝土之預測式。另外,近年來混凝土常添加卜作嵐材料,本研究將普通混凝土預測式延伸,針對添加卜作嵐材料之混凝土再進一步修正。混凝土潛變行為對於長跨預力橋梁長期變形影響甚鉅,為比較本土化與國外收縮潛變預測公式對橋梁長期變形的差異,本研究使用MIDAS Civil建立預力橋梁模型,套用國內外預測模型並比較分析結果,發現國外預測模型有嚴重低估變位與預力損失的現象,實務上若直接套用國外規範進行設計將會錯估使用年限與結構長期變位。
TitleRegression of Creep Prediction Formula of Concrete in Taiwan Basedon Database Analysisandits Applicationon Prestressed Concrete Bridge
AuthorWen-Cheng LIAO, Ho-Cheng HUANG, Jian-Jyun GAO , Ping-Hsun HUANG , Jumbo C.H. CHIANG
KeywordsDatabase, Long-term deformation, Creep,Prestressed concretebridge,Prestress loss
AbstractThis research integrates the test data of the past 40 years in Taiwan and establishes the “Shrinkage and Creep Database in Taiwan”. After comparing the domestic and foreign database, it is found that concrete in Taiwan has high cementitious material content, low water-cement ratio, and low aggregate stiffness, and it is not conservative if the foreign prediction model is directly applied. Therefore, Bažant’s Model B4 was selected as the basis of the prediction model, and the above parameters were localized and revised, and the prediction model of Taiwan ordinary concrete was proposed. In addition, this study extends the prediction model of ordinary concrete and revises the concrete with pozzolanic materials. Creep of concrete has a great influence on the long-term deformation of long-span prestressed bridges. In order to compare the difference between the domestic and foreign shrinkage and creep prediction models on the long-term deformation of the bridge, this study uses MIDAS Civil to establish a prestressed concrete bridge, and compares the analysis results between domestic and foreign prediction models. It is found that the foreign prediction models have seriously underestimated the deformation and prestress loss.

第三十五卷第四期 (期別138) (109年)

第三十五卷第四期 (期別138) (109年)



摘要摩阻型螺栓接合之設計理念為利用高強度螺栓鎖緊時,螺栓之預拉力將於接合鋼板上產生夾緊力,此夾緊力將進一步產生鋼板間的摩阻力。因此摩阻型接合將可提供螺栓剪力方向的抗剪強度,此抗剪強度與螺栓的夾緊力與鋼板間的滑移係數有關。本研究目的在探討以熔射覆膜技術於鋼板摩擦面上覆膜,提升摩阻型螺栓接合的滑移係數。實驗計畫設計試體以探討熔射覆膜材料(純鋁、鋁鎂合金)、覆膜厚度(150、300與450 µm)及鋼板鏽蝕對滑移係數之影響。實驗結果顯示,鋼板接合面之鏽蝕可提升滑移係數。於些微鏽蝕情況下,鋼板接合面僅噴砂未覆膜之平均滑移係數為0.74,純鋁覆膜之平均滑移係數為0.88,鋁鎂覆膜之平均滑移係數亦為0.88,皆高於設計規範中鋼板去除黑皮未塗裝表面之滑移係數0.33。熔射覆膜材料與覆膜厚度於滑移係數無顯著影響,但於鏽蝕情況下隨著覆膜厚度的增加會造成滑移發生後螺栓預力損失的提高。於鋼板接合面施以熔射覆膜鋁或鋁鎂合金,可提升摩阻型螺栓接合之滑移係數,增加摩阻型接合強度,達到減少接合尺寸及螺栓數量。
TitleIncreasing slip coefficient of bolted slip-critical joints using thermal sprayed coating technique
AuthorCheng-Chih Chen, Tsung-Cheng Hsieh, Cheng Chang, Sui-Wei Lee
KeywordsSlip-critical joint; thermal sprayed coating; slip coefficient
AbstractThe design philosophy of slip-critical joints is to utilize the friction force developed through the clamping force exerted by the pretension of the high-strength bolt. Thus, the slip-critical joint can have resistance in the direction of the bolt shear. This resistance is affected by the bolt clamping force and slip coefficient on the faying surface. The objective of this study is to increase the slip coefficient of bolted slip-critical joints by applying a thermal sprayed coating on faying surface. The specimens were designed to explore the effects of the coating material (aluminum or aluminum-magnesium alloy), coating thickness (150, 300 and 450 µm), and corrosion on the steel plate on the slip coefficient. The test results showed that exist of the rust increased the slip coefficient. In the case of slight corrosion, the blasted-cleaned faying surface resulted in an average slip coefficient of 0.74. The average slip coefficient was 0.88 for either the aluminum or aluminum-magnesium coatings. These slip coefficients are higher than the slip coefficient of 0.33 for unpainted clean mill scale specified in the design code. The coating material and thickness had insignificant effect on the slip coefficient. However, in the case of corrosion, the bolt pretension loss at slip was increased when the coating thickness was increased. The thermal sprayed coating of either aluminum or aluminum-magnesium on the faying surface can enhance the slip coefficient, increase the resistance of the slip-critical joint, and result in a smaller joint size and less high-strength bolts.
關鍵字New RC梁、塑性鉸區、塑鉸外移設計、滑移剪力破壞、斜向鋼筋
摘要本研究繼先前研究New RC梁設計,乃利用T擴頭鋼筋進行塑鉸外移設計時,雖有成功產生塑性鉸轉移,但卻有明顯垂直於梁向之滑移剪力裂紋發生;而塑性鉸區發生在傳統柱面時、或預鑄RC梁冷接縫在塑性鉸區時,亦有可能有類似滑移剪力裂紋破壞,因此引發本研究主題產生。故本研究主要目的是探討一般RC梁構件受震中,對於可能有潛在滑移剪力(sliding shear)破壞RC梁,如何檢查以及設計梁斜向鋼筋,以利抑制垂直剪力滑移破壞產生。
本文主要先收集先前計畫New RC梁與相關文獻一般RC梁之耐震測試數據,以統計方法檢核紐西蘭規範NZS 3101-2006判斷梁塑鉸區可能發生滑移剪力破壞規定之正確性。其結果為,建議以斷面剪應力0.25ඥf ୡᇱ(MPa)作為滑移剪力破壞之判別,且較適用於長跨梁(a/d≧2.5)。再者,對於梁構件塑性鉸區有潛在垂直滑移剪力裂縫產生時,則應考慮增設梁斜向鋼筋於塑性鉸區域,以利有效抑制此滑移剪力裂紋產生。本文亦參考其規範在斜向筋設計規定,以實驗作印證;結果為有加入斜向鋼筋RC梁,除了可以抑制垂直梁向滑移剪力裂縫發生外,亦可增進構材耐震性能。最後,綜合紐西蘭規定及本研究結果,乃建議一般跨度RC梁是否要設計斜向鋼筋之設計流程,以供參考。
TitleStudy on the sliding shear design for reinforced concrete beams
AuthorYung-Chih Wang, Yu-Ting Kuo
KeywordsNew RC, plastic hinge, hinge relocation design, sliding shear, diagonal reinforcement.
