二、 主辦單位:中華民國結構工程學會、中華民國地震工程學會、中興大學。
三、研討會日期:民國113年8月28至30日 (星期三至星期五)。
結構設計與分析群 | 地震與防災群 | 實務與法規群 |
A1.建築結構 | B1.地震工程 | C1.人才培育 |
A2.橋梁工程 | B2.性能設計 | C2.法令規範 |
A3.地下結構 | B3.評估補強 | C3.技術實務 |
A4.結構設計 | B4.減震隔震 | |
A5.軌道工程 | B5.結構實驗 | |
A6.風工程 | B6.結構監測 | |
A7.材料力學 | B7.非破壞檢測 | |
A8.電腦應用 | ||
A9.工程材料 |
S1 2024日本能登半島地震
S2 2022池上地震與2023土耳其地震之省思
S3 綠能風力發電
S4 公有市場耐震補強
S5 社會住宅
S6 多功能自適性隔減震構造系統
S7 近斷層地震橋梁耐震及防災工程技術
S8 高強度鋼筋混凝土 (New RC) 結構
S9 老舊私有建築物耐震能力提升技術與策略
Sa 隔震建築物全生命週期
Sb 先進結構監測與診斷之應用
Sc 建築物耐久性能診斷與修復
日 期 | 說 明 |
2024.03.04 | 線上報名與上傳長摘要 |
2024.05.17 | 長摘要上傳截止 |
2024.06.17 | 長摘要接受通知 |
2024.08.28-30 | 舉行研討會 |
(一) 聯絡人員:李翼安、姜毓洲 教授。
(二) 聯絡電話:04-22840437分機408、399。
(三) 聯絡信箱:ncse2024@gmail.com
* 最新版RC標準圖,請至網站下載。 https://www.ncsea.org.tw/Filedown/class/
* 中華民國結構工程技師公會全國聯合會預計於民國113年3月15日(星期五)及3月17日(星期日)上午10:00,舉辦視訊會議,視訊連結另行通知。
*報名請上網填寫: https://forms.gle/2iu1UQQm7HR1oRce9
國際會議訊息 (2024年8月) International Bridge Seismic Workshop
4th International Bridge Seismic Workshop (4IBSW)
Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
11-14 August 2024
Invitation and Call For Paper
Hosted by International Association of Bridge Earthquake Engineering (IABEE)
Professor David Lau, Professor of Civil Engineering, Carleton University, Canada
Bijan Khaleghi, IABEE Chair, Associate Research Professor, Florida International University, USA
Important Dates:
Abstract due date: 4/15/2024
Abstract acceptance notification date: 5/15/2024
Full paper/extended abstract due date: 6/15/2024
中文網址: 第三十八卷第四期 (期別150) (112年)
英文網址: Vol.38/No.4 (150) (2023)
若有任何意見歡迎 email 至 csse@csse.org.tw。
Vol.38/No.4 (150) (2023)
Vol.38/No.4 (150) (2023)
Title | Study on analysis of a reinforced concrete portal frame retrofitted with an elliptically hollow steel frame infilled with rubber cylinders |
Author | Chia-Chuan Hsu,Chia-Wei Hsu,Hsiao-Hui Hung, Kuang-Wu Chou,Chin-Kuo Su,Yu-Chi Sung |
Keywords | near-fault ground motion, seismic retrofit, RC frame, steel oval hollow section, rubber, equivalent brace |
Abstract | This study proposes an analysis procedure for engineers to apply a new method of retrofitting a reinforced concrete frame. This retrofitting method uses an elliptically hollow member, which is created with a steel frame infilled with rubber cylinders. This method enables rapid retrofitting construction and could help the retrofitted structure bear more loadings, resist strong earthquakes, and recenter, without sacrificing too much space for usage. Moreover, applying this method could effectively reduce structural damage caused by near-fault earthquakes. The proposed analysis procedure separates the three-dimensional finite element modeling of such a complex retrofitting member from the frame analysis that engineers need to perform for design. A retrofitting member alone gets detailed finite element modeling and pushover analysis to create a brace that can equivalently represent the retrofitting member in the frame analysis of the retrofitted RC frame. The comparison of the structural analysis result and the experiment result shows the proposed analysis procedure can prudently predict the behavior of a retrofitted RC frame with acceptable bias. |
Title | Flexural Behavior of Steel Beam-to-Column Connections with Concrete as Fire Protection Material |
Author | Cheng-Cheng Chen, Pin-Da Wu and Chen-Wei Fan |
Keywords | steel structure, steel girder, beam-to-column connection, steel reinforced concrete structure, fire protection layer |
