第三十一卷第四期 (期別124) (105年)

第三十一卷第四期 (期別124) (105年)

關鍵字鋼筋混凝土、高強度、柱、軸力與彎矩強度互制關係、New RC、程式
摘要為因應高層鋼筋混凝土建築之強度需求,「台灣新型高強度鋼筋混凝土結構系統(New RC)研發計畫」於是孕育而生,該計畫整合國內產學界之製造與研究能力,致力於發展適用台灣產業環境與設計規範之New RC 結構。該計畫之縱向主筋與橫向鋼筋,分別採用SD690(降伏強度685 MPa)與SD790 之鋼材(降伏強度785 MPa),混凝土抗壓強度一般為70 MPa 以上。為配合台灣NewRC 計畫,本研究發展一套適用NewRC 柱軸力與彎矩強度(PM)互制關係之計算程式:NewRC-PM,並提供免費下載。本文闡述該程式之計算原理,以及與商用PM 互制關係程式之比對驗證。本研究亦蒐集18 組台灣New RC 柱試驗結果,以NewRC-PM 對其進行強度分析,分析結果顯示NewRC-PM 可保守計算所有18 組柱之軸力與彎矩強度。本研究再利用NewRC-PM 進一步分析該18 組柱之最大可能彎矩強度,分析結果顯示混凝土結構設計規範之方法於所有柱皆得不保守之結果;現行橋梁耐震設計規範之方法顯著改善前述不保守之現象,但壓力控制破壞柱仍普遍呈現不保守之預測結果。本研究最終提出最大可能彎矩強度評估方法,與試驗結果比對顯示所提出的方法可提供合理保守之計算結果。
TitleA Computer Program for Axial Load-moment Interaction Diagram for New High-strength Reinforced Concrete Columns- New RC-PM
AuthorYu-Chen Ou, Tung-Chun Tsai
Keywordsreinforced concrete, high strength, columns, axial load-moment interaction diagram, New RC, computer program
AbstractTo address the need for high-rise reinforced concrete buildings in Taiwan, Taiwan New High-Strength Reinforced Concrete (Taiwan New RC) project was initiated. The project integrates the resources of academia and industry of Taiwan to develop the New RC structures for use in Taiwan. The longitudinal and transverse reinforcement used in the project are SD690 (yield strength of 685 MPa) and SD790 (yield strength of 785 MPa), respectively. The concrete compressive strength is typically ≧ 70 MPa. To support the Taiwan New RC project, a computer program, referred to as New RC-PM, was developed in this research to calculate the axial load-moment (PM) interaction diagram for New RC columns as well as for conventional RC columns. The theoretical background and verification of the New RC-PM are presented and discussed in this paper. Moreover, a test database with 18 New RC columns were established. The New RC-PM was used to analyze the PM interaction diagrams of the columns, which were then compared with the test results. The comparison showed that the New RC-PM could conservatively estimate the axial-bending strengths of the columns. The New RC-PM was further used to evaluate the methods for calculating the maximum probable moment strength (Mpr) of the current building and bridge codes. Evaluation results showed that the Mpr calculated by the current building code was unconservative for all the columns. The method of the current bridge code significantly improved the degree of unconservatism of the method of the building code. However, the Mpr was still unconservative for most compression-controlled columns. To address the issue, a new method to calculate the Mpr was proposed in this research. Comparison with the test results showed that the Mpr calculated by the proposed method was reasonably conservative for most of the columns.
標題使用RC 外加構架補強進行結構耐震補強 —以後甲國中德育樓為例
摘要國內在921 大地震後,許多國中、小校舍損壞相當嚴重,但重建相當不經濟且工程亦相當浩大,故多數選擇採取補強方式,然國內目前常見的補強方式(例如:擴柱補強、翼牆補強及剪力牆補強)皆會影響到結構內部的運作,故本研究提出國內目前較少見之外加構架補強方法,該補強方式不影響結構物本身之運作功能,初步先以校舍進行研究探討此補強工法之可行性,未來可望將此方法推展至內部功能不能停止運作之建築物(例如:醫院)。本研究以後甲國中德育樓進行補強之模擬,以樓板將既有建物與外加構架連接,並進行側推分析,最後進行樓板剪力傳遞之檢核,確認樓板能夠完全將地震力由既有構架傳遞至外加構架,確保此方法之合理性,由設計實例確認本研究所提方法確實能夠提升低矮型校舍之耐震能力。
TitleSeismic Retrofit by External Reinforced Concrete Frames – Using School Building of HOU-JIA Junior High School as Example
AuthorSheng-Hsueh Lin, Yu-Chih Lai, Tao Lai, Lap-Loi Chung, Guo-Luen Huang, Chien-Chuang Tseng
Keywordsretrofit by external frames, seismic retrofit, pushover analysis, shear capacity of slab
AbstractIn Chi-Chi earthquake, the school buildings in Taiwan were damaged seriously. Because rebuilding school buildings will be uneconomical and that will be a tremendous amount of work, seismic retrofit methods are usually adopted to raise seismic performance of buildings. The typical retrofit methods of school buildings in Taiwan include RC jacketing, wing wall and shear wall etc. However, those methods above will affect the function of the existing building during the construction. In this paper, retrofit method with adding external frames, seldom seen in Taiwan, is proposed. The advantage of this method is that the function of the existing building will not be affectedduring the construction. We first use a school building to discuss the feasibility of the method. And it is suggested that the method can be used on the buildings whose functioncannot be affected during construction, such as hospitals. We use a school building of HOU-JIA junior high school to apply a retrofit design of this seismic retrofit method using slabs to connect existing building and external frames. After the retrofit design, we do pushover analysis to make sure the seismic capacity of the retrofitted school building is enough. Finally, we check the shear capacities of slabs to make sure they can completely transfer the earthquake load from the existing building to external frames. By the design example, we prove that the retrofit method of RC external frame is fit to the common squat school buildings.
標題大尺寸BCR 鋼管柱的耐震性能
摘要本文針對大尺寸冷軋方形鋼管柱之韌性發展,以5 支全尺寸試體之反復載重試驗探討之。試體包括裂縫敏感試體及局部挫屈敏感試體,此外採用內藏式橫隔板及外橫隔板工法,進行梁與柱之連接。研究結果發現:(1)冷軋過程對鋼管斷面產生可觀的塑性應變,然而控制梁與柱間銲道施工之銲接入熱量,包括斷面直線段在40 KJ/cm 以內、斷面角隅段在30 KJ/cm 以內,可以避免裂縫過早發生;(2)鋼管柱斷面的寬厚比為10.9 時,試體之容許層間位移角可達7%以上,塑性轉角容量可達4.5%以上;(3)鋼管柱斷面的寬厚比為23.9 時,雖然比規範規定之15.6 大很多,但是試體之容許層間位移角仍可達4.2~4.4%,塑性轉角容量亦有2.1~2.2%,大致可符合耐震之需求;(4)規範對鋼管柱寬厚比限制比箱型柱嚴格,但是試驗結果顯示在相同的斷面寬度及柱板厚度下,兩者的韌性行為頗為類似。
TitleSeismic Performance of Large BCR Steel Columns
AuthorCheng-Cheng Chen, Shu-Hao Lin, Pin-Da Wu
Keywordscold formed structural tube, steel structure, steel column, earthquake-resistant structures
AbstractThis study examined the ductility development of large cold-formed square tube columns through cyclic loading test of five full-sized specimens. Specimens included crack-sensitive and local-buckling-sensitive specimens. In addition, specimens using internal diaphragm and external diaphragm were employed to weld the columns to the beams. Based on the test results, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) The cold-forming process caused considerable plastic strain on the cross sections of the steel columns, however, by controlling the heat input in the welding passes, premature cracks can then be suppressed. (2) For the specimens with a column wall width-to-thickness ratio equals to 10.9, a story drifty ratio capacity no less than 7% and a plastic hinge rotation capacity no lower than 4.5% can be reached. (3) For the specimens with a column wall width-to-thickness ratio of 23.9, which is much larger the code limitation of 15.6, a story drift ratio capacity between 4.2%–4.4% and a plastic hinge rotation capacity between 2.1%–2.2% can be reached; generally, the specimens satisfied the requirements for seismic structures. (4) Although a more restrict with-to-thickness ratio for cold-formed square section than for box column is specified by the code, the ductility of the structural tube and the box column with the same section width and wall thickness is similar.
標題黏性阻尼器應用於二維與三維建築結構 之最佳化設計
摘要近年來,被動消能裝置已被廣泛的應用於建築結構中,然而在現行的規範當中,如FEMA273/274 僅提供工程師黏性阻尼器等效阻尼比設計之建議,但更有效益的阻尼器最佳化設計卻鮮少被提及。儘管有些阻尼器最佳配置方法已被提出,但這些最佳化方法往往夾帶著繁瑣且複雜的計算,較難以被實際工程界所接受及使用。為克服此一限制,本研究主要是利用較為簡單且同時兼具理想抗震效益的方法以設計黏性阻尼器之最佳化配置。本文提出新的配置方法,用以將阻尼消能向上提升以增進結構物抵抗地震力。本文將不同的阻尼最佳化配置方法應用於剪力構架以及三維不對稱結構中,利用多筆符合設計反應譜的人造地震歷時對這些方法做檢核。最後,以統計工具來探討各種方法應用於不同建築結構之適用性。
TitleOptimal Design of Viscous Dampers for Two and Three-Dimensional Building Structures
AuthorPeng-Tai Chan, Chih-Shen Cheng, Liang-Jenq Leu
KeywordsViscous dampers, optimal placement of dampers, shear type buildings, three-dimensional asymmetric buildings
AbstractNowadays, passive energy dissipation devices are widely used in building structures. Design codes such as FEMA273/274 suggested that the equivalent damping ratio of supplemental viscous dampers be used. However, how to place viscous dampers optimally was not addressed. Several optimal damper placement methods have been proposed to improve the seismic performance of structures but they usually involve complicated procedure and therefore are not suitable for practical applications. The goal of this study is aimed at finding the optimal placement of viscous dampers using proposed simple methods. The proposed methods and other optimal damper placement methods are applied to different shear type buildings and a three-dimensional asymmetric building. Their performance and applicability are compared using statistical methods under a series of spectrum-compatible ground motions.
摘要調諧質量阻尼器(Tuned Mass Damper, TMD)已成功應用在許多高樓建築中並有效抑制風力引致之振動。一般TMD 減振效益分析,主要是針對欲調諧的建築物於某振態在加裝TMD 後,分析其減振效果。模態分析雖簡易,但為單向分析,人們所感受到的舒適程度是以雙向之合加速度來判定,因此模態分析需再配合和方根(Square Root of the Sum of the Squares, SRSS)等方式求得約略之最大合加速度。如直接進行雙向動力分析將會比起單向分析更加直接、適當且準確。此外,如TMD 的阻尼器在空間中斜向放置,則阻尼器提供之阻尼力將雙向耦合。因此,本文除了建立出雙向單擺型TMD加裝於剪力屋架上之分析程序外,並針對空間中斜向放置的阻尼器,推導其阻尼力,進行雙方向的減振效益分析。最後,以一高樓案例進行減振效益分析說明,作為工程業界參考之用。縱然TMD 之阻尼器是斜向安裝,只要對稱配置,耦合之阻尼矩陣,亦能去耦而僅為對角矩陣,即雙向之阻尼力可去耦而不相互影響。只要結構雙向之振動週期夠接近,單擺型TMD 即具雙向減振之功能,在1 年回歸期之風力下,合加速度下降至舒適度之要求;在50 年回歸期之風力下,雙向之基底剪力的減幅,滿足規格之要求。此外,TMD 之阻尼器採斜向配置,可有效降低阻尼器衝程之需求。
TitleEffect of Vibration Reduction of Bidirectional Suspension-type Tuned Mass Damper
AuthorJing Jhang, Wei-Ru Liao, Yong-An Lai, Kuan-Hua Lien, Lap-Loi Chung, Chien-Chuang Tseng
KeywordsTuned Mass Damper, bidirectional analysis, wind-induced vibration control, high-rise building
AbstractThe tuned mass damper (TMD) is widely utilized for civil engineering to control wind-induced vibration in high-rise building. In this research, the design and analysis procedures of the bidirectional suspension-type tuned mass damper are proposed and demonstrated. The main structure is simplified as a shear building model to install the suspension-type tuned mass damper for simulation by the dynamic time history analysis. For common pendulum tuned mass damper, the suspension position and viscous damper implement location are located at different floors. Therefore the reaction force and damping force of the tuned mass damper are acting on different degrees of freedom of the main structure. Although the damping force of a damper is acting in both the two horizontal directions because the damper is implemented with an angle to the floor plane, the damping force is independent in the two horizontal directions if the dampers are allocated in symmetric layout. Therefore, the damping matrix can be decoupled. The feasibility of the bidirectional suspension-type tuned mass damper is illustrated by the high-rise building subjected to the design wind force with return periods of 1 year and 50 years, respectively. Following numerical verification, the effects of vibration reduction for the high-rise building subjected to the design wind forces are demonstrated.
TitleSelection of modal frequencies adopted in ambient vibration method for determination of stay cable force
AuthorWen-Hwa Wu, Chien-Chou Chen, Yi-Ren Wang
Keywordsstay cable, cable force, ambient vibration method, modal frequency, anchorage system
AbstractThe ambient vibration method is typically employed in engineering practice to determine the tension of a stay cable and its precision strongly depends on the appropriate selection of cable frequencies. In general, the modal frequencies of a stay cable are close to an arithmetic sequence and these well separated frequency values are not difficult to be identified. From recent measurements on different stay cables by this research group, however, it is found that the identification of cable frequencies is possibly disturbed by the frequencies of bridge deck, the biased constraint of anchorage system, and the coupled interaction for the cable with its anchorage system. This study is consequently aimed to systematically explore these three types of difficulties such that the goal of clarified cable frequency identification and accurate cable force estimation can be attained. For the confusion caused by the frequencies of bridge deck, it is suggested to conduct the cable frequency identification over a wider frequency range and then exclude the interference of the deck frequencies in the lower frequency range based on the equally spaced relationship of cable frequencies conveniently observed in the higher frequency range. Regarding the biased constraint of anchorage system to induce a pair of frequencies for each vibration mode, it is recommended to consistently adopt the higher or lower frequency value in each pair for the computation of cable force established on a basis of common boundary constraints. Finally, the phenomenon that a particularcable frequency within a specific frequency range can irregularly splitinto two is confirmed to result from the coupled interaction between the cable and its anchorage system. Under such circumstances, special attention should be paid to choose the cable frequencies not influenced by this coupling for evaluating the cable tension.