AbstractThis study follow up the previous research on the hinge relocation design by using T-headed bars. The main conclusion is that the T-headed bars as extra reinforcement can successfully relocate the plastic hinge zone from the column face to a distance away from the face, however the final failure mode of sliding shear occurred. The similar sliding shear failure could be also found in the plastic hinge zone occurred at the traditional column face, or in the precast cold connection located in the plastic zone. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to discuss how to design the diagonal reinforcement of the beam to prevent the occurrence of vertical sliding shear cracks for the general RC beam members subjected to the major earthquake.
This article mainly collected the tested beams subjected seismic loading to verify the design of the sliding shear specified in the NZS 3101-2006. It was concluded that the sectional shear stress , 0.25ඥf ୡᇱ(MPa), to check the potential sliding shear failure occurred in the plastic zone of RC beams is suitable for normal-span beams (a/d≧2.5). Therefore, if the potential vertical sliding shear cracks may be occurred in the plastic hinge zone of RC beams, the diagonal reinforcement shall be considered. Meanwhile, the cyclic testing performed comparing two types of beams between with and without diagonal bars repealed that the RC beams with diagonal bars can prevent the sliding shear cracks from occurring, and improve their seismic resistance. The design flow chart for prevention of sliding shear failure occurred in RC beams is finally suggested in the paper.
TitleEffect of geometric initial imperfections on seismic collapse capacity of steel special moment frames with deep columns
AuthorTing-Hao Chang ,Tung-Yu Wu
KeywordsGeometric initial imperfections; steel special moment frames; seismic collapse capacity
AbstractAlthough wide-flange (W-shape) steel members are known to have initial geometric imperfections (IGIs) due to fabrication and installation, the effect of IGIs on seismic behavior of steel special moment frames (SMFs) is still not well understood. To address this shortcoming, seismic collapse capacity of 4-story and 8-story prototype SMFs with various types of IGIs is computationally evaluated to quantify the effect of IGIs created by combining buckling shapes. The results show that even though IGIs can affect column buckling behavior and frame collapse mode under certain conditions, their effect on seismic collapse capacity is generally small and inconsistent. Their influence also greatly depends on the directions of applied IGIs and column buckling shapes and may be positive if the directions are misaligned. As a result, it is suggested that initial geometric imperfections need not be incorporated in high fidelity numerical models with high precision, which can generate their own IGIs when loaded.
摘要本研究藉由分析7層樓挫屈束制斜撐構架受遠域及近斷層地震之反應,發展一樓鋼柱的遠域及近斷層側向載重位移歷時,並以實驗方式探討高強度銲接箱型鋼柱受遠域及近斷層載重作用下之耐震行為。自國內外地震中選取11組近斷層和11組遠域地震歷時紀錄,調整至最大考量地震(MCE)等級進行非線性歷時分析,發展一樓鋼柱受近斷層地震之側向載重歷時,含有自-2%到4%側位移角的位移脈衝,及2.5%的殘餘側位移角,藉此探討臺灣高強度鋼柱於中、高軸力下之耐震行為。試驗參數包括柱寬厚比、軸力比及近斷層載重歷時,共規劃6組使用SM570MC鋼材製造之全尺寸銲接箱型鋼柱試體,寬厚比介於11~21。試驗顯示寬厚比較小之銲接箱型鋼柱可有效減緩鋼板局部挫屈;美國AISC 341 (2016)之高韌性構件寬厚比限制為12.9(以標稱降伏強度Fyn=420 MPa及材料超強因子係數Ry=1.2為例),而臺灣鋼結構極限設計規範(2010)對全滲透銲接箱型鋼柱之寬厚比放寬至21,兩者差異極大,較寬鬆的鋼柱寬厚比無法確保在承擔中高軸壓力下的鋼柱在大位移下(側位移角>3%)的耐震行為,在高耐震區使用銲接箱型鋼柱承擔中高軸壓力(25~40%Py),建議應採用美國AISC 341 (2016)之高韌性柱構件進行設計。本研究並藉由搜集以往的實驗資料發展鋼柱的側向位移背骨曲線,預測鋼柱的側力與側位移行為,大幅改善ASCE 41(2013)及NIST(2017)對箱型鋼柱背骨曲線預測在高軸力下過度保守及低軸力下不保守的情形。
TitleSeismic Performance and Backbone Curve Development of Steel Box Columns Considering Compactness Ratios, Axial Loads and Near-Fault Motions
AuthorChung-Che Chou, Guan-Wei Chen, Te-Hung Lin
KeywordsSteel built-up box column, High axial compression force, Lateralcyclic test, Cyclic backbone curve
AbstractThis paper presents the seismic evaluation of high-strength steel columns in a seven-story buckling-restrained braced frame under two sets of 11 far-field motions and 11 near-fault motions, representative of maximum considered earthquake (MCE) level. The proposed near-fault displacement protocol contains a large displacement pulse from -2% to +4% drift with several small displacement cycles and a residual drift of 2.5%.The AISC 341 (2016) has a more stringent width-to-thickness (b/t) limit for highly ductile hollow box columns (HBCs) than the AIJ (2010) or Taiwan Code (2010), resulting in significant thickness difference in design. For example, the b/t limits for a highly ductile box column member with a nominal yield strength, Fyn=420 MPa, and an over-strength factor, Ry=1.2, are 12.9 and 21 based on AISC 341 (2016) and Taiwan Code (2010), respectively.Moreover, the cyclic backbone curves based on ASCE 41 (2013) and NIST (2017) underestimate the post-buckling flexural strength of HBCs, particularlyin high axial compression force.The authors conducted cyclic tests of six full-scale, built-up HBCs using SM 570M steel with the actual yield strength of 460-530 MPa using standard and proposed loading protocols.The gathered test data, supported by more test data in this work, are analyzed by a multiple regression method to obtain empirical formulations for the backbone curves of box columns that can predict the maximum column moment, plastic rotation and post-yield hardening stiffness. The proposed formulation reasonably predicts the first-cycle envelope curves of built-up HBCs, significantly improving prediction results based on both ASCE 41 (2013) and NIST (2017).