Abstract | The mechanical properties of steel are greatly affected by high temperature; thus, steel structure buildings need to have appropriate fire protection measures to prevent premature collapse of buildings in the event of fire. In some cases, steel structure buildings use concrete as fireproofing material. Although longitudinal and transverse steel bars are also provided as auxiliary reinforcements, but the strength that can be contributed by these steel bars is not considered in the strength calculation during design process. In engineering practice, this kind of structure is known as SC structure. In this study, five beamcolumn sub-assemblage was tested under cyclic loading to investigate the influence of SC beam structural details on beam strength, ductility, and crack development. The test results show that the use of reduced beam section beamtocolumn connection detailing is necessary since it can significantly increase the flexural ductility of the SC beams. The SC beams can develop the full composite action even though without using any shear stud. The use of isolation layer between beam flange and concrete in plastic hinge region is not necessary since it only slightly increase the plastic rotation capacity of the SC beams but causes larger crack in the concrete at the beam-to-column interface. The auxiliary longitudinal rebar is provided up to the face of box column and the use of 90° hooks are not recommended since it will cause additional cracks. The local buckling of the auxiliary longitudinal rebar can be effectively avoided when the distance between the rebar is less than ten times of its diameter. |
Title | Study on New Retrofit Methods for an Reinforced Concrete Beam with the Opening |
Author | Chien-Kuo Chiu ,Min-Yuan Cheng, Yu-Chen Ou, Sheng-Huei Wang, Jie-Cih Jhou, Yin-Yi He |
Keywords | Reinforced concrete beam, plastic hinge, opening, retrofitting method, one-piece double-square hoop, inclined U-shape stirrup, strength, deformation capacity |
Abstract | To prevent a reinforced concrete (RC) beam member from undergoing shear failure instead of flexural failure or flexure-shear failure under earthquakes, it is generally not recommended to make the opening within a region extending twice the beam depth from the face of the support column toward the central position of the span of the beam. However, in recent years, for actual requirements of the pipeline configuration, the problems of arranging the openings in the plastic hinge zone of an RC beam member have been already faced in the design and construction. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a set of design guidelines for the retrofit of the openings in the plastic hinge zone of an RC beam member. A total of nine specimens are tested in this study. The main test variables include: (1) opening location, (2) retrofitting methods of the openings. All specimens are subjected to cyclic lateral load. This work investigates the crack development and mechanical behavior of reinforced concrete beams with the circular openings, and provide the novel retrofitting methods with one-piece double-square hoops and inclined U-shape stirrups for the beams with circular openings. The experimental results are used to to verify the effectiveness of the proposed retrofitting methods. Additionally, based on the experimental results, this work also investigates the application of the design formulas that are recommended from AIJ-1999 and AIJ-2010 for an RC beam with the opening. |