第三十一卷第三期 (期別123) (105年)

第三十一卷第三期 (期別123) (105年)

摘要混凝土為由水泥、水及粗細粒料所組成之複合材料,故其彈性模數高低受組成材料等因素影響甚鉅。關於混凝土彈性模數的計算,台灣主要是參照內政部營建署頒佈之「混凝土結構設計規範」,其公式內容是根據美國混凝土學會ACI 318 而定;但從以往研究發現,台灣相較於美國的混凝土彈性模數有明顯偏低的趨勢。有鑑於混凝土彈性模數在工程設計應用上的重要性,以及近年添加高摻量飛灰、水淬高爐爐碴粉等卜作嵐摻料的高性能混凝土被廣泛地使用,本研究乃從混凝土的組成出發,探討影響彈性模數之因子,而後針對台灣本土混凝土材料,蒐集台灣學術機構及現地試驗之彈性模數資料,進行統計迴歸與分析。根據研究成果,本研究建議將ACI318 之彈性模數預測公式乘上一修正因子0.8,適用範圍為抗壓強度在210kgf/cm2~840 kgf/cm2 間之混凝土,除了易於業界計算外,並可反映台灣混凝土彈性模數偏低的事實,並做為未來工程規範修訂的參考。
TitleA Practical Equation for Elastic Modulus of Concrete in Taiwan
AuthorW.-C. Liao, C.-C. Lin, Y.-W. Chan
KeywordsConcrete, Elastic Modulus, Aggregate, Compressive Strength
AbstractConcrete is a composite material consisting of water, cement, fine and coarse aggregates. The elastic modulus of concrete is highly affected by the properties of its components. The estimation of elastic modulus of concrete in Taiwan is mainly referred to the empirical equation provided in America Concrete Institute, ACI 318. However, it can be found that the elastic modulus of concrete in Taiwan is considerably lower than that in US according to the experimental results due to differences of aggregate properties. The aggregate phase is predominantly accounted for the elastic modulus of concrete. In addition, notable amounts of pozzolanic materials, such as fly ash and slag, are widely used in concrete mixtures in Taiwan. Since the elastic modulus directly influences the stiffness of RC structures, a more accurate prediction of the elastic modulus of concrete in Taiwan to reflect all these characteristics is essential. This paper proposes a formula to estimate the elastic modulus of concrete in Taiwan by collecting and analyzing the related test data. The parametric analysis is also carried out to verify the validity of this formula. This practical formula of elastic modulus of concrete has good agreement with that obtained from the experiments.
摘要結構隔震技術為近年來發展極為快速的耐震新技術之一,可大幅提升結構之耐震性能,我國目前已有隔震設計規範可供依循。不過,現行隔震規範僅提供通用之公式,可用以決定總體隔震系統參數,但並無法用以設計個別隔震支承之參數。因此,傳統隔震設計流程係工程師依經驗選擇隔震支承參數,再利用規範公式進行隔震結構之設計,由於隔震支承大多為非線性元件,若設計結果未能滿足耐震需求,則必須經過多次重複的試誤及迭代過程,方能完成設計並決定隔震支承之參數。為簡化設計流程,本文乃提出「以性能為導向之二階段隔震設計法」。此法以不超過最大容許上傳地震力與容許隔震位移作為雙重性能目標,在無需迭代的情況下,即可決定出滿足此二項性能目標之隔震支承參數。本文方法主要分為二個設計階段,第一階段為線性隔震設計,主要係在滿足預設性能目標條件下利用規範公式以決定線性化等效隔震系統參數,亦即:有效週期與有效阻尼。而第二階段為非線性隔震設計,主要是由第一階段所得之線性化系統參數推求個別隔震器之非線性支承參數,例如:LRB 支承之降伏後勁度及降伏強度等。為方便實務之應用,文中詳細推導各階段所需之輔助設計用公式,同時亦列出詳細之設計流程及步驟。文末更以之一棟含有LRB 隔震支承之五層樓RC 建物為案例,以示範如何應用本文建議之設計方法及流程,在無需迭代及試誤計算的情況下獲得個別LRB 之支承參數,此組參數並可同時滿足預設之雙重性能目標。
TitlePerformance-oriented two-stage design method for base-isolated structures
AuthorLyan-Ywan Lu, Liang-Wei Wang, Ching-Huei Chen, Kuan Feng Lee, Tzu-Ying Lee, Chun-Chung Tsai
Keywordsbase isolation, isolation design, performance objective, allowable isolator displacement, allowable base shear
AbstractBase isolation is an effective means for improving seismic resistance capacity of structures. Design codes for base isolation have been given in many countries for many years. However, most of existing codes only provide generic formulas that determine the parameters of an isolation system as a whole, rather than the parameters for individual isolators. Consequently, design engineers have to perform the design task based on the isolator parameters selected according to past experience. Moreover, since most of existing isolators are nonlinear devices, conventional design methods usually involve iteration and trial-and-error procedure if certain performance demand has to be satisfied. In order to simplify the design procedure so the tedious iteration procedure in a conventional design approach can be averted, in this paper, a performance-oriented two-stage design method is proposed. Without iteration, this method is able to determine a set of isolator parameters that meet the two pre-selected performance objectives, namely, the allowable isolator displacement and base shear. The proposed method includes two design stages. In the first stage, the formulas specified in the current design code are employed to compute the linearized parameters of the whole isolation system, i.e., the effective period and effective damping, so that the two performance objectives can be satisfied. Based on the linearized parameters determined in the first stage, in the second stage, the nonlinear parameters for each individual isolator, such as the yield force and post-yield stiffness in a LRB isolator, are computed. For the convenience of applications, in this work, the complementary design formulas are derived and design steps are also outlined. Finally, the feasibility of the proposed design method is demonstrated by an example that involves a 5-story RC building isolated by LRB isolators.
摘要由耐震設計中反應譜的觀念得知,當結構系統之週期較長時,有較低之設計地震力。隔震系統乃呼應此觀念,藉由延長結構系統之週期來降低上傳之水平地震力。摩擦係數在摩擦消能隔震系統扮演相當重要的角色。摩擦係數過低或過高,皆會提高上傳之地震力,隔震層設計位移則是隨著摩擦係數提高而降低,因此摩擦係數之決定相當重要。然而,目前業界通常是仰賴經驗以決定摩擦係數,而非一套有系統之方法。此外,由於地震震度與震波形式之不確定性,結構物於使用年限之間有可能碰到尖峰地表加速度(peak ground acceleration, PGA)更甚於設計地震之大地震,或是具低頻特性之近斷層震波。因此,本文嘗試將本文作者所發表之摩擦係數最佳化公式融入業界習用之隔震設計流程,是為摩擦係數最佳化隔震設計流程。為驗證最佳化流程之效果,本文考慮一假想隔震案例,並以設計地震、1.5倍設計地震、近斷層地震當作輸入,執行歷時分析,來驗證隔震效果及隔震層位移是否超過隔震位移限制。分析結果顯示,最佳化設計流程於三種外力下皆能有效降低加速度反應,但當外力為非設計地震力時,位移反應可能會超過隔震位移限制,代表最佳化流程可能無法滿足需求,因此本文嘗試改變設計流程之邏輯。首先固定位移,而後直接代入非設計地震之反應譜係數進行設計,此為修正最佳化隔震設計流程。本文亦以假想隔震案例進行設計,再以非設計地震力當作輸入執行歷時分析。由模擬結果可知此修正設計流程具有不錯的減震效果,隔震層最大位移反應亦小於隔震位移限制。摩擦係數最佳化設計流程相對於業界現行之設計流程僅多增加一步驟,並不會大幅影響工程師之設計習慣,但卻能作為工程師選用參數的依據。而修正最佳化隔震設計不僅步驟簡潔且又針對非設計地震需求設計,故本文認為此流程可以信賴。
TitleStructural Isolation Design Procedure with Optimal Design Formula of Friction Coefficient
AuthorSheng-Hsuan Wang, Yi-YoTsai, Lap-Loi Chung, Cho-Yen Yang, Pei-Shiou Kao
Keywordsisolation systems, frictional coefficient, optimal design procedure, isolation systems simulation
AbstractAccording to the concept of earthquake response spectrum, the structure which equips with isolation system reduces seismicforce by extending the period.For isolation design, the friction coefficient is one of the main design parameters. Based on the experience, the isolation displacement get lower with larger friction coefficient, however, the structural acceleration get larger with lower or larger friction coefficient.In the conventional isolation design procedures, the energy dissipation parameters, like friction coefficient, is not determined by some certain criteria but engineers’ practical experience. Because structure may suffer nearfult earthquake orearthquake of which intensity is larger than design earthquake. This article incorporates the optimal friction coefficient into isolation design process which called optimalisolation design process of friction coefficient. In order to verify effect of the process, the article choosesdesign earthquake, 1.5 times design earthquake and nearfult earthquake as input to do time history analysis in an imaginary case. The simulation result indicates that structural acceleration reduce effectively but isolation displacement may be larger than displacement limit except under design earthquake. Therefore, the article change design logicthat fixes displacement first and designs with non-design earthquake response spectrumto develop modified optimal isolation design process and chooses non-design earthquake as input to do the timehistory analysis in an imaginary case.According to the analysis results, the isolation displacement will be lower than design displacement andstructuralacceleration reduce effectively. Because the difference between the optimal design procedures of friction coefficient and the conventional one is insignificant, engineers will feel comfortable to adopt the optimal design procedures to determine isolation parameter. The modified optimal isolation process’s steps are concise and base on non-design earthquakeresponse spectrum, so the article refer the process as credible.
摘要低矮型鋼筋混凝土(Reinforced Concrete; RC)住宅建築使用了大量的開孔RC 牆,但由於工程界對開孔RC 牆之耐震行為不甚了解,故於耐震評估與設計時,常將開孔RC 牆之貢獻予以忽略或是過度折減使用。此將造成住宅建築之耐震能力被嚴重低估,這對低矮型住宅結構之耐震設計、評估與補強工作有不利之影響。本文對開孔RC 牆在剪力破壞控制下之側力位移曲線提出建議,其係以開裂點、強度點及崩塌點為轉折之曲線。經與反復載重之開孔RC 牆實驗比對,得知本文建議之側力位移曲線,確實能合理反映開孔RC 牆之耐震行為。本文建議的分析程序已大幅簡化,可以手算執行,非常適合工程實務之應用。若對低矮型RC 建築執行側推分析,而將開孔RC 牆模擬為等值寬柱時,本文建議之側力位移曲線,可供該寬柱剪力塑鉸之模擬使用。
TitlePrediction of Lateral Load Displacement Curve of RC Wall with Openings Failing in Shear
AuthorShyh-Jiann Hwang, Weng-Kin Lam, Ren-Jie Tsai, Chien-Chuang Tseng, Yaw-Shen Tu, Fu-Pei Hsiao
Keywordslateral load displacement curve, reinforced concrete, shear deformation, shear strength, wall with opening
AbstractThere are plenty of RC walls with openings in the low-rise residential buildings. Due to unawareness of the behavior of RC walls with openings, their effects are often ignored or undervalued during seismic assessment and design. In consequence, the seismic capacity of residential buildings is greatly underestimated, which is detrimental to the work of seismic design, evaluation and retrofitting for the low-rise residential buildings. In this paper, a lateral load displacemen tcurve of the RC walls with openings subjected to shear failure is proposed. The turning points in the structural behavior are defined as shear cracking, shear strength and collapse point. The proposed model correlates well with the available test results of RC walls with openings. Calculations of the proposed model are greatly simplified to fit in the purpose of design in practice. For the pushover analysis, the proposed model can simulate the properties of shear plastic hinge of the RC walls with openings.
摘要結構的「耐震設計」與「耐震評估」長久以來一直是國內推廣永續發展之重大課題,歐、美、日本在內的許多國家皆已採用性能設計理念的精神與內涵於新世紀技術規範。國內亦於民國98 年起推動本土化公路橋梁耐震性能設計規範,目標為控制橋梁結構於各等級地震作用下之使用性、可修復性與安全性。確保新建橋梁在不同等級地震作用下達到預期耐震設計目標之可靠度,降低橋梁地震中的受損風險。本文旨在介紹公路橋梁耐震能力設計規範草案中的耐震評估方法,並以四座多跨連續數值橋梁為探討對象。利用非線性側推分析建立橋梁整體容量曲線,分別以不同的耐震評估方法計算橋梁性能點,由性能點反推橋梁上部結構整體之側向位移。最後以非線性動力歷時分析所得之橋梁上部結構整體之側向位移作為基準,比較不同耐震評估方式所得結果的差異。希冀透過此研究可讓國內實務單位對於不同橋梁耐震評估方法能有初步的認識。
TitleComparison of different bridge seismic assessment methods
AuthorChang-Wei Huang, Hsiao-Hui Hung, Chang-Chi Chen
Keywordsperformance design, pushover analysis, multiple span bridge, dynamic time history,seismic assessment
AbstractStructural seismic design and seismic assessment are important issues in the sustainable development. Today, the concepts of performance-based design have been adopted in the building codes of European Union, Untied of States, Japan and other advanced countries. As a result, the performance-based seismic design provisions and commentary for highway bridges has also been introduced in Taiwan from 2009. The aims of the new seismic design provisions are to ensure the serviceability, retrofit, and safety of highway bridges under seismic hazards. In addition, the new seismic design provisions focus on the real responses of structures suffer from different levels of earthquakes, which can guarantee the new bridges, according to the performance-based design, achieving the reliability of anticipated targets and decreasing the damage ricks. In this paper, the draft of the new seismic design provisions for highway bridges is introduced and compared with other two existed method (ATC-40 and refined seismic assessment method). Pushover analyses with uniform lateral load pattern for four numerical multiple-span bridges are carried out. Then the pushover curves are transformed to the corresponding capacity spectrum curve with multiple monitoring points. Then the performance points are obtained by three seismic assessment methods and can be used to estimate the maximum lateral displacements. Compared with the results from nonlinear dynamic analyses, one can know the differences between three seismic assessment methods.

第三十一卷第二期 (期別122) (105年)

第三十一卷第二期 (期別122) (105年)

