標題 | 低矮型 RC 建築物之震後耐震性能評估方法研究 |
作者 | 邱建國、宋欣芳、邱聰智 |
關鍵字 | 殘餘耐震性能、損傷等級、折減因子 |
摘要 | 為量化鋼筋混凝土(RC)柱構件的震後殘餘耐震性能,本文採用先前靜力、動力加載以及「太平洋地震工程研究中心結構性能數據庫(PEER)」所得的柱構件試驗研究結果所獲得之強度、勁度和能量消散的折減因子,並應用非線性鉸修正方法,提出針對震損低矮型RC建築物殘餘耐震性能的初步與詳細評估方法。另在案例研究中選擇一棟實際的震損建築物,以展示震後受損RC建築物的殘餘耐震性能評估方法的應用。 |
Title | Study on a Post-earthquake Seismic Performance Evaluation Method for Low-rise RC buildings |
Author | Chien-Kuo Chiu, Hsin-Fang Sung, Tsung-Chih Chiou |
Keywords | residual seismic capacity, damage level, reduction factor. |
Abstract | To quantify the post-earthquake residual seismic capacity of reinforced concrete (RC) column members, the static-cyclic loading and dynamic loading experimental results obtained in previous work, and the “Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center Structural Performance Database (PEER)” are used to obtain reduction factors of strength, stiffness and energy dissipation. This work also applies the method of the modified nonlinear hinge and proposes the preliminary and detailed seismic performance assessment method for the residual seismic performance of earthquake-damaged RC buildings. In the case study, this work selects one actual earthquake-damaged building to display the post-earthquake assessment of seismic performance for a damaged RC building. |
標題 | 校舍補強工程經費之影響因素分析 |
作者 | 楊元森、彭筠婷、黃羽璇、 邱聰智、鍾立來、黃世建 |
關鍵字 | 校舍耐震補強、翼牆、擴柱、剪力牆、工程經費 |
摘要 | 我國中小學校舍補強計畫從民國九十八年累積至今,已經普查了三萬多棟校舍建物,其中累積的補強案例資料具有相當大的分析價值。三萬多棟校舍所累積的評估資料及工程報告複雜且龐大,透過耐震補強資料庫得以妥善記錄補強各階段之資料。本研究依據校舍耐震補強資料庫,分析單價與地區、補強工法及耐震容量提升程度之關係,期能作為未來估算耐震補強工程經費之參考依據。 本研究針對校舍補強資料庫資料,在分析上分別藉由地區、工法以及耐震容量提升程度進行補強工程經費影響因素分析。影響補強工程經費的因素眾多,本文僅透過資料庫的資料探討單價與上述三種因素之間的關係。在校舍補強工法使用次數統計中,翼牆、擴柱及剪力牆為最常使用的補強方式,相較之下其它補強方式則為少數。本研究主要以翼牆、擴柱及剪力牆三種補強方式進行初步分析。 |
Title | Construction cost analysis of school building seismic retrofit |
Author | Yuan-Sen Yang,Yun-Ting Peng,Yu-Hsuan Huang, Tsung-Chih Chiou, Lap-Loi Chung, Shyh-Jiann Hwang |
Keywords | school building seismic retrofit, wing wall, RC jacketing, shear wall, construction cost |
Abstract | The cases in the school building seismic retrofit have significant values for data analysis. The school building seismic retrofit data has been accumulated since 2009. More than 30,000 school building structures have been generally surveyed. More than 17,000 of them were preliminarily evaluated, and more than 10,000 of them which had significant risk of damage from earthquakes were evaluated. More than 6,000 of them have been retrofitted. As long as the analysis results are properly utilized, we will have more comprehensive understanding of construction cost, as well as potential for improving the administrative processes. Based on the aforementioned database, this research analyzed the factors affecting the construction cost based on school locations, retrofit methods, and seismic capacity increment. In the statistics of the use of school building retrofit methods, it is found that wing walls, RC jacketing, and shear walls are the most commonly used retrofit methods. There are many factors that affect the project cost. This article studied the relationship between the retrofit cost and the above three factors through the data analysis. |
標題 | 考慮近斷層脈衝影響之隔震設計-以臺北盆地為例 |
作者 | 楊甯凱、黃尹男、劉勛仁、趙書賢 |
關鍵字 | 近斷層地震、隔震、鉛心橡膠支承墊、非線性動力歷時分析、強地動模型 |
摘要 | 近斷層脈衝型震波因為含有中長週期速度脈衝,已為隔震結構之有效性帶來挑戰。然而台灣建築結構耐震設計規範並未提供具體作法來考慮脈衝型震波對隔震系統之影響,若因為脈衝型地震有可能造成隔震器過大位移而無法在近斷層區域採用,影響將十分重大。 本文提出一套流程將脈衝型地震的影響合理地納入隔震系統之設計,此設計流程不更動現行法規要求,建議以現行耐震設計規範公告之設計反應譜進行隔震系統之初步設計,再輔以定值法建立之脈衝地震檢核反應譜以及適當選取之脈衝型地震紀錄,透過非線性動力歷時分析進行隔震系統及上部結構之性能檢核。本文並以一棟位於臺北盆地的15層韌性抗彎鋼構建築為例,考慮山腳斷層發生規模7.3並產生長週期脈衝之地震,說明如何以本文提出之流程進行隔震系統之設計,包括檢核反應譜之建立、地震紀錄之選取與縮放、以及隔震系統及上部結構之性能檢核。 |