Title | Shear Strength Design for Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls of Dual System |
Author | Shyh-Jiann Hwang, Shao-Kai Huang, Pu-Wen Weng, Yu-Chen Ou, Ming-Huoy Huang |
Keywords | Dual system, Reinforced concrete, Shear strength design, Shear wall, Softened strut-and-tie model. |
Abstract | Past earthquake reconnaissance already demonstrated that the reinforced concrete dual system, which consists of ductile moment resisting frames and shear walls, is one of the most effective earthquake resisting systems. A dual system can provide the 2nd line of defense when shear walls are coupled with frames. In seismic design, the 2nd line of defense is a secure protection against impulsive earthquakes. The shear walls of the dual system provide a continuity over height, which effectively prevent the story sway mechanism and provide uniform and reduced lateral drift resulting in a better damage control. The new building design code of Civil 401-110 requires the shear capacity design of the special shear wall. After the inclusion of the over-strength effect and the dynamic amplification factor, the shear strength demand can be doubled or even tripled, which leads to the shear walls with highly improbable thickness. This strict demand will hamper the application of the dual system in seismic design. This problem should be resolved. A feasible solution to overcome this difficulty is to adopt the dual system with the shear walls designed by the strut-and-tie method. The structural walls of the dual system are equipped with substantial boundary members appearing as both beams and columns, which create a special shear force transferring mechanism within the framed squat walls. The framed squat walls possess very high shear resisting capacities, which can effectively reduce the thickness of shear walls, if well designed by the strut-and-tie method. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the merits of the dual system and to promote its application in seismic design. The content of this paper includes the requirements of the new building design code, the softened strut-and-tie model, the shear strength design of framed squat walls of the dual system, design verification using Japanese shaking table tests, design suggestions for shear wall and the related case study. |
Title | Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Viscoelastic Damping Wall under Shanchiao Fault Earthquakes |
Author | Chung-Che Chou, Jian-Lin Lai, Kuan-Hua Chen, Shu-Hsien Chao |
Keywords | viscoelastic damping wall, lever viscoelastic damping wall, Shanchiao fault, near-fault effect, nonlinear response time history analysis |
Abstract | Viscoelastic damping wall (VEW) is a common velocity-dependent energydissipating device, which is used to reduce the lateral deformation of building frames in small earthquake or wind loadings. Its allowable deformation is smaller than the displacement-dependent energy-dissipating device so that VEW is unable to reduce the earthquake response under large earthquakes. The lever viscoelastic damping wall (LVEW) is a new velocity-dependent and displacement-dependent energy dissipating device, which is composed of viscoelastic and frictional damping in one single device. Under small or service level earthquakes, the LVEW could amplify its interstory drift by using a leverage mechanism so it can amplify