作者林錦隆、盧煉元、雷凱婷、 劉光晏
摘要風能兼具環保性及永續性,因此台灣近年於台灣海峽上建造風力發電機,實施海上風電場之計畫。但是台灣位處地震帶,為確保海上風力發電機的安全性及可靠性,避免風機結構或內部設備在受波浪、風及地震作用時,因振動量過大產生不穩定甚至損壞的情形發生,因此本文擬以理論與實驗方法探討調諧質量阻尼器(tuned mass damper, TMD)作為離岸風機結構減震元件之可行性。TMD為一種廣泛應用於高聳結構之有效減震技術。與其他減震裝置相比,TMD系統可整合為風機結構的一部份,因此對結構系統的影響較少。本文乃參考美國再生能源研究中心(NREL)所訂定之5-MW套筒式風機結構標準規格,製作1/25比例之套筒式風機縮尺模型及其TMD,以進行振動台測試。同時,為方便理論分析之用,本文乃針對套筒式風機支撐結構建議一簡化之分析模型,並推導其連體運動方程式,期以理論分析與實驗觀察,了解TMD於離岸風機之真實減震效益。本文透過縮尺風機支撐結構模型之振動台試驗,驗證所建議理論分析模型的正確性。同時,藉由比較裝設與未裝設TMD之風機結構振動台試驗結果,探討TMD對於套筒式風機支撐結構各自由度之減震效益。
TitleTheoretical and experimental study on vibration mitigation of off-shore wind-turbine using TMD
AuthorGing-Long Lin, Lyan-Ywan Lu, Kai-Ting Lei, Kuang-Yen Liu
Keywordsoffshore wind turbine, tuned mass damper, jacket-type structure, shaking table test, supporting structure, seismic vibration reduction, simplified model.
AbstractWind energy is clean and sustainable. Taiwan is establishing offshore wind farms using wind turbines in the Taiwan Strait. Since Taiwan is located in an earthquake active zone, in order to ensure the safety and reliability of offshore wind turbines under waves, wind and earthquakes, this study aims to investigate the suitability of using a tuned mass damper (TMD) to reduce the vibration of offshore wind turbine supporting structures. The TMD can be integrated as a part of the wind turbine structure, so it has less influence on the supporting structure of a wind turbine. In this study, based on the specifications of a 5-MW jacket-type offshore wind turbine suggested by the National Renewable Energy Research Center (NREL, USA), a 1/25 scaled-down test model and its corresponding TMD were fabricated and tested by a shaking table. Additionally, for numerical simulation, a simplified theoretical model for a jacket-type offshore wind turbine structure is proposed and its equation of motion was derived in this study. The proposed theoretical model was verified both in time domain and frequency domain using the result of the shaking table test. The experimental seismic responses of the offshore wind turbine model before and after the installation of TMD were compared, and the control performance of the TMD system for vibration mitigation of the wind turbine structure was evaluated in this study.
作者歐昱辰、吳振維、Ade Yuniati Pratiwi
根據試驗所得到的後降伏勁度比α及真實保護層厚度C c,A ,利用線性回歸建立了橋柱深度保護層厚度比與後降伏勁度比之線性回歸公式,並發現於同一試體中,受壓側之保護層厚度越低者,具有越高的後降伏勁度k2 及後降伏勁度比α。橋柱後降伏勁度之維持,於拉力區使用不降伏的鋼絞線固然重要,壓力區強度的維持也是關鍵因素。由於拉力區鋼絞線維持彈性,因此在橋柱傳統縱向鋼筋降伏後,拉力區之拉力仍然持續顯示上升,為維持斷面力平衡,斷面壓力區之壓力得隨之升高,試驗結果顯示,前述升高的壓力易造成壓力區保護層混凝土較早壓碎,而壓力區的損失會造成斷面為維持力平衡,使得拉壓合力距離縮短,若保護層因施工誤差導致過厚,則會造成斷面彎矩無法再顯著提高,使後降伏勁度之維持不如設計預期。
TitleSeismic Behavior of Bridge Columns with Partially Unbonded and Non-prestressed Steel Strands
AuthorYu-Chen Ou, Jhen-Wei Wu, Ade Yuniati Pratiwi
KeywordsColumns, near-fault ground motions, residual displacement, self-centering, post-yielding stiffness, cover concrete
AbstractThe impulse vibrations generated by near-fault earthquakes are likely to cause large residual displacements of RC bridge columns after the earthquake, which seriously endangers the safety and the serviceability of the bridge. A new type self-centering bridge column is developed in this research. The new column uses high-strength steel strands as the elastic element, which can reduce the large residual displacement of the bridge after the near-fault ground motions. In this study, four large-scale columns were tested using single-curvature cyclic loading, including a conventional column and three new self-centering bridge columns. The test parameters were the use of steel strands and different cover concrete thicknesses.
According to the post-yielding stiffness ratio and the actual thickness of the cover concrete from the test results, a linear regression formula for the ratio between the depth of the column to the thickness of the cover concrete and the post-yielding stiffness ratio was established. For the same specimen, the lower the thickness of the cover concrete on the compression side, the higher the post-yielding stiffness. The use of steel strands in the tension zone is important to maintain the post-yield stiffness of the bridge column. The maintenance of the strength in the compression zone is also an important factor. Because the steel strands in the tension zone remain elastic, the tension in the tension zone continues to increase after the conventional longitudinal steel bars yield. Due to force equilibrium of the section, the compression force has to increase accordingly. Test results show that the aforementioned increased compression force is likely to cause early crushing of the cover concrete of the compressive zone, which leads to the loss of the compressive zone and decrease the distance between the tension and compression resultant forces of the section. The test results of CSC3 show that when the ratio between the depth of the bridge column to the thickness of the cover concrete is 30, the average post-yield stiffness ratio can reach 5.7%.