Title | Design of base-isolation systems subjected to pulse-like ground motions |
Author | Ning-Kai Yang,Yin-Nan Huang,Hsun-Jen Liu, Shu-Hsien Chao |
Keywords | Near-Fault Ground Motions; Base Isolation; Lead-Rubber Bearings; Non-Linear Response-History Analysis; GMPE |
Abstract | Modernbuilding codes do not provide clearguidelineson the design of base-isolation systems against pulse-like ground motions, which may produce excessive displacement demand for isolators and endanger the systems. A procedureis proposed in this paper to address the impact of pulse-like ground motionson isolation systems. The procedure involves 1) the development of an “evaluation spectrum” using newly developed Taiwan ground motion prediction equations and a model for the ratio of spectral accelerations of pulse-like to non-pulse ground motions, and 2) selection and scaling of pulse-like records for nonlinear response-history analysis of the isolated building of interest. This paper presents an example of a 15-story steel special moment resisting frame isolated using lead-rubber bearings to demonstrate the proposed procedure. |
標題 | 國道高速公路橋梁採隔震與基礎置換之耐震補強規劃設計 |
作者 | 陳吟亘、蕭天任、吳明興、彭康瑜、陳國隆 |
關鍵字 | 系統補強、隔震支承、換底工法 |
摘要 | 國內橋梁設計規範自民國76年版起,經過??耐震設計規範的改版更新,地震力多有提昇,為使既有橋梁符合現行規範之耐震能力標準,國道高速公路局自民國88年921集集地震後,持續推動橋梁耐震能力詳細評估,針對耐震能力不足者,分期辦理耐震補強工程。 橋梁基礎補強之工程經費較高,故優先採用「系統補強」的策略,研擬隔震或減震方案,當既有上部結構與橋墩之接合為故固接時,無法直接增設隔震支承,本文以國道3號高速公路「東山服務區跨越橋」為例,說明既有固接橋墩增設隔震支承之設計考量重點及方法。另外,部份橋梁有於河川行水區設置直接基礎的情形,因環境變遷與河床逐年下降,恐有基礎板底部承載層沖蝕疑慮,為一併辦理橋梁基礎耐震與耐洪能力的提昇,可考慮採用基礎置換工法(或稱換底工法),本文第二部份以國道3號高速公路「梅林溪排水橋」為例,說明直接基礎置換為樁基礎之施工步驟及方法。 |
Title | Seismic Isolation Retrofit and Foundation Replacement of Freeway Bridge |
Author | Yin-Xuan Chen,Tien-Jen Hsiao,Ming-Shing Wu, Kang-Yu Peng, Guo-Long Chen |
Keywords | system of retrofit method, seismic isolator, foundation replacement method |
Abstract | Taiwan’s bridge seismic design specifications have evolved several version from 1987. In order to meet the seismic requirements under newest version specification. Freeway Bureau, MOTC has started existing bridge seismic capability evaluation and retrofitted after Chi-Chi Earthquake in 1999. Because foundation retrofitting are expansive, we prefer to use “system retrofit method”. Conduct the feasibility studies on seismic isolation and damping devices. While the superstructure and pier are rigid connected, isolation bearing can’t install directly. An example of this is “Dong-Shan Bridge”. In this study, we explain the design considerations and methods of adding seismic isolation bearing to existing rigid piers. Furthermore, there are some cases where the spread foundation base will be scouring. An example of this is “Mei-Lin Bridge”. In order to increase earthquake and flood resistance at the same time. We use foundation replacement method to make spread foundation replace to pile foundation.. |
標題 | 鄰近活動斷層耐震能力評估與補強-以嘉南大圳北幹一號橋為例 |
作者 | 高墀修、蕭天任、吳明興、彭康瑜、陳國隆 |
關鍵字 | 隔震橋、近斷層效應、耐震能力評估與補強、液態黏滯性阻尼器(FVD) |
摘要 | 隨著隔震技術的發展推廣,國內部分橋梁開始採用隔震支承作為其抗震的選擇,從早期第二高速公路的部份橋梁,到1999年921集集地震後遭到破壞的一些公路橋梁重建,隔震技術在國內橋梁工程的應用已將近三十年。交通部頒「公路橋梁設計規範」(97年)亦新增「隔震與消能設計」章節。由於鄰近活動斷層之地震,通常具有較長週期的脈衝震波,隔震橋亦具有較長振動周期特性,隨著經濟部中央地質調查所公告第一類活動斷層的增加,位於鄰近活動斷層之既有隔震橋,在近斷層地震波作用下,可能造成共振現象,產生超出原設計預期之較大變位。 本文以位在國3白河新化段的嘉南大圳北幹線一號排水橋為研究案例,利用隔震支承原型試驗結果,建立隔震橋梁分析模型,以探討一般遠域地震及近域地震對此隔震橋梁的影響與可行補強方法。研究結果顯示,因耐震規範地震力的改變,在一般遠域地震下,隔震支承即可能超出原設計位移量,而在近域地震下,當脈衝震波週期接近隔震橋梁振動週期時,位移將更加放大。經檢討研究,該橋之耐震補強方法,採用保留既有隔震支承,加裝液態黏滯性阻尼器(FVD),增加整體橋梁系統阻尼,以降低隔震支承位移反應。 |
Title | Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of the Isolated Bridge near Active Faults: Chianan Irrigation, Beigan No. 1 bridge |