標題不同軸力作用下組合繫筋之一體性及 RC 柱之耐震性能
關鍵字組合繫筋、RC 柱、耐震性能
摘要組合繫筋為由兩支一端為180 度彎鉤另一端為直線的J 形鋼筋搭接組合而成。本研究完成4 支大尺寸鋼筋混凝土柱試體之反復側向載重試驗,探討不同軸力比作用下含組合繫筋柱之一體性及耐震性能。研究結果顯示:(1)含組合繫筋試體之韌性,與含兩端皆為180 度彎鉤一體繫筋之試體不相上下;(2)含組合繫筋之柱試體在無軸力作用下,J 形鋼筋直線端未發現有向柱內滑動的現象,顯示兩個J 形鋼筋有效組合成一個兩端為180 度彎鉤之繫筋,維持良好的一體性;(3)不論使用組合繫筋或180 度彎鉤一體繫筋之試體,其韌性表現皆隨著軸力比的增加,而大幅衰減。
TitleThe seismic performance and crosstie unity of reinforced concrete columns using the lap-spliced crosstie under various axial loads
AuthorTai-Kuang Lee, Cheng-Cheng Chen
Keywordslap-spliced crosstie, RC columns, seismic performance
AbstractA lap-spliced crosstie consists of two J-shaped steel bars (rebars) that have a straight end and an end featuring a 180° hook. In this study, a lateral cyclic load test was conducted on four specimens of large-sized reinforced concrete (RC) columns to investigate the seismic resistance capability and crosstie unity of RC columns comprising lap-spliced crossties under various axial loads. The research results are presented as follows: (a) The ductility of the specimens that adopted the lap-spliced crossties was comparable to that of the specimens using crossties featuring a 180° hook on the two ends. (b) Without axial load, the straight end of the J-bars did not slip toward the inside of the column, suggesting that two J-bars were effectively spliced to be a crosstie featuring a 180° hook on its two ends and maintaining good unity. (c) The ductility of RC columns comprising lap-spliced crossties and crossties featuring a 180° hook on the two ends is significantly decayed with increasing axial load ratio.
摘要本文共進行十二組RC 外柱梁柱接合試體,探討梁構件主筋應用擴頭鋼筋錨定於交會區之耐震行為研究,所有試體之梁主筋淨間距分別配置2倍與2.2 倍鋼筋直徑,且均滿足強柱弱梁要求。主要研究參數包括梁主筋配置於交會區內之錨定長度,與梁柱交會區剪力需求容量比。試驗結果顯示,當梁主筋淨間距為2.2 倍鋼筋直徑且錨定長度配置充分並相同時,分別採用擴頭鋼筋與傳統標準90 度彎鉤鋼筋錨定於交會區之梁柱接合試體,在反覆載重作用下之受力變形行為相當,證實擴頭鋼筋取代標準90 度彎鉤鋼筋之可行性。由ACI 374.1-05 與本文建議之耐震性能評估結果顯示,當梁主筋使用擴頭鋼筋錨定於交會區至少符合ACI 318-11 規範之發展長度,且擴頭鋼筋淨間距採用2 倍鋼筋直徑之試體,除發生不可預期之梁構件剪力摩擦滑移的試體外,在4%層間變位角之變形評估下,均能符合強度、勁度與能量的接合性能評估準則,且在實際交會區剪力需求容量比小於約1.15 內不受影響。從試體強度之分析結果也顯示,當梁構件擴頭鋼筋之錨定長度配置符合規範ACI 352-02 規定之發展長度時,鋼筋實際發展之平均強度約可達鋼筋標稱降伏強度1.25 倍之耐震設計規定。
TitleSeismic Behavior of Exterior Beam-Column Joints with Headed Bars
AuthorKer-Chun Lin, Chien-Kuo Chiu, Kai-Ning Chi
Keywordsbeam-column joint, headed bar anchorage length, shear of the panel zone
AbstractThis paper presents the seismic behavior of 12exterior RC beam-column joint specimens that headed bars were adoptedas main bars of their beam members and anchored into theirpanel zone. Two types of net spacing of 2 times and 2.2 times diameter of headed bars were used. All specimens meet the requirements of the strong column-weak beamof the ACI 318-11 Code.Other main parameters included the anchorage lengths of headed bars and the shear demand-to-capacity ratioof the panel zone.The results showed that when the net spacing of headed bars used 2.2 times their diameter and anchorage lengthplaced long enough, the seismic performance of specimen that used headed bars was so well as that of using the standard 90-degree hooked bars.It proved an applicability of the headed bar replacing the hooked bar. Based on seismic assessments of ACI 374.1-05 and proposed by this paper, assessed results indicated that specimens with net spacing of 2 times diameter of headed bar were able to meet their assessed criteria of strength, stiffness and dissipating energy at 4% radian of drift ration as long as the anchored length of headed bar satisfied the development length stipulated in ACI 318-11. However, a specimen with an unexpected failure mode of shear friction slide was excluded. Analysis results of specimen strengths presented that if anchored lengths of headed bar exceeded the development length of headed bar required by the ACI 352-02 Code, the developing average stress of the headed bars was able to reach 1.25 times its nominal yield stress of seismic design requirement.
TitlePreliminary Seismic Evaluation of School Buildings Retrofitted with Reinforced Concrete Jacketing
AuthorLap-Loi Chung, Sheng-Hsueh Lin, Yao-Sheng Yang, Shyh-Jiann Hwang, Fu-Pei Hsiao, Tsung-Chih Chiou, Lai-Yun Wu, Yu-Chih Lai
Keywordsschool building, reinforced concrete jacketing, preliminary evaluation, in-situ test
AbstractPreliminary evaluation is an important screening procedure for the seismic performance of school buildings so that the magnitude of the problem of seismic deficiency of school buildings can be reduced effectively. According to the seismic zone, importance factor and dimension of the vertical members in the first floor, seismic capacity and demand of a school building can be evaluated. Base on the score (capacity to demand ratio), the priority of the school building to enter into the stage of detailed evaluation is determined. However, a simple and quick evaluation method for the school buildings after retrofit has not been proposed yet. In this paper, a preliminary evaluation method is developed for the school buildings retrofitted with reinforced concrete jacketing. First of all, lateral strength of the reinforced concrete jacketing region per unit cross sectional area is established. Experimental results of two structures are adopted to investigate the feasibility of the proposed method including material strength, ultimate base shear strength, allowable ductility ratio, weight of building, fundamental vibration period and basic seismic performance. After comparison, the preliminary seismic evaluation for school buildings retrofitted with reinforced concrete jacketing proposed in this paper is effective and conservative. Before retrofit design, the amount of retrofit can be estimated by this method. After retrofit design, the rationality of the design can be confirmed by this method.
摘要本研究研發鋼筋混凝土圓柱受玻璃纖維包覆螺紋管(FRP-Wrapped Spiral Corrugated Tube, FWSCT)圍束下的反覆側力耐震行為,本計畫總共製作三座試體,包含一座僅螺紋管圍束的鋼筋混凝土圓柱FWSCT-0,以及兩座分別包覆5 層及8 層玻璃纖維複合材料(GFRP)管的鋼筋混凝土圓柱FWSCT-5 與FWSCT-8,各柱體內皆無橫向箍筋,僅有軸向主筋。試驗使用多軸向材料試驗系統(MATS)進行固定軸力下的雙曲率反覆載重試驗,量測試體的遲滯迴圈、消散能量,以及斷面曲率的分佈情況。試體FWSCT-0在層間側位移角超過1%時發生剪力破壞,試體FWSCT-5(在0.2 倍柱軸力強度作用下)與試體FWSCT-8(在0.6 倍柱軸力強度作用下)分別在層間側位移角6%與8%時發生軸向鋼筋斷裂的撓曲破壞,韌性達到8 與10.7,遠大於傳統鋼筋混凝土圍束圓柱試體於高軸力下之韌性3.7,證明所研發的玻璃纖維包覆螺紋管能有效取代橫向箍筋,提供混凝土柱更佳的圍束、韌性及抗剪能力。研究亦發現此新型的圓柱塑鉸長度發展於柱體兩端管與基礎空隙處以及縱向主筋降伏應變延伸至基礎,並未發展至受玻璃纖維管包覆的柱體內部,藉由試驗觀察到的塑鉸長度進行彎矩曲率分析能準確描述試驗行為及破壞發生時之側向位移量。
TitleDevelopment and Cyclic Tests of Circular RC Columns Confined with a GFRP-Wrapped Spiral Corrugated Tube
AuthorChung-Che Chou, Kai-Yi Wu, Chung-Sheng Lee
KeywordsGlass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP), Spiral Corrugated Tube, Confined Reinforced Concrete Column, Seismic Tests
AbstractThis paper presents the cyclic behavior of novel circular reinforced concrete columns confined with a FRP-Wrapped Spiral Corrugated Tube (FWSCT). In order to analyze the behavior of FWSCT concrete columns in axial and lateral loads, a load-displacement analysis program was also developed by the authors. Three specimens that had no transverse hoops were constructed and tested under small and large axial loads to investigate their seismic performances. Specimen FWSCT-0 was confined with only a spiral corrugated tube without Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP); Specimens FWSCT-5 and FWSCT-8that were made in Taiwan were confined with 5 and 8 layers of GFRP, respectively. Test results showed that Specimen FWSCT-0 experienced shear failure, while Specimens FWSCT-5 and FWSCT-8 exhibited rupture of longitudinal steel bars at story drifts of 6% and 8%, respectively. It was also found that the plastic hinge of the new column was developed on both ends of the column gap and extended into the footing. The analytical program reasonably predicts test results by using the observed plastic hinge length.
標題新建含挫屈束制支撐之實尺寸兩層樓鋼筋混凝土構架耐震設計、試驗與分析研究: 一、試體設計與耐震試驗
摘要挫屈束制支撐(buckling-restrained brace, BRB)能提升構架的勁度、強度與韌性,且以不發生挫屈為特點,已廣泛運用在鋼結構建築中。BRB雖已應用在一些鋼筋混凝土(reinforced concrete, RC)構架補強中,但應用在新建RC 構架中卻不常見,主要因為鋼與RC 構件之連接介面設計與施工較困難與複雜。本研究提出以預埋工字型鐵件作為RC 構件與BRB 連接介面之耐震設計與分析方法,藉由鐵件傳遞BRB 至RC 梁柱構件表面之正向力與剪力,確保BRB 及RC 構架均能發揮原設計性能。本研究以一座雙層實尺寸總高7.41m、寬5m 含BRB 之RC 構架(BRB-RCF)試驗與分析,分為兩篇探討預埋鐵件之設計和施工方法、構架整體耐震性能及接合板與RC 梁柱構件之受力行為。構架試體採用A36 鋼材BRB 與之字形配置,接合板設計考慮BRB 軸力與梁柱開合效應,梁柱構件設計滿足ACI 318-14耐震設計規範,並於國家地震工程研究中心進行四次擬動態與反覆載重試驗至試體破壞為止。本研究亦對雙層BRB-RCF 試體建立PISA3D 模型分析,挑選擬動態試驗之地震歷時並預測試驗反應。分析預測與試驗比對結果顯示,BRB-RCF 於小震時之反應可以PISA3D 預測模型合理預測。試驗結束後,本研究進一步利用試驗反應校正PISA3D 分析模型,以達到更準確之模擬結果;試驗所得及模擬結果在下篇中做更詳細說明。
TitleSeismic Design, Tests and Analysis of a Full-scale Two-story Reinforced Concrete Frame with Buckling-restrained Braces – Part I: Specimen Design and Seismic Tests
AuthorHsun-Horng Yang, Jie-Luen Huang, An-Chien Wu, Chao-Hsien Li, Ching-Yi Tsai, Kung-Juin Wang, Keh-Chyuan Tsai
Keywordsreinforced concrete frame, buckling-restrained brace, steel embedment, hybrid test, seismic design, softened strut-and-tie model
AbstractBuckling-restrained braces (BRBs) have been widely used nowadays in steel structures as it can provide high stiffness, strength and ductility without compression buckling. Researches on using BRBs for seismic retrofit of existing reinforced concrete (RC) buildings have been reported. It is found the construction of BRB and RC member interfaces are often difficult, mostly due to the tensile and shear strengths of post-installed anchors in concrete are limited. As a result, the size and effectiveness of the BRBs are restricted. Nonetheless, researches on applying BRBs for new RC constructions are rather limited. This research investigates the seismic design and analysis methods of using the proposed I-shape steel embedment as the interface for the BRB and RC members. Steel embedment is designed to transfer the BRB normal and shear forces in order to secure the seismic performance of the RC buildings. In this study, a full-scale two-story RC frame with BRBs (BRB-RCF) is tested using hybrid and cyclic loading test procedures. The BRBs are arranged in zigzag configuration. The design of gussets incorporates the BRB axial and RC frame actions, while the beam and column members comply with ACI 318-14 seismic design provisions. The results are divided into two papers to discuss the design and construction methods of the steel embedment, seismic performance of the BRB-RCF, and seismic responses of the BRBs, gussets and RC members. A typical PISA3D numerical model of the BRB-RCF was constructed to predict the test responses and select the earthquake ground motions for hybrid tests. Analytical results indicate that the seismic responses of the BRB-RCF can be satisfactorily predicted only under the small earthquake. After all tests, a calibrated PISA3D numerical model is validated. It is illustrated with details in the Part II paper that the experimental responses of the BRB-RCF can be accurately simulated using the proposed procedures.
標題新建含挫屈束制支撐之實尺寸兩層樓鋼筋混凝土構架耐震設計、試驗與分析研究: 二、試驗結果與模擬分析
摘要在第一篇中已詳細介紹雙層含挫屈束制支撐(buckling-restrained brace, BRB)鋼筋混凝土(reinforced concrete, RC)構架(BBR-RCF)之設計與預測分析,本篇則討論BRB-RCF 之試驗觀察、試驗與模擬分析結果。試驗結果顯示,在50/50 級地震作用下,一樓及二樓BRB最大水平剪力分別占整體構架水平剪力之52%與71%;在10/50 與2/50 級地震時,則分別為60%與70%,證實BRB 能提供整體構架良好側向勁度與強度。四次擬動態試驗中,各層遲滯能量消散比例介於60%至94%,證實BRB 能消散大部份的地震能量。反覆載重試驗完成2.75%層間側位移(inter-story drift ratio, IDR)的加載時,一樓與二樓BRB 之總累積塑性變形量已分別超過476 與680。當反覆載重試驗進行至試體IDR 達3.5%時,側向強度仍未下降,且維持穩定的遲滯消能行為。進行至IDR 為4.5%時,一樓上端接合板才發生挫屈,但亦導致一樓BRB 圍束鋼管發生整體撓曲挫屈。當一樓頂接合板之有效長度因子Kcr 採2.0 計算時,需求與強度比(demand-to-capacity ratio, DCR)將達1.05,且一樓BRB圍束鋼管之設計DCR已高達0.95,顯示接合板挫屈後牽動BRB 圍束鋼管發生整體撓曲挫屈,試驗與此分析結果相符。試驗結果顯示,本研究所提之鐵件施工與設計方法可行,在試驗程中保持彈性,並證實所採RC 構件不連續區域之設計方法能避免破壞發生,可供工程應用參考。由於預測模型高估10/50 及2/50 地震等級下之反應,本篇詳述利用試驗反應進一步校正PISA3D分析模型之方法,模擬結果大幅提高分析模擬於2/50 等級地震下之準確度。
TitleSeismic Design, Tests and Analysis of a Full-scale Two-story Reinforced Concrete Frame with Buckling-restrained Braces – Part II: Test Results and Response Analysis
AuthorHsun-Horng Yang, Jie-Luen Huang, An-Chien Wu, Chao-Hsien Li, Ching-Yi Tsai, Kung-Juin Wang, Keh-Chyuan Tsai
Keywordsreinforced concrete frame, buckling-restrained brace, steel embedment, hybrid test, gusset buckling, nonlinear analysis
AbstractSeismic design and analytical response predictions of the full-scaled two-story BRB-RCF are introduced in the Part I paper. This Part II paper discusses the experimental observations, test results and analytical simulations using a refined PISA3D model. In the 50/50 earthquake, the ratios of peak BRB and BRB-RCF shear are 52% and 71% for the first and second stories, respectively. Similar ratios can be obtained if a factor 0.7 is applied on the gross moment of inertia for RC members in the ETABS elastic model. In the 10/50 and 2/50 events, the ratios become about 60% and 70% for the first and second stories, respectively. These indicate that BRBs can provide a high lateral stiffness and strength. The hysteresis energy dissipated ratios in the four hybrid tests are ranging from 60% to 94% for the two stories, confirming that BRBs can effectively dissipate seismic input energy. When the 2.75% inter-story drift ratio (IDR) cycles were completed during the cyclic loading test, the cumulative plastic deformations were more than 476 and 680 for the first- and second-story BRBs, respectively. When both two stories reached an IDR of 3.5%, the frame’s lateral force versus deformation response was still very stable. Up to the first IDR=4.5% loading cycle, the first story top gusset buckled, caused the subsequent flexural buckling of the first story BRB to occur. This is consistent with the predicted results as this gusset’s demand-to-capacity ratio DCR is 1.05 for the buckling limit state when the effective length factor Kcr=2.0 is considered. Nonetheless, the buckled BRB have a DCR=0.95 in the steel casing. No failure of the steel embedment is observed in the tests. Test results confirm that the ACI provisions and the simplified softened strut-and-tie model can be effectively applied to prevent the RC discontinuity region failure. This study demonstrates that the proposed design and construction methods for the steel embedment are effective and practical for the real applications. The response analysis of the refined PISA3D model calibrated from using the test results is conducted to demonstrate the accuracy enhancement compared to the typical model.