the shear deformation and energy dissipation of a viscoelastic mechanism to reduce the frame response. Under large earthquakes, the stopper in the LVEW limits the deformation of viscoelastic damper, and activates frictional damping for energy dissipation. In this study, 8-story and 14-story reinforced concrete (RC) buildings with moment-resisting frames and shear walls were designed, representing a fundamental period of 1.0 second and 1.8 seconds. The frames were added with the traditional viscoelastic damping wall (VEW) and the leveraged viscoelastic damping wall (LVEW) for studying their seismic response. The building site was assumed to be located in Taipei Zone 1, close to the Shanchiao fault so the analysis was conducted by using acceleration time histories obtained based on the movement of Shanchiao fault. The work was focused on investigating the seismic response of RC frames with VEWs or LVEWs under Shanchiao fault ground motions. |
第三十八卷第四期 (期別150) (112年)
第三十八卷第四期 (期別150) (112年)
標題 | 組合式橢圓形鋼框補強構件之分析方法研究 |
作者 | 許家銓、許家瑋、洪曉慧、周光武、蘇進國、宋裕祺 |
關鍵字 | 近斷層地震、結構補強、組合式鋼框 |
摘要 | 組合式橢圓形鋼框補強構件係由鋼框架與硫化橡膠複合而成。為一種兼具承載、耐震、使用機能、快速施工與自復位等多重功能之新型混凝土構架補強工法,可有效降低近斷層地震造成之結構損壞。此補強構件詳細分析需藉由三維有限元素法以完整考量局部力量傳遞和變形諧和關係,有限元素雖可清楚掌握各元件發展情形,但分析時間成本及評估技巧較為繁重。為使設計者能快速掌握本補強工法箇中關鍵以利於投入實務應用,本研究先進行嚴謹的有限元素分析,再透過實驗與分析結果比對,提出一套簡化分析流程。本研究先進行組合式橢圓形鋼框補強構件之設計理念概述,簡述本補強構件研發過程所進行之試體規劃、實驗過程及補強成效,再詳述複雜的三維有限元素法分析流程,同時將其所得成果與補強構架試驗結果進行比較,以確認整體結構構件之特性,再建構梁柱系統搭配斜撐的簡易分析方式,從中求取快速分析要點。根據結果顯示,本研究所提組合式橢圓形鋼框補強工法及其簡易評估流程,已可達到快速補強混凝土構架之功用,並可求得不失準確且保守的分析結果,希冀相關研究成果可為本土結構物耐震補強帶來新工法和新思維。 |
Title | Study on analysis of a reinforced concrete portal frame retrofitted with an elliptically hollow steel frame infilled with rubber cylinders |
Author | Chia-Chuan Hsu,Chia-Wei Hsu,Hsiao-Hui Hung, Kuang-Wu Chou,Chin-Kuo Su,Yu-Chi Sung |
Keywords | near-fault ground motion, seismic retrofit, RC frame, steel oval hollow section, rubber, equivalent brace |
Abstract | This study proposes an analysis procedure for engineers to apply a new method of retrofitting a reinforced concrete frame. This retrofitting method uses an elliptically hollow member, which is created with a steel frame infilled with rubber cylinders. This method enables rapid retrofitting construction and could help the retrofitted structure bear more loadings, resist strong earthquakes, and recenter, without sacrificing too much space for usage. Moreover, applying this method could effectively reduce structural damage caused by near-fault earthquakes. The proposed analysis procedure separates the three-dimensional finite element modeling of such a complex retrofitting member from the frame analysis that engineers need to perform for design. A retrofitting member alone gets detailed finite element modeling and pushover analysis to create a brace that can equivalently represent the retrofitting member in the frame analysis of the retrofitted RC frame. The comparison of the structural analysis result and the experiment result shows the proposed analysis procedure can prudently predict the behavior of a retrofitted RC frame with acceptable bias. |
標題 | 含混凝土防火層鋼結構梁柱接頭之受撓行為 |
作者 | 陳正誠、吳品達、范晨緯 |
關鍵字 | SC 結構、SC 梁、鋼結構梁柱接頭、鋼骨鋼筋混凝土、混凝土防火層 |
