第三十一卷第一期 (期別121) (105年)
標題 | 預力混凝土橋梁自動化設計繪圖全整式平台系統之開發與應用 |
作者 | 黃炳勳、宋裕祺、蔡益超、蔣啟恆、戚樹人、王俊穎、粘晉銘、賴育暘、莊耘 |
關鍵字 | 預力混凝土橋梁、視窗化平台、Visual C# .NET |
摘要 | 預力混凝土橋梁係為國內既有橋梁型式中比例最高者,設計過程須考量跨徑配置、斷面尺寸、載重組合、施工限制、鋼腱配置與施拉順序等,亦須反覆檢核縱向與橫向分析結果,相關工程設計圖說、結構計算書及數量計算等製作過程複雜且繁瑣,若得快速串聯結構分析軟體與工程繪圖軟體,並自動評估材料量體多寡且轉成報告供參,將有效加速設計作業流程並提高工作效率。有鑑於此,本文擬以預力混凝土箱型梁橋之基本設計理論與施工工法為基礎,藉由Visual C# .NET 程式及AutoCAD 二次開發技術,研發自動化輔助設計與繪圖等之全整式平台系統,所提成果冀能提供國內橋梁設計實務之參考。 |
Title | Development of Windows-Based Automatic Design and Drawing Integrated System on Prestressed Concrete Bridges |
Author | Ping-Hsun Huang, Chi-HengChiang, Shu-Jen Chi, Yu-Chi Sung, Chun-Ying Wang, Jim-Ming Nian,Yu-Yang Lai, Yun Chuang, I-Chau Tsai |
Keywords | Prestressed Concrete Bridge, Windows-based platform, Visual C# .NET |
Abstract | Prestressed concrete bridge is the commonly used type of bridges in Taiwan. According to the planning considerations of this bridge, the longitudinal and cross-section analysis results need to be checked repeatedly in the design process to determine the span lengths, cross dimensions, load combinations, working procedure restrictions, tendon profiles and tensioning sequences, etc., and the interrelated work activities of engineering drawing, structural computation statement and quantity estimation would be very complicated and cumbersome. Hence, once the civil engineering drawing software has been connected with structural analysis program, the design process can be expedited to identify sketches and quantities automatically. As a consequence, based on the basic design theory and construction methods of prestressed concrete box girder bridge, this paper aims at progressing an automatic design and drawing system performed by the Visual C# .NET programming language and further development technology of AutoCAD. As practical bridge design course, the window-based platform and devisable results presented in this paper are expected to provide a useful perception in structural engineering. |
標題 | 低矮型鋼筋混凝土剪力牆之側力位移曲線預測 |
作者 | 翁樸文、李翼安、蔡仁傑、黃世建 |
關鍵字 | 鋼筋混凝土、剪力牆、側力位移曲線、剪力強度、剪力變形、低矮型 |
摘要 | 鋼筋混凝土剪力牆為建築中常見的構件之一,其具有高強度與高勁度之特性,在地震來臨時將承受較大之剪力,因而較其它結構構件更早發生剪力破壞。所以對鋼筋混凝土剪力牆之側力位移曲線應作了解,方能充分掌握結構耐震能力評估之準確性。本文參考國家地震工程研究中心出版之校舍結構耐震評估與補強技術手冊,採用軟化壓拉桿模型,對低矮型剪力牆承受剪力破壞之情況,提出簡化之側力位移曲線建議。本文進一步引入簡化之壓拉桿指標,且根據軟化壓拉桿模型應變場估算剪力牆之剪力變形。本文建議曲線大幅簡化繁複之計算流程,其與實驗結果比對具有合理之預測結果,且與校舍技術手冊的預測精度相當。本文建議之剪力強度預測,亦可改善ACI 318-14 規範高估剪力鋼筋貢獻之問題,可合理估計構架中填充RC 牆之強度。本文提供之方法除可供耐震評估用,對於新建建築之結構設計,亦可協助工程師估計RC 隔間牆之剪力強度貢獻,進而有效評估填充RC 牆對構架耐震行為之影響。 |
Title | Lateral Load Displacement Curves of Low-Rise Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls |
Author | Pu-Wen Weng, Yi-An Li, Ren-Jie Tsai, Shyh-Jiann Hwang |
Keywords | reinforced concrete, shear wall, lateral load displacement curve, shear strength, shear deformation, low-rise |