第三十五卷第三期 (期別137) (109年)


標題SM570M-CHW 高強度鋼箱型柱翼厚與梁翼板高程偏心對電熱熔渣銲破壞效應
作者黃昱竣、胡祐瑋、覃志光、蔡青宜、李昭賢、莊勝智、 林克強、蔡克銓
關鍵字鋼箱型柱、鋼梁柱接頭、SM570M-CHW 鋼、電熱熔渣銲、圓周刻痕拉伸試驗、鋼材破裂預測模型、有限元素模型分析、橫隔梁翼交疊高度
摘要箱型柱具雙強軸特性,在台灣鋼結構中應用普遍,為將梁彎矩傳入柱構件,箱型柱中與梁翼相對應之高程須置入內橫隔板,內橫隔板與箱型柱之銲接工法通常採用電熱熔渣銲(Electro-Slag Welding, ESW),而為減少柱斷面積,高強度 SM570M-CHW 鋼的應用也漸普及。本研究利用高強度鋼材探討箱型柱中 ESW 的耐震行為,並採用既有的鋼材破壞預測模型探討ESW 是否會破裂與破裂時機。本研究以 11 組 ESW 元件單向拉伸試驗與 4組實尺寸梁柱接頭反覆載重試驗探討柱翼板厚度與梁翼板偏心對於 ESW 破壞的效應,試驗結果顯示 ESW 元件僅受單向拉力作用時,只要「梁翼橫隔交疊高度」小於等於零,且偏心大於一倍柱翼板厚度,ESW 就會發生破壞;但「梁翼橫隔交疊高度」大於或等於 1/4 梁翼厚時,偏心超過一倍柱翼板厚度仍不會於 ESW 發生破壞。實尺寸梁柱接頭反覆載重試驗中則證明當柱翼板厚度由 25mm 提升至 45mm 時,ESW 由原先 3%層間位移角發生破壞改善至層間位移角達 5%尚未發生破壞。為探討 ESW 元件能否有效模擬梁柱接頭中的 ESW 銲道受力行為,本研究亦建立圓周刻痕試棒有限元素模型獲得材料參數之後,再進行 ESW 元件有限元素模型分析,並進行 ESW 關鍵區域破裂預測,結果顯示不論梁翼對 ESW 往梁腹方向亦或是反向偏心,有限元素模型皆能預測出 ESW 元件試體破壞時機且誤差小於 12%;進而建立實尺寸梁柱接頭有限元素模型模擬接頭內 ESW 銲道在反覆載重作用下之受力行為,結果顯示當柱翼板厚度由 25mm 增厚至 45mm 時,應力集中現象明顯減緩,且尖端開口位移下降至原先 1/3 倍,並可準確預測梁柱接頭內ESW 破壞時機。本研究亦以柱翼板厚度、梁翼板厚度及橫隔梁翼交疊高度為參數進行研究,探討不同參數配置對 ESW 銲道關鍵區域破壞時機之影響。分析結果顯示,當柱翼板厚度與橫隔梁翼交疊高度提升,以及梁翼板厚度減少時,可降低 ESW 開裂之機會。本研究建議柱翼板厚度宜大於或等於橫隔板厚度,且橫隔梁翼交疊高度不宜低於四分之一倍之橫隔板厚度,以避免 ESW 之脆性破壞。
TitleEffects of SM570M-CHW steel beam flange eccentricity and box-column flange thickness on electro-slag welding failure
AuthorYu-Jun Huang, You-Wei Hu, Chih-Kuang Chin, Ching-Yi Tsai, Chao-Hsien, Li,Sheng-Jhih Jhuang, Ker-Chun Lin, Keh-ChyuanTsai
Keywordssteel box column, SM570M-CHW steel, electro-slag welding, circumferentially notched tensile test, steel fracture prediction model, finite element analysis, overlapping distance of beam flange and diaphragm
AbstractSteel box columns are widely used in seismic steel building structures in Taiwan. In order to effectively transfer the beam-end moment to the column, diaphragm plates are welded inside the box column at the same elevations of the welded beam flanges. Electro-slag welding (ESW) procedure is common applied to attach the diaphragm plates to the column. Recently, the SM570M-CHW grade high strength steel is prevailingas it reduces the column sizes. In this study, four full-scaled welded SM570M-CHW steel beam-to-column (BC)joint specimens and eleven ESW component specimens were fabricated and tested. The key design parameters of these specimens include column flange thickness, beam flange eccentricity with respect to the diaphragm plate. This study investigates the applicability of stress modified critical strain and degraded significant plastic strain modelsin predicting the crack initiation fracture of the diaphragm-to-column ESW joint. The ESW component specimens were subjected to monotonic tensile loads, while the welded BC joint specimenswere subjected to cyclically increasing displacement to investigate the effects of beam flange eccentricity and column flange thickness on the ESW fractures. Test results show that when the ESW was subjected to monotonic tension only, it could fracture when the “overlapping distance of beam flange and diaphragm” (OD) was smaller or equal to zero. On the contrary, it remained intact even when the ODwas greater or equal to thickness of beam flange. Cyclic test results of the welded BC joints show that the connection with the 25mm thick column flange failed at the 3% inter-story drift (IDR) cycle, while the specimen with the 45mm column flange went through 5% IDR cycle without failure. The finite element model analysisresults show that when the column flange thickness increases from 25mm to 45mm, the stress concentrations are reduced and the crack tip opening displacement is decreased by 3 times. This study also carried out parametric study, focusing on the effects of the column flange thickness, the beam flange thickness and the OD on ESW fracture. Results show that increasing the column flange thickness, or the OD and decreasing the beam flange thickness reduce the stress concentration near ESW. In order to avoid the ESW fracture, the results of this study suggest that column flange thickness be equal to or larger than diaphragm or beam flange thickness; and the ODbe larger than one quarter of the diaphragm or beam flange thickness.
作者蕭迦恩、林光奕、林子剛、 盧煉元
摘要近年來隔減震控制與地震預警的研究愈加受到重視,在地震工程領域中,地表運動特性除了常見的加速度、速度與位移的極值,還可分類為近斷層地表運動(near-fault ground motion)與遠域地表運動(far-field ground motion)。根據過去結構隔減震控制的相關研究,不同地表運動特性對於結構反應之控制結果影響甚鉅,故此研究試圖提出地表運動特性之預測模組,於地震主震波到來前預測此地震之地表運動特性,以優化隔減震之即時控制成效。本研究建立近斷層地表運動與遠域地表運動之資料庫,利用六項初達波特徵參數以及地表動態頻譜的高頻能量累加參數,以監督式機器學習—支持向量機建立地表運動特性預測模組。為了進一步開發智慧型隔減震即時控制系統,研究中採用槓桿式可變勁度隔震系統(Leverage-type Stiffness Controllable Isolation System, LSCIS)作為隔減震原型機構,此半主動控制機構可透過調整其控制律之控制參數,改變有效隔震勁度以即時控制結構動態反應。本研究亦將數個相異類型且具指標性的地表運動所對應之控制參數透過基因演算法最佳化,並以模糊控制建立地表運動與控制參數之關係模型,開發出智慧型隔減震即時控制系統。
TitleDevelopment of Ground Motion Characteristics Prediction Module and its Application to the Control of Intelligent Isolation System
AuthorChia-En Hsiao, Kuang-Yi Lin, Tzu-Kang Lin, Lyan-Ywan Lu
KeywordsGround motion characteristics, Support vector machine, Structural control, Genetic algorithm, Fuzzy control.