摘要 | 鋼材機械性質受高溫的影響很大,因此鋼結構房屋需要有適當的防火措施,防止火災發生時建築物過早倒塌。有些鋼結構建築物以混凝土作為防火材,並配置縱向及橫向輔助鋼筋,且設計時不計入混凝土及鋼筋可能提供之強度,工程實務上稱此為SC 結構。本文以5 組大尺寸梁-柱子結構試體之反復載重試驗,探討SC 梁結構細部對韌性、強度及裂縫發展之影響。試驗結果顯示:(1)H 型鋼梁翼板施作韌性切削對SC 梁之撓曲韌性有顯著的幫助,SC 梁之塑性轉角容量皆達3% rad 以上,符合耐震所需;(2)對梁塑性鉸區之翼板與混凝土間設置握裹隔離裝置,可以提升梁塑性轉角容量約16%,但梁柱交界面處之裂縫寬度在彈性範圍達到9 mm,在試驗結束時達39 mm,明顯偏大;(3)雖然翼板與混凝土間之握裹隔離裝置可以提升梁塑性轉角容量,但是裂縫寬度過大,且未設置握裹隔離裝置之試體仍然擁有耐震所需之塑性轉角容量,因此設置握裹隔離裝置的必要性低;(4)雖然H 型鋼梁與混凝土間未配置剪力釘,但是SC 梁中之H 型鋼梁與混凝土基本上可發展出完全合成之彎矩強度;(5)縱向輔助鋼筋延伸至鋼箱型柱面,若採用90°彎鉤錨定,會於柱混凝土面產生額外的裂縫,因此縱向輔助鋼筋延伸至鋼箱型柱面處直接截斷即可,不需採用彎鉤錨定;(6)縱向輔助鋼筋在壓力側可發展出87%之降伏應力,根據本試驗之經驗,梁塑性鉸區輔助箍筋之間距限制在10 倍縱向輔助鋼筋直徑以內,可以有效避免縱向輔助鋼筋受壓挫屈,此經驗可供工程實務參考。 |
Title | Flexural Behavior of Steel Beam-to-Column Connections with Concrete as Fire Protection Material |
Author | Cheng-Cheng Chen, Pin-Da Wu and Chen-Wei Fan |
Keywords | steel structure, steel girder, beam-to-column connection, steel reinforced concrete structure, fire protection layer |
Abstract | The mechanical properties of steel are greatly affected by high temperature; thus, steel structure buildings need to have appropriate fire protection measures to prevent premature collapse of buildings in the event of fire. In some cases, steel structure buildings use concrete as fireproofing material. Although longitudinal and transverse steel bars are also provided as auxiliary reinforcements, but the strength that can be contributed by these steel bars is not considered in the strength calculation during design process. In engineering practice, this kind of structure is known as SC structure. In this study, five beamcolumn sub-assemblage was tested under cyclic loading to investigate the influence of SC beam structural details on beam strength, ductility, and crack development. The test results show that the use of reduced beam section beamtocolumn connection detailing is necessary since it can significantly increase the flexural ductility of the SC beams. The SC beams can develop the full composite action even though without using any shear stud. The use of isolation layer between beam flange and concrete in plastic hinge region is not necessary since it only slightly increase the plastic rotation capacity of the SC beams but causes larger crack in the concrete at the beam-to-column interface. The auxiliary longitudinal rebar is provided up to the face of box column and the use of 90° hooks are not recommended since it will cause additional cracks. The local buckling of the auxiliary longitudinal rebar can be effectively avoided when the distance between the rebar is less than ten times of its diameter. |
標題 | 鋼筋混凝土梁穿孔補強新工法之研究 |
作者 | 邱建國、鄭敏元、羅尊仁、王勝輝、周玠慈、何胤頤 |
關鍵字 | 鋼筋混凝土梁、塑鉸、穿孔、雙方型一筆箍、U 型斜插筋、強度、 變形能力 |
摘要 | 為避免梁構材於強震作用下因剪力破壞限制其變形能力,國內結構工程技師公會全國聯合會提出之鋼筋混凝土結構標準圖[1]禁止梁構材於距柱面兩倍梁深範圍內作橫向穿孔,此範圍一般認定是塑鉸區,依土木401-110規範[2]內規定,在此範圍內須提供閉合肋筋且滿足嚴格的肋筋細部以確保該區能發展出理想的非線性反應。但國內大部分住宅單元小且機電配置的複雜性有時迫於該區域內穿孔,因為國內外對於梁塑鉸區開孔補強的相關文獻非常有限,此問題目前並沒有適當的解決方法。據此,本研究規劃九組鋼筋混凝土梁試體,期望透過實驗結果能提供更多參考資訊外也能提供一套明確的梁塑鉸區穿孔補強方式。所有試體尺寸一致,均以單曲率變形配置(懸臂梁)於自由端施加往復位移載重,主要測試變數包含:(1)穿孔位置、及(2)穿孔補強筋型式,其中穿孔補強筋包含U型斜插筋及雙方型一筆箍,探討鋼筋混凝土梁於塑鉸區穿孔補強後之力學行為及裂縫發展情況,歸納出一套可使用於塑鉸區及非塑鉸區的穿孔補強的新工法,依穿孔位置不同而建議不同補強方式,並探討日本建築學會•鋼筋混凝土建築物之韌性保證型耐震設計指針(1999)[3]及日本建築學會•鋼筋混凝土構造計算準則(2010)[4]中相關計算方式的合理性。 |
Title | Study on New Retrofit Methods for an Reinforced Concrete Beam with the Opening |
Author | Chien-Kuo Chiu ,Min-Yuan Cheng, Yu-Chen Ou, Sheng-Huei Wang, Jie-Cih Jhou, Yin-Yi He |
Keywords | Reinforced concrete beam, plastic hinge, opening, retrofitting method, one-piece double-square hoop, inclined U-shape stirrup, strength, deformation capacity |