Abstract | Reinforced concrete shear wall is commonly used as a structural member and possesses the characteristics of high stiffness and strength. During earthquake attacks, shear walls usually receive the major lateral forces and are prone to fail in shear. Therefore, prediction of the lateral load displacement curve of shear walls is essential for the seismic assessment of existing buildings. In accordance with the Technology Handbook for Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of School Buildings published by National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, this paper employs the Softened Strut-and-Tie Model to estimate the seismic behavior of low-rise shear walls. By using the simplified strut-and-tie index and shear deformation estimated from the associated strain field at peak load, the proposed curve is greatly simplified and correlates well with the available test results. The current ACI 318-14 Code over-estimates the contribution of shear strength from the shear reinforcement and the proposed model can correct this drawback. In addition to predicting the shear strength of existing shear walls, the proposed model can also provide estimation of shear strength of RC infilled walls in new construction buildings. This application can assist engineers to evaluate accurately the influence of RC infilled walls on the seismic behavior of frames. |
標題 | 全尺寸雙核心自復位斜撐及夾型挫屈束制斜撐耐震試驗 |
作者 | 周中哲、鍾秉庭、鄭宇岑 |
關鍵字 | 雙核心自復位斜撐(DC-SCB)、夾型挫屈束制斜撐(SBRB)、耐震試驗 |
摘要 | 雙核心自復位斜撐(Dual-Core Self-Centering Brace,DC-SCB)是利用斜撐中的兩組拉力構件束制斜撐中的三組鋼受壓構件,及第一核心構件與外層構件之相對位移進行摩擦消能,使斜撐受軸拉與受軸壓下提供自復位及消能能力, 即在大變形下具有回到零殘餘變形的能力; 夾型挫屈束制斜撐(Sandwiched Buckling-Restrained Brace,SBRB)則是利用兩組獨立分離的圍束構件束制斜撐中的核心構件,使得斜撐受壓不會挫屈而產生飽滿的遲滯消能。本研究主要目的為測試及比較在層間側位移角2%下有相同最大軸力設計條件之雙核心自復位斜撐(DC-SCB)和夾型挫屈束制斜撐(SBRB)的勁度、能量消散、殘餘變形及耐用性能等耐震行為,因此設計及試驗兩組7409 mm長之斜撐(DC-SCB 1 與SBRB 1)及兩組7560 mm 長之斜撐(DC-SCB 2 與SBRB2),其中DC-SCB 1 與DC-SCB 2 之拉力構件均使用D16(直徑15.24 mm)高強度鋼絞線(ASTMA416 Grade 270 Steel),此四組斜撐分別進行六次反覆載重試驗。試驗結果顯示,雙核心自復位斜撐有穩定的自復位與能量消散之能力,夾型挫屈束制斜撐有飽滿的遲滯消能,四組斜撐之耐震性能均符合AISC (2010)規範針對斜撐要求在最小層間側位移角2%前不破壞原則,更可達層間側位移角2.5%而不破壞,雙核心自復位斜撐與夾型挫屈束制斜撐之最大軸力分別可達5800 kN 與6400 kN,兩種斜撐之最大軸力拉壓差均在1.07 以下,夾型挫屈束制斜撐在六次階段試驗的累積非彈性軸向變形比(累積韌性容量) 為878~1422,均超過AISC (2010)對於挫屈束制斜撐要求之200,並也實際應用於臺灣及中國新建的建築物作為抗震消能的主要構件。 |
Title | Seismic Tests of Full-Scale Dual-Core Self-Centering Braces (DC-SCBs) and Sandwiched Buckling-Restrained Braces(SBRBs) |
Author | Chung-Che Chou, Ping-Ting Chung, Yu-Tsen Cheng |
Keywords | Dual-core self-centering brace (DC-SCB), Sandwiched buckling-restrained brace (SBRB), Seismic tests |
