第三十六卷第四期 (期別142) (110年)

第三十六卷第四期 (期別142) (110年)

摘要    隨著時代的演進與規範的與時俱進,既有之鋼構造建築結構亦可能耐震能力不足,需要耐震能力評估與補強。鋼構造詳細評估法為延續鋼筋混凝土建築物耐震能力詳細評估方法之原理,以容量震譜法與非線性靜力側推分析為基礎,並使用國內工程師普遍使用之 ETABS 程式進行非線性靜力側推分析。本文參考 ASCE 41-13,檢核其非線性鉸之合理性及適用性,進而修訂為本土化之非線性鉸參數。側推分析得容量曲線 (結構基底剪力與屋頂位移之關係) 後,本文進而提出其檢核之方法,包括結構之勁度 (容量曲線之斜率) 及最大基底剪力,以確認側推分析結果之合理性,避免工程師與分析程式溝通不良,繼而出現系統性之錯誤,而工程師又未能即時察覺分析結果有誤,則可能嚴重誤判評估結果,傷及結構所有權人及使用者之權益。最後,以一案例進行耐震能力之詳細評估,接著檢核評估結果,確屬合理。
TitleDetailed evaluation and its checking for seismic performance of steel building structures
AuthorLap-Loi Chung, Dan Chiao, Min-Lang Lin, Jing-Fang Liang, Tsung-Chih Chiou, Kai-Wen Deng
Keywordssteel structure, nonlinear hinge, pushover analysis, detailed evaluation method of seismic capacity
AbstractWith the evolution of the times and the development of the code, the existing steel structures may also be insufficient in earthquake resistance, which need to be evaluated and reinforced. The detailed evaluation method of steel structure is a continuation of the principle of the detailed evaluation method of seismic capacity of reinforced concrete buildings. It is based on the capacity spectrum method and nonlinear static pushover analysis by using ETABS program. In this paper, the rationality and applicability of the nonlinear hinge are checked by referring to ASCE 41-13. After the capacity curve (the relationship between the structural base shear and the roof displacement) is obtained from the pushover analysis, this paper further proposes the checking method, including the structural stiffness (the slope of the capacity curve) and the maximum base shear, so as to confirm the rationality of the pushover analysis results, and avoid the poor communication between the engineer and the analysis program, which leads to systematic errors. If the engineer fails to detect the error of the analysis result immediately, he may misjudge the evaluation result seriously. Finally, a case is used to evaluate the seismic capability in detail, and then the evaluation results are verified to be reasonable.
摘要    找出耐震能力不足及需要補強的老舊建築物為當前重要任務,但若全數進行詳細評估,工程會極為浩大、不經濟且難以實施,故本文針對中高樓層建築物提出簡易詳細評估法,該法僅考量構件之強度、破壞形式等,不須透過套裝軟體建置模型進行分析,以極限彎矩平衡法求得建築物之極限基底剪力,以此判斷其耐震能力,可提供工程師作為詳評結果的參考。本文分別透過簡易詳細評估及詳細評估方法,以實例分析中高樓層建築物,其中詳細評估方法是參考國家地震工程研究中心出版之校舍結構耐震評估與補強技術手冊所建議的方式,對建築物進行側推分析,將兩方法之分析結果進行比較,就本案例而言,簡易詳細評估方法之極限基底剪力強度及耐震性能與詳細評估結果差異不大,未來可推廣於中高樓層建物使用。
TitleSimplified Seismic Detailed Evaluation Method on Mid-to High-Rise Buildings
AuthorKai-Wen Teng, Chu-Yuan Chang, Yu-Chih Lai, Lap-Loi Chung, Tao Lai, Gin-Show Liu
Keywordsmaximum base shear, seismic evaluation, simplified seismic evaluation method
AbstractTo find out the buildings with less seismic capacity is an important issue. However, conducting detailed evaluation for all buildings will cost a lot and uneconomical. This article focuses on Simplified Seismic Detailed Evaluation for mid-rise to high-rise buildings. The method needs not to use structural analysis software to obtain the results, but only consider strength of member, failure mode, etc. The article uses Ultimate Moment Balanced Method to evaluate the maximum base shear of building and assesses the seismic ability of the building. The result of Simplified Seismic Detailed Evaluation can be reference for engineers to check with Seismic Detailed Evaluation. The article adopts both Simplified Seismic Detailed Evaluation and Seismic Detailed Evaluation for a mid-rise to high-rise building to compare the differences of two methods. The Seismic Detailed Evaluation in the article is the method provided by NCREE. The results show that the base shear and seismic ability evaluated by both two methods only with minor difference. The method can be proposed to conduct seismic evaluation on mid-rise to high-rise buildings.