第三十一卷第一期 (期別121) (105年)

第三十一卷第一期 (期別121) (105年)

關鍵字預力混凝土橋梁、視窗化平台、Visual C# .NET
摘要預力混凝土橋梁係為國內既有橋梁型式中比例最高者,設計過程須考量跨徑配置、斷面尺寸、載重組合、施工限制、鋼腱配置與施拉順序等,亦須反覆檢核縱向與橫向分析結果,相關工程設計圖說、結構計算書及數量計算等製作過程複雜且繁瑣,若得快速串聯結構分析軟體與工程繪圖軟體,並自動評估材料量體多寡且轉成報告供參,將有效加速設計作業流程並提高工作效率。有鑑於此,本文擬以預力混凝土箱型梁橋之基本設計理論與施工工法為基礎,藉由Visual C# .NET 程式及AutoCAD 二次開發技術,研發自動化輔助設計與繪圖等之全整式平台系統,所提成果冀能提供國內橋梁設計實務之參考。
TitleDevelopment of Windows-Based Automatic Design and Drawing Integrated System on Prestressed Concrete Bridges
AuthorPing-Hsun Huang, Chi-HengChiang, Shu-Jen Chi, Yu-Chi Sung, Chun-Ying Wang, Jim-Ming Nian,Yu-Yang Lai, Yun Chuang, I-Chau Tsai
KeywordsPrestressed Concrete Bridge, Windows-based platform, Visual C# .NET
AbstractPrestressed concrete bridge is the commonly used type of bridges in Taiwan. According to the planning considerations of this bridge, the longitudinal and cross-section analysis results need to be checked repeatedly in the design process to determine the span lengths, cross dimensions, load combinations, working procedure restrictions, tendon profiles and tensioning sequences, etc., and the interrelated work activities of engineering drawing, structural computation statement and quantity estimation would be very complicated and cumbersome. Hence, once the civil engineering drawing software has been connected with structural analysis program, the design process can be expedited to identify sketches and quantities automatically. As a consequence, based on the basic design theory and construction methods of prestressed concrete box girder bridge, this paper aims at progressing an automatic design and drawing system performed by the Visual C# .NET programming language and further development technology of AutoCAD. As practical bridge design course, the window-based platform and devisable results presented in this paper are expected to provide a useful perception in structural engineering.
摘要鋼筋混凝土剪力牆為建築中常見的構件之一,其具有高強度與高勁度之特性,在地震來臨時將承受較大之剪力,因而較其它結構構件更早發生剪力破壞。所以對鋼筋混凝土剪力牆之側力位移曲線應作了解,方能充分掌握結構耐震能力評估之準確性。本文參考國家地震工程研究中心出版之校舍結構耐震評估與補強技術手冊,採用軟化壓拉桿模型,對低矮型剪力牆承受剪力破壞之情況,提出簡化之側力位移曲線建議。本文進一步引入簡化之壓拉桿指標,且根據軟化壓拉桿模型應變場估算剪力牆之剪力變形。本文建議曲線大幅簡化繁複之計算流程,其與實驗結果比對具有合理之預測結果,且與校舍技術手冊的預測精度相當。本文建議之剪力強度預測,亦可改善ACI 318-14 規範高估剪力鋼筋貢獻之問題,可合理估計構架中填充RC 牆之強度。本文提供之方法除可供耐震評估用,對於新建建築之結構設計,亦可協助工程師估計RC 隔間牆之剪力強度貢獻,進而有效評估填充RC 牆對構架耐震行為之影響。
TitleLateral Load Displacement Curves of Low-Rise Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls
AuthorPu-Wen Weng, Yi-An Li, Ren-Jie Tsai, Shyh-Jiann Hwang
Keywordsreinforced concrete, shear wall, lateral load displacement curve, shear strength, shear deformation, low-rise
AbstractReinforced concrete shear wall is commonly used as a structural member and possesses the characteristics of high stiffness and strength. During earthquake attacks, shear walls usually receive the major lateral forces and are prone to fail in shear. Therefore, prediction of the lateral load displacement curve of shear walls is essential for the seismic assessment of existing buildings. In accordance with the Technology Handbook for Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of School Buildings published by National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, this paper employs the Softened Strut-and-Tie Model to estimate the seismic behavior of low-rise shear walls. By using the simplified strut-and-tie index and shear deformation estimated from the associated strain field at peak load, the proposed curve is greatly simplified and correlates well with the available test results. The current ACI 318-14 Code over-estimates the contribution of shear strength from the shear reinforcement and the proposed model can correct this drawback. In addition to predicting the shear strength of existing shear walls, the proposed model can also provide estimation of shear strength of RC infilled walls in new construction buildings. This application can assist engineers to evaluate accurately the influence of RC infilled walls on the seismic behavior of frames.
標題 全尺寸雙核心自復位斜撐及夾型挫屈束制斜撐耐震試驗
作者 周中哲、鍾秉庭、鄭宇岑
關鍵字 雙核心自復位斜撐(DC-SCB)、夾型挫屈束制斜撐(SBRB)、耐震試驗
摘要 雙核心自復位斜撐(Dual-Core Self-Centering Brace,DC-SCB)是利用斜撐中的兩組拉力構件束制斜撐中的三組鋼受壓構件,及第一核心構件與外層構件之相對位移進行摩擦消能,使斜撐受軸拉與受軸壓下提供自復位及消能能力, 即在大變形下具有回到零殘餘變形的能力; 夾型挫屈束制斜撐(Sandwiched Buckling-Restrained Brace,SBRB)則是利用兩組獨立分離的圍束構件束制斜撐中的核心構件,使得斜撐受壓不會挫屈而產生飽滿的遲滯消能。本研究主要目的為測試及比較在層間側位移角2%下有相同最大軸力設計條件之雙核心自復位斜撐(DC-SCB)和夾型挫屈束制斜撐(SBRB)的勁度、能量消散、殘餘變形及耐用性能等耐震行為,因此設計及試驗兩組7409 mm長之斜撐(DC-SCB 1 與SBRB 1)及兩組7560 mm 長之斜撐(DC-SCB 2 與SBRB2),其中DC-SCB 1 與DC-SCB 2 之拉力構件均使用D16(直徑15.24 mm)高強度鋼絞線(ASTMA416 Grade 270 Steel),此四組斜撐分別進行六次反覆載重試驗。試驗結果顯示,雙核心自復位斜撐有穩定的自復位與能量消散之能力,夾型挫屈束制斜撐有飽滿的遲滯消能,四組斜撐之耐震性能均符合AISC (2010)規範針對斜撐要求在最小層間側位移角2%前不破壞原則,更可達層間側位移角2.5%而不破壞,雙核心自復位斜撐與夾型挫屈束制斜撐之最大軸力分別可達5800 kN 與6400 kN,兩種斜撐之最大軸力拉壓差均在1.07 以下,夾型挫屈束制斜撐在六次階段試驗的累積非彈性軸向變形比(累積韌性容量) 為878~1422,均超過AISC (2010)對於挫屈束制斜撐要求之200,並也實際應用於臺灣及中國新建的建築物作為抗震消能的主要構件。
Title Seismic Tests of Full-Scale Dual-Core Self-Centering Braces (DC-SCBs) and Sandwiched Buckling-Restrained Braces(SBRBs)
Author Chung-Che Chou, Ping-Ting Chung, Yu-Tsen Cheng
Keywords Dual-core self-centering brace (DC-SCB), Sandwiched buckling-restrained brace (SBRB), Seismic tests
Abstract This paper presentsseismic tests of full-scale dual-core self-centering braces (DC-SCBs) and sandwiched buckling-restrained braces (SBRBs). The DC-SCB has a flag-shaped hysteretic response with high axial stiffness and minimal residual deformation, exhibiting a self-centering mechanism. The SBRB like conventional BRBs has much higher energy dissipation capacity than the DC-SCB, but larger residual deformations are expected for structures equipped with SBRBs. The primary objective of the study was to conduct seismic tests that established a direct comparison basis between two DC-SCBs and two SBRBs designed with similar axial capacity and length. A total of DC-SCBs and SBRBs that were about 7.5 mlong and had maximum axial forces from 1500 to 6000 kN were tested to evaluate their cyclic behavior and durability. In general, these tests showed that the DC-SCB and SBRBexhibit robust cyclic performanceswith good deformation capacity and durability. The axial elastic and post-elastic stiffnesses of DC-SCB were around two and five times those of SBRB, indicating that DC-SCB is more effective to resist lateral forces than SBRB in structures. Some new buildings in Taiwan and China have adopted SBRBs as main earthquake-resisting members.
標題 摩擦消能隔震系統於簡諧震波作用下之穩定性探討
作者 王勝宣、鍾立來、賴勇安、楊卓諺
關鍵字 摩擦消能、簡諧震波、穩定性
摘要 由摩擦消能隔震系統之等效阻尼比可知,若隔震系統位移越大,其等效阻尼比越低;因此若有一基底振動,在能量不停輸入之情況下,使摩擦消能隔震系統位移隨時間漸增,則等效阻尼比將隨時間漸減;漸減之等效阻尼比又導致往後更大之隔震位移,如此產生惡性循環,終使隔震系統消能不足,產生不穩定之現象。為探討摩擦消能隔震系統穩定性之議題,本文將上部結構視為剛體、隔震系統視為單自由度,以正弦波當作基底加速度,將運動方程式化為無因次,整理出求解流程供工程師參考,並探討設計參數對隔震系統反應指標之影響,供工程師做初步判斷。真實地震雖不會造成摩擦消能隔震系統之不穩定,然而摩擦隔震系統之等效阻尼比隨隔震層位移增加而遞減,使隔震層位移過大,工程師應仔細考量此特徵,增加其安全性。
Title Dynamic Stability of Frictional Isolation Systems Excited by Simple Harmonic Waves
Author Sheng-Hsuan Wang, Lap-Loi Chung, Yong-An Lai, Cho-Yen Yang
Keywords frictional isolation systems, simple harmonic waves, dynamic stability
Abstract According to the equivalent damping ratio formula of frictional isolation systems, the damping ratio becomes lower as the isolation displacement gets larger. Therefore, if the excitation is a simple harmonic wave with constant amplitude and ongoing input energy, then the displacement response of isolation systems will increase with time; on the contrary, the equivalent damping ratio of isolation system will decrease with time. The relationship between isolation displacement and damping ratio will make frictional isolation systems fall into the vicious circle and become dynamic unstable finally. To investigate the issue about dynamic stability of frictional isolation systems, we assumed the super-structure is rigid and the excitation is simple harmonic, and transformed the motion equation of isolation systems into the dimensionless form. We also set the response indices to help practical engineers preliminarily estimate the isolation design. Actually, real ground excitations will not make isolation systems dynamic unstable, but the vicious circle between displacement response and equivalent damping ratio of isolation systems is undoubted. For the reason that we proposed practical engineers take the characteristic into consideration to enhance the safety of isolation design.
摘要台灣海峽擁有全球最佳的風場之一,因此我國近年來積極發展離岸風力發電技術。而歐美地區的風力發電技術雖已十分成熟,但因台灣地處地震發生頻繁區域,對風機及其支撐結構的耐震性能要求遠較歐美為高。而我國雖有嚴格的結構耐震設計規範,但主要以確保人命安全為出發點,恐無法滿足風機結構於強震後仍能保有發電功能之耐震需求。為能同時確保震後風機之功能及安全,本文乃試圖探討使用質量阻尼器(mass damper,簡稱MD)作為風機制震系統之可行性。本文所謂MD 技術乃是於風機機艙及支承塔柱結構間安置一容許產生相對位移與消能能力之柔性減震介層,並以機艙質量作為反力質塊,如此即可藉由機艙及塔柱結構間之互制運動,使總體系統產生顯著的反共振(anti-resonant)現象,以有效降低整體系統之地震反應。MD 技術與常用之TMD (tuned mass damper)技術不同之處在於前者無需外加反力質塊,且質塊之自振頻率並不一定與原始結構之振頻調諧。本文採用16 筆震波模擬5MW 單樁式離岸風機標竿結構之地震反應。模擬結果顯示,經由參數研究可適當選取MD 之系統參數(即頻率比與阻尼比),即可同時大幅降低風機機艙之地震加速度與支撐結構之基底總剪力與彎矩。亦即,使用MD 系統不僅可提升風機支撐結構之安全,更可於強震後確保機艙內設備之發電功能,為十分有效之風機抗震方法。
TitleSeismic Vibration Control of Off-Shore Wind Turbines
AuthorLyan-Ywan Lu, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Tzu-Yao Lin, Bo-Hua Lin
KeywordsOff-shore wind turbines, seismic mitigation, mass damper, anti-resonance, energy dissipation, wind energy
AbstractSince Taiwan has one of the best wind-farms in the world, it is beneficial to develop renewable energy by using off-shore wind turbines. Nevertheless, since Taiwan is prone to earthquakes, the problem of seismic protection for the offshore wind turbines becomes an important issue. On the other hand, although current Taiwanese seismic design code is very stringent, it aims to ensure live safety in a major earthquake rather than the functionality of equipment in the structural system. In order to simultaneously ensure the safety and functionality of a wind turbine during a major earthquake, in this study, the possibility of using a mass damper (MD) system for mitigating the seismic response of offshore wind turbines is investigated. A MD system is established by introduced a soft and energy-dissipative layer between the nacelle and the supporting tower structure of a wind turbine. As a result, the interacting motion between the nacelle and underneath tower structure creates a significant anti-resonant phenomenon that is able to avert the seismic energy transmitted into the system. Different from a traditional tuned mass damper (TMD), the MD uses the mass of the nacelle itself as the reactive mass and its frequency may not be tuned to that of the structure. In this study, the seismic performance of a 5MW mono-pile off-shore wind turbine with the MD subjected to 16 seismic excitations is simulated. The simulation results have demonstrated that by properly selecting the MD parameters, i.e., the frequency and damping ratios, the acceleration of the nacelle and the base shear and moment of the supporting structure can be significantly reduced, as compared with a TMD-controlled or uncontrolled wind turbine. This implies that the MD technology is able to maintain the safety and functionality of a wind turbine in a major earthquake, simultaneously.

第三十卷第四期 (期別120) (104年)

第三十卷第四期 (期別120) (104年)