Abstract | This paper presentsseismic tests of full-scale dual-core self-centering braces (DC-SCBs) and sandwiched buckling-restrained braces (SBRBs). The DC-SCB has a flag-shaped hysteretic response with high axial stiffness and minimal residual deformation, exhibiting a self-centering mechanism. The SBRB like conventional BRBs has much higher energy dissipation capacity than the DC-SCB, but larger residual deformations are expected for structures equipped with SBRBs. The primary objective of the study was to conduct seismic tests that established a direct comparison basis between two DC-SCBs and two SBRBs designed with similar axial capacity and length. A total of DC-SCBs and SBRBs that were about 7.5 mlong and had maximum axial forces from 1500 to 6000 kN were tested to evaluate their cyclic behavior and durability. In general, these tests showed that the DC-SCB and SBRBexhibit robust cyclic performanceswith good deformation capacity and durability. The axial elastic and post-elastic stiffnesses of DC-SCB were around two and five times those of SBRB, indicating that DC-SCB is more effective to resist lateral forces than SBRB in structures. Some new buildings in Taiwan and China have adopted SBRBs as main earthquake-resisting members. |
標題 | 摩擦消能隔震系統於簡諧震波作用下之穩定性探討 |
作者 | 王勝宣、鍾立來、賴勇安、楊卓諺 |
關鍵字 | 摩擦消能、簡諧震波、穩定性 |
摘要 | 由摩擦消能隔震系統之等效阻尼比可知,若隔震系統位移越大,其等效阻尼比越低;因此若有一基底振動,在能量不停輸入之情況下,使摩擦消能隔震系統位移隨時間漸增,則等效阻尼比將隨時間漸減;漸減之等效阻尼比又導致往後更大之隔震位移,如此產生惡性循環,終使隔震系統消能不足,產生不穩定之現象。為探討摩擦消能隔震系統穩定性之議題,本文將上部結構視為剛體、隔震系統視為單自由度,以正弦波當作基底加速度,將運動方程式化為無因次,整理出求解流程供工程師參考,並探討設計參數對隔震系統反應指標之影響,供工程師做初步判斷。真實地震雖不會造成摩擦消能隔震系統之不穩定,然而摩擦隔震系統之等效阻尼比隨隔震層位移增加而遞減,使隔震層位移過大,工程師應仔細考量此特徵,增加其安全性。 |
Title | Dynamic Stability of Frictional Isolation Systems Excited by Simple Harmonic Waves |
Author | Sheng-Hsuan Wang, Lap-Loi Chung, Yong-An Lai, Cho-Yen Yang |
Keywords | frictional isolation systems, simple harmonic waves, dynamic stability |
Abstract | According to the equivalent damping ratio formula of frictional isolation systems, the damping ratio becomes lower as the isolation displacement gets larger. Therefore, if the excitation is a simple harmonic wave with constant amplitude and ongoing input energy, then the displacement response of isolation systems will increase with time; on the contrary, the equivalent damping ratio of isolation system will decrease with time. The relationship between isolation displacement and damping ratio will make frictional isolation systems fall into the vicious circle and become dynamic unstable finally. To investigate the issue about dynamic stability of frictional isolation systems, we assumed the super-structure is rigid and the excitation is simple harmonic, and transformed the motion equation of isolation systems into the dimensionless form. We also set the response indices to help practical engineers preliminarily estimate the isolation design. Actually, real ground excitations will not make isolation systems dynamic unstable, but the vicious circle between displacement response and equivalent damping ratio of isolation systems is undoubted. For the reason that we proposed practical engineers take the characteristic into consideration to enhance the safety of isolation design. |