AbstractIn recent years, researches on structural control combining earthquake early warning have been widely studied. In the field of seismic engineering, ground motions can be mainly classified into near-fault and far-field ground motions. While the ground motion characteristics have a great influence on control performance; however, the existing earthquake early warning system can only predict the peak ground acceleration, and the optimal control efficiency cannot be promptly achieved. Therefore, a prediction module for ground motion characteristics is proposed in this study. A database of near-fault ground motions and far-field ground motions is first collected, and the six p-wave features and the high-frequency energy accumulations of the ground dynamic spectrum are used to establish the ground motion characteristic prediction module by utilizing support vector machine. In order to develop the intelligent structural control system, the Leverage-type Stiffness Controllable Isolation System (LSCIS) is used as the structural control mechanism. The effective isolation stiffness of the LSCIS can be swiftly changed to control the dynamic response of the structure. The control parameters corresponding to different types of ground motion are optimized by genetic algorithm, and fuzzy control is adopted for the intelligent isolation system.
摘要近年來人類對於能源的需求持續攀升,然而為因應氣候變遷,將迫使減少石化能源的使用,因此尋求更多更環保的能量來源,以因應未來需求,為當前各國的研究重點之一。由於土木結構與材料技術的發展,結構物設計建造越趨經濟,橋梁結構重量漸趨輕量,外觀也逐趨細長,結構週期也隨之延長,使得橋梁結構也較易受人行等外力激振。土木工程師為了有效降低此振動量,逐以加裝調諧質量阻尼器(Tuned Mass Damper, TMD)的方式,透過調諧質量阻尼器的振動頻率與結構自然頻率調諧,吸收結構的振動能量,並透過自身之阻尼器來消散傳入之振動能。然此能量為一綠色能源,如能量就此消散,實為浪費,有鑑於此,本文研究「壓電調諧質量阻尼器 (Piezoelectric Tuned Mass Damper, Piezo-TMD)」,以壓電材料將吸收之機械振動能轉換為電能,以便進行能量擷取。本文首先提出壓電調諧質量阻尼器之模型,推導出壓電調諧質量阻尼器系統之運動方程式。與一般調諧質量阻尼器不同,壓電調諧質量阻尼器除了力學之運動方程式外,另有一電路方程式,且兩方程式互為耦合。本文之壓電調諧質量阻尼器設計目標為能量擷取的平均功率最大化,並以一人行橋結構進行數值模擬,結果顯示壓電調諧質量阻尼器具有與傳統調諧質量阻尼器相近之結構減振效果,並可將人行外力所引致之振動能轉為可再利用之電能。且模擬結果顯示,壓電調諧質量阻尼器除其機械之自然頻率需與結構相調諧外,其電路之自然頻率也需與結構調諧,方可使結構之振動能量有效利用共振效應轉移至電路上。
TitlePiezoelectric Tuned Mass Damper for Vertical Vibration Reduction and Energy Harvesting
AuthorYong-An Lai, Wei-Ling Chou, Lap-Loi Chung
Keywordstuned mass damper, piezoelectric material, energy harvesting, vertical vibration reduction, optimal design
AbstractIn recent years, the energy consumption has continually grown. However, due to climate change, the use of fossil fuel to generate electrical power forces to be reduced. Therefore, looking for environmental friendly energy sources is one of the current research priorities. Because of the development of civil engineering technology, the design and construction of structures turn into more economical. The weight of the bridge structure is becoming lighter, the appearance is accomplishing slender, and the structural period is therefore prolonged, making the bridge structure more susceptible to external forces such as pedestrian loads. In order to effectively reduce the vibration, civil engineers designed and installed Tuned Mass Damper (TMD). Through the tuning of the natural frequency of TMD to the structure, the vibration energy of the structure was absorbed and then dissipated by dashpot. However, this absorbed energy is a kind of green energy source to waste to be dissipated. In view of this, this article studies “Piezoelectric Tuned Mass Damper (Piezo-TMD)”, which uses piezoelectric materials to convert the mechanical vibration energy into electricity for energy harvesting. This research proposes the model and derives the equation of motion of the Piezo-TMD system. Different from the conventional TMD, Piezo-TMD has a circuit equation in addition to the mechanical equation, and these two equations are mutually coupled. The design goal of the Piezo-TMD in this paper is to maximize the average power for energy harvesting, and the numerical simulations are carried out with a pedestrian bridge structure. The simulation results show that the Piezo-TMD achieves the similar performance of vibration reduction as the conventional TMD and thus the vibration comfort requirement can be satisfied. Moreover, the vibration energy is further transferred to electricity for harvest to verify the feasibility of Piezo-TMD. In addition to tuning the mechanical natural frequency of the Piezo-TMD, the natural frequency of the circuit also needs to be tuned to the structure, so that the vibration energy of the structure can be effectively transferred to the circuit by using the resonance effect.
TitleDouble-curvature cyclic test of columns with five-spiral reinforcement and discreet computational shear strength model
AuthorYu-Chen Ou and Jhe-Yan Li
Keywordsshear strength; five-spiral reinforcement; columns; discreet computational shear strength model; cyclic test.
AbstractFive-spiral reinforcement has been proved to have superior confinement capability to conventional rectilinear hoops. The objective of this research is to investigate the shear strength of five-spiral reinforcement. Large-scale columns with five-spiral reinforcement and control columns with conventional rectilinear reinforcement were tested in this research using double-curvature cyclic loading. Test results showed that with the same volume of reinforcement and similar reinforcement yield strength and concrete compressive strength, the shear strength of columns with five-spiral reinforcement was slightly less than that with conventional rectilinear reinforcement. However, the strength degradation after the peak strength for columns with five-spiral reinforcement was slower than that for columns with conventional rectilinear reinforcement. Under high axial load, the failure mode of columns with five-spiral reinforcement was fracture of spirals.In contrast, the failure mode of columns with conventional rectilinear reinforcement was the loosening of hook anchorage of the reinforcement. An improved discreet computational shear strength model is developed in this research and validated by the test results. The model can be conservatively used for estimating the shear strength of five-spiral reinforcement. Moreover, the model shows a conservatism for estimating the shear strength of five-spiral reinforcement similar tothat shown by the code shear strength equations for conventional rectilinear reinforcement.