摘要本文介紹一創新之鋼橋柱設計,並探討其在地震下之行為,此創 新之工法可增進鋼橋柱在地震力下可提供良好之耐震性能。在鋼橋柱 之接合處其接合板以標準螺栓連結上下橋柱外,另於接合板設計消能 區,此消能區乃以設置系列之長槽孔,此長槽孔之目的在於降低連接 板之強度,使接合處之長槽孔位置之連結板可先行進入降伏,且因長 槽孔處之螺栓僅為緊貼狀態,避免長槽孔處之連接板可提供拉壓之強 度,且可使連接板進入降伏,可消散地震所輸入之能量。經由一系列 之橋柱反復受力下,證實可有效消散地震所輸入之能量,此新型之鋼 橋柱可達 6.55%變形轉角且強度未衰減。且塑性區已移至接合區,能 量消散則較傳統鋼橋柱高達 2 倍以上。且塑性區可預先選定位置,地震後可快速檢查。若消能區已發揮消能功能,亦可視需要更換消能連接板。
TitleResearch on the seismic resistance of steel bridge piers with energy dissipation plates
AuthorSheng-Jin Chen , Nan-jiao Lin
Keywordsseismic resistance , steel bridge piers , energy dissipation plates
AbstractA new type steel bridge column is proposed and examined for its seismic resistance. In this study, an innovated method is proposed for bridge column with enhanced force transmission and energy dissipation for seismic resistance. At the connection of the column, the force transmission is the same as the conventional design method. However in the connection plate, besides the conventional force transmission, part of the connection plate is designed to dissipate the seismic energy. In the designated energy dissipation area, a serial of slot-hole connections are provided. With this arrangement, the joint can provide a mechanism for force transmission and energy dissipation. A series of experimental study is carried out on the new type of bridge column. From this study, it is found that the new type steel column is able to reach seven times of yielding deformation, 6.55% radium of rotation angle, without decay on its strength. The plastic zone is moved to the connection plate. The dissipated energy based on the new method is more than two times as compare with the traditional steel bridge column. The energy dissipation zone can be preselected. After earthquake, it is easier to perform inspection, retrofit, or replace the damaged connection plate if necessary.
作者潘冠宇 、吳安傑 、李昭賢 、蔡克銓
摘要本研究利用鋼筋混凝土(reinforced concrete, RC)構架角隅處澆置之承壓塊作為RC 構架與補強斜撐系統間力量之傳遞介面,避免高度倚賴傳統補強工法中大量錨栓的使用,同時減少RC 構架與補強系統間之複合效應,斜撐軸力容量亦不直接受錨栓強度所限制。斜撐選用挫屈束制支撐(buckling-restrained brace, BRB)以避免傳統鋼斜撐受壓之挫屈行為,並藉由BRB 高勁度、高韌性與高消能容量的特性,以消散地震輸入之能量,降低結構受震反應。為驗證該補強工法之力量傳遞機制與耐震性能反應,並了解BRB 補強前後整體構架之性能反應差異,本研究設計兩組不同軸力容量之BRB 鋼框補強實尺寸RC 構架及一組安裝裸鋼框之RC 構架進行反覆載重試驗與非線性結構分析。試驗與分析結果顯示,本研究之耐震性能補強工法可使整體側向強度持續成長至3.0%弧度樓層側位移角,所提升之側向強度及勁度分別為安裝裸鋼框試體的2.2 及3.5 倍以上,有效提升既有RC 結構之側向強度、勁度及韌性容量,並藉由BRB 消散大部份的能量。本研究所提出之簡化分析方法及PISA3D 數值模型分析方法可供估計構架各構件之受力反應,有效預測補強構架側向強度,與試驗量測所得之構件受力反應差異均小於13.8%。此外,BRB 鋼框透過RC 構架角隅處承壓塊對梁端及柱端產生額外之局部剪力需求,可利用軟化壓拉桿模型簡算法有效且保守地評估該不連續區域構件之抗剪強度。
TitleSeismic Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Frames with Buckling-restrained Braced Frames
AuthorKuan-Yu Pan , An-Chien Wu, Chao-Hsien Li , Keh-Chyuan Tsai
Keywordsseismic retrofit, reinforced concrete frame, buckling-restrained brace, bearing block, post-installed anchor, softened strut-and-tie model
AbstractInstead of applying the post-installed anchors to transfer the seismic loads, the proposed retrofitting brace system consists of high-strength mortar bearing blocks constructed at the four corners of the existing reinforced concrete (RC) frame to transfer the earthquake forces. In comparison with the traditional retrofitting methods, it avoids the complex on-site anchor installation process. Thus, the brace force capacity is not directly limited by the anchor resisting strength. Buckling-restrained braces (BRBs) are adopted in the proposed retrofitting system to improve the structural strength, stiffness and energy dissipation efficiency. In this study, cyclically increasing lateral displacements were imposed on two RC frames retrofitted with the same WT steel frames for different BRB strength capacities. Cyclic loading test on the third RC frame infilled with the same WT frame only was also conducted to evaluate the strength and stiffness enhancements. Test results indicate that the proposed retrofitting method is efficient in increasing the lateral strength up to the 3% drift ratio while achieving rather good ductility and energy-dissipating capacity. The increased lateral strength and stiffness were more than 2.2 and 3.5 times those of RC frame infilled with WT frame only, respectively. A simplified structural calculation and a detailed PISA3D analysis are proposed to show the effectiveness in predicting member demands to within 13.8% of the test measured test results. Under cyclic lateral loads, the steel braced frame imposes additional shear forces through the bearing blocks to both ends of the RC beam and column member discontinuity regions. In this research, the softened strut-and-tie model was satisfactorily applied in estimating the shear capacities for the discontinuity regions.
摘要由耐震設計中反應譜的觀念得知,當結構系統之週期較長時,有較低之設計地震力。而隔震系統乃呼應此一觀念,藉由延長結構系統之週期來降低上傳之水平地震力。而阻尼在隔震系統所扮演的角色,除了消能之外也能夠適當降低隔震層位移。由於地震震度與震波形式之不確定性,結構物於使用年限之間有可能碰到尖峰地表加速度(PGA)更甚於設計地震之非設計地震;或具有低頻特性之近斷層震波。因此,本文嘗試將本團隊所發表之黏滯阻尼最佳化設計公式融入業界習用之隔震設計流程,是為最佳化設計流程,並以設計地震、非設計地震、近斷層地震當作輸入,來探討業界習用之設計流程以及最佳化設計流程於隔震效果及隔震層位移之差異。本文分別針對設計地震力、1.5 倍設計地震力與近斷層地震力對一真實之隔震結構進行模擬分析。其結果顯示,兩種設計流程於三種外力下皆能有效降低加速度反應,但當外力為非設計地震力,即1.5 倍設計地震力與近斷層地震力時,僅最佳化設計流程能確保設計位移滿足隔震層位移反應之需求,故本設計流程實屬可行。而本設計流程相對於業界現行之設計流程僅多增加一步驟,並不會大幅影響工程師之設計習慣。再者,本設計流程已提供出隔震層阻尼之需求,可作為工程師決定阻尼之依據。
TitleStructural Isolation Design Procedures with Optimal Viscous Damping
AuthorCho-Yen Yang , Sheng-Hsuan Wang , Shao-Kuei Liu , Lap-Loi Chung, Wei-Liang Hung, Lu-Min Chen
Keywordsisolation design procedures, optimal viscous damping, non-design earthquake
AbstractBased on the concept of seismic design spectrum, the design seismic force is smaller when a structure possesses longer fundamental period. It is the main purpose for isolation system. The damping plays a significant role with function of energy dissipation and reducing the isolation displacement. Because of the uncertainty about earthquake intensity and fault activity, the structure may encounter a non-design earthquake with greater peak ground acceleration (PGA) or a near-fault earthquake within the structural service life. For this reason, we attempted to integrate the optimal viscous damping ratio formula into the conventional design procedures, called optimized design procedures, and chose a real case to do the time history analysis and then discussed the feasibility of optimized design procedure. Three earthquake types were utilized as input, one was the design earthquake, another was a non-design earthquake with PGA which was 1.5 times the design earthquake, the other was a near-fault earthquake. Regardless of the types of input, the isolation system with optimal damping ratio can play a good result about isolation effect and displacement. Therefore, we confirm integrating the optimal damping ratio formula into the conventional procedures is essential. For engineers, there is just one more step in the optimized design procedures than the conventional one, and the requirement of damping can be determined according to the proposed procedures.
標題實驗數據自動化參數擬合方法之研究-以BRB 實驗為例
摘要地震工程研究人員在模擬結構試驗反應時,對於非線性材料模型的參數設定通常需要使用試誤法,因而耗費大量的時間。為了改善此現況,財團法人國家實驗研究院國家地震工程研究中心(國震中心)擬針對實驗數據,提供數值模型自動化參數擬合的服務。為達成此項目標,本研究針對此項服務的核心技術,即是參數擬合演算法進行研究。以國震中心經常執行的挫屈束制支撐(buckling-restrained brace, BRB)實驗為例,對於常見於鋼結構非線性模擬時,所採用的塑性硬化材料(hardening material)進行擬合演算法的探討。經由實際案例驗證,本研究以梯度下降法作為基礎,所提出的方法可以達成自動化參數擬合的目的,不僅能夠為國震中心的實驗資料庫提供加值服務,同時也創造了更多數據再利用的機會。
TitleModel fitting of the experiment of buckling-restrained brace by using gradient descent method
AuthorMing-Chieh Chuang, Shang-Hsien Hsieh, An-Chien Wu
Keywordsmodel fitting, optimization, gradient descent method, buckling-restrained brace, nonlinear simulation experiments
AbstractIn simulation of structural behavior, researchers often need to calibrate the parameters of a nonlinear material model with corresponding experimental data by using the trial and error method, which is very tedious and time consuming. To improve the efficiency of the calibration task, this research proposes an optimization approach using the classical gradient descent method to perform automated model fitting for the hardening material model of the buckling-restrained brace (BRB). Two component tests of the BRB conducted in the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering are used to test and validate the proposed approach. The results show that the proposed approach is not only more efficient but also more accurate in simulation of the BRB test results than the trial and error method.
標題 水泥砂漿添加飛灰與壓電材料力電性質之研究
作者 王和源、陳世豪、張書銓、林展全
關鍵字 智慧型、防災、飛灰、壓電材料、力電性質
摘要 台灣位於板塊交界帶,是地震及颱風頻繁的地區,時常造成許多天然災害,因此加強建築物智慧型功能的防災特性是急需探討解決的問題。隨著科技日新月異的進步,壓電複合材料已漸漸成為發展的趨勢,壓電複合材料也從機械、電機電子工程慢慢的轉移到土木工程,除了彌補原本基材功能上的不足,壓電材料的壓電效應也能製成控制器或感測器,大大的增加土木工程材料的功能性,讓土木工程應用最多的混凝土材料不再只是單純的優良抗壓性質,壓電材料也為混凝土增加具有許多智慧型的功能。本研究以再生材料搭配壓電材料,針對各組水泥砂漿其力學與電學之影響探討,了解水泥砂漿在不同電場環境及含水狀態下,其阻抗特性與機械行為的相關性,建立屬於再生材料與壓電材料水泥砂漿力電關係資料庫,找出各種變數間之關係,本研究利用體積法設計,比較組將飛灰取代水泥 [0%、10%、20%、30%],壓電組則再以PZT(鋯鈦酸鉛)壓電粉末取代5%細骨材製成水泥砂漿,進行流度、抗壓強度、吸水率、50V 及100V 電阻等力電性質之相互間關係試驗。於齡期28 天時,比較組抗壓強度為31.0-20.4MPa,壓電組則29.0-19.0MPa ; SSD 狀態之電性試驗50V 以比較組較高(1870-1588Ω.cm),壓電組則1419-1286Ω.cm;由此可知隨著飛灰取代量的增加其抗壓強度與電阻是降低的,比較組強度高於壓電組原因可能為壓電材料取代5%細骨材,且具有不吸水之特性,導致無法和細骨材及水泥作有效結合。
Title The Study for Engineering Properties of Cement Mortar added with Fly Ash and Piezoelectric Materials
Author Her-Yung Wang, Shyh-Haur Chen, Shu-Chuan Chang, Jhan-Cyue Lin
Keywords intelligent, disaster prevention, cement mortar, fly ash, piezoelectric materials (PZT), electromechanical properties
Abstract Taiwan, which is located in the plate junction, experiences frequent earthquakes, abundant rainfall during the typhoon season, and frequent natural disasters. Improvements in the intelligent disaster prevention functions of buildings are imperative. The development of piezoelectric composite materials has become more popular in recent years. Piezoelectric composite materials are used in civil engineering to compensate for the functional deficiencies of the original base materials. The piezoelectric effect of these materials can also be used for the preparation of controllers or sensors, which greatly increase the technological capabilities of civil engineering structures. The function of concrete, the most common material in civil engineering, is no longer to simply resist pressure; with the advent of intelligent piezoelectric materials. In this study, the piezoelectric material with recycled materials, for each group to explore the impact of cement mortar mechanical and electrical, the understanding of cement mortar in different farm environment and water content, the relevance of their impedance characteristics and mechanical behavior of recycled materials and to establish their piezoelectric materials cement mortar Electro relationship database to identify the relationship between the various variables. The cement mortar materials prepared by replacing the cement component with varying amounts of fly ash 0%, 10%, 20% and 30%, respectively (control group). The piezoelectric materials were prepared by replacing the 5% fine aggregate with piezoelectric powder (PZT group). The electromechanical properties were tested to assess the correlations among flow, compressive strength, water absorption, and electricity at 50 V and 100 V. The correlations between these properties were also investigated. At the curing age of 28 days, the compressive strength of the control group was in the range of 31.0-20.4 MPa, whereas the compressive strength of PZT group was in the range of 29.0-19.0 MPa. The control group exhibited higher results (1870-1588Ω.cm) in the electricity property test under 50 V, whereas PZT group exhibited lower results (1419-1286Ω.cm). The compressive strength and results of the electricity property tests demonstrated that the compressive strength and electrical resistance decreased as the replacement of fly ash increased. The strength of the control group was higher than the strength of PZT group because 5% of the fine aggregate was replaced by the piezoelectric material and the piezoelectric material was water-resistant. However, this study was just 5% of the fine aggregate replaced by the piezoelectric material that regarding the compressive strength.

第三十卷第三期 (期別119) (104年)

第三十卷第三期 (期別119) (104年)