Abstract | To prevent a reinforced concrete (RC) beam member from undergoing shear failure instead of flexural failure or flexure-shear failure under earthquakes, it is generally not recommended to make the opening within a region extending twice the beam depth from the face of the support column toward the central position of the span of the beam. However, in recent years, for actual requirements of the pipeline configuration, the problems of arranging the openings in the plastic hinge zone of an RC beam member have been already faced in the design and construction. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a set of design guidelines for the retrofit of the openings in the plastic hinge zone of an RC beam member. A total of nine specimens are tested in this study. The main test variables include: (1) opening location, (2) retrofitting methods of the openings. All specimens are subjected to cyclic lateral load. This work investigates the crack development and mechanical behavior of reinforced concrete beams with the circular openings, and provide the novel retrofitting methods with one-piece double-square hoops and inclined U-shape stirrups for the beams with circular openings. The experimental results are used to to verify the effectiveness of the proposed retrofitting methods. Additionally, based on the experimental results, this work also investigates the application of the design formulas that are recommended from AIJ-1999 and AIJ-2010 for an RC beam with the opening. |
標題 | 鋼筋混凝土二元系統剪力牆之剪力強度設計 |
作者 | 黃世建、黃紹愷、翁樸文 、歐昱辰、黃明慧 |
關鍵字 | 二元系統、鋼筋混凝土、剪力牆、剪力強度設計、軟化壓拉桿模型 |
摘要 | 歷年來的震後勘災均顯示鋼筋混凝土剪力牆系統有極佳的耐震能力,其中合併使用韌性立體剛構架與特殊剪力牆的二元系統尤其優越。例如二元系統具有剪力牆與構架兩道耐震防線,其對餘震有額外之安全保障。從地下室連續施作至屋頂的剪力牆可以排除軟弱層破壞之可能,而剪力牆勁度高、強度大的特性也可以有效保護非結構桿件不致於提前損毀。新版鋼筋混凝土設計規範要求特殊剪力牆作剪力容量設計,在引入超額強度係數與動剪力效應係數後,剪力牆之剪力強度設計需求被放大2 至3 倍。若按新版規範設計,如此高額之強度需求會要求非常厚的剪力牆,這造成建築使用上的困擾。此不利於優良耐震系統之推廣應用,實需有效之解決對策。若能善用二元系統之特性並配合壓拉桿設計方法,其應可解決上述困境。其設計構想為利用二元系統之梁柱框架,束制樓層間之牆體使其出現低矮型剪力牆之傳力行為。再以壓拉桿方法估計低矮型剪力牆較高之剪力強度,此可有效降低剪力牆之厚度,排除建築使用困難之不利限制。本文內容包含新版規範設計需求、壓拉桿設計方法、二元系統框架剪力牆之傳力機制、日本振動台試驗驗證、剪力牆設計建議,並配合案例比較說明。希望透過本文之努力,鋼筋混凝土二元系統之優越抗震性能可獲得肯定與廣泛之應用。 |
Title | Shear Strength Design for Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls of Dual System |
Author | Shyh-Jiann Hwang, Shao-Kai Huang, Pu-Wen Weng, Yu-Chen Ou, Ming-Huoy Huang |
Keywords | Dual system, Reinforced concrete, Shear strength design, Shear wall, Softened strut-and-tie model. |
Abstract | Past earthquake reconnaissance already demonstrated that the reinforced concrete dual system, which consists of ductile moment resisting frames and shear walls, is one of the most effective earthquake resisting systems. A dual system can provide the 2nd line of defense when shear walls are coupled with frames. In seismic design, the 2nd line of defense is a secure protection against impulsive earthquakes. The shear walls of the dual system provide a continuity over height, which effectively prevent the story sway mechanism and provide uniform and reduced lateral drift resulting in a better damage control. The new building design code of Civil 401-110 requires the shear capacity design of the special shear wall. After the inclusion of the over-strength effect and the dynamic amplification factor, the shear strength demand can be doubled or even tripled, which leads to the shear walls with highly improbable thickness. This strict demand will hamper the application of the dual system in seismic design. This problem should be resolved. A feasible solution to overcome this difficulty is to adopt the dual system with the shear walls designed by the strut-and-tie method. The structural walls of the dual system are equipped with substantial boundary members appearing as both beams and columns, which create a special shear force transferring mechanism within the framed squat walls. The framed squat walls possess very high shear resisting capacities, which can effectively reduce the thickness of shear walls, if well designed by the strut-and-tie method. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the merits of the dual system and to promote its application in seismic design. The content of this paper includes the requirements of the new building design code, the softened strut-and-tie model, the shear strength design of framed squat walls of the dual system, design verification using Japanese shaking table tests, design suggestions for shear wall and the related case study. |
標題 | 山腳斷層地震對鋼筋混凝土建築物配置黏彈性制震壁之耐震性能評估 |
作者 | 周中哲、賴建霖、陳冠樺、趙書賢 |
關鍵字 | 黏彈性制震壁、槓桿黏彈性制震壁、山腳斷層、近斷層效應、非線性動力歷時分析 |
摘要 | 黏彈性制震壁(Viscoelastic Damping Wall, VEW)為常見的速度型阻尼消能裝置,可用於降低小地震下造成的變形以及提升居住舒適性,但由於其變形能力相較於位移型消能裝置小,因此無法在大地震下提供減震效果。而槓桿黏彈性制震壁(Lever Viscoelastic Damping Wall, LVEW)為「速度型 + 位移型」的消能裝置,由黏彈性阻尼與摩擦阻尼組合而成,在中小度地震下,藉由槓桿原理放大層間位移,使黏彈性阻尼承受數倍剪變形而提升消能效果;在大地震下,限位裝置限制黏彈性阻尼變形,但啟動摩擦阻尼產生滑動而消散地震能量。本研究選取八層樓和十四層樓鋼筋混凝土建築物,分別代表週期1 秒至1.8 秒的結構物,並將傳統黏彈性制震壁(VEW)與槓桿黏彈性制震壁(LVEW)配置於結構物中進行非線性動力分析。結構物工址假設位於台北一區且緊鄰山腳斷層,因此採用模擬山腳斷層錯動之加速度歷時進行動力分析,探討在山腳斷層錯動之地震下槓桿黏彈性制震壁與一般黏彈性制震壁對中高樓層的鋼筋混凝土建築物的遲滯行為以及其減震效果。 |
Title | Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Viscoelastic Damping Wall under Shanchiao Fault Earthquakes |
Author | Chung-Che Chou, Jian-Lin Lai, Kuan-Hua Chen, Shu-Hsien Chao |
Keywords | viscoelastic damping wall, lever viscoelastic damping wall, Shanchiao fault, near-fault effect, nonlinear response time history analysis |
Abstract | Viscoelastic damping wall (VEW) is a common velocity-dependent energydissipating device, which is used to reduce the lateral deformation of building frames in small earthquake or wind loadings. Its allowable deformation is smaller than the displacement-dependent energy-dissipating device so that VEW is unable to reduce the earthquake response under large earthquakes. The lever viscoelastic damping wall (LVEW) is a new velocity-dependent and displacement-dependent energy dissipating device, which is composed of viscoelastic and frictional damping in one single device. Under small or service level earthquakes, the LVEW could amplify its interstory drift by using a leverage mechanism so it can amplify the shear deformation and energy dissipation of a viscoelastic mechanism to reduce the frame response. Under large earthquakes, the stopper in the LVEW limits the deformation of viscoelastic damper, and activates frictional damping for energy dissipation. In this study, 8-story and 14-story reinforced concrete (RC) buildings with moment-resisting frames and shear walls were designed, representing a fundamental period of 1.0 second and 1.8 seconds. The frames were added with the traditional viscoelastic damping wall (VEW) and the leveraged viscoelastic damping wall (LVEW) for studying their seismic response. The building site was assumed to be located in Taipei Zone 1, close to the Shanchiao fault so the analysis was conducted by using acceleration time histories obtained based on the movement of Shanchiao fault. The work was focused on investigating the seismic response of RC frames with VEWs or LVEWs under Shanchiao fault ground motions. |