第三十四卷第一期 (期別133) (108年)
標題 | 雙向鋼板剪力牆邊界梁柱耐震設計與分析研究 |
作者 | 楊依璇、黃彤、李昭賢、蔡青宜、蔡克銓 |
關鍵字 | 三維鋼板剪力牆、邊界柱、容量設計、軸彎剪互制、有限元素模型分析、合成梁 |
摘要 | 針對雙向鋼板剪力牆底層角落邊界柱須抵抗兩正交向剪力牆之作用,本研究利用過去研究所提單向剪力牆底層邊界柱設計方法,考量雙向構架及鋼板共同造成之彎矩、剪力及軸力互制關係,設定底層柱塑鉸高程在0.3倍柱高,提出雙向鋼板剪力牆邊界柱設計方法。為驗證所提之設計方法,本研究利用四組兩層L 型平面之雙向鋼板剪力牆有限元素模型進行分析,分析結果顯示,所提設計方法可準確預測底層受壓邊界柱之雙向彎矩需求分佈與塑鉸發生位置。此外箱型邊界柱須承受與柱面垂直之鋼板拉力場作用力,柱面板厚不足時可能導致局部非線性變形,本研究亦探討雙向鋼板剪力牆交界處邊界箱型柱面外受拉力與變形之關係,並提出耐震設計方法。鋼板剪力牆頂層邊界梁構件須承受下方鋼板下拉力引致之正彎矩,本研究以有限元素分析探討邊界鋼寬翼梁與混凝土樓板合成之行為,分析結果顯示當合成梁受來自鋼梁下方之鋼板拉力,混凝土樓板與鋼梁之共同作用行為並不明顯,因此本研究建議設計時應保持一般鋼寬翼斷面梁之設計方法,僅考量鋼骨之彎矩強度。 |
Title | Seismic design and analysis on boundary elements in bidirectional steel plate shear walls |
Author | Yi-Hsuan Yang, Tung Huang, Chao-Hsien Li, Ching-Yi Tsai, Keh-Chyuan Tsai |
Keywords | bi-directional steel plate shear walls, capacity design, axial, shear and flexural interaction, finite element model analysis, composite beam |
Abstract | The aim of this research is to propose a seismic design method for the corner vertical boundary elements (VBEs) in bidirectional steel plate shear walls (SPSWs) through a series of analytical and experimental studies. The VBEs at the intersection of bidirectional SPSWs must sustain the force demands induced from the two SPSWs simultaneously. The column axial force, bi-directional moments and shears are incorporated in the proposed procedures in computing the reduced column flexural capacities. The location of the bottom column flexural hinge is set at an elevation of 0.3 times the first story column height in order to achieve both performance and economy goals. In this paper, the effectiveness of the proposed design method is verified by four two-story L-shape bidirectional SPSW finite element model (FEM) analyses. The pushover analyses on the FEMs confirm that the flexural demands and the plastic hinge locations of the bottom corner VBEs can be predicted by the proposed method. This research also investigates the effectiveness of the composite action of the concrete slab and steel beam in the SPSW’s top boundary element using FEM analysis. Analysis results show that the composite action is not pronounced since the vertical downward panel forces are applied on the beam bottom flange. |
標題 | 含鋼板阻尼器構架最佳化設計 |
作者 | 張舉虹、蔡克銓 |
關鍵字 | 鋼板阻尼器、耐震設計、容量設計、受剪挫屈、最佳化設計、抗彎構架 |
摘要 | 鋼板阻尼器(Steel Panel Damper, SPD)為三段式寬翼構件,中段為非彈性核心段,上下兩段為彈性連接段,在核心段配置加勁板,可延遲受剪挫屈的發生。在抗彎構架配置SPD,核心段腹板能反覆受剪降伏來消能,本研究利用MATLAB 最佳化工具箱,結合模擬退火法與梯度下降法成混合式演算法,考慮上下層SPD 相同且皆於梁跨中心,僅探討SPD、邊界梁與其交會區之設計,以最少SPD、加勁板、邊界梁全長、交會區疊合板與連續板總用鋼量為目標函數。SPD、加勁板、邊界梁斷面與交會區疊合板厚為設計變數;以滿足SPD、邊界梁與交會區容量設計、SPD 核心段加勁板設計及防止斷面局部與側向扭轉挫屈作為基本限制條件,研究最少用鋼量為「基本設計」。因SPD 勁度強度可分離,在固定強度下可增加勁度,然增加SPD或邊界梁勁度,皆能提升構架勁度,本研究根據反曲點取出SPD 與邊界梁十字子構架,在選定SPD 強度下,以子構架側向勁度增加50%為新增限制條件,再次進行最佳化設計,稱所得最少用鋼量為「1.5 倍勁度設計」。設計範例顯示在滿足基本限制條件下,只須增約9%用鋼量,即可達1.5 倍勁度設計。為提高勁度,主要以增加邊界梁深與腹板厚較有效,但將導致梁強度增加40%。另對梁強度增量設25%上限,發現須較基本設計增約11%用鋼量,才可得1.5 倍勁度設計。若另對梁深也設上限,須增約30%用鋼量,才可得1.5 倍勁度設計;此時梁強度為基本設計的1.2 倍。本研究也討論垂直載重對邊界梁設計之效應,並表列實際可供工程應用之最佳化SPD 與邊界梁的設計尺寸案例。 |
Title | Optimization of Steel Panel Dampers for Moment Resisting Frame Designs |
Author | Chu-Hung Chang, Keh-Chyuan Tsai |
Keywords | steel panel damper, seismic design, capacity design, shear buckling, optimization design, moment resisting frame |
Abstract | The proposed 3-segment steel panel damper (SPD) consists of one middle inelastic core (IC) and two end elastic joint (EJ) wide-flange sections. During earthquakes, the two EJs of the same cross-sectional property, are designed to remain elastic while the IC could undergo large inelastic shear deformation thereby dissipating seismic energy. In order to sustain a large deformation and delay the shear buckling of the IC web, stiffeners must be properly devised. In this study, optimization algorithm is adopted to proportion the SPDs and the boundary beams, and achieve the minimum steel weight design. It is assumed that two identical