作者陳建州、吳文華、陳欣怡、 賴國龍
TitleEffect of sensor deploymentonen on the accuracy of ambient vibration method incorporating mode shape functions for cable tension estimation
AuthorChien-Chou Chen, Wen-Hwa Wu, Shin-Yi Chen and Gwolong Lai
Keywordsambient vibration method, cable tension estimation, mode shape, effective vibration length, multiple synchronous measurements, sensor deployment
AbstractThe complicated boundary conditions resulted from the anchorage systems at both ends usually deteriorate the accuracy of the ambient method for cable tension estimation. Motivated by tackling such a problem, a novel method incorporating the mode shape functions was recently proposed by this research group. More specifically, the fitting for the sinusoidal components of mode shape functions was adopted to determine the effective vibration length for each mode such that the interference from the complicated boundary conditions can be eliminated. The success of this method is most critically decided by the accurate reproduction of the sinusoidal components of mode shape functions based on multiple synchronous measurements. The current paper first explains the basic concepts of this cable tension estimation method with the theoretically derived mode shape functions and frequency equations. The finite element models are further employed to evaluate the accuracy of this method and establish the guidelines for the preferred sensor deployment in measurement points and spacing with the consideration of practical measurement limitations. Finally, the applicability of the developed guidelines and the corresponding accuracy in tension estimation are verified by demonstrative laboratory experiments with a prestressed strand.

第三十五卷第二期 (期別136) (109年)


摘要鋼管混凝土柱(Concrete-filled steel tubular column,簡稱CFT柱)具高強度、高韌性,被視為具有良好耐震性能的結構構件。早期鋼管內灌混凝土是為了增加構件的側向勁度,並延緩挫曲行為的發生。近年工程師開始將核心混凝土納入實際承重單元。CFT柱受力後,混凝土潛變就會隨時間持續發展,而柱構件為了保持其斷面力平衡,混凝土會將承擔的部分軸力移轉至鋼管,這些移轉量可能會使鋼管降伏,影響結構物的安全。此外,低水膠比的高強度自充填混凝土,也會產生大量自體收縮,使構件內混凝土及鋼管間應力移轉現象愈嚴重。本研究以有限元素分析軟體ABAQUS建置三維鋼管混凝土柱模型,選擇可反映台灣混凝土特性之B4-TW潛變收縮模式,研究混凝土潛變及自體收縮引致之構件內部應力移轉的情形。模擬結果顯示,在初始鋼骨應力設定為0.6f_y的情況下,無論荷載是否偏心,考慮混凝土潛變收縮效應的最終鋼應力皆有機會超出「鋼構造建築物鋼結構設計技術規範」檢核標準。而且在使用高強度自充填混凝土及構件高寬厚比的極端情況下,鋼應力可上升0.33f_y,將大幅超過原始設計值。未來設計應注重長期荷載效應,並考量混凝土長期變形對於鋼管應力的影響。
TitleStudy of the Influence of Creep and Shrinkage on Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Columns and Design Suggestions
AuthorYa-Ju Yu, Jenn-ChuanChern, Wen-Cheng Liao
KeywordsCFT, creep, autogenous shrinkage, stress transfer,B4-TW creep and shrinkage prediction model
AbstractConcrete-filled steel tubular (CFT) columns show not only high strength and high ductility but also exhibit favorable seismic performance. The primary intent of concrete infill is to increase lateral stiffness of member and delay the local buckling of the steel tubular. Once concrete is subjected to load, development of concrete creep begins. In order to maintain the equilibrium of forces of CFT section, part of axial load of concrete will be transferred to steel tubular which leads to the growth of steel stress. Furthermore, high strength self-consolidating concrete (SCC) with low water-to-cement ratio intensifies the rise of steel stress in CFT columns on account of high autogenous shrinkage.A three-dimensional finite element model of CFT column, which takes account of the phenomenon of concrete creep and shrinkage, is developed to evaluate stress transfer between concrete and steel in ABAQUS. B4-TWcreep and shrinkage prediction model is also applied to reflect a characteristic of high amount of paste in concrete mix designs in Taiwan owing to the soft nature of coarse aggregates. The analysis results show that under the condition of initial steel stress of 0.6݂௬, the final steel stress of CFT column is probably not qualified according to “Design and Technique Specifications of Steel Structures for Buildings” owing to the long term deformation of infilled concrete whether the load is eccentric or not. In the extreme case of high concrete compressive strength of SCC and high diameter to thickness ratio, the steel stress significantly exceeds the original design value with 0.33݂௬. It is suggested that relevant specifications should be revised accordingly in Taiwan.
TitlePreliminary Seismic Performance Evaluation Method of RC Buildings Considering the Corrosion Effect of Reinforcement
AuthorChien-Kuo Chiu, Zong-Han Jhan, Yi-Jing Cai
KeywordsPreliminary seismic performance evaluation, Visual inspevtion, Deterioration de gree, Corroded reinforcement
AbstractThis research establishes a mechanical evaluation model of a corroded RC member and reduces its plastic hinge capacity on the basis of the past research project. In addition to do the comparison and verification with the relevant experiment data, this research collects the general information of the size of column members and reinforcement arrangement in a typical reinforced concrete building and street house for investigation on the reduction factor of strength. Restated, the reduction factor of strength can be used to consider effect of the deterioration or corrosion in the strength or seismic capacity for a corroded RC column member. Therefore, this work can provide a preliminary seismic performance evaluation method for a corroded RC building structure. Additionally, for a corroded column member, its reduction factor of strength is determined based on the deterioration degree, which can be judged based on the visual inspection of deterioration following the technical textbook of the durability assessment of deteriorating RC building structures. Finally, taking an existing school building for an example, TEASPA which is established by NCREE is used to evaluate the seismic performance considering the corrosion and verify the application of the proposed preliminary seismic performance evaluation method for a corroded RC building structure.