摘要本研究共進行十組四點荷重之簡支梁試驗,其中兩組斷面尺寸為400mm(寬)×700 mm(深),試體長度為6600mm,其餘八組試體斷面尺寸為350mm(寬)×500 mm(深),試體長度為4600mm 及2600mm 各四組,依剪力跨深比分為3.33、3.25、2.75、2.0 和1.75 五種,皆使用SD685 之主筋(6 根)搭配SD785 之箍筋(箍筋間距300mm),拉力筋比為2.04%及3.5%,箍筋比為0.21%及0.24%,混凝土強度為70-100MPa。上述試體規劃主要以剪力跨深比為參數,針對高強度鋼筋混凝土梁於剪力破壞下之剪力裂縫發展行為,除探討國外規範建議公式之適用性外,將依剪力裂縫角度、裂縫寬度(最大值與殘留值)及構件變形角之量化關係,建立梁構件剪力變形角之評估公式,且由混凝土剪力開裂應力、混凝土極限剪應力及構件斷面平均剪應力採線性迴歸之方法,建議各構件性能點之混凝土容許剪應力及箍筋容許應力,並建立高強度鋼筋混凝土梁構件使用性能確保及修復性能確保下,各構件性能點之容許剪應力計算公式。
TitleShear Crack Control for High-strength Reinforced Concrete Beams Considering the Shear-span to Depth Ratio of Member
AuthorChien-Kuo Chiu, Fang-Cing Lin, Shao-Cian Chen, Kai-Ning Chi
Keywordshigh-strength reinforced concrete, shear crack, span-depth ratio, serviceability, reparability
AbstractThis work tests ten full-size simple-supported beam specimens with the high-strength reinforcing steel bars (SD685 and SD785) using the four-point loading. The measured compressive strength of the concrete is in the range of 70-100 MPa. The main variable considered in the study is the shear-span to depth ratio. Base on the experimental date that include maximum shear crack width, residual shear crack width, angle of the main crack and shear drift ratio, a simplified equation are proposed to predict the shear deformation of the HSRC beam member. Besides of the post-earthquake damage assessment, these results can also be used to build the performance-based design for HSRC structures. And using the allowable shear stress at the peak maximum shear crack width of 0.4 mm and 1.0 mm to suggest the design formulas that can ensure serviceability (long-term loading) and reparability (short-term loading) for shear-critical high-strength reinforced concrete (HSRC) beam members.
摘要本文主要在研究鋼筋輕質混凝土簡支版承受集中載重下之行為模式,並與普通鋼筋混凝土版進行比較,去探討混凝土版構件在不同變數下之力學行為。本研究共製作32 塊版構件,其變數有強度、配筋模式、版厚度等,主要在探討輕質混凝土版之承載力、延展性及破壞能等性質。研究結果顯示,雖然多數混凝土版構件之破壞模式未合乎降伏線理論之預期,且多呈現貫穿破壞情形,但版實際之極限承載力試驗值卻頗接近於理論分析值。另外,比較相同鋼筋量配置的混凝土版構件,鋼筋間距95mm 單層筋版之承載力皆高於鋼筋間距為190-190mm 雙層筋版,但後者所需之破壞能則較大且韌性較佳。
TitleA Study of Mechanical Behavior of Reinforced Lightweight Concrete Slab
AuthorYu-Cheng Kan, Ruey-Sheng Lin, Tsong Yen, Chung-Ho Hwang
KeywordsLightweight aggregate, RC slab, flexural, shearing
AbstractThe mechanical behavior of simply-supported reinforced lightweight concrete slab under a concentrated load is investigated herein. The test results were also compared to those obtained from normal concrete slabs. Totally 32 slabs in various strengths, thicknesses and rebar arrangements were fabricated and tested. The ultimate load, ductility and failure pattern were examined in each load test. The test results showed that the ultimate load of the slabs turned out very close to those calculated based on yield line theory. For the slab with the same amount of reinforcement, the slab including singly-reinforcement in 95 mm spacing performs higher load capacity than those including double- reinforced rebar with 190 mm spacing, but the latter needs more fracture energy and performs more ductile.
TitleUltimate Base Shear by Direct Moment Equilibrium
AuthorYang-Chih Fan, Lap-Loi Chung, Cho-Yen Yang, Shao-KueiLiu, Wei-Liang Hung , Lu-Min Chen
Keywordsultimate base shear, seismic evaluation, plastic moment
AbstractThe verification of ultimate story shear is asked by building code to ensure the shear strength is sufficient and no significant variation of stiffness for each story. However, there is no exact definition about calculation of ultimate story shear from the current building code. In this paper, a new method named direct moment equilibrium method is proposed. The ultimate shear is determined by directly taking moment equilibrium for each column. The ultimate story shear is obtained by taking summation of ultimate shear from each column. The proposed direct moment equilibrium method is also compared with two other methods which are familiar in practical application. Finally, the complexity of calculation and feasibility of the direct moment equilibrium method are verified.
TitleThe latest development of using non-destructive test method for detecting the bonding condition of steel plate reinforced structure with field study
AuthorChia-Chi Cheng, Keng-Tsang Hsu, Chi-Luen Huang, Tsung-Chi Lin, Yeng-Ting Pan
Keywordsconcrete, steel plate reinforcement, non-destructive test, stress wave, impact-echo, Lamb wave
AbstractIn Taiwan, many infrastructural facilitiesuse steel plate to reinforce the structural member. Some of the repaired structures has been operated for 20 years. For example, cracks were found on the pier capping beams of more than 200 viaducts alone the Taipei MRT Wenhu lineduring construction and were repaired by covering the steel jacket. Experiencing long-term operational vibrations and earthquakes events for 20 years, the bonding condition between the steel plate and concrete isleft unknown. In this article, twomethods based on stress wave propagation for assessing the bonding condition between the steel plate and concrete were introduced – impact-echo normalized spectrum and the dispersion curve of the fundamental Lamb wave mode of steel plate. The validation of the two methods in field study is realized by applying tests on the steel plate reinforced floor of a food factory. The areas lack of epoxy fillings between the steel plate and concrete were identified using both methods andthe bonding conditions are confirmed by core drilling. The Lamb wave method, which is able to assess the bonding condition under the 400 mm test line, can be served as the tool for quick assessment while the impact-echo tests can be applied on the questionable area for detail identification of the poor-bond area.
TitleDevelopment and Application of Vibration Isolation System with Adaptive Stiffness Considering Potential Energy
AuthorChi-Jen Chen, Tzu-Kang Lin, Lyan-Ywan Lu
KeywordsPotential energy, Semi-active control, near-fault earthquake, MEW
AbstractIn recent years, a study of semi-active isolation system named Leverage-type Stiffness Controllable Isolation System (LSCIS) was proposed. The main concept of the LSCIS is to adjust the stiffness in the isolator for the fundamental period of the superstructure by a simple leverage mechanism. Although great performance has been achieved with the support of an algorithm considering the least input energy in far-field earthquakes, some result still reveal that the proposed system is not suitable in application for near-fault strong ground motion. To overcome this problem, an upgraded algorithm is proposed by considering the potential energy effect in the semi-active structural control system in this study. Firstly, the new algorithm is developed with the combination of the potential energy (Ep) and the kinetic energy (Ep) as the control objective to reduce the structural displacement responses efficiently. The optimal weightings between the potential and kinetic energy are then determined through a series of near-fault earthquake simulation. In order to demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithm, a two-degree-of-freedom structure is used as a benchmark in both numerical simulation and experimental verification. The results have shown that the dynamic response of the structure can be effectively alleviated by the proposed algorithm under both far-field and near-fault earthquakes, while the structural responses by the original algorithm may be worse than the pure passive control. The feasibility of implementing the proposed system has also been experimentally verified.

第三十卷第二期 (期別118) (104年)

第三十卷第二期 (期別118) (104年)

TitleStudy on Structural Analysis of Cantilever Erection Process for Cable-Stayed Bridges
AuthorYu-Chi Sung, Chun-Ying Wang, Eng-Hwa Teo
KeywordsArtificial intelligence, Optimization analysis, Construction stage analysis
AbstractCantilever erection method is popularly used in construction of long span cable-stayed bridges. The structural configuration, boundary condition and construction loading are changed sequentially during erection process. In order to make the eventual structural performance at final erection stage consistent to the design of complete bridge, structural analysis of erection process is indeed important. This study used hybrid GA to develop an automatic analysis for cantilever erection process of the cable-stayed bridges. The case study was performed and the analytical results were discussed. The results obtained show the method developed can deal with the optimum construction planning of cable-stayed bridges using cantilever erection.
摘要電熱熔渣銲(Electro-slag Welds,ESW)為鋼骨箱型柱製作柱內橫隔板最有效率的銲接方法之一,因此台灣鋼骨建築結構之箱型柱構件,廣泛使用ESW 做為柱內橫隔板與柱板接合之銲接方法。過去有關實尺寸鋼骨箱型柱之梁柱接合,對應柱內橫隔板與柱板採 ESW 銲接之接合者,經統計約超過25%之柱板與柱內橫隔板間 ESW 銲道接合,發生非預期性的脆性破壞,造成其梁柱接合在未充分發展非線性變形前即發生脆性斷裂。由破壞面之巨觀金相照片觀察發現,ESW 銲道偏移導致部分熔填不足,為造成此破壞的主要因素。本文針對箱型柱柱板與內橫隔板 ESW 銲接接合之力學特性、製作程序、與超音波檢測技術等進行研究,結果顯示,由於 ESW 銲接入熱量極高,導致熱量在不易消散之柱板側母材熱影響區(heat affected zone, HAZ) 發生顯著脆化現象,同時也發現,現行 ESW 銲道製作程序無法穩定地獲得預期的銲道品質,此可藉由適當的非破壞超音波試驗法,採用正確的檢驗程序與合理的檢測標準進行檢測, 得以經濟的方法獲得可確保的銲道品質。因此本文也提出一套完整且適用於鋼骨箱型柱中柱板與橫隔板 ESW 銲道接合的製作細節、超音波檢測程序與檢測標準,以排除箱型柱內柱板與橫隔板 ESW 銲道接合的製作偏移,而造成部分銲道熔透不足的現象發生, 以提升鋼骨箱型柱內橫隔板 ESW 銲道的製作品質,達到確保其梁柱接合能滿足規範要求之變形能力。
TitleQuality Assessments on T-Shape Electro-Slag Welds (ESWs) of Internal Diaphragm to Box-Column Plate
AuthorKer-Chun Lin, Sheng-Jhih Jhuang, Chao-Hsien Li, Chih-Han Lin
Keywordssteel box column, electro-slag welds (ESW), diaphragm, ultrasonic testing (UT), heat affected zone (HAZ), Charpy V-notch (CVN) toughness, hardness
AbstractThe welding procedure of electro-slag welds (ESW) is one of the most efficient welding methods for a T-shape joint of internal diaphragm to column plate of steel box column. Therefore, it is widely used to steel building structures in order to save making time of steel structure fabrication shop in Taiwan. Unfortunately, according to the past research results on beam-to-column connection with the box column, there was at least 25% fractured probability of ESWs joints, join internal diaphragm to column plate of the box column, to occur unacceptably premature brittle-fracture before its beam end’s plastic hinge not developing. Based on observation of macro metallurgical photos from the past studies, local inadequate melting due to welds bias is one of the most important factors to result in this failure mode. To prevent the ESW from fracture in the beam-to-column connection, this research focused on mechanical characteristics of ESW and near parts, fabrication procedure of the existing ESW in Taiwan and ultrasonic testing (UT) technology. The research results indicated that the ESW joint between internal diaphragm and column plate of the box column due to its high heat-input caused heat affected zone (HAZ) on base metal of the column plate brittle under its slow heat-dissipation from the column plate. In addition, the existing ESW technology can’t be effectively controlled and obtain stable quality of welds. However, the UT is a feasible and most economic nondestructive method to inspect the ESW welds. This research proposed an integral UT inspection technology include inspecting sensors, procedure and acceptable criteria. A fabricated detail also was advised in this paper to prevent the ESW from local inadequate melting. The proposed technologies of fabrication and inspection can not only effectively ensure the ESW quality but also significantly increase seismic performance of the steel beam-to-box column connections.
摘要921 集集大地震之後,國內技師利用 SERCB 或 NCREE 軟體,積極展開低矮校舍結構之耐震能力評估及補強工作,至今十餘年,已累積相當豐富經驗。在國人對此二軟體充分熟悉之後,以及前文[1]在針對此二軟體所決定RC 梁柱構件彎矩塑性鉸性質差異性及其對 RC 建築結構耐震能力評估結果之影響進行深入探討後,本文繼續針對此二軟體所決定 RC 梁柱構件剪力塑性鉸性質差異性及其對 RC 建築結構耐震能力評估結果之影響,進行深入探討,藉以瞭解此二軟體是否有值得改善之處。
TitleInvestigation on the Differences between the Property of Shear Plastic Hinge of RC Beam and Column Members Determined by SERCB and NCREE Software
AuthorChin-Sheng Kao, Yu-Chun Sun, Jim Chang
KeywordsBeam and Column Members, Shear, Property of Plastic Hinge, Seismic Capability
AbstractSince the 921 Chi-chi earthquake, domestic technicians have used SERCB and NCREE software to actively assess and reinforce the seismic capacity of low-rise school structures for over ten years, and have accumulated a significant amount of experience. Now as domestic people have already fully understood these two sets of software and after the differences between the property of moment plastic hinge of RC beam and column members determined by these two sets of software have been investigated in the previous paper[1], this paper continues investigate the differences between the property of shear plastic hinge of RC beam and column members determined by these two sets of software as well as their impact on the assessment results of the seismic capacity of RC buildings structure in order to confirm whether there are areas of improvement for these two sets of software.
摘要瞭解 RC 牆其側向載重-側向位移反應,乃是 RC 含牆結構物進行非線性靜力分析及評估其耐震能力的重要工作。本文說明如何適當地計算軸力-彎矩 作用下 RC 牆之彎矩-彎曲位移反應及使用修正壓力場理論(MCFT)與考量RC 牆高深比(Hin/Lw)之影響,計算軸力-剪力作用下 RC 牆之剪力-剪位移反應。經上述兩反應的結合,可以合理地決定 RC 牆於軸力-剪力-彎矩互制下之側向載重-側向位移反應。此外,本文於 SAP2000 或 ETABS 程式下, 建立一 6 層 RC 含牆及一 6 層開氣窗 RC 含牆構架,說明如何以等值柱模擬 RC 牆,並設置相關之塑鉸以進行非線性靜力分析,提供給工程師於應用上作為參考。
TitleA nonlinear static analysis study of a RC structure with walls
AuthorHsin-Hung Chen, I-Chau Tsai
KeywordsRC wall, equivalent column, lateral load-lateral displacement response, nonlinear static analysis
AbstractKnowing a lateral load-lateral displacement response of an RC wall is an important work of executing nonlinear static analysis and evaluating earthquake-resistant capacity of an RC structure with RC walls. This paper explains how to calculate the moment-bending displacement response of an RC wall under axial load and moment properly, and calculate the shear-shear displacement response of the RC wall under axial load and shear by using the modified compression-field theory (MCFT) with considering the effect of the height-depth ratio (Hin/Lw). By integrating the moment-bending displacement response and the shear-shear displacement response, the lateral load-lateral displacement response of the RC wall under axial load-moment-shear interaction can be decided reasonably. In addition, to provide an application illustration for engineers, this paper establishes a 6 floor RC structure with walls and a 6 floor RC structure with walls containing windows to explain how to use an equivalent column model to simulate an RC wall on SAP2000 or ETABS nonlinear static analysis.
標題以非線性靜力側推分析案例探討新建建物 耐震設計參數
摘要目前新建建物的設計係基於現行耐震設計規範,依據耐震需求與設定之容許韌性容量,再與反應譜結合,提供設計者最小設計水平總橫力,在構件未達到非線性階段條件下,進行彈性設計。而現行耐震評估程序係針對既有建物採用非線性側推分析,依據性能需求(如中震不壞)設定性能目標(如層間變位大小),以評估所得之性能目標地表加速度(性能目標所對應之地表加速度)與場址 475 年設計地震最大地表加速度比較,作為結構耐震能力是否足夠之依據。本文探討依最新耐震設計規範進行設計之建物,使用耐震評估之側推分析,從而比對其相關參數並加以探討。以土木 404-100「混凝土工程設計規範之應用」下冊提供之新建設計結構,進行非線性側推分析求取性能目標地表加速度,對於耐震設計規範中參數如降伏、極限水平總橫力及容量曲線顯示之韌性容量,皆比現行耐震設計規範法規需求值為高,顯示新建設計仍偏向保守。
TitleThe study of the seismic assessment parameters of a new design building by nonlinear static pushover analysis
AuthorTe-Kuang Chow, Yeong-Kae Yeh
Keywordsnew design, seismic design specification, seismic evaluation, nonlinear pushover analysis
AbstractAt present, the commonly used method for new building design is based on the current seismic design specification,according to seismic requirements and the allowable toughness capacity,which provides designers with minimum total horizontal force design level, and then combined with the response spectrum to complete the elastic design, before those structure members reach the nonlinear stage. The current seismic assessment procedures using the nonlinear pushover analysisgain the result .The result of performance target ground acceleration is used to compare with the site peak ground acceleration of design earthquake with a 475-year return period to evaluate the seismic capacity is enough or not.This article explores the parameters of their differences between the latest seismic design specifications in accordance with the building design and the use of seismic evaluation of pushover analysis.Using the Civil 404-100 as the new design case, run the nonlinear pushover analysis to gain the performance target ground acceleration.Whether initial yield lateral force or capacity curve, are higher than the current seismic design specifications. It illustrates that the current seismic design specifications has the more conservative minimum design lateral force and the toughness capacity.