摘要    本研究針對國家地震工程研究中心增建後的結構進行耐震分析。增建案是在既有的六層 RC 建築上,擴建為十三層 RC 與鋼構的複合結構;此外建築基地面積也增大以容納一樓至十三樓鋼結構服務核。舊有一樓至六樓的 RC 建築結構加厚或新增剪力牆,並採複合材料補強 RC 短梁,另外為增加結構耐震能力,也採用 BRB、SPD 及 FVD 等消能元件。為了解增建後之耐震行為,本研究採 PISA3D 程式建立結構模型,在 RC 梁、RC 柱、RC剪力牆、鋼梁、鋼柱、BRB 及 SPD 等構件分別採用雙線性、衰減、硬化等不同材料模型,二至七樓新舊樓板採雙質心雙剛性樓板,並在交界節點採 6自由度接點元素來分析新舊樓板交界面受力情形,進行模態與非線性反應歷時分析。結果顯示前三個振態的週期相近,分別為長向平移 1.24s、短向平移並旋轉 1.19s 及旋轉 1.05s。非線性歷時分析採 21 組三向地震紀錄,放大兩水平方向反應譜的幾何平均以擬合臺北二區設計反應譜(DBE),定比係數約在 2.22~6.35 之間,其中 921 地震在 TAP042 測站下的定比放大反應譜最接近設計反應譜。將 DBE 三向地震除以 3.5 或乘以 1.3 以得中小度地震(SLE)、最大考量地震(MCE)危害度之地震加速度歷時。採用 ASCE/SEI 4-16強震段定義的愛氏震度 5%至 75%區間擷取地震歷時,每組非線性歷時分析花費約一小時。在 21 組 SLE、DBE、MCE 作用下,長向最大層間側移角發生在七樓且各層側移角最大值分布較為均勻,平均值分別為0.35、1.21、1.61%弧度,短向則發生在五樓且七樓以下反應較大,平均值分別為0.34、1.12、1.52%弧度,並且二至七樓板有明顯旋轉反應。結果顯示,在DBE作用下兩向最大層間側移均小於ASCE/SEI 7-10如講堂等建築之1.5%弧度(Risk3)的層間側移角限制,在MCE作用下,也小於 FEMA 356 Life Safety性能所限制的2%層間側移角,梁柱構件、消能元件與基樁也不致破壞,顯示增建案之耐震性能應可滿足未來使用上的需求。
TitleSeismic Analysis of NCREE Office Building Extension
AuthorGuan-Hong Lin, Ming‐Chieh Chuang, Keh-Chyuan Tsai, Jui-Liang Lin
KeywordsComposite structure, RC structure, Steel structure, RC shear wall, FRP strengthening, BRB, SPD, FVD, PISA3D, Nonlinear response history analysis
AbstractThis study conducts the seismic analysis of NCREE office building extension. The extended NCREE building becomes a composite structure including the original six-story RC structure with RC shear walls and FRP strengthened beams, vertically added seven-story steel structure with BRBs, SPDs and FVDs. In addition, a service core was extended from the first floor to the roof at the north side of the building. PISA3D program was used for conducting the modal and nonlinear response history analyses (NRHAs). Bilinear, degrading, hardening material models were adopted for RC beam and column, RC shear wall, steel members, BRB and SPD. Maxwell model was applied on FVDs. In order to gain insight into the force transfers between the RC structure and steel service core interfaces, dual rigid diaphragms with two individual mass centers and several 6DOF joint elements were incorporated into the lower six floors of the structural model. Single rigid diaphragm and mass center were considered in all other floors. Modal analysis results show that the first three natural periods are 1.24s (longitudinal translation), 1.19s (transverse translation and rotation) and 1.05s (rotation), respectively. A total of 21 sets of ground accelerations and scaling factors were chosen in fitting the Taipei Zone 2 DBE design spectrum. The scale factors range from 2.22 to 6.35. 0921TAP042 earthquake scaled spectrum is closest to the design spectrum among all selected earthquake records. SLE and MCE earthquake hazard levels are 0.29 and 1.3 times of DBE, respectively. Under three different earthquake hazard (SLE, DBE, MCE) levels, maximum story drifts (SD) are distributed evenly in the LG direction but unevenly in the TR direction and coupled with rotation. Obvious story rotations occurred from the 2nd to the 7th floor. The averaged SDs occur at the LG 7th floor and TR 5th floor, which are 0.35, 1.22, 1.61% radians and 0.34, 1.12, and 1.52% radians respectively. In the DBEs, the SDs are less than 1.5% radians, and within the ASCE/SEI 7-10 limitation of the risk3 category having an importance between hospital and general buildings. In the MCEs, SDs are less than 2% radians within the FEMA356 performance limitation for life safety. Through the results of NRHAs, the satisfactory seismic performance of the extended NCREE building can be demonstrated.