TitleVerification of Preliminary Seismic Evaluation Methods Using the Damaged Building Data of  2018 Hualien Earthquake
AuthorYi-Hsuan Tu and Tung Yeh
Keywordsearthquake damage, seismic evaluation, preliminary evaluation, reinforced concrete
AbstractData of thirteen buildings that damaged differently in the 2018 Hualien earthquake were collected and used to verify three preliminary seismic assessment methods. The three methods are all widely used in Taiwan, including the Preliminary Seismic Evalureliminary seismic evaluation of RC Buildings (PSERCB), the Preliminary Seismic Evaluation Method for Typical Building Structures of Primary and Secondary Schools by NCREE, and the Preliminary Seismic Evaluation Method for Typical Street-houses by NCREE. Comparison between the evaluation results and the observed damage states of the thirteen buildings showed that all three methods can identify the buildings that were heavily damaged. All three methods can sort the buildings in an approximately reasonable order. However, all three methods tended to give conservative results. The results from different methods for the same building were usually close. Only two buildings obtained different results between the NCREE method for street-houses and the other two methods. The PSERCB and the NCREE method for school buildings showed more conservative results than the NCREE method for street-houses in the two buildings.
摘要現有耐震評估法大多僅能用於評估建物之抗倒塌耐震能力,因其損傷準則係依據結構瀕臨倒塌之行為為主。此種耐震評估法並不適用於評估重要之功能性建物(例如:醫院、高科技廠)或隔震結構,因為此類建物係以強震中必須保有其功能性為其耐震目標之一。有鑑於此,本文乃針對具高度耐震性能要求之重要建物與隔震結構研議一套可考量多種性能目標之機率式耐震評估法及流程,此法乃參採FEMA356與ASCE 41-13之建議將建物之耐震性能等級分為:立即可用(IO)、生命安全(LS)、倒塌避免(CP)。各性能等級之損傷準則分為整體損傷準則與局部損傷準則,前者採用FEMA 356及PEER-TBI之標準;而後者則參採ASCE41-13所建議之構件損傷準則。根據這些損傷準則與增量動力分析之結果,再據以建立不同性能等級之易損曲線作為耐震評估之依據。若為隔震結構,則新增隔震極限(IL)之性能等級,以便將隔震層之安全性納入耐震評估中,其損傷準則係以隔震支承位移超過隔震設計規範所訂定之最大總位移 為依據。本文以一幢耐震力不足之老舊建物為例,並採用滑動隔震技術對該建物進行耐震補強,再以所建議之多重性能耐震評估法,對隔震補強前後結構之耐震性能進行評估與比較,以量化隔震補強對於不同耐震性能等級之效益。評估結果顯示,原先倒塌風險極高之原始建物,經過隔震補強後,各性能等級之損傷機率指標皆明顯下降。因此,本文提出之機率式耐震評估法適用於隔震或固定基礎結構,可供工程界完整評估建物於不同耐震性能等級中之風險。
TitleAn approach for probabilistic seismic performance assessment of buildings considering multiple performance levels
AuthorLyan-Ywan Lu, Fu-Pei Hsiao,Yu-Shi Tang,Yin-Nan Huang,Ching-Huei Chen, Kuan Feng Lee
Keywordsseismic performance assessment, probabilistic assessment, multiple performance levels, isolated building, performance design, incremental dynamic analysis, nonlinear time history analysis, plastic hinge
Abstract Most of current seismic assessment methods for buildings aim to evaluate the collapse risk of buildings, since the damage criteria of these methods are associated with the mechanism of building collapse. These methods may not be suitable for the assessment of functional facilities or seismic isolated buildings, whose performance objective is usually required to maintain their functionality after a strong earthquake. For this reason, this study proposes an approachfor probabilistic seismic assessment of buildings considering multiple performance levels. This approach adopts the performance levels defined by FEMA 356 and ASCE 41-13, namely, immediate occupancy (IO), life safety (LS) and collapse prevention (CP). For each performance level, both global and local damage criteria are defined according to FEMA 356 and ASCE 41-13, respectively. Based on these damage criteria together with the result of incremental dynamic analysis, the fragility curves for each performance level can be established for seismic assessment. For buildings with isolators, a performance level called isolation limit (IL) is also considered, in order to include safety of the isolation system in the assessment procedure. The damage criterion for IL performance level is defined as when the isolator drift exceeds the maximum total isolator displacement   given in the current isolation design code of Taiwan. For demonstration of the proposed assessment method, a 5-story old apartment building was consideredas an example. The building was retrofitted by using sliding isolators, and the seismic performance of the building before and after the implementation of isolation was evaluated using the proposed method and the results were compared, so that the benefit of retrofitting can be quantified. Theassessment results show that the retrofit with the isolators greatly reduces the damage probabilities of the building at all performance levels. This demonstrates that the proposed method can be applied to evaluate seismic performance of either fixed-based or isolated building with consideration of multiple performance levels.


本研究以台大雲林分院為案例醫院,依據甲仙地震後的破壞機制,提出消防撒水系統耐震詳細評估法以及適合業界應用之簡化評估流程,並參考NFPA13(National Fire Protection Association, 2010)補強之建議,提出四種補強方案,依據各方案之消防管線系統耐震性能表現建立易損性曲線,探討不同地震歷時之分析結果與適用性,並比較各方案之差異,以期做為消防管線系統耐震設計或補強之參考。

TitleSeismic evaluation and strengthening methods for fire protection sprinkler piping systems in hospitals
AuthorYung-An Tsai, Fan-Ru Lin, Juin-Fu Chai, Kuo-Chun Chang
KeywordsFire protection sprinkler system, fragility curve, numerical analysis, simplified assessment, seismic strengthening design

In recent years, due to the vigorous development of performance design concepts, the seismic capacity of critical building structures (such as hospitals and high-tech factories) has been improved, and the major disasters and economic losses caused by the earthquake have changed from structural to non-structural systems, which include piping systems.

This study takes the medium-scale hospital in Southern Taiwan as an example to discuss the effects of installing strengthened elements on sprinkler piping systems which recommended by NFPA13. First, this research uses detailed analysis results to construct the fragility curves, and compares the fragility curves between before- and after-strengthened systems. Second, according to the dynamic characteristics of the sprinkler piping system, the simplified assessment method of original system and strengthened system are proposed in this study. It provides engineers with an alternative, rapid and approximate judgment in the seismic performances of piping systems based on in-situ observations and generic floor response spectrum.