第三十卷第一期 (期別117) (104年)

第三十卷第一期 (期別117) (104年)

TitleA Study on the Possible Liability of Defective Structural Design
AuthorYen-An Shieh
AbstractStructural designers in the engineering consultants or the professional Engineering offices design for construction by construction company. Will the designers need to bear civil compensation due to engineering defects? How the court finds responsibility? The author cites the judgment of the civil court. The judge in the case considered the contract information, appraisement report, witness’s statement and so on to judge designers with 20% responsibility. It should be worth considering. Finally, the author determines how to resolve accountability of the construction controversies in the civil court , and provides designers the considering points in work in order to protect their own rights.
摘要挫屈束制支撐(buckling-restrained brace, BRB)可由習見之營建材料與工藝製造,利用BRB 構成的挫屈束制支撐構架(buckling-restrained braced frame, BRBF)能很經濟地提升抗震所需之勁度、強度與韌性。本文說明BRB的構造原理與設計原則,介紹常見的BRB 組成與接合類型,闡明核心消能段長度比對BRB 等效勁度及核心消能段應變量的影響。除了介紹BRBF 系統設計流程外,亦說明設計BRB 邊界梁柱構件應特別注意的細節,並提出BRB 接合板設計與破壞檢核建議。本文也介紹由國家地震工程研究中心全球首創之雲端設計軟體,利用設計實例示範本軟體在BRB 構件及接合的設計功能。最後以國內近年來10 件應用BRB 之實際工程案為例,介紹國內工程師對BRB 所制訂的品質檢核與性能驗證試驗方式,並利用其中10 組BRB 反覆載重驗證試驗結果說明BRB 應具備之受力變形行為與合格標準。
TitleSeismic design and applications of buckling-restrained braced frames
AuthorAn-Chien Wu , Ming-Chieh Chuang , Pao-Chun Lin , Keh-Chyuan Tsai
Keywordsbuckling-restrained brace, hysteretic damper, effective stiffness, gusset connection, frame action effect, seismic design, capacity design
AbstractBuckling-restrained braces (BRBs) can be conveniently fabricated using common construction materials and techniques. Buckling-restrained braced frames (BRBFs) employing BRBs offer desirable seismic resistant lateral strength, stiffness and ductility. This paper introduces the basic concept, key design principles, the various compositions and connection details of BRBs. Effects of the ratio between the BRB yield region length and the brace work point-to-work point length on the BRB axial effective stiffness, the frame yield story drift, and the BRB core strain level are illustrated. This paper discusses the design procedures of the BRBF system, the capacity design principle of the columns and beams adjacent to the BRBs. Recommendations on the design of gussets are also given. The effectiveness of an innovative cloud service, Brace on Demand (BOD), for automated design of BRBs and end connections is demonstrated. Qualifying test results of 10 practical BRBs randomly selected from recent 10 application projects are discussed to demonstrate how Taiwan engineers practice the BRB quality control for building construction projects. Acceptance criteria of the BRB qualifying tests are presented.
關鍵字組合繫筋、組合內箍筋、RC 柱、耐震性能
摘要組合繫筋為由兩支一端為180 度彎鉤另一端為直線的J 形鋼筋搭接組合而成;組合內箍筋為由兩支U 形鋼筋搭接組合而成。本研究完成4 支大尺寸鋼筋混凝土柱試體之反復側向載重試驗,探討含組合繫筋及組合內箍筋柱之耐震性能。研究結果顯示:(1)含組合繫筋及組合內箍筋試體之韌性,明顯比含傳統繫筋之試體優異,也比含兩端皆為180 度彎鉤一體繫筋之試體佳;(2)組合繫筋及組合內箍筋的施工性佳,尤其是組合繫筋不但施工簡便且施工誤差可降到很低,可以明顯提升RC 柱鋼筋之施工品質及RC 結構之耐震性能;(3)組合繫筋及組合內箍筋以鋼筋拉力搭接組合而成,本文提供滿足搭接長度需求所需之最小柱尺寸,方便工程實務應用。
TitleThe seismic performance of reinforced concrete columns using the lap-spliced crosstie and lap-spliced inner hoop
AuthorTai-Kuang Lee , Cheng-Cheng Chen
Keywordslap-spliced crosstie, lap-spliced inner hoop, RC columns, seismic performance
AbstractA lap-spliced crosstie consists of two J- shaped steel bars (rebars) that have a straight end and an end featuring a 180° hook. A lap-spliced inner hoop is the lap splice of two U-bars. In this study, a lateral cyclic load test was conducted on four specimens of large-sized reinforced concrete (RC) columns to investigate the seismic resistance capability of RC columns comprising lap-spliced crossties and lap-spliced i nner hoops. The research results are presented as follows: (a) The ductility of the specimens that adopted the lap-spliced crossties and lap-spliced inne r hoops was significantly superior to that of the specimens using conventional crossties and crossties featuring a 180° hook on the two ends. (b) The constructability of the lap-spliced crossties and lap-spliced inner hoops was satisfactory. In particular, using lap-spliced crossties in construction is easy and pr oduces a low possibility of construction errors. Therefore, the construction qua lity of RC column reinforcement and the seismic resistance capability of RC structures can be substantially increased. (c) The lap-spliced crosstie and lap-spliced inner hoop were formed on the basis of the tension lap splice of rebars. The column size used in this study fulfilled the minimum column size requirement fo r lap splice and can therefore be conveniently applied in engineering practices.
摘要為避免洪災或地震引致橋梁損毀,造成某些地區因聯外道路中斷而形成孤島,如何研提一適合的橋梁形式,能在短暫時間內以有限的人力、機具組裝完成且可重複拆解使用,以符合臨時搶救災之功能,實屬重要。本文研擬應用複合纖維材料於輕量化救災橋梁之規劃、分析、設計與快速組裝,採用非對稱跨徑(12m + 20 m)之單塔自錨式複合斜張橋,設計目標為可通行五噸載貨小卡車與具備快速搭建、拆卸與可重複使用之功能。本文所研提輕量化救災橋梁之組裝係以全程模擬處於受災現場為基準,採用懸臂施工且須於8 小時內架設完成,並且經由現地載重實驗顯示設計橋型與組裝規劃均屬可行。最後根據有限元素法建構輕便橋實體模型,詳細模擬玻璃纖維複合材料之疊層性質與行為,並與實驗結果進行比對。相關研究成果冀能在緊急災害發生時,讓救災人員、救援物資於短時間內快速搶進至受災地區,以降低災害帶來的損失,發揮最大的救援效果。
TitleResearch and development on steel-GFRP composite asymmetric cable-stayed bridge for emergency disaster relief
AuthorYu-Chi Sung ,Fang-Yao Yeh ,Hsiao-Hui Hung ,Kuo-Chun Chang ,Shih-Hsun Yin, Yi-Tsung Chiu, Che-Kai Hsu, Zheng-kuan Lee, Chung-Che Chou, Tony C. Liu, Jui-Chang Chuang, Wei-Yiu Pan
KeywordsComposite bridge for emergency disaster relief, asymmetric cable-stayed bridge, lightweight, portable, and reusable bridge
AbstractOwing to recent extreme climates, typhoons, floods, and earthquakes have become large natural disaster threats in Taiwan over the years. Such natural disasters have caused damage to some bridges, consequently isolating residential communities located on mountains, and hampering the ability to delivery emergency relief supplies to those communities. In order to provide quick emergency relief, the simple construction of a temporary bridge becomes critical for the transportation of food an d medical supplies into the emergency disaster areas. While composite materials for footbridges and vehicular traffic applications have been widely used overseas, they are not suitable for disaster relief applications. The objective of this paper is to present a novel bridge structure for a portable, reusable, and lightweight bridge. This paper focuses on the analysis, design, and experimental verification of a temporary composite bridge for disaster relief. To provide safe traffic diversion, this paper designs and constructs a cable-stayed bridge with 20 m main span by using fiber reinforced polymer material, the bridge can be constructed in 8 hours and can hold 5-ton trucks. After construction, a series of tests were conducted to verify the fact that the bridge can conform to the design purpose. In addition, these tests were numerically simulated by finite element analysis software ANSYS, and make a comparison between experimental and numerical results to investigate the accuracy of numerical modeling of the bridge. Ultimately, it advocates composite bridges for disaster relief applications.
摘要大跨徑屋蓋結構為現今社會常見的結構型態之一,具有大空間且多功能的特性。依照我國建築物耐風設計規範中定義,此類結構物高寬比多偏小,應可歸類為低矮建物。然而由於跨度大且材質輕的特性,屋蓋表面受風壓分佈影響甚鉅,一般不建議以簡易計算方式給定設計風力載重,而另行於規範中表列其表面風壓係數設計值提供給工程師參考。本研究進行以探討各國規範於大跨徑屋蓋結構中,半圓頂型屋蓋結構表面平均風壓係數的設計值為主,輔以風洞實驗結果,進而探討目前國內規範應對於此類結構型態之表面風壓係數設計值作何修正或建議,並提出本研究於未來規範修訂之建議方案。由初步的風洞實驗結果與各國規範設計值之比較可看出,除了表面風壓特性應具有分區概念(Zoning concept)以外,屋蓋結構的高跨比(f/D)與底座高跨比(h/D)對於分區之影響亦應列入規範修訂考量。
TitleDesign Values of Mean Pressure Coefficients for Domed Roofs
AuthorYuan-Lung Lo, Tao Sun, Chia-Hao Lee, Chii-Ming Cheng
KeywordsDomed roof, External pressure coefficient, Height-span ratio, Zoning

Large span roof structures are one of the most welcomed structural types for its spatial feature and multi-functional performance. Most of them are categorized as low-rise buildings; however, its light-weight and long span characteristics make wind pressures dominate the subsequent structural response and make the wind load evaluation a difficult task. The simplified methodology of design wind loads may not be adoptable. In this research, systematic wind tunnel tests and several codes were compared and discussed on the domed roof structures, which is one category of large span roof structures. It was demonstrated that the design values in several codes may cause over conservative or unfavorable unsafe design in certain local area of the roof surface. Based on wind tunnel data, this research proposed a suggestive flowchart to evaluate the mean wind pressure coefficients in terms of span height ratio (f/D) and wall height ratio (h/D).


第二十九卷第四期 (期別116) (103年)

第二十九卷第四期 (期別116) (103年)

摘要局部柔度法(Local flexibility method)主要是藉由量測模態參數便可判斷梁結構之局部剛度變化。該方法基本條件之一,係使用- 虛力使其所導致之應力在局部結構區域不為零, 其他區域為零;本研究提出擬局部柔度法(Pseudo local flexibility method),係打破此一基本條件,使其使用之虛力導致應力在局部結構區域產生集中應力,並於其他區域也有微小應力。本硏究將擬局部柔度法應用於超靜定梁結構上,且利用數值模擬與實際試驗進行驗證,結果顯示,擬局部柔度法於少量模態的情況下,能更準確地診斷超靜定梁結構之損傷位置及程度。
TitleA Study on Damage Detection of Beam Structures Using the Pseudo Local Flexibility Method
AuthorTing-Yu Hsu, Shen-Yuan Shiao, Wen-I Liao
KeywordsPseudo local flexibility method, beam structure, damage detection, health monitoring
AbstractThe local flexibility method, which can determine local stiffness variations of beam structures by using measured modal parameters, is one of the more promising vibration-based approaches. The local flexibility method is founded on “local” virtual forces that cause nonzero stresses within a local part of the structure. In this study, this basic rule has been broken. The “pseudo-local” virtual forces that cause concentrated stresses in a local part and nonzero stresses in the other parts of a structure are employed. The theoretical basis of the proposed “pseudo local flexibility method” (PLFM) is derived. The effects of the number of modes on the damage detection results are studied using both numerical and experimental hyper-static beam models. The results show that significantly fewer modes are required for the PLFM to estimate the damage location and extent with acceptable accuracy. Therefore, the feasibility of the PLFM is higher because only a limited number of high quality modes can be identified in real world applications.
摘要本研究共進行十組四點荷重之簡支梁試驗(跨深比為3.33),其中八組於左右兩端之等剪力段,配置不同之箍筋間距(200 mm 及300 mm),剩餘兩組則無配置箍筋。壓力筋配置均為2 根,拉力筋則分別以8 根及12 根進行配置,且均為D25 之SD685 鋼筋,斷面尺寸均為400 mm(寬)×700 mm(深),保護層厚度均為40 mm,箍筋採用D13 之SD420W 及SD785 鋼筋。依本研究實驗結果可知,就長期荷重(靜載與活載作用)下之使用性能確保而言,梁長期容許應力值可取ACI 318 -11 所建議混凝土剪力強度之0.75 倍。就短期荷重(中小規模地震)下之修復性能而言,本研究擬建議採用ACI 318-11 之混凝土剪力強度計算公式進行此性能點檢核。就高強度鋼筋混凝土梁構材而言,依本研究試驗結果可知其受力後之剪力裂縫殘留總寬度與最大寬度比值約為4.5;為保守起見,本研究建議該比值可取4.0 以進行分析時殘留剪力裂縫最大值推估。此外;尖峰變形角時剪力裂縫最大寬度與殘留最大寬度之比值,本研究建議高強度鋼筋混凝土梁之適用值為2.5。
TitleStudy on the shear cracking behavior of the full-size high strength reinforced concrete beams
AuthorChien-Kuo Chiu, Tsung-Ching Chen, Fang-Ching Lin and Kai-Ning Chi
Keywordshigh strength, reinforced concrete, shear crack, beam specimens, residual crack width, serviceability, reparability
AbstractThe main propose of this work is to investigate the shear crack development and suggest the design formulas that can ensure serviceability and reparability for shear-critical high-strength reinforced concrete (HSRC) beam members based on the experimental data of ten full-size simple-supported beam specimens (Span-depth ratio is 3.33). According to the experimental results, the design formulas that can ensure the serviceability and reparability are recommended for shear-critical HSRC beam members. Based on the crack development of each specimen, the average ratio of the residual total shear crack widths to the residual maximum shear crack width for the HSRC beam specimens is approximately 4.5; then, in the crack-based assessment, this work recommends setting the ratio as 4.0 to estimate residual maximum shear cracking. Additionally, the ratio of maximum peak shear crack width to residual maximum crack width, it can be increased by shortening stirrup spacing and increasing stirrup strength, and its overall average value is 2.44. This work suggests the applicable value of a HSRC shear-critical beam to be 2.5. Besides of the post-earthquake damage assessment, these results can also be used to build the performance-based design for HSRC structures.
作者王勇智 、鄭智仁
關鍵字施工冷縫、界面剪應力、T 型斷面梁、耐震行為
摘要本實驗主要是針對T 型懸臂梁進行耐震行為分析,乃利用有或無預鑄施工冷縫T 型梁,針對不同剪力跨度(a/d=2.44 與a/d=5.46)進行討論。一般冷縫界面剪應力檢核之經驗公式由單向荷載實驗得來,並未探討其在反覆地震力作用下是否適用,這也是本文研究目的。由實驗結果得知,有預鑄施工冷縫的T 型短梁比一體澆置試體更易發生冷縫界面滑移。當剪力跨度越長,其抵抗滑移的面積越大,就越不易發生冷縫界面滑移。於負彎矩受力時,版筋受拉之有效版寬貢獻,有預鑄施工冷縫的T 型短梁為一體澆置試體的1.4 倍。另外,由T 型短梁冷縫界面剪應力分析結果得知,當量測之冷縫界面滑移量達0.5mm 時,平均界面剪應力則達0.2f’c ,與一般規範經驗公式上限值相當,應可作為冷縫界面剪應力耐震檢核標準。
TitleThe Effect of the Construction Joint Created between Precast Beam and Cast-in-Place Slab on the Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete T-Beams
AuthorYung-Chih Wang, Jhih-Ren Jheng
KeywordsConstruction Joint, Interface Shear Stress, T-Beams, Seismic Behavior
AbstractThe purpose of the experimental study is to observe the seismic behavior of T-shaped cantilever beams. The study investigates the effect of construction joint and shear span (a/d=2.44 and a/d=5.46 ), and verifies the current design equations obtained from monotonic loading experience for evaluating interface shear stress. The test results indicate that the T-shaped short beam with construction joint slipped more obviously at the interface than the beam without construction joint. According to test results, in the negative moment when the slab bars stress in tension, the effective width of T-beam flange with construction joint is 1.4 time wider than the beam without construction joint. In the comparison between slender beams and short beams it was found that slender beams had less cold-joint slip effect than short beams. This is because the area of shear resistance at interface for slender beams is larger than short beams.
作者邱聰智 、黃世建 、宋嘉誠 、鍾立來
摘要街屋之數量龐大,很難全面進行專業之耐震評估。若能經由民眾的自主檢查,先篩選出耐震能力有疑慮的街屋,再交由專業者進行詳細評估,此較具可行性。故而一個簡單的街屋快速評估工具,確實有其必要。由於校舍與街屋具有相似的結構特性,且校舍已有大量之詳細評估結果,故可使用統計的方法,將校舍的耐震詳評結果應用在街屋上面。國家實驗研究院地震工程研究中心利用1,187 棟校舍耐震詳細評估資料庫,對每棟校舍的總樓地板面積、柱量以及經詳細評估後得到的耐震性能地表加速度進行統計分析,獲得每棟校舍之柱量比與耐震性能的關係。再以等值柱量的轉換概念,將磚牆及RC 牆對耐震性能的貢獻予以適度考量,因而發展出低矮型鋼筋混凝土建築物的耐震能力快速評估方法。本研究利用過去地震勘災紀錄,建立59 棟低矮型鋼筋混凝土建築震損資料庫,並以此震損資料庫驗證本快速評估法,驗證結果顯示震損程度為中害以上者,評估結果皆為耐震能力有疑慮。然而快速評估結果為耐震容量不足者,仍有一部分屬於小害以下,顯示本方法確實具有篩選性及保守性。以本方法對145 棟台灣典型街屋進行快速評估,約有四成的街屋須後送進行專業詳細評估。因此本方法可做為民眾住家自主檢查之工具,協助其篩選出耐震能力可能有疑慮之街屋,再尋求專業之詳細評估與補強設計,而為一個經濟可行的做法。
TitleSeismic rapid evaluation of low-rise street house
AuthorTsung-Chih Chiou, Shyh-Jiann Hwang, Jia-Cherng Song, Lap-Loi Chung
Keywordsstreet house, low-rise RC building, seismic rapid evaluation, reinforced concrete
AbstractIt is extremely difficult to carry out the seismic evaluation by professionals for all the street houses due to huge volume in Taiwan. Therefore, rapid evaluation carried out by owners as a preliminary screening can be a feasible scheme. Those buildings labeled with safety concern by rapid evaluation can be further evaluated by professionals. Since the school buildings and the street houses in Taiwan share the same structural characteristics, the empirical formula of seismic capacity for school buildings obtained through detailed evaluation can be applied to street houses. Based on the seismic evaluation data of 1,187 school buildings of the database collected by the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, an empirical formula of the performance ground acceleration and the column-to-floor area ratio was established. The cross sectional areas of brick infill and RC wall can be transformed into the equivalent area of column according to their seismic capacities. Consequently, the performance ground acceleration of a low-rise street house can be rapidly evaluated by the ratio of column sectional area to floor area of building. The seismic rapid evaluation method has been verified by the data bank of damaged buildings collected through earthquake reconnaissance. The seismic capacities obtained from the rapid evaluation method correlate well with the damaged status of low-rise buildings. In general, the rapid evaluation method is conservative but still possesses a screening capacity. This paper presents a method for building owners to roughly evaluate the seismic capacity of their buildings by themselves.
作者林凡茹 、 張國鎮 、 黃振綱 、 柴駿甫
TitleSeismic behavior and evaluation of mechanical fittings for fire protection sprinkler piping systems in hospitals
AuthorFan-Ru Lin, Kuo-Chun Chang, Jhen-Gang Huang, Juin-Fu Chai
Keywordssprinkler piping systems, mechanical fittings, grooved couplings, screwed fittings, quasi-static testing, seismic performance evaluation
AbstractBased on the experiences learned from recent earthquakes, it is recognized that the immediate operation of a hospital after strong earthquakes relies heavily on the functional integrity of critical nonstructural components. However,from the literature review of earthquake damages, the reduction of medical functionality has been caused by serious flooding due to the damage of mechanical fittings (including grooved couplings and screwed fittings) of sprinkler system. Hence, the objective of this paper is aimed to investigate the seismic behavior of mechanical fittings to improve the seismic performance of sprinkler systems effectively. The seismic capacities of mechanical fittings in pair with various pipe dimensions were studied through quasi-static tests under cyclic pure-bending loads. The small-bore fittings were further studied to the combined shear and bending effects. Based on the test results, the seismic performance evaluations for vertical and horizontal piping systems were implemented through static and dynamic analyses respectively.