Author | Chih-Siou Gao, Tien-Jen Hsiao, Ming-Shing Wu,Kang-Yu Peng,Guo-Long Chen |
Keywords | Isolated bridge, Near-fault effect, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit, Fluid Viscous Damper |
Abstract | With the development of the seismic isolation technology in Taiwan, Seismic isolation bearing has been used in some bridges to resist earthquakes. Since the construction of freeway NO.3 and the reconstruction of the bridge damaged by Chi-Chi earthquake,isolation technology has been used in three decade.MOTC also added a chapter “Seismic Isolation and Energy Dissipation Design” to “Specification for Seismic Design of Highways and Bridges” (2008).But the pulses in the near fault ground motion have a large displacement response which is exceed the design displacementon isolated bridges due to their long period property. Take “Chia-nan Irrigation Channel No.1 Bridge” for example. We studied the effects of earthquakes near and far fault region on seismic behavior of isolated bridge, and suggest the retrofit method. This research shows that resultant displacement of the existing seismic isolated bearings may exceed the design displacement under the far-fault earthquake due to the seismic force increased.Furthermore, the resultant displacement will be much larger under the near-fault earthquake when the period of the isolated bridge is closed to the pulse period.Finally, we install fluid viscous damper (FVD) to increase the overall bridge system damping and to reduce the displacement response of the seismic isolated bearing. |
標題 | 以資料庫回歸台灣混凝土潛變預測公式並應用於預力橋梁長期變位分析 |
作者 | 廖文正、高健鈞、黃禾程、黃炳勳、蔣啟恆 |
關鍵字 | 資料庫、長期變形、潛變、預力橋梁、預力損失 |
摘要 | 本研究統整台灣近40年的試驗資料並建立「台灣混凝土收縮與潛變資料庫」,並比較國內外資料庫後,發現台灣混凝土有漿體量高、低水灰比、低粒料勁度等特性,若直接套用國外預測式將不保守。故選用Bažant的Model B4為預測公式之基礎,對以上參數進行本土化修正,提出台灣普通混凝土之預測式。另外,近年來混凝土常添加卜作嵐材料,本研究將普通混凝土預測式延伸,針對添加卜作嵐材料之混凝土再進一步修正。混凝土潛變行為對於長跨預力橋梁長期變形影響甚鉅,為比較本土化與國外收縮潛變預測公式對橋梁長期變形的差異,本研究使用MIDAS Civil建立預力橋梁模型,套用國內外預測模型並比較分析結果,發現國外預測模型有嚴重低估變位與預力損失的現象,實務上若直接套用國外規範進行設計將會錯估使用年限與結構長期變位。 |
Title | Regression of Creep Prediction Formula of Concrete in Taiwan Basedon Database Analysisandits Applicationon Prestressed Concrete Bridge |
Author | Wen-Cheng LIAO, Ho-Cheng HUANG, Jian-Jyun GAO , Ping-Hsun HUANG , Jumbo C.H. CHIANG |
Keywords | Database, Long-term deformation, Creep,Prestressed concretebridge,Prestress loss |
Abstract | This research integrates the test data of the past 40 years in Taiwan and establishes the “Shrinkage and Creep Database in Taiwan”. After comparing the domestic and foreign database, it is found that concrete in Taiwan has high cementitious material content, low water-cement ratio, and low aggregate stiffness, and it is not conservative if the foreign prediction model is directly applied. Therefore, Bažant’s Model B4 was selected as the basis of the prediction model, and the above parameters were localized and revised, and the prediction model of Taiwan ordinary concrete was proposed. In addition, this study extends the prediction model of ordinary concrete and revises the concrete with pozzolanic materials. Creep of concrete has a great influence on the long-term deformation of long-span prestressed bridges. In order to compare the difference between the domestic and foreign shrinkage and creep prediction models on the long-term deformation of the bridge, this study uses MIDAS Civil to establish a prestressed concrete bridge, and compares the analysis results between domestic and foreign prediction models. It is found that the foreign prediction models have seriously underestimated the deformation and prestress loss. |