標題 | 減震技術於離岸風力發電支撐結構之應用研究 |
作者 | 盧煉元、胡宣德、林子堯、林柏樺 |
關鍵字 | 離岸風機、支撐結構、減震技術、質量阻尼器、消能元件、風力發電 |
摘要 | 台灣海峽擁有全球最佳的風場之一,因此我國近年來積極發展離岸風力發電技術。而歐美地區的風力發電技術雖已十分成熟,但因台灣地處地震發生頻繁區域,對風機及其支撐結構的耐震性能要求遠較歐美為高。而我國雖有嚴格的結構耐震設計規範,但主要以確保人命安全為出發點,恐無法滿足風機結構於強震後仍能保有發電功能之耐震需求。為能同時確保震後風機之功能及安全,本文乃試圖探討使用質量阻尼器(mass damper,簡稱MD)作為風機制震系統之可行性。本文所謂MD 技術乃是於風機機艙及支承塔柱結構間安置一容許產生相對位移與消能能力之柔性減震介層,並以機艙質量作為反力質塊,如此即可藉由機艙及塔柱結構間之互制運動,使總體系統產生顯著的反共振(anti-resonant)現象,以有效降低整體系統之地震反應。MD 技術與常用之TMD (tuned mass damper)技術不同之處在於前者無需外加反力質塊,且質塊之自振頻率並不一定與原始結構之振頻調諧。本文採用16 筆震波模擬5MW 單樁式離岸風機標竿結構之地震反應。模擬結果顯示,經由參數研究可適當選取MD 之系統參數(即頻率比與阻尼比),即可同時大幅降低風機機艙之地震加速度與支撐結構之基底總剪力與彎矩。亦即,使用MD 系統不僅可提升風機支撐結構之安全,更可於強震後確保機艙內設備之發電功能,為十分有效之風機抗震方法。 |
Title | Seismic Vibration Control of Off-Shore Wind Turbines |
Author | Lyan-Ywan Lu, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Tzu-Yao Lin, Bo-Hua Lin |
Keywords | Off-shore wind turbines, seismic mitigation, mass damper, anti-resonance, energy dissipation, wind energy |
Abstract | Since Taiwan has one of the best wind-farms in the world, it is beneficial to develop renewable energy by using off-shore wind turbines. Nevertheless, since Taiwan is prone to earthquakes, the problem of seismic protection for the offshore wind turbines becomes an important issue. On the other hand, although current Taiwanese seismic design code is very stringent, it aims to ensure live safety in a major earthquake rather than the functionality of equipment in the structural system. In order to simultaneously ensure the safety and functionality of a wind turbine during a major earthquake, in this study, the possibility of using a mass damper (MD) system for mitigating the seismic response of offshore wind turbines is investigated. A MD system is established by introduced a soft and energy-dissipative layer between the nacelle and the supporting tower structure of a wind turbine. As a result, the interacting motion between the nacelle and underneath tower structure creates a significant anti-resonant phenomenon that is able to avert the seismic energy transmitted into the system. Different from a traditional tuned mass damper (TMD), the MD uses the mass of the nacelle itself as the reactive mass and its frequency may not be tuned to that of the structure. In this study, the seismic performance of a 5MW mono-pile off-shore wind turbine with the MD subjected to 16 seismic excitations is simulated. The simulation results have demonstrated that by properly selecting the MD parameters, i.e., the frequency and damping ratios, the acceleration of the nacelle and the base shear and moment of the supporting structure can be significantly reduced, as compared with a TMD-controlled or uncontrolled wind turbine. This implies that the MD technology is able to maintain the safety and functionality of a wind turbine in a major earthquake, simultaneously. |