第二十九卷第三期 (期別115) (103年)

第二十九卷第三期 (期別115) (103年)

摘要本研究採用高強度混凝土與高強度鋼筋材料(New RC),進行6 組單柱式橋墩之反覆載重實驗,檢討斷面、材料與配筋組合,使New RC 橋墩在承受相近柱軸力下可獲致與一般RC 橋墩相近之撓曲強度、位移韌性與消能能力。試體規劃包括RC 標準試體(BMRC1)、New RC 實心斷面試體(NEWRC1、NEWRC5)及New RC 空心斷面試體(NEWRCH1、NEWRCH2、NEWRCH3)。製作方式分為4 組場鑄及2 組預鑄節塊橋墩,其中NEWRCH3包含後置預力。實驗結果顯示,New RC 橋墩因配置10 cm 間距之橫向鋼筋提高良好的圍束效果,且高寬比大及軸力比低條件,結構行為滿足公路橋梁耐震設計規範有關強度與韌性規定,確實達成斷面及材料減量的目標。結合預鑄節塊及後置預力方式施工,更進一步提高施工效率與震後復原能力。此外,本研究以既有簡化模式分析,經比較實驗結果可快速且有效預測New RC 柱之側推曲線,達到耐震設計與評估之目的。
TitleFeasibility Study of New RC on the Seismic Design of Bridge Column
AuthorKuang-Yen Liu, Yu-Chi Sung, Kuo-Chun Chang
KeywordsHigh strength concrete and reinforcement, bridge column, seismic performance
AbstractThis study presents the experimental study on the seismic performance of bridge column with high strength concrete and reinforcements, called New RC column. Given a specified plastic moment strength resulted from a predetermined RC column with ordinary materials, the design objective of New RC column is to provide same plastic moment strength but reducing the cross section, quantities of longitudinal and lateral reinforcement simultaneously. Total of one RC column (BMR1), two solid-section New RC columns (NEWRC1, NEWRC5) and three hollow-section New RC columns (NEWRCH1, 2, 3) were manufactured by either cast-in-place or precast and carried out by cyclical loading tests. For New RC specimens, the design compressive strength of concrete, yielding strength of longitudinal and lateral reinforcement are 70, 685, and 785 MPa, respectively, while RC column are 28, 420, and 280 MPa. Experimental results demonstrated that New RC column with sufficient lateral confinement and subjected to relative small axial load ratio can effectively reduce cross section and usage of material without losing desired flexural strength, either equipped with solid or hollow section. Besides, applying posttensioned strands within NEWRC column can provide self-centering mechanism to eliminate residual displacement. In addition, the pushover curve can be well predicted by the conventional program. The seismic performance of New RC column has been confirmed and its application can be expected in the future.
摘要本文目的是利用橋樑抖振理論與風洞實驗所得之氣動力參數,提出一等值靜力風載重表示式,使橋樑設計工程師能以此等值靜力風載重與其他型式載重做組合,以利結構分析及設計使用。等值靜力風載重包含靜、動態風力效應,其中動態效應分別考慮背景及共振部分。本文背景部分分別採用LRC(Loading Response Correlation)法及慣性力分佈型式,並比較兩者之差異,而共振部分則是依慣性力分佈型式。本文以一簡支樑及一斜張橋為例,前者是用來與文獻結果做比對,來驗證此方法之正確性;而後者則是利用兩種方式分別推導其等值靜力風載重,一為利用風力係數、顫振導數及理論頻譜推導,二為利用斷面模型風洞實驗所量測之位移來推導其等值靜力風載重。
TitleApplication of equivalent static wind loads on bridge design
AuthorYuh-Yi Lin, Ping Wang
Keywordsequivalent static wind loads, bridge design, buffeting, section model, wind tunnel test
AbstractIn this paper, an approach to generate the equivalent static wind loads at the design wind speed based on buffeting theory and the information obtained from wind tunnel tests is presented. Using this approach, bridge engineers are able to obtain the equivalent static wind loads and then easily to combine these wind loads with other loads for use of structural analysis and design. The equivalent static wind loads include static and dynamic effects. The dynamic effects are generally divided into the background and the resonant components. Two methods to generate the background components are presented in this paper. One is LRC approach and the other is based on the inertia load distribution. The comparison of the results between these two methods is discussed. The resonant components basically follow the inertia load distribution. Two examples, including a simply supported beam and a cable-stayed bridge, are used to examine the validity and applicability of the approach. Two types of equivalent static wind loads are generated in the cable-stayed bridge example. One is derived from buffeting theory utilizing static force coefficients, flutter derivatives and wind force spectrum. The other is formulated based on the responses measured from the section model tests.
摘要在地震頻繁區域中,耦合結構牆經常使用於中高樓層結構系統,提供側向勁度,抵抗地震外力,並減少結構體之側向位移。本文章探討複合耦合結構牆抗震系統之側推行為,研究耦合率與耦合牆高度對於複合耦合結構牆行為之影響。本研究統整國外之建議設計方法,設計九座複合耦合結構牆,並建立其非線性數值分析模型,分別具有三種不同耦合率,與三種不同高度,分別為20%的低耦合率,40%的中等耦合率,與60%的高耦合率;10層樓的低樓層,20 層樓的中高樓層,與30 層樓的高樓層。耦合牆之行為採用非線性側推分析方法進行預測,並比較各耦合牆之受力機制、變位大小、以及破壞模式,此外,並依據FEMA-356 所建議之兩種不同災害層級加以評估:分別為50 年超越機率10%之地震,代表生命安全之表現目標,以及50 年超越機率2%之地震,代表倒塌預防之表現目標。研究發現耦合牆不適合採用過低之耦合率,研究結果並對不同高度之耦合牆抗震系統,分別建議合適之耦合率範圍。
TitleDesign and nonlinear pushover analysis of earthquake-resistant hybrid coupled structural wall systems
AuthorChung-Chan Hung, Wei-Ting Lu
Keywordscoupled structural walls, nonlinear pushover analysis, earthquake-resisting behavior, structural design
AbstractCoupled structural walls are often used in mid- to high-rise structural systems in earthquake regions. This type of structures is able to provide efficient lateral stiffness to resist earthquake loading and reduce the lateral drift response of the entire structural system. The paper investigates the pushover behavior of hybrid coupled structural walls. The influences of the coupling ratio and structural height on the structural behavior are extensively investigated. Nine different hybrid coupled structural walls with three different coupling ratios and three different heights are designed. The coupling ratios are 20%, 40%, and 60%, respectively, and the structural heights are 10 stories, 20 stories, and 30 stories, respectively. The nonlinear finite element models of the nine designs are constructed. Their behavior is studied using nonlinear pushover analysis. The performance of the various systems is compared in terms of the earthquake-resistant mechanism, the displacement response, and the failure pattern. The evaluation criteria specified in FEMA-356 for 10% and 2% probabilities of exceedance in 50 years are employed for the assessment purpose. The study finds that it is not appropriate to design a coupled wall system with too low a coupling ratio. Suitable coupling ratios are suggested for coupled walls with different structural heights.
TitleA Seismic Design Formula For Equipment And Non-Structural Compments In Building Structures
AuthorLyan-Ywan Lu, Jiun-Hung Hung, Chia-Chiea Hsu
KeywordsNonstructural component, seismic design, seismic load, equipment protection, equipment isolation, acceleration response.
AbstractIn a building structure, the seismic capacity of equipment is an important issue, since it may cause serious functionality and financial losses of the building if the equipment is damaged in an earthquake. Due to the dynamic amplification effect of the underlying structure, the seismic demand of the equipment is very different from that of the primary structure and has to be treated with special attention. In current design codes, the seismic force of equipment is usually estimated by using the formula of the minimum seismic demand for nonstructural components. However, in this formula, the dynamic properties of the primary structure and equipment are not considered; therefore, the seismic force of the equipment may be over- or underestimated. To this end, based on modal superposition and response spectrum methods, a design formula is derived in this study. When the fundamental frequency and damping ratio of the primary structure and equipment are specified, the derived formula is able to estimate the seismic force or acceleration of equipment located on a certain floor level. Nevertheless, the formula is not applicable to the case in which the frequency of equipment is close to the resonance frequency of the structure. The accuracy of the formula is verified by using the data obtained from time history analysis of equipment placed on mid- and low-raised buildings. The simulation result demonstrates that the maximum accelerations of either soft or rigid equipment predicted by the proposed formula are far more accurate than the values predicted by the design code and are very close to the ones obtained from the time history analysis, particularly for low-frequency equipment. This indicates that the formula is particularly suitable for low-frequency equipment, such as base-isolated, slender or pipeline-type equipment.
摘要本研究說明一具反覆載重下有旗幟形自復位行為之雙核心自復位斜撐(Self-Centering Brace,簡稱SCB )之力學行為,並以斜撐實驗、有限元素分析及斜撐構架非線性動力歷時分析驗證耐震性能。文章首先說明挫屈束制斜撐(BRB)的耐震行為,並以此介紹新發展的雙核心SCB 在反覆載重下之自復位力學消能行為,雙核心SCB 試驗驗證在2.5%層間位移角下可保持良好的耐震行為,拉力構件最大應變為1.3%、最大軸力可達1300kN。本研究也利用有限元素分析進一步驗證雙核心SCB 試驗中觀察到的力學行為及遲滯迴圈反應,並以16 組雙核心SCB 模型進行參數研究,觀察不同拉力構件材料、尺寸、初始預力與摩擦力下之雙核心SCB 反應。為進一步地瞭解自復位斜撐系統的耐震性能,本研究設計含BRB 及雙核心SCB 的三種不同高度的挫屈束制斜撐構架(BRBF)及自復位斜撐構架(SCBF),由非線性動力歷時分析設計地震層級(DBE)、最大地震層級(MCE)與近斷層地震對兩種斜撐構架的耐震反應,非線性動力歷時分析結果顯示SCBF 相較於BRBF 在地震作用下有較小的層間側位移角與殘餘變形角。
TitleSeismic Performance of Steel Dual-Core SCBs and Braced Frames with BRBs and SCBs
AuthorChung-Che Chou, Ying-Chuan Chen, Dinh-Hai Pham, Vu-Minh Truong, Ping-Ting Chung
KeywordsDual-core self-centering brace (SCB), Buckling-restrained brace (BRB), Cyclic test, Non-linear time history analysis of frames, Residual deformation
AbstractA new steel dual-core self-centering brace(SCB) is developed in Taiwan to have a flag-shaped re-centering hysteretic response under cyclic loads. Axial deformation capacity of the brace is doubled by serial deformations of two sets of tensioning elements arranged in parallel. In this paper, the mechanics of the new brace is first explained, followed by testing one SCB to evaluate its cyclic performance. Finite element analysis is conducted on the specimen to verify the mechanics and hysteretic responses observed in the test. Finite element analyses are also performed on other 16 dual-core SCBs to evaluate how tensioning element types, initial PT force, and friction force affect the cyclic performance of the brace. Additionally, three braced frames of varying heights are designed using two bracing members, SCBs and buckling-restrained braces (BRBs). Nonlinear time history analyses are conducted on these braced frames to obtain seismic demands under both design and maximum considerable levels of earthquake motions and near-field motions. SCB frames generally exhibit a smaller peak interstory drift and residual drift than BRB frames.
TitleRelationship between Damage States and Load-displacement Curves of RC and Confined Masonry Buildings
AuthorYi-Hsuan Tu, Hwa-Wan Wang, and Lai-Ching Ao
Keywordsearthquake damage, load-displacement curve, reinforced concrete, confined masonry
AbstractAn earthquake damage evaluation procedure that is objective and easy to use for low-rise RC and confined masonry buildings is presented in this paper. The procedure is established by reviewing several existing procedures and integrating their merits. The accuracy of the procedure and its capability of distinguishing the medium damage states were verified by questionnaires to professionals in former research. It was found that the procedure can produce more accurate and conservative result than subjective judgment. In this paper, the procedure is applied to in-situ test and shaking table test specimens to validate the rationality of the evaluation factors and compared with the current damage evaluation procedure used in Taiwan. The comparison shows that the procedure is reasonable and consistent to the current procedure. The relationship between the determined damage states and the load-displacement curve is then summarized from the validation.