SPDs, one above and one below, are attached to the boundary beam mid-span. The MATLAB optimization toolbox combined the simulated annealing algorithm with the gradient-descent method is adopted to find the minimum steel weight design. The objective function is the total weight of the SPD, the boundary beam and the panel zone. The design variables are the sectional properties of the SPD, the boundary beam and the doubler plate thickness. Constraints include the capacity design of the SPD, boundary beam and panel zone, the stiffeners of the IC web, compact section and lateral torsional buckling limit state design requirements. The ”basic design” is the lightest sections meeting all the constraints. The lateral stiffness of the two SPDs- to-boundary beam subassembly can be enhanced by either increasing the stiffness of the SPDs or the boundary beam. As examples, the optimization designs of increasing 50% more stiffness of the subassemblies as the new constraint were conducted also. While complying with the aforementioned constraints, the steel weight is increased by about 9% to achieve a 50% more stiffened design. The stiffness of the subassemblies are found enhanced most effectively by increasing the beam depths and web thicknesses. |
標題 | 鋼造自復位挫屈束制斜撐(SC-SBRB)發展及耐震試驗 |
作者 | 周中哲、蔡文璟、鍾秉庭 |
關鍵字 | 自復位挫屈束制斜撐、反覆載重、殘餘變形、能量消散 |
摘要 | 鋼造斜撐構架具有良好的耐震性能,然而在大變形下易使建築物產生結構損壞和殘餘變形,造成震後難以修復且費用昂貴,因此本文提出一種可提升建築物抗震能力的全新鋼造自復位挫屈束制斜撐(Self-Centering Sandwiched Buckling-Restrained Brace, SC-SBRB),此種斜撐同時具有雙核心自復位斜撐的自復位能力及挫屈束制斜撐的消能能力,自復位能力是利用斜撐中的兩組拉力構件束制斜撐中的鋼受壓構件,使斜撐在大變形下具有回到零殘餘變形的能力;消能能力是利用兩組獨立分離的圍束構件以栓接方式束制斜撐中的核心構件,使得斜撐受壓不會挫屈而產生飽滿的遲滯消能。本文首先介紹兩組不同構件配置的自復位挫屈束制斜撐,說明其力學行為及抗震機制,以減少建築物受震的最大變形及殘餘變形,並於實驗室進行兩組長度7860 mm 的實尺寸斜撐試驗驗證其耐震性能,試驗結果顯示斜撐的傳力機制與理論預測相符,試驗亦證明兩組斜撐試體分別經歷共3 次反覆載重及52 圈疲勞載重測試下仍保持良好耐震能力,斜撐更可在層間側位移角2.5%而不破壞,最大軸力可達1700 kN,全部試驗的累積韌性容量可達1090-1129,超過美國耐震規範AISC (2010)的建議值200。 |
Title | Development and Seismic Tests of Steel Self-Centering Sandwiched Buckling-Restrained Braces (SC-SBRBs) |
Author | Chung-Che Chou, Wen-Jing Tsai, Ping-Ting Chung |
Keywords | Self-centering sandwiched buckling-restrained brace (SC-SBRB), Cyclic test, Residual deformation, Energy dissipation |
Abstract | Earthquake-resisting frame systems that are designed based on current seismic provisions provide life safety performance in a large earthquake, but may have significant structural damage or residual drift due to energy dissipation in designated structural members. The damage leads to difficult or expensive repairs after a large earthquake. Therefore, development of a structural system that has both energy dissipation and self-centering properties in earthquakes is needed to improve the seismic performances of buildings. This paper presents a viable solution that was validated by multiple cyclic tests of an innovative brace, called a dual-core self-centering sandwiched buckling-restrained brace (SC-SBRB). The proposed brace combines the self-centering property of a dual-core self-centering brace (DC-SCB) and the energy dissipation of a sandwiched buckling-restrained brace (SBRB) together. The dual-core SC-SBRB is essentially a DC-SCB that is positioned concentrically with a SBRB to create both the self-centering and energy dissipation properties in either tension or compression. A 7860 mm-long dual-core SCSBRB, which uses ASTM A572 Gr. 50 steel as bracing members and ASTM A416 Grade 270 steel tendons as tensioning elements, was cyclically tested six times to validate its kinematics and cyclic performance. The test program demonstrated that the proposed dual-core SC-SBRB provides stable hysteretic responses with appreciable energy dissipation, self-centering behavior and large deformation capacity before low-cycle fatigue failure of the SBRB core. |
標題 | 考量強地動特性之可變勁度隔震系統研發與應用 |
作者 | 劉政嘉、林子剛、盧煉元、蕭迦恩 |
關鍵字 | 勁度可變、速度能量、隔震系統、半主動控制、半主動控制、最佳動位能比例法 |