第三十五卷第一期 (期別135) (109年)


TitleExperimental study of reinforced concrete frame filled with high masonry window spandrel
AuthorShuenn-Yih Chang, Bo-Han Su, Tsui-Huang Wu, Kuang-Ming Lou
Keywordsreinforced concrete building, highmasonry window spandrel, seismic evaluation, pushover analysis
AbstractTaiwan areais characterized by high temperature and high humidity in summer. Hence, light and air are important in designing a building. To permit light and air to enter, windows are designed as large as possible. As a result, a window is located below the RC concrete beam, above the masonry window spandrel and between the two adjacent RC columns. This type of window is very unique in Taiwan area. Furthermore, to meet the requirement of concealment for storage room or restroom, high masonry window spandrels appear. Experimental studies of this type of masonry window spandrels are very rare. This might be due to the lack of large laboratories for conducting prototype tests. In the recent, a series of experimental studies on this type of window spandrels have been conducted by National Taipei University of Technology. In fact, the critical condition to experience a short-column failure has been identified and the cyclic-loading test results for the reinforced concrete frame filled with low masonry window spandrelshas been completed and published. In this work, two reinforced concrete frames filled with low masonry window spandrels were designed and fabricated. A cyclically loading test was performed for each test specimen. A formula for estimating the shear strength of a masonry window spandrel was proposed.
作者陳正誠 、吳品達、許瑜麟
摘要包覆填充型箱型柱的橫向鋼筋,除了外圍之圍束箍筋外通常也需要配置繫筋以滿足規範之要求。但是傳統繫筋受到鋼骨箱型柱的阻撓而無法直通,因此箱型柱外側混凝土的圍束往往無法滿足規範的要求,使用「接力式繫筋」為可能解決這個問題的方法。接力式繫筋傳遞圍束力的路徑為「第1支短繫筋-橫向箱型柱柱板-縱向箱型柱柱板-另一橫向箱型柱柱板-第2 支短繫筋」。本文完成6組大尺寸(斷面尺寸550×550以上)包覆填充型箱型柱試體之反復側向載重試驗,探討接力式繫筋之有效性。試驗試體之寬厚比在27~37之間,因此下述結論適合使用於柱板寬厚比不大於37 之情況。試驗結果發現:(1)接力式繫筋可以取代直通式繫筋;(2)接力式繫筋可以有效圍束箱型柱外側之混凝土;(3)接力式繫筋對橫向鋼筋量之貢獻可以採用短繫筋之斷面積計算之。
TitleThe Effectiveness of Combined Ties on the Confinement of Encased Concrete-Filled Box Columns
AuthorCheng-Cheng Chen, Pin-Da Wu, Yu-Lin Hsu
KeywordsEncased Concrete-Filled Box Columns, steel reinforced concrete column, concrete filled box column, SRC column, encased box column, combined tie
AbstractIn an encased concrete-filled box column, the concrete inside the steel box column is confined by the box column. However, the confinement of the concrete outside the box column (referred as outer concrete hereafter) need to be provided by the steel cage which is composed of main reinforcement and transverse reinforcement. Due to the existence of the steel box column, the traditional ties used in RC columns can not be implemented here. The use of so called combined tie was introduce to solve this problem. The confinement force was transferred from the first short tie bar to the box column and then to the second short tie bar located at the opposite side of the box column. In this article, six large scale (column size larger than 550×550) was tested under cyclic lateral loading to investigate the effectiveness of using the combined tie.The range of the width-to-thickness ratio of steel plate investigated was between 27 and 37, therefore the test result was applicable to column with width-to-thickness ratio less than 37. Some conclusion can be drawn based on the test results: (1) the combined tie can substitute the use of conventional tie bar, (2) the combined tie is effective in confining the outer concrete, and (3) the confinement effect contributed by combined tie can be determined using the cross section of the short tie bar.
TitleAxial Behavior and Test of Concrete-Filled Spiral Corrugated Steel Tubes Wrapped with Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer
AuthorChung-Sheng Lee, Chung-Che Chou, Hao-Hsiang Tan, V-Liam Chin
KeywordsSteel Corrugated Tube, Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP), Confined Concrete, Axial Compression
AbstractThis paper presents the axial behavior of concrete cylinders confined by a novel composite tube. This composite tube consists of a spiral corrugated steel tube and Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) shell. The spiral corrugated steel tube serves as a mold for wrapping GFRP shell. The concave area of spiral corrugated tube are filled with pre-preg fiber strands and epoxy resins to form an enhanced flat tube, and a multilayer GFRP jacket are wrapped around the enhanced steel tube. Thirty-six cylinder specimens were designed and tested under uniaxial compression. The test parameters included different types of confinement tube and cross section. This paper proposes an analytical method to predict the axial behavior of concrete filled GFRP-wrapped spiral corrugated tube, and a calculation method for the ratio of effective confined area to predict the axial behavior of hollow section specimens.
TitleBuckling-Restrained Brace Out-of-Plane StabilityAssessment Using Notional Load and Failure Mechanism Analysis with Multi-Case Study
AuthorI-Chia Ou, Li-Wei Chen, Ching-Yu Tsai, An-Chien Wu, Keh-Chyuan Tsai
Keywordsbuckling-restrained brace, flexural effect, out-of-plane stability, notional load, failure mechanism, second-order effects
AbstractWhen the out-of-plane (OOP) instability of the BRB and the end gusset connections occurs, the energy dissipation capability of the BRB will be significantly reduced. This study develops a simplified analytical model using the concept of the notional load and considering the flexural restrainer to assess the BRB global stability. Cyclic loading tests on six full-scale BRBs with different lengths, steel casing sizes, and gusset connection stiffness were conducted under various initial imperfections and OOP drifts to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Test results indicate that the effects of the initial imperfection, OOP drift, and gusset edge stiffener on the BRB stability are reasonably captured. Moreover, parametric analyses were conducted using the proposed method on 581 BRB and connection cases, detail designed by the Brace-on-Demand cloud service, with varying frame span-to-height ratios and brace yield strengths. Analytical results suggest that the stability limit strength is reduced by 12% to 15% with the OOP drift ratio increased from 1% to 2%,while it is reduced by 5% to 20% without the presence of gusset edge stiffeners.It is concluded that the global stability is vulnerable to the OOP drift and adequately stiffening the gusset is recommended in BRB practices. It also shows that as long as the demand-to-capacity ratio (DCR) is less than 0.9 for steel casing stability calculated by using the practical evaluation method, the overall stability can be effectively conserved.