摘要    財團法人台灣建築中心為推廣建築物安全 AI 系統,在 109 年 10 月底選定新北市樹林藝文大樓 B1F、6F 與 7F 共安裝四部網路型三軸向地震儀,計劃自該年 10 月起進行連續三年的地震反應監測,本研究利用該套系統於109 年 12 月 10 日與 110 年 1 月 9 日所蒐集的兩次地震事件紀錄利用三種不同系統識別方法進行分析,該棟建物由地震訊號識別出來的週期 Tx、Ty分別為 0.3 秒與 0.35 秒,阻尼比約為 4%,由於本大樓 108 年 7 月啟用,至109 年 12 月即遇到 4 級震度之有感地震,故該次識別之振動週期可合理地視為勁度參數之初始值,並做為後續年度建物健康監測的比較依據。另本棟建物週期識別出來之結果,僅為現有耐震規範的經驗公式以及 ETABS 以純構架模式分析結果的 1/3,因此本研究推論,目前一般業界常使用的分析程式,若僅針對構架系統進行建模,未將其他內外牆元件一併納入考量,所得動力分析結果與實際建物週期相較,有 2~3 倍的差異;此外,若以識別出來的週期套用靜力分析公式進行本大樓耐震設計,所算出之設計橫力超出目前規範建議的經驗公式設計值約 10%,顯示若依現有規範公式計算的設計地震力在建物週期的推估是否合宜須更進一步探討。
TitleStudy on the Earthquake Response of Shulin Art & Administrative Building in New Taipei City
AuthorCheng, Li-Hui
Keywordssystem identification, earthquake response, building health monitoring, vibration period, building period
AbstractFor promoting the building safety AI system, Taiwan Architecture & Building Center installed an earthquake monitoring system including four triaxial seismometers and a host computer in Shulin Art & Administrative Building in New Taipei City for health monitoring in October, 2020. Earthquake response data of the building will be collected by the system in the following consecutive three years. The research is based on the data recorded from the earthquakes on Dec.10, 2020 and Jan. 09, 2021 in North Taiwan. By system identification methods, the periods of the building are 0.3 second in X direction and 0.35 second in Y direction while the results of damping ratio are about 3%~5%. Since the building was just finished in July 2019, the identification results from the above earthquake records can be regarded as the initial properties of the structural stiffness which could be the reference for the building health monitoring in the future. In addition, the identified periods of the studied building are only 1/3 of both the empirical equation of Taiwan’s earthquake designing code and dynamic analysis of ETABS base on a mere RC frame model assumption. Thus, the research infers that, without taking the inner and outer walls into analysis consideration, the estimation of building periods will be much different from the actual values. Furthermore, in the studied building, the designing earthquake forces based on the empirical period equation might be less 10% than the forces based on the periods given from the identification results. In the result, the research proposes that the relationship between the periods and building categories shall be studied more thoroughly.
摘要    台灣位屬多地震區域,由於地震頻繁,為了結構物之安全性,需於災害發生前與災害發生後進行結構物健康識別。本研究所提出之最佳化配置為減少往後檢測量測同棟中高層結構物所設置之感測器顆數,及提高判斷結構物模態頻率的精度。為此目的,需先求得結構物之參考模態頻率;首先在結構物上設置參考感測器獲得真實時間歷時,並利用 Cubic spline 內插法取得模擬時間歷時,得到結構物各樓層真實與模擬時間歷時後,運用隨機子空間識別 (SSI),做出穩態圖,使用機器學習中的 K-means 演算法判斷穩態圖上之各參考模態頻率,最後基因演算法判斷出加速度感測器配置之最佳樓層位置。最後做了四棟真實結構物之實驗以驗證此方法的可行性。
TitleOptimal Sensors Placement for Micro-Vibration Monitoring of Mid-High Rise Building
AuthorYen-Yu Yang, Leng-Jenq Leu
KeywordsOptimal Sensors Placement, Structural Health Monitoring, Stochastic Subspace Identification, Cubic Spline Interpolation
AbstractTaiwan is located in the seismic zone with high frequency earthquake occurrences. In order to increase structure safety, it needs to monitor the structural health before and after disaster occurs. This study proposes a method to obtain the optimal sensors placement(OSP), which could reduce the number of sensors for building monitoring. In additions, the method could find out the higher modal frequencies for structures. First, collect the real time-histories and use Cubic spline interpolation method to obtain simulated time-histories for each floor. Second, use Stochastic Subspace Identification to generate stabilization diagrams. Third, K-means clustering method is used to obtain modal frequencies. Finally, use Genetic Algorithm method to find OSP. There are four in-situ experiments for the method verifying, one is in National Taiwan University Cancer Center, one in Tamsui(a new building) and others are 5 years buildings in Banqiao.