摘要 | 近年來,結構物隔減震研究日趨受到重視,過去的研究顯示隔減震效應無法即時判定地震類型,並針對近遠域地震特性改變以達到最佳控制效果。為了使控制效果最佳化,本研究開發一套半主動控制系統「地震能量預測比例法」(Feed-forward Predictive Earthquake Energy Analysis, FPEEA),透過量測地震主波到來前之速度,計算頻率域之能量頻譜,進而區分出近遠域地震;並結合最佳動位能比例法(Minimal Energy Weighting, MEW)決定位能權重,以有效即時控制結構反應。本研究已開發完成此半主動控制理論, 搭配槓桿式可變勁度隔震系統(Leverage-type Stiffness Controllable Isolation System, LSCIS),調整槓桿支點位置進而改變隔震層勁度,以達到最佳的隔減震效果。與過去的半主動控制律相比,本研究之控制律可達到與MEW相同之控制效果甚至更佳。實際振動台試驗結果顯示,透過速度能量判定可於主要震波來前區分出近遠域地震,達到即時控制效果。而針對近域地震情況下,更可有效降低隔震層位移,並對上部結構加速度反應有良好的控制成效。 |
Title | Development and Application of a Variable Stiffness Isolation System Considering Ground Motion Characteristic |
Author | Zheng-Jia Liu, Chia-En Hsiao, Tzu-Kang Lin, Lyan-Ywan Lu |
Keywords | Stiffness-variable, energy of velocity, isolation system, semi-active control, minimum energy weighting |
Abstract | In recent years, the research of isolation and mitigation system has become more and more important. In the traditional isolation and mitigation system, the control effect may be reduced because of unknown earthquake types. To have the best effect of response reduction, the systems have to be adaptive with the earthquake type. To achieve that, an upgraded algorithm, Feed-forward Predictive Earthquake Energy Analysis (FPEEA), is proposed by considering the energy of earthquake velocity to have the optimal response. The new algorithm quickly evaluates the velocity energy to have the optimal weighting of minimum energy weighting (MEW). With the optimal weighting of the potential energy and the kinetic energy, the PFEEA can reduce the structural responses efficiently. In order to demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithm, a single-degree-of-freedom structure is used as a benchmark in both numerical simulation and experimental verification. With predicting the optimal weighting in advance, the type of earthquake can be defined before the main shock of earthquake comes. The results have shown that the dynamic response of the structure can be effectively alleviated. Comparing to the structural responses of the MEW method, the performance of the proposed algorithm is similar to MEW or even better. The shaking table test also demonstrates the feasibility of applying the proposed algorithm in practical application. |
標題 | 生命週期考量之鋼管混凝土建築結構合理設計分析法 |
作者 | 陳振川、吳子良 |
關鍵字 | 潛變、自體收縮、乾燥潛變、鋼管混凝土、結構設計 |
摘要 | 鋼管混凝土建築結構已經成為一種常用之建築型式,其搭配自充填混凝土之內填,對於增加高層建築物之承載及勁度均有助益,並增加建築面積之有效使用。然而,現有規範及設計採用複合材料設計方式,其結構設計和所充填混凝土之潛變收縮行為及混凝土與鋼材之互制現象,則未在現有建築工程設計充分考量。本研究介紹混凝土時間變形特性及應用本土潛變預測之必要性,並提出一從生命週期考量之鋼管混凝土建築結構設計分析法,並提出設計程序與案例分析,以確保在生命週期之使用年壽期間,結構物可提供長期結構安全及服務性。 |
Title | A Life Cycle Consideration Structural Design Method for Concrete-Filled Steel Tubes Structure |
Author | Jenn-Chuan Chern, Zu-Liang Wu |
Keywords | creep, autogenous shrinkage, drying creep, CFT, structural design |
Abstract | The concrete-filled steel tubular structure has become a common structural type for buildings, which is matched with the use of self-compacting concrete, which is helpful for increasing the bearing capacity and stiffness of the high-rise building and increasing the effective use of the building area. However, the existing specifications and designs adopt the composite design method, and the structural design and the creep & Shrinkage behavior of the in-filled concrete and the interaction between concrete and steel tube are not fully considered in the existing structural design. This study introduces the time-dependent deformation characteristics of concrete and the necessity of applying local developed prediction formulas and proposes a design analysis method for concrete-filled steel tubular structures considering life cycle, and proposes design procedures and case studies to ensure the life expectancy in life cycle. During the period, the structural safety and serviceability of the structure can be ensured. |